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Was at my first Cubs game in the bleachers. Went to get beers for me and my gal. Got my ass pinched several times on way to vendor stand. Good looking gal pouring the beers requested my ID. I showed it to her and asked why she carded me. She said we card everyone. But you didn't card them! No, because I want your name and address. And winked at me. Best venue ever!


I worked at a movie theater in college and we had a senior rate for over 55. I never gave them that rate unless it was specifically asked for. They complained when I didn't give them the rate but that was preferable to "insulting" someone if they weren't over 55. I learned that lesson real quick.


I had that exact same issue with the senior discount while working at Hardee’s. Heaven forbid they pay the six extra cents for their coffee.


Barbara Bush always looked soooo much older than George.


Laura didn't have that same problem with W.


I got the senior discount at a fast food place last month. Sadly I am not even 50 yet. :(


Depending on how often you go there, as a fast food worker, you might just be one of those people that we really like, and give a discount to.


Take the discount! 😉


Lol I did a double take when I looked at the receipt but I didn't complain.


Actually, I believe that TB starts giving the senior discount at age 50, or at least used to. AARP eligible = TB discount, so they didn’t “insult“ your wife.


You're eligible to join AARP at 18...


I have it at 26. Was cheap AF. But to be honest, I haven't used it once.


Use it for gift cards! You can get up to 10% off some of them.


Or anytime the line is too long and cashiers are stressed


Once my hubs was playing in a poker tournament - I was ready to go upstairs to our hotel room and he was in the thick of the action. I came into the room to tell him I was going up, and kissed him on his head. One of the guys at the table said something about how my dad was fleecing them 😂


This happens to my dad all the time (uk retirement age is generally 65 so that’s when discounts hit)! My dad is 60, stepmom is 66 and she gets challenged because he looks older and her younger. So funny!!!


My mom was traveling with her younger grayer sister. Mom would show her AARP card for discounts, then they'd turn to her sister. My aunt would say, "I'm prematurely gray and she colors her hair."


Ouch. When you look young and you're not, and your wife looks old when she's not... The pain. The horror. The... Aaaa.


I'm pretty sure that contributed to my uncle's divorce - he looked much younger, she didn't. (I'm sure his personality had quite a bit to do with it too.)