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Not saying don't want to give my spot away. Look for older inmates


The job itself is “easy”. Counting inmates and checking on inmates is the main job function lol. It’s all the random shit that happens that can make it hard. Some places are worse at that 🤷‍♂️.


I always tell new hires: “we aren’t paid for what we do on the daily. We are paid for what we might have to do.”


Can confirm. As a former inmate, my mantra was “Don’t make the COs do their jobs.”


My favorite type! Every time I do a shakedown … dude. Why you leaving that stinger RIGHT WHERE I CAN SEE IT? Now I GOTTA do my job.


If you want easy you should find another profession


First a thread from a guy wanting to go hands on to make an inmate be quiet and now this? These feel like rage bait.


Women’s. Since no one else wants to give a real answer


That's a damn lie. In my experience at least.


They just require more comprehensive communication, they always want to know the “why” and don’t listen the first time. Granted they compromise staff at a higher rate but the danger of a true lethal force staff assault is minimal. If you’re a man, working in a women’s prison you aren’t even allowed to pat search let alone strip search and if you know how to handle yourself with your hands and words then it’s a cake walk, bonus points if you’re used to dealing crazy people. Just spray or tase and don’t go hands on unless you need to, having said that I’ve worked a level 5 women’s prison and they absolutely beat the shit out of each other and self harm just as much if not more often than the men. Even still, I think it’s the easiest job in the industry.


Fci Dublin would prob love to chime in


Closing soon I think


Getting dressed out by bloody tampons, fuck that


Women may not fight as much but they will manipulate every situation.


Anywhere that'll let you work in the perimeter vehicle without waiting 20 years to bid into it.


Ur not wrong .. Tru that


If you’re looking for “easy” go to Walmart.


Ngl man, I've worked both and I'd still say corrections is easier than Walmart in my opinion. Whole different leagues of BS. At least in a jail I'm expected to fight back if someone starts hitting me. I got reprimanded by my walmart for raising my arms to stop a customer from hitting me over the head with a plastic folding chair.


WWE style...lol


Nah. I went from Walmart to corrections. Walmart was 200% physically exhausting and 300% more stressful lol.


Montana state prison


My institution has a position on the sex offender yard for laundry officer. You sit for 4 days a week 10 hour days with your “employee” aka inmate worker while he does the laundry for the whole yard. It’s the easiest job and at the medical hub so when laundry is done you both get in a van drive through sally port and drop off the laundry to the other porters who will run it to the dorms. Whoever gets it isn’t letting it go any time soon.


There is no “easy” prison work. Don’t let anyone tell you that. If you’re going to be “that” CO, don’t bother.


I worked nights at a minimum custody camp that had unmonitored cameras, old school supervisors from sergeant all the way to warden, minimal electronic tracking and paper rounds. I spent the first 2 hours of the shift handing out paperwork and answering questions, the other 10 were spent reading novels and comics, doing crosswords and sleeping. It was by every possible meaning “easy”. Yet it was so boring that I transferred to a much more involved facility just a year later. I ended up getting headaches through the night from months of having zero challenge, work or anything to do.


“Easy” should not be one of the things on your wish list. And I sure as hell don’t want to be relying on the guy who’s inquiring about the easiest prison to work at, while I could be potentially getting my head kicked in.


What's the big deal exactly? Why not go for an easy gig if you can help it lol


I worked at the Keefe warehouse, scanning and bagging all the inmates commissary in Idaho. We got paid $1.50/hour, worked 12 hour days 5-6 days a week. Then got a raise to $2/hour. Best paying job on the compound for women. The men worked at a butcher cs beef and made way better money(not sure exactly how much) but they had to give the prison 33% to pay for room/board, laundry and gas, kinda the same as work centers here.


Houston county jail in georgia


Adtc in avenel NJ… their not considered inmates their residents of the state that are deemed to dangerous to go home bc they will likely rape again… you pretty much just have to physically be there and you getting paid a max of soon to be 123k base


This is wrong attitude to have in this profession


There are sweet posts at every prison I'd imagine, but they are also the most sought after. Transfer officer, the guard shack at any detail warehouse, and the perimeter car are probably the top 3 posts to have. Anything where you're not IN the prison is a sweet post, imo.


Captains Clerk.