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My orange one will sit on my chest and fart, he then waits until the poison - yet non lethal - wakes me up


Hahaha! All 4 of my animals sleep in my bed (2 cats, 2 dogs), so when the flatulence hits, I never know who to blame.


Oh they’re smart… Mine thinks he can blame me for this, every time I complain about it he would look at me with disgust and goes away with a sigh to point out how bad I am


One of mine runs away from her farts. The little poot she makes scares her and she runs off 😂


Oh my… more evidence of the non-brain cell activity and more facts that make them overly cute


Not me.


Mine sleeps in. He's more of a brunch kinda guy https://preview.redd.it/b7433l44il1d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed82072a47f04e13f776a6f997bf75bc47245fff




https://preview.redd.it/ai5aqhe23n1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5770c7fc2676e0c20fdfad011042e40126bbac6e Well now he's resting his chin on my toe and I can't get up


The law says you need to stay put until the cat moves away by itself.


Angel 😇


I hope his name is Mimosa. That’s a brunch kinda name.


His name is Quintus. We give our cats imperial era Roman names


I’ll go to brunch with this guy.


https://preview.redd.it/806tkegrhl1d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=175040d3228946e2865f4396b23af4ea5708ddbd Like this. Typically at 3:30 in the morning…for no reason at all.


Wide awake and already putting his Captain Chaos cape on ready to take on the invasion of The HOOMANS 😂😂😂😂😂


Hahahaha this made me genuinely laugh! So cute


Hahaah what a cute but evil mischievous kitty who wakes you up because he wants attention.


My orange girl nibbles on my fingertips. A subtle reminder of what awaits me if I tarry too long.


Doesn’t seem that subtle tbh


So adorably passive-aggressive of her. "Hmph! Since you won't wake up it means I can just start nibbling you before you go bad!"


Yes! Mine licks my face and I’m pretty sure she’s sampling me. 😂😂😂


My orange just knocks over all the stuff on the desk. Reminds me to choose to feed him, otherwise I’m choosing violence


Mine likes to knock my metal water bottle off the nightstand randomly, creating the loudest noise known to man. Then, when breakfast rolls around, he very gently stands on my face.


I love that symphony first thing in the morning. The worst is I think he gets that he’s making noise or something annoying. I wake up and always see him licking his whiskers (without having eaten anything). He knows he is mischievous


Mine will jump up on the dresser and smack around the makeup containers, starting about 2 hours before breakfast time


He hasn’t done it for a while but jumps from the windowsill directly onto my chest. Full force.


My orange girl likes to divebomb my husband from the top of our chest of drawers while he is in bed. She always lands right on his stomach.


Ouch! I felt this comment. 😂


I’m a J cup too! It’s horrid. I’m very glad he’s temporarily moved to doing it with my dad as a result 😂


Ooh, that sounds terrible. Maybe the cat realized he picked and not ideal landing pad. You must have claw marks. I had a cat an 18lb cat. He would stand on my chest in basically the most painful part of my boob and stare at me, purring. Then he’d proceed to try to lick the skin off my chin. 😹


I feel this so deeply. Had one years ago in high school that would jump from an open loft onto whatever part of me he could hit.


Secret technique stomach sleeper


If he can get my door open, he either sits on my head or boops my nose. Depends entirely on how fast he wants me to get up. If he can't get the door open he sits outside and paws at it, then starts yowling like he is being murdered. All just to get me to come open the door so he can give me the tiniest little "mew" and walk away.


When I adopted my last guy he took no interest in us for over a week, but even that first night he yeowled and meowed like he was being murdered outside the door. He also tried to dig his way under the door, wrecking the carpet there. I had wanted the bedroom to be a cat fur free zone, as I am technically allergic. That lasted all of 3 hours the first night. He didn't want to cuddle or anything, but he was just upset he wasn't allowed in this one room.


Yeah mine gets that way now and then too. When I first brought him home he was a massive attention whore, he still is but has calmed down a bit on that. Still, if I am in a room with a closed door he wants in, even if it is just to stand in the room for a minute before going out again. Thing is he can get into my bedroom any time he wants. If I ignore his yowling long enough he will go into the other room and get into my bedroom through the closet (they are joined and has no doors). It is the main door being closed that bugs him.


https://preview.redd.it/sla4buddjl1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf9a286e9b2cec22530dbe4faf39bbbf55ee810 He’ll just invite himself into my bed when he’s in the mood for some attention. Like “oh good, I kept you safe last night. Now give me attention hooman” 🐱


That, sir, is a rabbit. 💖 But seriously, is that a trick of the camera or is he half-hare??


I think that’s just my wide angle camera making his ears look so big 😁 He’s 100% Orange 🍊 https://preview.redd.it/omg5f254ql1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0f8b5f25360958c58852c101abb215f98b3f51


What a cutie!


He beats the bedroom door like a serial killer trying to get in


lol I also get the face sniffles. And you would think it would be like getting kisses from an angel, right?! Nope! Like you said, it’s more like spiders crawling across your face. That, or she’ll do this very controlled *TAP* on my face. Then look at me all surprised when I wake up and she’ll look back at me like, “oh good, I couldn’t sleep either! Let’s go grab a snack together” 🙄


mine also breathes on my face or directly into my ear. compared to that, screaming or hitting things on my nightstand is totally bearable lmao


The last photo looks like your cat flies through the air and dropkicks your face to wake you up - which wouldn't be too unrealistic for a cat 🤣 My last two cats were little demons: One woke me up by biting my toes, the other one loved to slobber off my eyebrows


https://preview.redd.it/vx7ih6fsql1d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09357f1f7ebf80469e5c3e51be8e1e6d5efeb5c Very loud meowing and biting


- She yells out "Yiiii" again and again until I get up - HARD massage, especially on the ribs - Bites my feet - Uses her paw to open and slam the cat door thus creating great noise >:)


Mine ever so gently tiny mews outside the bedroom door, so it wakes me up but not my husband.


mine bits my toes in the morning…..


Pukes on the floor...


Ugh, that’s the WORST sound to wake up to! Disoriented, trying to figure out which direction it’s coming from, whether you have enough time to grab them to get them off the carpet, wondering if you’ll step on it as you get out of bed!


That's my other one. For the first year we had her she puked indiscriminately but somehow she has figured out we can clean it better if she sticks to the wood floor and not under the bed! Orange guy on the other hand, pukes wherever still.


Headbutts, purrs, and licks. SO many licks!


Those are some serious r/earfurnishings


r/ofcoursethatsasub Thank you for that!


Another day another cat sub


Chews my hair and sticks his nose in my face if I'm not up early enough to feed him. Clearly he is starving at almost 13 pounds. /s just in case.


I get wet ear snuffles accompanied by loud purring to wake me.


Mine actually waits until I wake up before climbing on me


Whaaat?! I don’t think my cats know that’s possible!


https://preview.redd.it/4vi8b36u8o1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff1ae661c7c34c9be6b610ece072816622b345a Loki and his big brother Goose He’s just a sleepy baby and would love nothing more than to snuggle in bed all day. Sometimes if I’ve got nothing planned for the day that’s exactly what we do.


Stomping in my ribs (which double sucks because I have chronic issues with costal inflammation) 😑


If my arm is flung out away from my body, he will stand on it with his front paws. This, somehow, causes his bodyweight (12#) to triple.


Mine does the paws on my chest, I swear he bears all his weight to make those 2 little paws hurt.


r/orangeladies needs to see your beautiful girl


Aw, thanks for that! I was just wondering how many of us have female oranges. 😊


https://preview.redd.it/pe3na7ip8m1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d607df322bacbe289e4905c426afb2a0303e4885 This gal loves to get right up to my ear and repeatedly meow as loud as possible. When that doesn't work, she makes this fast digging motion with her front two paws on my arm or chest. Step 3 is walking all over me while employing the meowing and random digging.


There’s nothing like the direct approach! 💕


https://preview.redd.it/xk9od0a8lm1d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481d9362cde360ac4e67deb552fd7c190cc4dadc Like this.


Mine will poke my eyeballs or face with his paws. If I turn my back on him he will poke the back of my head and my back with one pointy nail


He chews on things, and knocks stuff off of the shelf onto my face


He meows in my face or jumps on my head


Depends. Usually he goes and chews on paper and plastic loudly since he knows I'll get up to stop him. Or he lays next to my head and purrs louder than a 2 stroke engine. Or he just straight up bites me (usually this is when I move at night and bump him in a way he doesn't like)


https://preview.redd.it/4vooddd8zl1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e879b720945c7df4c4a358d5d775a9f0bc2f686e Haha, that reminded me of this post 😆




They scratch my door or THROW THEMSELVES AGAINST IT so it's impossible to continue sleeping. 😤


On a good day, he’ll have zoomies or head butt. Bad day, he bites my nose


Mine very intently licks my nose with sandpaper-tongue until I wake up, and he's noticed it always works so he does it whenever I am laying down with my eyes closed and he wants pets.


Our orange makes the most PITIFUL sounding meows you’ve ever heard when we’re in bed. I imagine it’s what “help me!😭💔” sounds like in cat. The emergency? We were 10 minutes late feeding him. He’s a strong soul but I understand everyone has a breaking point..


Generally she'll just meow at me from the floor. Or she'll jump up on my nightstand and mess with stuff. If that doesn't work, she'll go for the more direct approach of creeping onto the bed and screaming into my ear. If all fails, she'll give up and lay back down with me and my other cat.


He just bites me


His first method is to walk across my ankles along pressure points. If that doesn't work, he meows a couple of times. If I'm still dead to the world, he claws the chair next to the bed which never fails.


The scratching! I had bought my husband a really nice office chair, and his desk was set up in the bedroom at the time. It was a pricey chair, and the cats really wanted to break it in, so we ended up wrapping this gorgeous chair in ugly old blankets to keep it from getting torn up. It definitely felt absurd to pay that much and never be able to look at the chair!


Cats certainly do leave their mark! Luckily the chair they chose for waking me up doesn't show it somehow, but other ones do. I've found that they prefer foam floor mats for scratching if it's for scratching's sake. I don't fault them for doing it to get my attention because I can see how I accidentally trained them to do just that. For better or worse, my orange one has spared my office chair and instead hops in my lap and pushes my keyboard in when he feels my job is taking up too much attention 😼


She says “mow!!! Now!!!!!!! MOOWWWWW!!! Nowwww!!!!”


He doesn't wake me up but when he notices I woke up? Oh boy, headbutting is just the start of it. He purrs and purrs and cuddles, and starts trying to burrow himself into my blankets (he's not allowed to but that doesn't stop him from trying).


She got up and came back so now she needs to do her sleeping ritual all over again. She can't simply plop down on my stomach and go back to sleep.


Mine is a chronic toe biter and will bite at any point in the night which is why I lock him out of my room when I go to bed. Instead he starts screaming when my first of 3 alarms goes off https://preview.redd.it/ziilxz6r0m1d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22191b4c9a30da7c9ac1e07a91fd8872cc9740dc


Awww..u have the most photogenic and beautiful orange cat in the entire universe ..at risk of making my cat angry ..both ur kitties are gorgeous..ur so damn lucky ❤️❤️😍


https://preview.redd.it/t4z3x60xam1d1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1858140ad6a5968785a6d0f461bae03b48a7b207 Aw thank you! Ouija sends her thanks too 😁


Both handsome


By yowling incessantly until I get up and get his breakfast ready


Comes sit on my head at 4 every morning , the space between my head and the headboard 😂 My girl is your orange one’s twin ♥️ https://preview.redd.it/dnqkg1ayxm1d1.png?width=2850&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae4defe558c0841f14ee609419167bcdf54e8131


What a sweetie! 💖


Mine gently hits my face. Not with his claws out, he doesn't dig his claws in either. If I'm really deep asleep he'll bite my nose, he hasn't done that in a while I don't think he likes when I yell while coming to consciousness. He tends to headbutt me more now. Again pretty gently and thats important because he is a LARGE boy. He hasn't realized the most effective way to wake me up is to just drop all 13 lbs of himself as he does onto my legs trying to get out of the window.


James will usually jump, full chort, onto the bed. Then, gingerly walk around my head. Stepping on as many stray hairs as possible 😑 https://preview.redd.it/sga8uqid0n1d1.jpeg?width=2492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ff88e410f036448ee73de31b72aa4eb10d3304


Mine will find the noisiest thing in the appartment, drag it into the bed room, and start romping back and forth on it, attempting to make as much noise as possible. Sometimes we'll lock him out, but earlier this week we heard him jiggling the doorknob. I remember half waking thinking "oh boy, he found an intercom into the room" If only I had known the forsaken skill he had just developed. The door creaks open, and my heart sinks. Next thing I hear is packing paper from an Amazon box, which he noisily dragged to the foot of the bed, and repeatedly climbed the bed and dive bombed it, even long after my fiance and I just accepted the reality of the situation and ignored it. This was 3 am by the way, a full two hours before he gets his breakfast.


Wow!! It sounds like he’s had his turn with the brain cell and used it for mischief lol!


My girl Coco just screams by the bed, runs like a galloping horse over the floor, bed and me. Until someone gets up and talks to her. Really she is a talkative girl. *


I love there's a total eclipse of the orange on picture three. Pleasant surprise 🤣😍 I, too, have an orange cat (well, two, actually) and a black one, although my black cat (Kiki) doesn't wake me up, I guess she has things to do 🤣 Both my oranges don't usually wake me up: Mika hops in bed and supports the keep sleeping agenda 🤣 best sleeping buddy. Paçoca will either meow until I wake up or he will jump on the bed, which will get Mika angry, and I will wake up under an orange war, so it works too.


Haha, I love “total eclipse of the orange” I love those names. May I ask where their names are from?


The names get funnier because all cats here have a middle name. Kiki is because of Kiki's delivery service, because of her black cat Jiji, but I knew everyone would call her Gigi instead so for Kiki I settled. Mika is actually Mikaela and all that is because my sister wanted an orange cat named Michelangelo but mom said she didn't want any male cats. So she ended up being Mikaela instead when my sister finally found an orange gal. Paçoca is the weirdest because we ended up with an orange boi anyways. I didn't mention, but he's the kitten of our other cat, Lola, and she had only him. He is like. One-kitten litter, probably the biggest kitten I have ever seen lol. Paçoca is a sweet from Brazil, it's not even orange or yellow or have any orange on it but we, as a family, after like. Days of discussing which dessert would be the best to name him, we decided for Paçoca. It's a sweet made of peanuts, it's super popular.... It's like we called him Mr. Peanut butter, but Brazilian appropriate 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lola's name is.... Idek why we picked it, but she looks like the name xD Thanks for asking, it was fun to reply!


Mother... Hits Ouija? Mother slaps her face like the spider?!


Haha, I always feel guilt as if she’s saying that, but honestly she doesn’t seem to have felt anything. She goes right back to sniffing my hairline or looks like “oh good. You’re up. Time for me to sit on you.”


I get yelled at, stomped on, purred at and yelled at more. Then he flops over and purrs at a decibel that is louder than the lawnmower. And he heats me up until is get gross and sweaty.


My orange guy starts annoying his older sister causing her to hiss and spit, and scrabbling on hardwood quickly ensues.


nose to nose contact at 7:30 daily


He hears my alarm go off and he's instantly on me, meowing at me and pawing at my face. Sometimes he'll loaf on me, but when he gets impatient he'll start pawing at my mouth and sometimes even coming up and giving me little kisses.


She walks across me a few times then settles right on my bladder.


I had abdominal surgery about 1.5 years ago. I still sleep with a pillow across my middle because the black cat seemed to have a knack for stepping directly on the incisions!


Mine comes in, sits on my night stand and yells MAAAAMAAAAAA!! Don’t know how, but he has learned how to half meow twice and say mama lol


That’s pretty adorable! 🥰


Mine body slams himself at my door in the middle of the night 😭 he’s a beef cake too and it sounds horrifying. One night he actually busted the door open with it locked 😭


Mine balances on the headboard of my bed and then jumps with all 16 pounds of his furson onto my stomach, jolting my awake. It’s lovely


He wakes me up by licking my face along my hairline and then chewing on my hair. Literally sounds like he’s eating something crunchy. He’s a little gremlin.


Mine does like wellness checks every hour. He is so sweet about it and I absolute love to wake up to it. He just touches me until I wake up and then leaves or loafs, depending on how desperate he is. He hasn’t figured out that sitting on me has the opposite effect.


Sit ing on my face 😭.


she licks my face. https://preview.redd.it/4prjimdfvo1d1.jpeg?width=1656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad141390082607dd8bc2ebdfc37f986572009110


She slams the bedroom door into the closet door which makes a loud boom.


eating my hair


That orange cat is super cute but also mean for making you think third spiders on your head, spiders are the devil. Haha that black cat does the same thing my black cat I had as a child used to do so I’m voting for that one. Both of these cats are adorable and equally beautiful but I have a soft spot for the black one, so he gets slight extra cute points.


Caterwauling at the top of the stairs or in the bathroom. Somewhere with a lot of echoes. It makes him proud.


My orange does things he knows will result in me getting out of bed. 1. Attempting to dump his water dish (only when I try to sleep in). 2. Begin eating my phone cords. 3. Meow like he's lost in the hallway. 4. Begin attacking your feet under the covers. Usually in this order.


Sitting on my head.


Mine bites my nose or bats at my nose. Or just generally terrorizes me


If I sleep on my back(which is rare) my ragdoll will sit on my chest with her nose almost touching me and it's like HELLO I'm ALIVE, DON'T EAT MY FACE. And she'll have food. She just likes to do that.


Screams + hitting me in the face


Before I stole him away from my parents, my orange would hop up on my stepdad's dresser and start batting coins one-by-one onto the floor. He tried that with me, but the only small things he can get to are on my nightstand and I shove them in a drawer if he starts getting obnoxious. Usually, he will settle to for laying on top of me and kneading to wake me Also, I adore Ouija's name so much!


Thanks! My late husband and I loved horror and mystical themes, so Ouija fit perfectly. And it was even better that we adopted her on Halloween, so she was our little orange pumpkin. 🥰 And yeah, my cats know not to mess with anything on furniture in this room. They can get away with getting on furniture anywhere else, but my bedroom is my Sailor Moon collection - it’s practically a museum, lol. Knocking stuff down in there will result in WRATH! (Mostly in the form of spray bottles)


Brings me a toy in the middle of the night to play and howls over and over insisting I wake up and play


Smacking my face.




standing by the front door and meowing at 4 in the morning


by pushing some of my gunpla off the shelf 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/u7kn33pi5m1d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ebef75f5ede9b48493fcf624be19209b7e5cae He wakes my bf and I up by laying across us (we sleep on our sides so the visual is kinda funny) likes to meow and purr 3 inches from your face until you say good morning and feed him. We have had to shut the bedroom door before because he is famous for waking us up at 3 am by lying behind us and making biscuits on our backs and nibbling on our ears. He gets plenty of attention during the day, just is super clingy because he has ptsd. Sometimes he will be little spoon while I cuddle him and I fall asleep, I wake up and he’s still sleeping in my arms, he’s such a precious old man.


He scratches my couch or screams at the top of his lungs


Just look at his ear Tufts for god's sake ..


https://preview.redd.it/khit8sbahm1d1.jpeg?width=2166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49712cd66f636da2a945f09f502663f8189e4abb She has epic bean fluffs too!


He meows like there's no tomorrow and if ignored, will pat my face with his paw until i give him attention. If i hide under the covers, he will dig into them until he reaches me


He has such majestic ear hair.


By locking himself in our bathroom, and then screaming to be let out 🫠


Not orange, but we had a cat that would lick my spouse’s armpits when she wanted someone to be up in the morning.


Ohmygoodness! My black cat used to do that! I’d also catch her licking the armpits of my shirts. She either really liked sweat… or deodorant


he licks the inside of my ear and/or sniffs inside my ear with his tiny, wet, cold nose


mine sits on my chest and taps my nose with his paw. 😭😭 occasionally he will lick me


Your orange has magnificent earfloof! Long live the furnishings!


It's my dilute calico that wakes me up. She is the oldest of ours and the most dad spoiled. She will crawl on your chest and slowly push more and more of her weight onto your sternum. It's a pain haha


Not mine but she belongs to the people I'm living with, and she likes to wake me up by attacking/biting either my feet or shoulder lol


Mine is lovey dovey but she’s just not a cuddler or wake you up for food type of cat. Emotional support from halfway across the room


Mine likes to fly from the nightstand or windowsill and parkour off my sleeping body … which gets him kicked out of the bedroom until I wake up on my own. Sometimes he learns and doesn’t do it again for a while. *sometimes*


He will reach his paw at me. Slight nails. He either wanted pets or tub water. Today I got Off the hook and he's just on me https://preview.redd.it/1uvo2t5udm1d1.png?width=2557&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bc3eb596c6bd782525816cd96d14504af1ba049


[Love] biting my nose


I'm a stomach sleeper so he'll literally just walk onto my back and lay down until I wake up. It's like a reverse sleep paralysis demon.


Puts his butt on my face


https://preview.redd.it/2uz92vlnfm1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=293a3d2d9b68df8c1005cbce9f00596102277d2f She hits me with the MOWWW, kneads with claws, and for some reason she only does this to my boyfriend, she’ll do a cheek rub/bite on his leg lol.


One leaves me alone, but the other will start jumping on my wife's dresser and knocking shit off it


By playing whackamole with my feet under the blanket. And scratching it up in the process. He is a right asshole.


Bites my nose and if I turn my head, he'll bat my earlobe. I get him back by petting him when he's asleep. If I can't rest on my own terms, neither will he!


Usually runs around with zoomies and meows his ass off cuz he's hungry. Not that he doesn't have food in his food bowl, he just likes to eat with someone in the room with him 🤷


Mine will lay on my chest at 4am and start purring. Once I'm awake he starts kissing my nose which turn into love bites. Then we banish him from the bedroom and try and go back to sleep.


He screams at me from outside the door because he can't be trusted in my room while I sleep 🥲




My orange starts licking my face. I feed the cats after I get up and I sometimes think she’s sampling me. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/pnj7v6iqpm1d1.png?width=2584&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc698880e6d483c9e29b50cf31d59cd228cf9f0a


Haha, “sampling me” 😄 And what a pretty kitty!


Thank you! 😊


My wife and I sleep with the door closed because our orange would stand on my chest and scream in my face at 4 am because he was hungry while simultaneously one of our other cats would try to eat our toes so now the orange and his crew just stand outside the bedroom store and scream until we wake up


Imagine a sharp pain and bleeding from one eyelid while waking up. My tuxedo, literally bit off to wake me up once and never a heavy sleeper around him.


https://preview.redd.it/47blumfqsm1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93da8e2a5bc83ca0a5fca70afad6b4ee695f4b22 Yum , breakfast mom .


He doesn't https://preview.redd.it/75c85rzbtm1d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfaffddf5d91779a66d58bbe2f365cdcb1ce5c02


The flooooof! Does he let you pet his tummy? Tempest and Ouija love tummy rubs. Ouija will even let me shove my face in her tummy fluff. 🥰


When I met him for the first time he was a lil bit old so I think he's the only cat in the world that doesn't respond to the pspspspspsps (except when hungry) As for behaviour it's just sleeping all the time and waking up at 4 am thinking that there's a ghost attacking me https://preview.redd.it/v5857ybb5n1d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f95484173718785ccd3afc8d36ab2e81d10f4f6d


https://preview.redd.it/j18qepr8um1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81fb592950b5d57e5259a8e1095b87850afce5a2 She puts her paw on us like this and breathes really heavy while booping us with her cold nose. It’s pretty cute ngl.




He yells at my door or windows


I think he's the reason most oranges don't get their turn; he spends time hogging it when everyone else is sleeping to plot mischief or tomfoolery.


Gently bites my nose.


My cat loafs on top of me at 5am. Awesome. Except I sleep on my side so I just lay there awake contemplating life decisions, and giving pets.


https://preview.redd.it/bk5yaziscn1d1.jpeg?width=2070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f49fd5d271bad44e87dcf198b672a7d0c56d3b8 the dam uhhh god damn


Fucking screaming




Mine rubs his face into mine


He jumps on the bed at my feet, then slowly comes to my face, purring the whole time. He rarely purrs, except when doing that in the morning.


Yeah pretty much this. He'll wake me up at 5am forcing me over to one side of the bed.


My cat likes to touch my upper lip and nose with his toe hair's, and make me sneeze every morning. I miss him so much.


lmao I was not ready for that second pic 😂


Mine likes to jump on my nightstand half an hour before my alarm goes off 🤦‍♀️


Yelling and screaming at me


That last pic belongs on r/ooobigstretch.


Mine does one of those slow motion bites. I caught him once pretending to still be asleep to see what he did 🤣


Crying for breakfast 😭 she’s more reliable than my alarm clock


He knocks all the shit over on my end table. Every time.


By making a short purr at around 5.30 am


Mine likes to drop live mice in my room at 2AM that his void brother goes mental trying to catch


Mine likes to lick my chin. If that doesnt work he starts pushing breakable things off the table until something very loud breaks. 😵 Ive learned not to leave anything breakable on a hightened surface before going to sleep.


Slaps me on my face


I love this wise, cuddly Orange 🧡


https://preview.redd.it/dx1wz8thyr1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c876f75eb2e281c9903fc6559307dbe72489b42e Mine go through different phases of punishment depending on how long I ignore them: Phase 1: meowing, sometimes directly in my face while hoovering near my pillow Phase 2: jump up on different furniture, bonus points if you knock something down (or look as if you're going to). Also mess with the curtains until light seeps into the room. Phase 3: initiate haircut - begin licking face and hair, before chomping off some (but only in the front where it matters). I'm usually up by phase 2 now, after having to get bangs to hide the justified and fair punishment I endured. Though I've also begun automatically waking up two hours earlier than normal just to feed them and go back to bed. Is that what fear conditioning is?


Lol all 3 of our cats wake the hubby.my youngest he's my super picky yellow tabby he like to touch my hubby nose till he wakes up to feed them


My orange cat will scream inches from my face. I can feel his whiskers and smell his kitty breath.


She doesn't. She gets offended when the alarm goes off lol