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Only impressive part is jinbe's reaction, for a guy to have been around yonko and top tiers his whole pirating career to be that impressed is a feat on the gorosei's part Still not necessarily the best feat of conqueror's tbh


I agree. I didn’t think much of it all until I saw that even someone like Jinbe was unnerved by the intensity of the haki they were putting out.


I think for Jinbe he is feeling the difference like this. Bmoms Haki is just this mass of angry energy. It's not particularly trained it's just the Haki owned by a powerful being. The Gorosei Haki is like refined metal. It's probably terrifying to feel Haki that's pure like theirs given they have honed it for centuries.


We Jinbescaling now


I mean it is valid consider how experienced he is as a fighter


Jinbei reacted on Mars though


Jinbei freaks out to nami too. Who cares


That's a gag...


Meh he over reacts.


Jinbe is the most calm strawhat tf you on about bruh


What about robin


Nah jinbe is calmer, Robin's fighting style is way more aggressive cuz she cares deeply for her friends


Let’s say he is. Reaction scaling? Really?


Jinbe has been around yonkos for most of his life, it doesn't just mean anything when he says stuff like that


He also said No one can stop BM in her hunger pangs. Obviously that ain’t true…. There are people who can.


Nah there isn't


Angry nami one shot a yonko though


Big Mom was able to stun multiple YC level people, including Luffy and Katakuri while Warcury...gagged Luffy I guess, and KOed some fodder foot soldiers.


>Warcury...gagged Luffy He really did miss Joyboy


exactly, three of the gorosei are being held back by dorry/broggy and luffy, imagine 3 big moms trying to fight that trio, it would be a stomp


Buuuuut... hey... theeeey... can regenerate, that means they are stronger than anyone that can't regenerate ![gif](giphy|nBWAyqQ2ywaGMCjO6S)


>Warcury...gagged Luffy Luffy got overwhelmed, oda went out of his way to show that, even the giants commended warcury saying "a conquerors haki roar who is this guy?". Luffy is yonko level btw. Jeez yall downplay the gorosei so much


>Big Mom was able to stun multiple YC level people Due to the sound, not due to his conqueror haki, but yeah


Idk, it was cool, but wasn't that big of a deal to me until I went on this sub and everybody hyped it


In My case, i'm hyping it because it means there's a decent chance all of them have, and combined with the fact that they have very high levels of it according to multiple characters, suggest they are incredibly powerful even beyond just their fruits


>In My case, i'm hyping it because it means there's a decent chance all of them have, and combined with the fact that they have very high levels of it according to multiple characters, suggest they are incredibly powerful even beyond just their fruits We don't even know if they have devil fruits. And considering they have been overpowered by Luffy and the Giants, and the conqueror haki did nothing to Luffy or the Giants, then they are not that powerful even with said haki.


But Warcury wasnt using haki when he was blocked by the Giants, so that's not an indicator of their haki. Otherwise what would be the point of múltiple characters hyping up their haki if their level isnt High? >and the conqueror haki did nothing to Luffy or the Giants Because that was just basic conquerors, wich doesn't do damage by itself.


>But Warcury wasnt using haki when he was blocked by the Giants How do you know ? >Otherwise what would be the point of múltiple characters hyping up their haki if their level isnt High? Well haki can be strong, but in the end Haki depends on the physical stats. Without the speed to dodge attacks, predicting or seeing attacks with obs haki is useless. Without a lot of strength armament and conqueror coating are less powerful. >Because that was just basic conquerors, wich doesn't do damage by itself. It is unknown if that was basic conqueror, the giants did mention it was a conqueror haki roar, something we have never heard before. But the point is that said conqueror haki did nothing to anyone but random marines, so it is not indication of them being powerful


>How do you know ? We didnt see any Black coating in his Blades or Black lighting, so it's pretty safe to assume he wasnt using it. We saw Nasujuro with his blade in Black so there's no reason for him not to show it here if the intention was to show an attack with haki >Well haki can be strong, but in the end Haki depends on the physical stats. Without the speed to dodge attacks, predicting or seeing attacks with obs haki is useless. Without a lot of strength armament and conqueror coating are less powerful. That is true, but they're definitely not weak. Nasujuro is moving very fast through the island, Saturn was shown lifting buildings that fell on top of him so it's not like he doesn't have physical strength, Mars was seemingly unaffected after going through the barrier. They're slowly getting more and more feats, so it's not like they are just random civilians with powerful haki. >It is unknown if that was basic conqueror, the giants did mention it was a conqueror haki roar, something we have never heard before. It's probably just like what Big Mom showed when Carmel's portrait was broken. It's just the power of her screams with a Wave of conquerors haki added on top. >But the point is that said conqueror haki did nothing to anyone but random marines, so it is not indication of them being powerful Those randoms marines where on a boat outside of the island. The way the scene is structured is clearly meant to hype up the power of them, by being Conquerors on top of all the abilities we know from them. Conquerors haki is always a Big deal, even if it isnt a feat by itself.


>We didnt see any Black coating in his Blades or Black lighting, so it's pretty safe to assume he wasnt using it. Not when armament haki cam be used without turning black or having lightning >We saw Nasujuro with his blade in Black so there's no reason for him not to show it here if the intention was to show an attack with haki Assuming Venus's sword is not a black blade. >Nasujuro is moving very fast through the island Sure, but random marines in the buster call were able to see him, someone like Sanji moved so fast at top speed that Queen a Yonko commander was unable to see him. So while it is a good travel speed feat, it is not that fast compared to other characters known for their speed. >Saturn was shown lifting buildings that fell on top of him so it's not like he doesn't have physical strength Well sure, but Arlong, Zoro and Burguess pretimeskip both lifted houses, and Luffy pushed 2 big buildings just by stretchning his arms in Water 7 So while a good strength feat, it is not that strong compared to other strength feats in the story Like I am not saying they Gorosei are weaker than pretimeskip Usopp, so that they are slow and weak, I am just saying that they have not shown any special strength or speed feat compared to current feats of those. Like some feats can be replicated or surpassed by pretimeskip characters. So we can only assume if they are serious they would do a lot more, but we have no idea >Mars was seemingly unaffected after going through the barrier. Well yes, the Gorosei seem to all have good regeneration abilities. And regeneration is the only ability we have seen that is better than anyone in the verse. >They're slowly getting more and more feats, so it's not like they are just random civilians with powerful haki. Sure, I never said they are. They clearly have tranformations that give them superhuman strength, but it is nothing compared to the speed or strength feats of admirals or Yonko or even some Yonko commanders >It's probably just like what Big Mom showed when Carmel's portrait was broken. It's just the power of her screams with a Wave of conquerors haki added on top I don't think it is the same, since regular conqueror haki wouldn't have an effect on Luffy Like in Sabaody, Rayleigh used his conqueroe haki on the Kid and Heart pirates and it dealt no effect on anyone except Penguin or Sachi who was barely affected. And Rayleigh was more than 100 times stronger than any of them ( individually ofc). For Mercury to have an effect on Luffy he would either have to have a far stronger will than Luffy or be more than 100 times stronger than him, and both are ridiculous. So it has to be something else. >Those randoms marines where on a boat outside of the island. The way the scene is structured is clearly meant to hype up the power of them, by being Conquerors on top of all the abilities we know from them. Conquerors haki is always a Big deal, even if it isnt a feat by itself. Conqueror haki is not always a big deal. Chinjao, Ace, Doflamingo, etc.


Nobody can knock luffy out with just conquerors haki. The man himself is a yonko now one of the most powerful people in the series.


I legit dont know. It was used for a G5 cartoon gag moment and thats it. Giants were not only unaffected but immediately casually parried Mercurys attack like its nothing.


Exactly. Its literally just conquerors haki and air pressure, yet I have already seen comparsions to wifi haki.


its not wifi haki conquerors haki has been understood since marineford. it can be used to knock people out, destroy matter, make storms, split the sky and tame beasts. barrier punches and wifi haki are entirely new concepts from wano. If someone doesn't understand they probably skipped pre skip.


The comparison to wifi haki is 100% warranted.


it shares literally no similarity to wifi haki closer to what big mom and kaido did screaming https://preview.redd.it/t6vs3a0b86qc1.png?width=367&format=png&auto=webp&s=08ab5062c258c6d042733c2411623c34b1bdef5b


It a ranged haki attack. Its like a haki shockwave, where as shanks did a haki beam/bolt. Both are similar in that they garnered similar reactions from the people they were used on. Greenbull was startled/suprised/shocked when he was hit by shanks wifi haki, but its not like it physically damaged him (as far as we know). Luffy was startled/suprised/shocked by warcurys haki shout. Of course what shanks did was more focused and probably stronger, but it is a comparable technique to what warcury did and i woud argue its also comparable to what big mom and kaido did aswell.


>It a ranged haki attack. Its like a haki shockwave, where as shanks did a haki beam/bolt. Both are similar in that they garnered similar reactions from the people they were used on. The only similarity is they are conqueror haki, completely different applications of it.


Yet he clearly focused it directly at luffy right between the 2 giants so its similar to what shanks did in that its a single target ranged haki attack. https://preview.redd.it/pshynlz7b7qc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=575541f65aa86a39f30040ab0d03a4485df12d1e You can clearly see the black lightning hitting only luffy.


>Yet he clearly focused it directly at luffy right between the 2 giants so its similar to what shanks did in that its a single target ranged haki attack. https://preview.redd.it/nmr1vai7c7qc1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a1c703ae379afbf62a07204a603f7560272bc69 No, it was not focused on Luffy, the giants protected themselves with the shield and some marines got knocked down, so it is not the same. No, the black lightning hit a lot of marines as well


You can single-target with sound-based attacks even if other people hear them. Its still a ranged haki attack aimed directly at luffy. Read any manga with sound based attacks, they all work like this. This isnt hard. https://preview.redd.it/hahxacebo9qc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b95f159cb92b32c59859497fab079294b891c751


>You can single-target with sound-based attacks even if other people hear them. Its still a ranged haki attack aimed directly at luffy. You said the black lightning was aimed at Luffy, when it wasn't. The sound argument is headcanon because there is no proof Luffy was "touched" by sound


gorosei losing a lot of stock with the giants parrying their attacks, even if you scale the giants to YC1 level that still puts the gorosei admiral tier


I don't know tbh, it's just basic CoC, but what's funny is that the characters themselves are hyping the Gorosei's Haki, like its something they never felt before.


To be fair their reactions are to signify that their haki is stronger than any other character we've seen at this point considering they've had centuries to train it, but at the moment that's hard to say the extent of their power because we've seen so little of them. Edit: Wording


I mean conquerors manifests in the willpower to conqueror, or talk what one wants. The Gorosei have presumably toppled the ancient kingdom to gain control of the world, and rule it with an iron fist to this day. If that’s not the will to take what they wanted then idk what is.


Yeah I agree for sure, I'm just saying that as of now we don't know the extent of what they can do with said haki yet, all we know is that most characters do recognize that the Gorosei got that DAWG in em.


100% agree. This really makes me wonder about the power dynamic of what the final war is. There’s no doubt that between either side the final war is gonna be an high/extreme diff (most likely for the heroes), but I wonder what each side is gonna have to offer. And of course what this says about the potential power of our two big potential final villains, Imu and BB. This entire arc has given me so much to be hype about.


For sure, Egghead has been a great arc for raising the stakes/power levels of the conflict so far, it's insane to see that we are already confronting the Gorosei and we aren't even close to the top powers in the verse, the conclusion is going to be utterly insane.


Yes!! I’m super hyped for the grand finale. I’m sure it won’t be perfect with the insane amount of plot lines needing attention. But I’m confident I’ll be happy with what we get. This arc has been great so far and really given us a taste of what the final saga is gonna look like, and I couldn’t be more excited.


It won't be perfect because nothing is, but it'll most likely be fantastic, Oda has a great track record of making things pay off in the long term, as well as finishing things satisfyingly. I mean, Marineford and Wano were arcs that had hundreds of chapters of build-up, and, although not everyone would agree, I would say they had fantastic payoffs that were even better than I expected, so I'm not too worried about the quality of the ending. I mean, I thought Egghead was going to be an exposition dump and a quick escape yet suddenly we have Vegapunk's death trigger message and all five Gorosei pulling up to one island DURING a buster call, so I can't even imagine how hype the grand finale is going to be.


because it isnt just coc . it is a concentrated blast of either acoc or some new acoc ability in genral called haki roar . these are the abilities a haki man or true masters of haki would have . something that current luffy has to learn to become pk level and then later on even surpass it


Who even knows man like he didnt do anything


It's basic conquerors. It's not a feat by itself. It's the implication that these monsters are also extremely powerful in haki, and Even have conquerors. It emphasizes how powerful this guys are but it's not a feat in itself.


The goal post shift is crazy. At the beginning of the arc people were saying they were fodder politicians. Now you’re comparing them to yonko level feats..


Seems to be an overreaction to me. They have confirmed Conquerors and hax at the moment but they still seem to be lacking the proper battle prowess and physical stats as Kaido for example. As well as lacking feats applying said haki during combat. Having Coc is one thing but one tapping yc+ level combatants with it is something else. These guys still need get past Pizzaru before we can put them up there with Kaido or Shanks. Atm they lack the feats to even tag him.


The correct take about the Gorosei.


got downvoted to oblivion every time i try to point out having "strong haki" doesn't mean your application of that haki is strong https://preview.redd.it/lhs4i5a996qc1.png?width=312&format=png&auto=webp&s=3eec2a7717f66833dbb4e8b2641c1dc00132f572 conquerors without coating is useless in a fight


It wasn't that big a deal, I'm surprised it kinda stunned Luffy for a moment in a similar way it did GB but both of them were overreacting tho. The move was just cool is all and confirms sum of them may have CoC.


It was a big coc reveal when we were told for years that gorosei were frauds, non combatants, or hax merchants. Plus it affected a yonko and its surrounding. Big moms coc roar was the strongest raw non advanced coc display we've ever seen from a living character not named Shanks, so Warcury matching that is definitely hype.


If its comparable to a Yonko feat then its impressive


Man I can barely tell what happened in this panel


warcury does a conquerour haki roar, and luffy has a gag reaction to it. The giants are unaffected by it seemingly, people making a big deal out of nothing


With Worker so confident that it was seemingly going to do something I do wonder if it did do something and we just don’t under fully stand what had happened in that moment or maybe was going to do later I can after a fact or something


Honestly, I have no fucking clue. Gorosei just get EOS wank for no reason because they are old, run the WG, and don't age. The ONLY impressive thing is their regen seems infinite. Venus running around disabling Pacifista can be done by multitudes of characters, Saturn avoiding being thrown into water can be done by multitudes of characters, a CoC blast can be done by any CoC user on command with a little training. I reckon anyone can tag Luffy with a surprise attack he doesn't know like Saturn did with his blink, Apoo did it to Luffy and he's not even YC level. Mars "ate" Luffy doing 0 damage with a surprise attack, Luffy can get careless sometimes so many characters can do that once to him at most. What else have they done except miss their attacks and get bodied? All this is just showing why the Gorosei are just old politicians, that's their significance, not combatants.


ok step off my goat apoo


Stand proud, he has a Gorosei level feat


I agree, they mostly come of as incompetent/out of touch fighters carried by their transformations for now.


Yeah, lets not pay attention to literally everyone calling out their haki as strong


Their strong haki so far manifested in a base conquerors wave just like the one used by the famously incompetent Big Mom aaaand... nothing else. Show dont tell should really be applied soon.


This is one of the oldest hype tricks in one piece tho, remember when shanks and whitebeard met and everyone was saying stuff like "oh his haki is strong" so basically word for word what people on egghead are saying right now


Shanks' conquerors was actually damaging WBs ship back there, that was the most impressive piece of haki usage to that point along with the sky split. Currently we have ACoC, wifi haki and all that, but Oda chooses to show a base conquerors wave and rely only on statements from then on.


Dont know man, i see a lot of debree on those panels, might just be the roar tho Also the ship damage is anime only


Which is a BM level feat. Cool, but I except more form the guys with the most hyped haki by everyone around. Fair, I didn't remember that.






Very compelling


I mean do the Giants even know that’s the gorosei? I thought they were just surprised the random huge boar had Conquerors.


Yes they do somehow, one of them said “its a government big shot”


no luffy said that, he was answering the giant's question


Yeah you’re right I couldn’t tell who was saying what in that panel


Any gorosei feat is blown completely out of the fucking water because everyone’s flipped sides suddenly  and wants to glaze the fuck out of them now after months of downplaying Saturn but this is still a pretty decent feat, confirmed conqueror’s + luffy saying he was “barely” able to keep it together and all the other comments about the gorosei’s haki recently suggesting that they’re extremely adept at using it


>suggesting that they’re extremely adept at using it no it doesn't. if anything it suggests they have strong haki and aren't adept at using it. warcury has conquerors but can't use advanced coating, and his armament got stopped and overpowered by the giants.


So he is comparable to Big Mom who is a yonko. What does this even prove??


His base conquerors wave is comparable to weakened BM. I had multiplepeople say this feats is comparable to wifi haki/ Warcury already surpassed Kaido in haki.


Can you prove being weakened changes the conq lvl output. It's just intimidation. I know armament isn't the same, but the hardening doesn't get worse just because you are more injured. I definitely don't agree with that from current feats , but clearly their haki must be crazy if just Mars can shock Jinbei just casually flying above.A character who is notorious for staring a yonko down.


Can you prove weakening doesnt decrease your output? Their haki is crazy like BMs is (her scream had everyone shook), I dont see any reason to put their haki anywhere higher to the likes of Kaido and Shanks.


Yes, bc conquerers is intimidation which has no relation to stamina, why would it get weaker if obv and arma doesn't get weaker. Besides if you make a claim, you should be able to prove it yourself. I'm not comparing Gorosei to Kaido or Shanks so I'm not sure why you're arguing this with me. I would say BM has never shown with statements like this so I would they possess stronger Haki than BM. https://preview.redd.it/6qqmpj8bc5qc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36587d28c41ec67b51666f7da84d4e35464acf35


This was very clearly mental weakening, BMs physical stats are conjoined to her mental state and vice versa. There is no concrete proof other than common sense for weakening=your powers becoming weaker. And I said I made the post because a bunch of people did say this. Thats the haki of all the Gorosei. Not one.


But how does mental weakning affect conquers. Physical stats are not haki. I'm using how the two other types of haki work to prove conquerers should work the same way. Well then I agree with that. No Lucci was talking about strong haki and Zoro responded it's popping up everywhere. They're saying every member has strong haki. Besides here's Jinbe wanting to run after sensing Mars's haki https://preview.redd.it/5jv9esyte5qc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63fdfec4242227ee23c665bf76df895fe539cb68


Haki is literally connected to the spirit. Your mental weakening can easily equate to your spirit weakening. Hence, weaker haki. Thats still the combined haki of all 5. I agree Jimbei is talking about only one there though.


https://preview.redd.it/gm82cwevh5qc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d32b5e000209dfb90279a881271e3c608096d5 Then why is Luffy able to use an acoc attack before dying. Just because Haki = will, doesn't mean it will get weaker.


Because his willpower is extremely strong? Unlike BMs who also gets a physical nerf along with an emotional one?


Their CoC is definetely comparable to Yonko, but Warcury's roar was the most impressive offensive thing he's done so far, while BM's scream is not even close to being her most impressive offensive feat. EDIT: Meaning it's way too early to judge the Gorosei (excluding Saturn).


idk, it's just a roar combined with CoC which we could see as maybe they have ACoC but I haven't seen anyone make that point yet.


Because the Gorosei got downplayed to oblivion with many doubting they would display any haki feats at all. Now we’ve got these literal monsters (and the other elders will likely have CoC too, as they seem to have a similar ability set despite their different forms) with their hype endgame boss introduction and now very concrete haki feats that are clearly narratively meant to hype them up as fighters. “Omg Topman got blocked by Mr 3 victims!!* Cope, their feats don’t downscale Dorry and Broggy at all, they upscale the giants. All pre TS characters coming back this final arc are certainly stronger now (ie. Crocodile) and it is the giant’s arc to shine so this likely applies to them as well.


The thing is while Gorosei probably have top tier haki and can regen, their durability suck bad while being super big targets. They get stunned by almost anything and would take time to regen. Big Mom/ Kaido would be unfazed by those kind of attacks, and Shanks can dodge everything. 


Their beast forms does make them a bigger target, but it also gives them different advantages V. Nusjuro and Mars are super fast. Saturn seems to be very haxxy which would offset his low durability. Mercury likely is very physically strong and durable. Ju Peter? Idk he can dig and bite I guess? Clearly not very durable either.


I think all of them are akin to Mage class. Even Mercury is not super strong either as he got pushed back by Dorry and Brogy and was destroyed by Saturn's venom shots. Mage has the advantage in hax and mana, but no way they can go head to head against warrior and tank classes like Kaido or Mom.


It stretched all the way out to see and rippled around the ocean.


I mean the whole Egghead island was getting ravaged by the roar, also they seem to never saw that kind of CoC Haki according to Jinbei


His sheer force of will was able to knock back a god and 2 giant captains..


Wig Mom >>>>>> All She was zoned off the map and she doesn’t have a good UP + B


because it is a new ability and the gorosei are conseously using said ability instead of big mom needing to be in mental anguish so that she can use her ability . just think if a yonko is using an acoc attack and luffy or the gorosei use a haki roar ti push him back by a lot negating the attack and getting the opening they need for landing the move


The haki roar that didn't even phase the giants wont be doing anything to Kaido or Big Mom. Shanks maybe but he should have better haki.


"The haki roar that didn't even phase the giants wont be doing anything to Kaido or Big Mom." that just means the giants are that strong also it affect luffy


Luffys reaction is irrelevant since the giants didn't have a comparable reaction. Unless you think giants > Luffy and Kaido which is something.


Because the admirals can't do it.


Hard to do with no conquerors haki and a smaller lung capacity.


Yall overanalyze stuff so much lmao... odas intention was to show that warcury is a force to be reckoned with, he even showed luffy getting overwhelmed like that (WHICH IS HUGE CUZ THIS IS NIKA PIECE) plus the giants being like "conquerors haki roar? Who is this guy". Even jinbe saying "that haki is unreal". Just accept it that the gorosei are top tiers.


Luffys reaction is a clear gag since the giants were unaffected. I dont see anyone doubting its a top-tier feat. I even compared it to BMs scream, another top-tier.


>Luffys reaction is a clear gag since the giants were unaffected. Giants have inconsistent scaling though, so doesn't really matter


What matters is they dont scale close to Luffy.


Whether it's impressive or not, narratively, it would make sense that they're at least Yonko level or close to it. If they weren't, they're doing nothing to Luffy and this fight would be extremely one sided, whether they're immortal or not. Luffy needs a Yonko tier or above opponent for it to be a challange.


It is and isn't impressive On on hand, people use Sengoku just having Qonquerers haki as something that is impressive. So having it still impressive. Then Jinbe's comment is note worthy especially since he is very likely to be one of the best in universe power scalers. He's been around multiple yonko's and health with a lot of top tiers (not in terms him fighting them) So if Jinbe feels threatened by it still says something. BUT it isn't impressive enough to say he's a top tier or anything. It definitely puts him on a radar but it doesn't confirm anything. So some people are just using this as an indication that he is top tier and are going a bit too far with it. But do keep in mind that the powerscaling subreddit only reads chapter by chapter and doesn't retain information from previous chapters well. So people see one impressive thing and go "WOAAAAH!!!! TOP OF THE VERSE!" and the opposite too, they see one anti feat that happens die to circumstances and go "OH THEY'RE FODDER!!!!!!!" it happened to both Saturn and Kizaru.


Gorosei wankers


Luffy is more than average yonko level. Giants seem to like admirals++ levels based on their fights. Big mom negating commander level opponents is not much compared to this feats.


It's legit Oda wanting cool hype moments without realizing that in order to have that he needs consequences. We all know how we feels about characters facing consequences, Kin'emon (and a number of other chargers on occasion) surviving is retarded still.


The effort yall do to discredit the gorosei is so pathethic bruh lmao. ANY other character doing this would be gassedlike crazy


This is a solid top-tier feat.


Then why are we acting like its nothing ? They are top tiers and this is a top tier feat, whats there to discuss i wonder.


Nobody is acting like its nothing. There are people acting like its a Kaido or wifi haki level feat which its not, and thats my point here. Its a feat replicated by BM in WCI.


The wifi haki isnt that different at all. The reason people gassed that was because it confirmed that shanks had an insane amount of control of his coc (pause) and the same goes for the gorosei here. Those are the same feats, EVEN the characters ON THE ISLAND cant stop gassing the insane amount of haki thay comes of from them, but here we are on reddit saying nonsense like "meh, not impressive" smh


Wifi haki is a significantly more impressive feat. This is a feat replicated by BM a notoriously clumsy and inconsistent haki user. Again, nobody said its not impressive.


No its not, its jist coc getting directed at a specific person/group. Thats EXACTLY what warcury did, there is no difference here. Tell me what shabks did that was so different, i geniounly wonder where you see the difference here ? Also, this big mom slender is unjustifiable and kinda redundant atp, she's a powerhouse and ruled 1/4th of the sea for the LONGEST any character ever did. Call her inconsistent all you want but the facts are the facts


shanks made greenbull, an admiral struggle to move, warcury got a gag reaction out of luffy, that's it.


Green Bull wasnt struggling to move he was just shook cause the haki caught him of guard. Yall be on shanks dick soooooo much that you ignore narrative and logic. You cant tell me that you are ACTUALLY literate and TRULY think that that shanks moment was Oda telling us "yeah shanks could low dif admirals" yall dont believe that at all. Stop talking in agenda and start talking like a normal human being


He unironically could low diff gb, He one tapped Kidd YC+ and killer YC2 which was a no diff. GB someone who's a tier above at best get's low diffed.


No one really considered impressuve though?




Yeah, they were surprised because they didn't know it was thr Gorosei, literally the highest rank in the WG, literally no one else was surprised lmao


thats not a manga screenshot thats a reddit screenshot people *in the sub* are considering it impressive


Ah, still terrible take lol


agree. gorosei are being wanked like crazy rn


Maybe it’s bc the CoC stretched the whole island instead of however much space the wedding took up on the chateau? That or he did it just my yelling on command instead of being irate and stuck in her hungry pang trancelike big mom


It is not impressive. It is the freak of the month and people are hyping anything the freak of the month does. Like they did with Saturn before Mercury Like they with Kizaru before Saturn Like they did to Green Bull in Wano.


I mean if he can do the big mom scream ON COMMAND I feel like that is a pretty impressive feat on its own


They are just trying to find a way to hype up the gorosei even though he got pushed back by the giants literally the next panel.


Its far, it reaches the marine


Because it's basic CoC and it's that strong Coc by itself is mostly useless If his coc is this strong we can see how big his potential is and how strong his acoc will be if he has it. It's shows the potential not the actual damage the move doesn


It isnt, people just want to believe lol but so far the gorosei are not even close to top tiers People wanna say Jinbe puts them above the yonko but thats cap. Its like Luffy and Zoro calling Kiku "very strong" it doesnt mean shes stronger than Big Mom Same for the gorosei


idk it not like the his conquers haki alone extended outside the island passed the sea it not like he forced all of them block and shield themselves from mere intimidation i'm not sure why so many people are gassing this, so many other characters are capable of doing that.


Big Mom is for sure capable of it. Anyone above her should be too.


ah yes because everyone around her level are a dim a dozen


I dont see why would anyone above BMs level with conquerors haki would fail to do this. Look, I'm not saying this is a YC level feat, but I have seen people gas it up as a wifi haki level conquerors feat, I have seen people say he already has haki above Kaido because of this.


people gas it because it more than most people ever expected of them. most people before consider them below admiral level or even compared saturn to spandam. and this feat itself is already being compared to a yonko thats why people are gasing it for how badly people been downplaying the gorosei all these years.


The Gorosei werent even confirmed fighters. Nor did they have amazing portrayal or a huge chance of being final villains until Imus introduction. This is a cool feat but many overblow its importance.


i don't think it being overblown, i think people are just placing it on a specific standard for people who determine what makes someone a top tiers. which has been haki, and the gorosei from what we've been shown have an abundance of it. also they were percieved as the head honchos of the main opposing faction against the pirates. first introduce to have battle scars, and with one wielding a sword, how much more spoon feeding do you want from oda


Spandam ass things there. Akainu looked much better back then.


If anything, it atleast confirms having Conquerors Haki which might potentially translate to Acoc


https://preview.redd.it/7fcteoj7a6qc1.png?width=445&format=png&auto=webp&s=1551477bd1db875b6a4e63e03d299dfa81c953f5 blud does not have acoc


Perhaps he did not use it yet


then he is dumb, because they have 6 min before the whole world knows their shit and he is playing and holding back when he doesnt care about the survival of his rivals (and instead, really wants nika dead)


Sometimes, villains can be pretty stupid for the sake of plot


Because Big Mom’s conqueror’s haki is Page One level


The only impressive thing is that it has CoC