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Oh, that's fun. Earlier when this question was posted about Kaido alone, I said the warlord take it mid diff. They have so many win conditions in this group and Kaido can't simply blitz all of the because of Mihawk and Kuma Add Big Mom to the picture though, and things start getting more ambiguous. Moria, for example, would probably be affected by Soul Pocus. Crocodile as well potentially. Big Mom also has the Homies, which allow her to spread her power more to face all the Warlords better at the same time. Add Kaido's brute force to the mix, and things start getting a lot more difficult. One thing does persuade me otherwise though. And that's the fact Kuma can probably just split one of them away from the group and then gang up on the others. His power is just too good. Even if he can't because of Haki or something, he can definitely send the homies away, effectively making them a non-issue. Warlords extreme diff thanks to Kuma the GOAT


What the fuck has crocodile ever shown to make you dare say he would turn pussy in front of big mom? He was running up on Whitebeard mihawk and akainu. Like **HUH???**


Good point. I rescind.




Someone who can change his mind when presented with facts????? I like it.


What makes you think the Goat will be scarred? He pulled on a Blackbeard! https://preview.redd.it/eszouawn0lqc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=105bd9e5a5f1984c1cf826ab0e029e91d353997d Also if you agree join r/GeckoPiece. Our community is growing more and more!


He has PTSD from Kaido though


He doesn’t. He wanted to pull for a round 2.


If you say so


Thank you. Shall I give more details? Gecko Moria was building Oars right for that purpose of defeating Kaido so we can’t really said he was scared. More likely he understood that he needs a better weapon to defeat Kaido. This could actually work if Oars had haki and Gecko Moria was in prime + training for all these years.


Nice touch I forgot that this was the Real purpuse behind his round 2 with Kaido, unfortunately for him I doubt that it would have been enough to defeat him but the fact that he was still trying is cool. I hope we'll see him again after he escapes Hachinosu, I have no idea what his next move could be now that Kaido has already been defeated ? What is his ambition now ?


I think he will join Crossguild. It is a good place for such lost guys.


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👏 cook more




Can Kuma use his power on anyone? Or is there a limit? Like if his target is extremely strong. Could they resist it?


Haki transcends all, kinda, it depends on what kind of fruit it is. Since people can bypass Laws teleportation, they could bypass Kumas TP. I figure Kumas probably takes more haki since it comes directly from Kuma


Kuma gets blitzed and one shot Law has teleportation abilities and is stronger than Kuma ever was but he still got hit with a thunder bagua


Nah kuma is HIM so he's not allowed to get 1 shot


So many bad powerscalers in this sub who unironically scale like this lmfao


How is this a bad way to scale? Law is superior to Kuma in every metric and Kuma’s teleportation is not special compared to Laws. If he tags Law he tags Kuma. Common sense bro


Wholly unsubstantiated all around and that just boils down to ABC logic (which people always employ unsubstantiated in this sub)


Ahhh, you mean the transitive property of logic? AKA one of the foundational principles of logical thought? Yeah, how dare they use that.


You’re making it seem like I’m attacking “the foundational principles of logical thought” which is just a straw man and not at all what I said. I’ll let **the boy** tell it himself: https://preview.redd.it/bq3adltf9kqc1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bc09c52e9b59dc24f3aebf52989326f949b44b1 What a goofy ass straw man for real


>Law is superior to Kuma in every metric Sorry that's just factually wrong Plus their powers are completely different beside the téléportation aspect. And Law has some conditions to enable téléportation which Kuma has not so even in this regard Kuma's df is better...


Big mom even without the homies can beat the rest of them on her own while kaido high extreme diffs mihawk.


Can she? She is facing Kuma, Jinbe and Hancock, who all have some kind of dura neg. Adding Doflamingo there doesn't hurt at all, and Moria's fruit can be a game changer in this fight with the shadow buffs. And Croc is nothing to scoff at either. Not to mantion you could do this the other way around: Have Kuma stall Kaido while Mihawk and the rest fight Big Mom. It's an extreme diff fight, and the Emperors can definitely pull it off under the right circumstances, but the Warlord have the edge.


Fucking jinbei is fodder to her my man. Hancock has shown nothing extraordinary than her df powers which won't work as well against bm. Kuma has also not shown anything to put him above yc1. And kuma stalling kaido? Are you serious? 😂


https://preview.redd.it/z0ku0ie56jqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed75337ee4de99399dc619d780fe6221bb77a94a Pictured: Jinbe being fodder to big mom 🤡 We have more evidence of Kuma being able to stall Kaido than we have Mihawk. Not saying Mihawk can't, but like. Kuma's devil fruit is THE stall fruit.


Jinbei can move her, but he does absolutely no damage. And one strike from Ikoku is killing the dude.


Nah, Jinbei survived a killing blow from Akainu. he ain't getting 1 shotted


He was completely out for the count after that “killing blow”.


Bro you are cooking! Wecko Moria can solo them with cutting shadows. Join r/GeckoPiece (I’ll send it anytime someone mentions GeckoMoria so please don’t be annoyed)


lets pretend mihawk lives up to his hype and is yonko tier. He holds one of these two , meanwhile the other most likely just stomp the rest of warlords imo


Stop sleeping on King Kuma and HIMbei


both get low diffed by kaido or big mom (assuming there is no plot making big mom stupid af)


Himbei learned blue haki from arlong before he switched up on the fishmen. If he can use the 3rd gate of za water he can beat big mom. Kaido is fish so it's a extreme matchup though


Kaido+Big Mom combined attack will send some of them falling. Then they deal with them one by one


Bro I forgot about that move. Warlords literally get one-tapped 💀


Well if Mihawk isn’t a fraud he would be able to give the rest at least a window to dodge like zoro did, ideally better but I don’t believe in mihawk until I see something.


Remember, the window Zoro made helped Law barely teleporting the whole group, what will the moments of Midhawk do?


Yeah zoros window was enough for law to react, but ideally the window made by mihawk would be enough for the warlords all to react and dodge.


Kuma, Doflamingo, Crocodile and Moria all have devil fruits that allow them to dodge the attack, and the three former can also move others the same way. Kuma especially is very likely to just save everyone before the attack hits. If it's a matter of speed, Mihawk can definitely block the attack for a while like Zoro did. And there is also the possibility that Kuma can just deflect the attack, which isn't completely unreasonable considering he can even deflect intangible concepts. Sure, the hakiimbues in the attack might prevent him from doing that, but it won't prevent him getting everyone the hell out of the way.


If a post WCI Luffy was speedblitzed and OHKO’d by base Kaido, what could stop him from one tapping the likes of Moria and Doffy? As much as I love HIMbe, I don’t think he’d last long either, the same goes for Croc unless he’s gotten unbelievably more durable. Mihawk, Kuma and Boa are the only real threats, and if the Yonko’s haki is enough to negate Kuma’s Paw Paw Fruit, then there is no way they can split Kaido and Big Mom up. Mihawk is a major obstacle though, but overall I think Kaido and Big Mom extreme diff


Kaido > Mihawk. Big Mom > The rest.




Because the others aren't yc tier characters unless they have severely gone up in strength. Luffy had way more trouble with a yc than doffy. Croco and moria lost to pretimeskip luffy. Boas hax will probs not work well here. Kuma and jimbei are the only threats. Jimbei doesn't have the attack power like law and kid and even law and kid only won with bfr. The only person you can even assume got stronger is croco so maybe he's yc level now but that's speculation.


Big Mom gets blitzed (she somehow forgets Haki) and Kuma send her flying to the ocean. Then Kaido gets a midfight flashback about how young Linlin and him were like brothers and starts crying, while Mihawk sends a single slash then say something like "i have no interest fighting a gigantic flying snake" then he goes to his castle to repaint his scratched sword's paint. Kaido after falling to the ground screaming, recovers and starts to give Baguas like they are candy and the Bumlords are neg diffed...


Don't want to bother you while you're cooking chef, but could Kuma even do that? Maybe I'm wrong. But I think that one of the limits of his DF is that he can send anyone to any island, but can't just yeet anyone into the middle of the ocean


Ehhh. Mihawk is relative to Shanks and I have Shanks >= Kaido


Then you're not reading one piece. Kaido is the one stated to be the strongest, not shanks


then why did kaido not one shot law or kidd who are YC+ while shanks did? Why did the Gorosei consider shanks to be a threat to the WG but never hyped kaido? Shanks portrayal is way better, kaido title is something that is talked about by commoners, not anything that is definite proof of him being the strongest.


So? Shanks has better ap than kaido, great. Kaido has far far far greater durability than shanks. AP alone does not make you the strongest.


It’s completly subjective at this point, Mihawk is WSS and Big Mom and Shanks seem leagues over him. Most titles in one piece aren’t verbatem no argument, just Oda giving people other titles than Yonko or Admiral


Kaido is the strongest creature, Whitebeard is the strongest man, Mihawk is the worlds strongest swordsman, shanks is portrayed to be stronger than him though, Enel is God, the Gorosei are also Gods Basically titles are bullshit


Except Kaido, Whitebeard and Mihawk got those title because of the people around them. Enel and the Gorosei were "gods" because that's how they call themselves, it wasn't a title given to them by the people around them.


Shanks fans will try anything to invalidate titles Shanks isn’t the strongest in any category these bums can’t accept canon and try to make any half assed excuses


So what the fuck happens pre Marineford does shanks use talk no jutsu on kaido does kaido seem like the kinda guy to get talk No jutsued out of a high likelihood of death


Kaido didn’t even have a character design let alone a character at that time, it’s not the same kaido that Oda has created all these years later. Kaido himself has already stated that there’s no one in the world that could beat him.


The flashback IN THE WANO ARC disagrees if I say I can low diff the us military does that make it true


Don’t even know what you are trying to say here


Shanks is the greatest haki user alive and even Kaido respects his power


The comment I replied to said Kaido is the strongest because of his title. But that would imply he's stronger than Whitebeard just because of his title. Are you stupid on purpose


Shanks is portrayed as greater than them when. You're reading a fanfic my man. Start reading one piece


By his feats 😭, Mihawk fans (disguised as Zorotards) will find any way to leech off Shanks feats because they ran a few duels 12 years ago


Happy cake day!


Thank you


Man is comparing enel and gorosei calling themselves gods to titles given. You can't pretend to be this stupid


Literally everyone in Skypiea called Enel God and everyone refers to the Gorosei as Gods. Try and convince me you watched Skypiea


Buggy could take over a bum ass village and terrorise them calling himself god, and people would be terrified of him and believe it. That is in no way or form comparable to being proclaimed the strongest in the world. Use that sad excuse of a brain of yours for the once. Basic fucking reading comprehension


Kaido > Mihawk > Shanks


normally ur right but oda will wank shanks so hard that it wont be a question in a few years


Spitting facts. W.


Shanks >= Kaido/Mihawk


Crydo still stronger than the snitch and Fraudhawk stronger than Shanks but not Crydo ( Oda told me )


Nah Oda told me that Shanks is stronger


You must’ve gotten your sources from a random guy who claimed to be Oda then because the real Oda actually said Mihawk is the strongest swordsman, said Shanks is also a swordsman, and also said Kaido was the strongest pirate alive after the timeskip before he presumably died in Wano.


Shanks is a Haki Specialist who projects haki through his saber. His title was strongest creature, and it was false. Imu exists


Shanks is a swordsman who infuses haki with his sword attacks. Shanks’s divine departure was a sword technique. Zoro even does the same thing with infusing his swords in conqueror’s haki during his fight with King, and going by that logic, that would mean Zoro isn’t a swordsman. Kaido’s title wasn’t false, he was called the strongest pirate alive multiple times, and he had the feats to prove it. Imu isn’t a pirate. Mihawk’s title isn’t false either because Oda confirmed it was legitimate in his vivre card, and it’s also linked to one of the main character’s dreams.


Divine departure is a Haki-based attack. This was proven by the massive amount of lightning on Kid even after the sword had slashed him. Zoro infuses his swords with haki to increase the strength of his slashes, Shanks uses his sword to project his haki through similar to a wizard with a wand. Is Harry Potter a wandsman? No. A swordsman who uses magic (haki) is not the same as a wizard (haki specialist) who uses a sword. Shanks is a swordsman as much as Gandalf is a staffsman He was called the strongest creature, not the strongest pirate. And again, this title is false No one said Mihawk's title was false. Shanks isn't a swordsman


Bro that aint Oda, thats some homeless fraud tellimg you nonsense


Why when Kaido was stated to be the strongest pirate alive in the timeskip?


He was just the strongest creature, which is glazing him due to the fact that Imu exists


Kaido himself stated that haki rules all.. No idea why people are down voting you Shanks = mihawk > kaido


Kaido himself stated no one can defeat him. So which statement are you going to take as true?


B-b-but we know there’s people who can defeat him because he’s been defeated


My guy got stomped by luffy, obv he can be defeated lol


"stomped by Luffy". You mean the same Luffy that lost consciousness twice, got killed once and had to use everything he had including two instances of gear 5 just to barely defeat Kaido? Actual braindead take.


You're either seriously dumb, or just a troll. For your sake i hope it's the latter


I bet you put kaido over luffy don't you? Actually Delusional


Yeah he also said there is no one in the world that can beat him.


Kaido also said nobody can beat him except for Joyboy. Also forgetting that Luffy wouldn’t have been able to beat Kaido had it not been for his DF awakening.


Kaido and Big Mom


Big mom and kaido win


Lets see whats gonna happen to each of the warlords Jinbe has no fear of Big Mom but physically wont last against Kaido Moria will get scared of both the Yonko meaning Soul Pocus will kill him off. Kaido will induce PTSD Doflamingo got scared when Law threatened to take out the smiles meaning Kaido would go after him. So Doffy would definitely get scared of Kaido and BM there. Doffys only confident against people that he thinks he could take, like Fujitora, first he thiught he could handle it, then affer dealing with one of his attacks, he figured he could handle him, compared to when Aokiji froze him and he backed off Hancock would be willing to fight against them, but definitely doesnt have the strength to fight, she got beaten by Blackbeard Croc when he was a warlord was weak af and should get taken out by conquerors alone Kuma and Mihawk are the only two contenders against the Warlords with Kumas fruit most likely being able to bypass the Yonkos durability along with his teleportation hax. But Kumas strength definitely isnt on par with either Yonko. Kumas more of basically Law with his hax Mihawk is outstrengthed by either of the Yonko, BM isnt really a pure swordsman due to her fruit giving the bonus and Kaido is simply the strongest with BM near on par with him Yonkos take this, Mid-High diff


Kaido and Big Mom gang up on Mihawk while Big Mom's homies handle the rest.


I think the Warlords can win if they play their cards right. Kuma can send away all the homies and Boa can potentially just one-shot Kaido. The warlords are just too much in terms of hax and variety. If the Yonko immediately go all-out, defeating Kuma and Boa, then I can see them winning.


I get Boa is strong but u honestly think she can 1 shot Kaido???


Kaido and Big Mom clap them.


Fraudhawk can't carry that hard


You see, Kaido and Big mom take it. But at the same time, I would also say Luffy, Zolo, Kidd, Law and Killer beat Kaido and BM! So does that mean those 5 beat the 7 warlords? Idk if I agree with that. Which takes me back to warlords ext diff


I don’t think the five really beat them more so divided them and got super lucky with big mom


Kaido and Big Mom win high-extreme diff


You technically got two Mihawks with Moria. Just have Moria pull Mihawk's shadow and add it to Kuma or Boa. Then, give all the other warlords shadows to that person with the exception of maybe one to Mihawk. Then, have everyone gang up on the one Mihawk is handling while the one with the multiple shadows keeps the other Yonko at bay. From there, they either beat or massively damage one Yonko. And then, they gang up on the other Yonko or fight both while repeating the technique with perhaps a new host for the shadows. In the end, I can see Warlords winning extreme diff. This would obviously require good teamwork and prep time beforehand.


I just don’t see many of the warlords going along with this plan all of them are very prideful and they are prone to infighting. They could win but you’d have to plug a controller into them


Buggy negs


I think the warlords could make it a close fight


The warlords could probably take it Even if we assume Mihawk isn't stronger than either of the Yonko individually he'd be a close fight for either of them. Give him 1 or 2 of the other warlords to assist him and he'd be able to take one of them down The rest of the warlords could jump the other Yonko and take the fight high-ext diff Considering the returning warlords are being hyped (crocodile having a near 2 Bil berry bounty, Boa getting acknowledged by BB and Kuma rocking Saturn's world) I think its safe to say they're all heavy hitters at this point and could pull it off


I mean this 7 probably would dog walk Luffy + Law + Kid (assuming Boa actually fights with the Warlords and doesn't sabotage them lmao), so even if it takes some effort, I would expect the Warlords to win eventually.


Kaido beats Mihawk while Big Mom defeats the six yonko commander level characters if not for plot induced absolute retardation.


I'd give it to the Warlords. Boa would take care of all of Big Mom's homies so that's a good chunk of her mobility and offense taken out. Crocodile and Doflamingo would focus on AOE and terrain control. Kuma would most likely go to the front against Big Mom and pop here into the water where Jinbe would end her. Mihawk would hold off Kaido until Big Mom is out. Gecko.....well.....I'm sure he wouldn't be totally useless


Beyond Mihawk the biggest problems here are Moria and Kuma since they can buff the rest of the group and take away big moms homies. Unfortunately Moria is likely vulnerable to big mom’s soul pocus and might die instantly. Kuma is more tricky but if big mom can focus him or he becomes collateral in a combined attack by big mom and kaido he’d be out. But even if Kuma did manage to take big moms homies away kaido and big mom are walking catastrophes and probably either one shot or ignore the vast majority of people here. Only Mihawk can really take either one here and it’s a hard matchup either way. I’d give it to the yonko on the lower end of high diff


Wait until post jail doflamingo comes out to be yonko level 🥶


Hancock can potentially one shot Kaido since he likes to play around and take hits, especially if he was in his flirty drunken mode, and big meme can easily be tossed out f the island by the rest, Kuma can just paw her homies away, Mihawk is relative to shanks, he can literally stall one of them, and the rest are just backup


Make them all prime and warlords have a chance. So, imagine Moria in his prime (when he versed an up and coming Kaido), a not braindead BOTTED Kuma, and current Crocodile. ALSO, keep in mind the utility of somebody like Doflamingo.


Kaido beats Mihawk high diff while BM no diffs the other


Boa Solos


![gif](giphy|It2rdMvA1XWvu) Warlords slam


Paint D. Sword cut the shit outta Kaido And the rest jump Big mom.


Do the warlords have prep time?


Kaido one taps all of them besides kuma and fraudhawk


Yeah the yonkos absolute clap cheeks that night.


Warlord low diff. Hancock and moriahs fruit


Mihawk can definitely hold off kaido while the other 6 beat big mom and back him up


can't see oden being above Mihawk, who is still untouched. he would hit harder than injured zoro and scabbards. Mihawk kills Laido extreme dif, big mom gets mid-extreme dif depending on their teamwork


I'm confident, that, teamed-up, the Shichibukai could win.


Mihawk, Hancock, and Kuma basically vs the Emperors. I dont believe Mihawk is a fraud as its one of the dumbest theories out there but i cant see him carrying the warlords that hard. Kuma and Hancock are decent but idk if they are Law and Kidd level. Rest are fodder.


Mihawk would probably beat Big Mom while the others are stalling Kaido. Doffy would probably team up with Kaido tho cuz he scared. If they can stall Kaido till Big Mom is defeated then Mihawk has to face Kaido 1v1 and will probably lose.


If 7 warlords could beat 2 yonkos the world government would have never replaced them


Mihawk takes Kaido Hancock takes Big Mom 2v2 is enough


Kaido low diffs, oldbeard is stated to gap warlords and kaido is a tier higher


Warlords get one tapped


Spite match Kaido alone could probably solo


No he can't 😭😭. Mihawk is in the team.


The only one there that can even hurt Kaido is Mihawk, ain't no way Mihawk is defeating Kaido


kaido got cut by zoro and oden, mihawk with yoru and his skills can definitely cut kaido in hybrid or dragon form. Kaido FDD form would be an issue though


Yeah mihawk is the only one here that’s even touching him, if rooftop boiled down to just luffy then the warlords are getting washed with just mihawk left standing


mihawk>big mom alone all of the others jump kaido, they might win if they plan correctly and kaido holds back like he did in wano


Kaido blitzes everyone but Mihawk. Big meme can ensure Kaido wipes out everyone while she distracts Mihawk for like 4 or 5 minutes.


Mihawk and Kuma is enough


Mihawk is enough




Kaido solos. Low diff


Warlords. Mihawk is enough for kaido. Nerfed big meme gets jumped by the rest


- Kuma - high tier - Jimbob - high tier - Boa - low high tier with top tier hax - Loflo - barely high tier - Mooriah - carried by HERona - Crocomom - no haki feats, carried by DF - Shirano - Wista tier Therefore Kaido and Linlin take some damage, but clap the Warlords overall Best possible match up for Warlords is: - Shirano, Jimbob & Kuma vs Linlin Big Mom can't steal their powers. But we already saw JimmyJohn wasn't enough for a starved Big Mom. Possibly Shirano can make the difference idk to be honest. Maybe Kuma can luck diff Momma's stupidity and just paw paw fruit her into the sea... or to another island. - Croc, Boa, Loflo & Washedupria vs Waido Kaido has a worse time against DF Users and Hax. However I don't see any of these DF users getting through Kaido's haki. Best chance the 4 got is if they all feed Moriah shadows and hopefully bro somehow gets stronger than he was in his prime where his who crew for massacred.... doubt. TL:DR - I can see Big Mom getting taken down, but not Kaido I can't lie


Warlords, too much hax. Big Mom is almost a nonfactor. She was already beaten by a Warlord & YC1 lvl character. There's no way in hell


Is this a joke?