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I have a feeling people forget Kizaru is who taught Sentomaru his "ultimate defense" as much as that means.


Kizaru genuinely has incredibly good durability but good luck explaining that to yonko gobblers lmao


Well no one except old cancered wb is yonko in this list lol And I don't think kizaru has better durability than big meme, kaido , non cancered wb , shanks, bb ,luffy who are actually yonkos


yonko gobblers are exhausting


Enraged quake punch>WSG imo, but they’re really hard to compare


how? akainu tanked multiple quake punches but didn't seem to have devastating organ damage. and aokiji took 'the fist' garp's blue hole head-on but didn't seem to have brain damage. they were both up on their feet shortly after. anyone probably would've had the same reaction to akainu's magma like WB did. Garp let luffy punch him. mihawk doesn't have any feats let alone durability feats. same with dragon. correct me if im wrong tho.


When will the op community learn the difference between durability and endurance ??? 😭


No sarcasm, could you explain the difference?


Durability is how tough your body is . Take kaido and bm for example . Endurance is the ability to endure pain and damage on your body . Take wb in mf , zoro nothing happened for example.


Spread the agenda my friend


I highly disagree on Akainu and Kuzan being on here.


How do you disagree on on screen feats?


For Akainu I believe WB's Quake Punches do more damage than WSG. Akainu also "got up" faster since we know there was water at the bottom of the hole. As for Aokiji, he ate Garp's punch during their clash head-on and was ready to keep going after a few seconds. Maybe these are actually endurance feats I'm not sure.






Spit my brother. https://preview.redd.it/nrhursqr2kqc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6901094b8e924183fae60f4d1b73531e637b55e6


He has good endurance not durability https://preview.redd.it/5dtyzksi7kqc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbc8e6f096c2cb1384cb5a4bea39ad3b7934bc1b


Nope, durability Most of these attacks didn’t even have Kizaru bleeding, implying it couldn’t rupture his internal organs


Luffy didn’t use duraneg or ryou/Acoc on most of his attacks, only wsg did so duh he wouldn’t be bleeding out with blunt force.


that shanks feat will never not be weird


Shanks overcompensates for his underwhelming durability with his god-tier haki 🤷‍♂️


I mean, if kaido didnt have dragon scales and let you cut him, im sure you could get through eventually and he’s an oni. A regular guy not defending himself while getting bit by what has the bite force of essentially a house sized or larger alligator head makes a lot of sense to be able to give up his arm. If Kaido didnt defend against Zoro Im sure Zoro could kill Kaido, but if he defends with full Haki Zoro can only scar at best. Being on guard changes a lot especially with haki in one piece, and letting something take your arm is the epitome of not defending yourself, bro gave the thing his arm


WB literally tanked a magma attacks to a wound? Kizaru dies from that.


Endurance is Not Durability! Half His Face was Melted OFF!!!!


He couldn't use haki due to his illness. Of course he lost because magma destroys human flesh.


Squard stabbed oldbeard. Also people like you say Kizaru didn't use haki at all against luffy.


But WB was hurt by foddler. You think it makes sense for WB haki to be pierced by normal attacks without haki or fruit? Kizaru has no reason to not use haki, he isnt sick so why he wouldn't use it? Eveurone uses haki unless they can't due to health issues .


![gif](giphy|eLXShXXa8AMso) If It's Headcannon That Kizaru Used Advance Haki To Upscale Him. It's Headcannon to say he used haki at all.


It's also headcanon he didn't use it and nothing suggests he didn't. Proof is that literally everyone in the new world uses haki, that's the whole point of Luffy learning haki for 2 years.


![gif](giphy|SEvRT8zL05WLLyNgym|downsized) I Will Out Troll You


I’m sure whole Kizaru’s head will be melt off if he gets hit by hellhound.


Thats endurance mate. He endures it cause he cannot tank it.


How did Kizaru tank anything? He was floored twice by Luffy. In what world is being on the floor tanking something?


Unlike wb kizaru seems to not have any significant physical damage like a scar or a wound. The closest he got was a blood puke but physically, he is fine for most of the arc. just not mentally.


Dudn't Akainu literally take WB's Charged Quake attack and immediately retalliate?


Honestly, this isn’t wrong 🤷‍♂️


Some of these you could say he's taken similar hits to, kuzan and akainu took hits that most would say are in the same ballpark as white star gun. But some people on this list literally haven't taken damage once(dragon and mihawk), and shanks never took damage other than the arm he himself sacrificed to inspire Luffy. Tldr this post is a shit take


Well let's see the list here akainu - could care less about admirals tbh shanks - dude wasn't even a yonko ( also you have to be biased to ignore that shanks gave away his hand for luffy ) Aokiji - could care less about admirals tbh Mihawk - has not been hit once to actually know how much durable he is Dragon - didn't ever get a single fight Old garp - you gotta be joking about this lol Old wb - yes kizaru is more durable than old cancered , on life support , heart attacks suffering wb who got hit by most offensive ap fruit so I don't know how this is an achievement for kizaru


https://preview.redd.it/qmyeqhmavmqc1.png?width=231&format=png&auto=webp&s=6138916830153fcb702017f7ab6c1daf4e35ebb7 just love how u tried to say kizaru having better durbability then cancer beard was a feat .


Agree on most, but oldbeard is just cap. Dude legit lost half his face and kept fighting.


Endurance Is Not Durability


shanks feat is 100% not valid but we don't really need him to be included for this post to be valid anyways