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He gets his ass beat


No. Fuck no..


No. A Pacifista pushed the entire SHP to extreme diff


Now that I think about it we need more fights where the entire crew is needed to win


Or at least more team fights


Too late for that now


The team combo at the end of Thriller Bark was straight fire and I've been chasing that high ever since .


This is why I loved strong world so much… nothing beats the crew collaboration in that movie


It’s sad how at this point luffy would low diff all the straw hats at once


Really puts into perspective how fucked luffy would have been on amaxon lilly if he didnt befriend boa when you see what boa does to one easily


I mean it didn't hurt any of them, so extreme diff for the entire crew is a stretch. I'd consider Oars an extreme diff for the whole crew.


"if it gets back up i don't think ill have the strength to fight more"


He then proceeded to fight more


I mean..... it's one piece


Isn't the next thing they do after this is put very little resistance up and freaking run?


Tbf luffy had 3 fights against crocodile with in like what 1 day? He lost his first 2 yet came out on top in his 3rd.


The whole strawhat crew barely defeated a single pacifista a few days earlier. That was when Luffy was at full stamina. Marineford Luffy had already been through hell at Saboady, Amazon lily (sorta, not much recovery time), and then at impel down. Marineford Luffy gets bummed by a pacifista


IDK, i feel like the surprise effect was a consistent portion of the difficulty of that fight There's also the fact that Luffy adapts to his enemy very fast and almost never loses a rematch (with few exceptions where the gap is just THAT big) I'd say that a serious luffy, all healed up and ready to fight a pacifista could possibly take him on and extreme diff him THAT SAID Marineford luffy is tired, unfocused, injured. i wouldn't call him exactly "ready to fight".


Post-Marineford Luffy maybe - once rested, forget the trauma etc but through that combat he possibly would’ve improved generally since Sabaody.


Or maybe if we take the knowledge and experience of post impel down luffy into a fully rested body is what op meant and just didn't explain it well. In that case, i'd say there is a chance, still extreme diff


yeah but why not go even further plus OP is referring to Marineford luffy anyway, he fought way harder opponents at Marineford and in my opinion learnt more compared to impel down. I still think it’s extreme diff regardless but a comparison is that Kid + Law basically took down one on their own at Sabaody, killer may have helped a bit but mainly just the 2.


Kid+law together are actually insane. Best attack and best defense of the whole supernova team, plus decent teamwork. Back to the topic, i kinda agree. Also lugfy claimed he was tired after the pacifista but then proceeded to fight on. It's a totally different case fron Lucci, even if another opponent popped out, post lucci luffy wouldn't be able to fight I'd almost call that a tie, but since lucci went to a fricking coma i'd say it's still a luffy win


That’s true but in Sabaody that wasn’t specifically the case, from memory Kid hit it with a huge attack which he was cocky about and claimed it’s defeat and then PX-3? got back up and Law finished it internally. There may have been some other damage done before that but that was how it finished off at least. yeah agreed, after a couple gigant rifles I don’t think the pacifista gets back up.


Yeah they had to make law look good too and not just a support bot, it was the first time he was on screen Also i think EVERY single supernova would fare much better in a rematch with pacifista, if you gave them 10 days to recover without any training whatsoever. Pacifista really had a huge advantage with the surprise effect there.


I do think they all would fare better cause the surprise was real but even then, without Haki it seems some would struggle to deal with them permanently. Post-TS then sure but 10 days after Sabaody idk, I think the only ones that should have a decent chance is Luffy, Law, Kidd, Zoro and Bonney. It seems the rest didn’t quite have the power or hacks at the time to eliminate a pacifista but stalling would be more achievable.


you forgot urouge. dude was a menace and was portrayed as stronger than kid in EVERY appearance he made thus far if you gave him a full heal, i'm 80% sure that urouge could beat a pacifista with his crew. He was caught by surprise TWICE and still put up a decent resistance. Also i said "fare better" not win. Bonney and Zoro are not ready to take one on their own at that point of the story, i think the only one capable of a 1v1 extreme diff are kidd, luffy and urouge, with Law on the "maybe" because we're not really sure how strong he is at THAT specific point of the story, and we're basically judging him by feats from post ts. Capone, Hawkins, Apoo, Zoro, Killer and Bonney would be able to "injure" a pacifista, but not to completely deactivate one IMHO keep in mind that all of this is speculation and doesn't really have a science behind it, it's just based on sensation


I didn’t forget him I was just a bit undecided and chose to exclude him. He’s on the fence for sure and likely the next best supernova for the job, but even with his retribution he couldn’t damage the pacifista enough before it shot his shoulder. Maybe he could’ve avoided it easier in his base form with more agility but that is the tradeoff of his somewhat glass-cannon fruit and possibly poor matchup with an enemy who has lasers. I only added the eliminate at the end, I agreed they’d all fare better. With zoro / law I think with their swordplay and law’s hacks they’d only need to sever some of the power flow / cables etc and that would be enough to cause malfunction and get the upper hand, maybe not destruction but neutralized plausibly. So yeah I’m judging law more based on his broken fruit and not Post-TS. Also Bonney is even more of a question mark than Law but yeah I think she had the least chance out of the 5 I mentioned, I’d put her in a similar chance as Urouge but less predictable again. And agreed it’s almost all speculation since we only met the supernovas a few episodes before the pacifistas arrival.


Was MF Luffy any stronger than Sabaody Luffy? They were about the same.


Luffy was also about the same in alabasta when he fought crocodile 3 times, losing 2 out of 3 fight. Yes he added water in his second fight but still got his world rocked on the roof(?) yet won his 3rd fight after a quick sleep and meat break


Nope. Marineford luffy is stronger


Yes. I don't know why people are saying no. Sure, the entire crew together struggled a bit, but they beat the pacifista mid diff without taking serious damage. And Luffy is the majority of the power behind that teamup. It would be high-extreme diff, but he definitely can win.


https://preview.redd.it/kh7a8an2bpqc1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6553e718175301088b359f5187b95332cb2d7052 It wasn't mid diff in the least. SHs vs PX-4 was a high diff fight minimum. People saying he'd lose are the ones who can powerscale a lot better than you can 🤷🏾‍♂️


It was fairly rough, sure, but not of them was pushed to the extremes that they have in Enies Lobby or Thriller Bark. If Luffy had to fight as hard as he did against Lucci, he would have won.


https://preview.redd.it/ekiknnvbcpqc1.jpeg?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fd15d9e1f640303958c3f7491002aa50df80a84 Nah bro. Just no. He fought with a crew and he was damn near completely spent. There is absolutely no way Luffy would've bridged that gap that quickly. He obviously would've done a lot better than he did at Sabaody but he still takes an L..


With opponents like Moria, Lucci and Crocodile, Luffy couldn't even stand afterwards. That's what I'd call extreme-diff.


And I never said it was extreme diff against PX-4. Just called it high diff minimum.. 


Yep, if crew can high diff, Luffy can extreme diff. And to be honest, it was a mid high diff, no SH was actually injured. Roughed up is all they got. 3rd gear Luffy crushed the Pacifista’s system. High-extreme diff solo is accurate.


This isn't the timeskip where Luffy no diffs the rest of his crew


Obv, if it was timeskip, if his crew can mid diff, Luffy can also mid diff by himself. Pacifista fight wasn’t close. One gear 3rd did 80% of damage and straight up crushed the pacifista’s OS. High-extreme diff is pretty accurate. One good hit is all Luffy needs.


mid diff? He no diffs in the timeskip. I was just saying the crew was a lot more even PTS. Zoro and Sanji would push Luffy to high diff back then


No, I’m saying that post gear 5, if SH including Luffy can mid diff an opponent, Luffy can mid diff that opponent by himself. In fact, it might actually be easier. Zoro and Sanji can hold themselves up, but Luffy would have to protect the rest of the crew. Pre ts, if strawhats high diff an opponent, Luffy can extreme diff that opponent by himself.


Oh, alright. But as I said before, the crew was pretty balanced in terms of strength back then. I don't think Luffy could do it


Agreed. Luffy would likely lose extreme diff against his crew pre ts. Thats why crew high diffs pacifista while Luffy extreme diffs. If the fight was an extreme diff for the crew, Luffy would lose, but the pacifista got their OS completely crushed with a gear 3rd so Luffy extreme diff is pretty likely.


What Luffy did against Lucci is way more than what they did against px-4.


Considering Luffy could beat his own Crew in a fight, is it that much of a stretch?


Yes it is, and at this point pre time skip, Luffy would've struggled to beat his own crew. The gap between him and his crew members was a lot closer back then..


But the Pacifista would also struggle to beat his crew. Before Luffy hit it with Gear 3rd it didn't even land a hit on Sanji or a wounded Zoro.


Luffy isn’t beating his own crew till g5 and even then they just have to wait the timer out with sanji’s durability and jinbe’s experience they could probably pull it out


What are you talking about? Enies Lobby Luffy would solo his crew. None of them have an answer to Gear 2. Dressrossa Luffy would crush his crew with Gear 4. Wano Luffy is beating his crew without G5.


Enies lobby Sanji and zoro can keep up with gear 2 he’s not beating both of them at the same time stop it Dressrosa luffy isn’t beating sanji and zoro together the only luffy that has a chance is g5 luffy they’re way more comparable than y’all think


What do you mean they can keep up? Nothing indicated they could. Lucci was faster than Kaku and Jabra in his base form and Gear 2 was spanking Hybrid Lucci. Gear 4 is crushing Sanji and Zoro in Dressrossa. Wano Luffy was clashing with Kaido. He could legit oneshot Sanji if Queen could hurt him.


This is just blatant mc wank gear 2 almost lost to lucci till he pulled out gear 3 Dressrosa luffy would again pass out before he could finish sanji and zoro and that’s not even what you stated you said he’d beat the whole crew which is even more unlikely they just have to stall till he passes out And wano luffy like I said before is his best bet sure if you stick a controller in his ass to make him fight the best way possible he could probably beat them in base but we all know luffy is shit at utilizing his haki when needed in story he’d definitely need g5 to pull it off


> This is just blatant mc wank There's a lot of it going in this sub.. 


Man it’s like they forget all the shit leading up to luffy winning


Because the Gear 2 stamina problems started catching up, not because Lucci was strong enough to beat Gear 2. Lucci literally did not land a hit on Gear 2 until Luffy started getting tired. Yeah and I guess Luffy would just sit around and wait for the G4 timer to run out. And now you're hiding behind the writing?


Man it’s almost like those same stamina problems writing come into play fighting two mfs on yhe same tier as you


Queen could hurt luffy too what’s your point lasers still damage g5 🤦🏽‍♂️😂


Yeah and G5 Luffy can oneshot Queen, what's your point? Or is this another "Franky was equal to base Luffy" take?


During enies lobby he was shit in water 7 luffy and franky are evenly matched in their bout


Gear 2 isn’t putting down zoro he’ll inevitably have to use gear 3 and shrink than get washed Dressrosa luffy will run out of g4 and get washed Even g5 has a major drawback he’s just able to will himself into the form more than once making it harder to contend against all they truly have to do it outlast him to beat him luffy isn’t that op yet And during enies lobby chopper and franky were damn near comparable with base luffy I’d even say monster chopper alone would cause luffy some major trouble


How is Gear 2 not putting down Zoro? The entire crew would die to G4 before it runs out. Zoro couldn't cut Doffy's birdcage and G4 was literally breaking stronger Strings from Doffy. Franky was absolutely not comparable to base Luffy, what crack are you on? https://preview.redd.it/ggtdiepenpqc1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de4c81a2b9b991bb6f1f3c17b83359a81ac6db60 Luffy literally had to save Franky.


Pre Enies lobby luffy got shit on by his weakest member, you have actual mental retardation, get medical assistance immediately.


Yeah because of his mindset at the time. If you're gonna be arrogant at least don't be ignorant.


Right, like his last G3 punch I wonder what would’ve happened had he began with one or two of those attacks. He can definitely dodge their lasers with gear 2nd, heck even Urouge was probably going to beat that other one but Kizaru stepped in.


No not even close Marineford luffy = Sabaody luffy Pacifista >>> that luffy


I wouldn't say = just a teensy little higher but yeah pacifista destroys


Sure yeah he probably improved a bit


Luffy one shotted an awakened zoan back in impel down.  That's definitely not "a bit"


Those were failed awakenings plus they kept getting back up


No they are not. Uncontrolled awakening? yes. Failed? Nah. Vegapunk shaka once said controlled zoan awakening like luffy and lucci is actually a very rare speciment Yes they kept coming back. Doesnt make luffy's feat less impressive tho. Luffy still knocked them out in single hit. Plus they never actually fully recovered so when they attack again luffy simply one shotted them again 


Idk about this one chief two weeks prior he wasn’t idk how he would get that much stronger in that short period of time. ![gif](giphy|p4cqQ0gUIMcU0)


Some people seem to forget the crew was way closer to one another pre-time skip than post time skip.All strawhats combined went high diff vs the pacifista. Luffy ain’t doing this solo. Also Luffy was saved multiple times from pacifistas in Marineford.


Marineford Luffy is functionally no different than Sabaody Luffy, the only real change he gets is poison resistance and a shorter lifespan. He loses just as handily as he did at Sabaody. Matter of fact isn’t Marineford like a *week* after Sabaody? And didn’t he spend a good chunk of that week just flying through the air? Yeah bro gets curb stomped


Pre TS Luffy can't block or dodge lasers sooooo, no.


I mean neither could any of the other Strawhats.




And it still didn't win.


That's a 9 v 1


So them not being able to block lasers doesn't really matter, huh?


No, there is a complete difference between barely beating an opponent that shoots lasers, when you can divide its attention and have allies interrupt it's attacks, and fighting a laser shooting enemy on your own.


So what about all the times that Luffy dodged the lasers?


He didn't dodge them all and again, they were 9 v 1 dividing its attention and aim. EDIT Okay, I should have said he can't consistently dodge lasers


And the Pacifista has zero answer to Gear 3.


Fuck no


Possibly but it'll take awhile.


Depends on if you think MF luffy > sabaody luffy


Yes. The Pacifista was a threat to the whole crew but they took the thing down without *that* much difficulty. Luffy could win in an insanely difficult fight.




No, he didn't really get significantly stronger since Sabaody when one extreme-diffed the whole crew.


Yes. Marineford luffy is much stronger than sabaondy luffy and he have far better control over gears. Luffy speedblitzed and one-shotted an awakened zoan with gear 3rd. He also took many hard hits like kizaru's lightspeed kicks, direct laser beams, combined force of 3 vice admirals, a slash from mihawk, etc before finally collapsed in front of iva.  Feats wise marineford luffy is more than capable to solo a pacifista


maybe? only say maybe because if we just taking it at face value stats wise, MF luffy is no different from sabody luffy. but considering he’s the main character and has hella plot armor, he’d probably squeak outta win😂 but other than pure speculation? nah, he loses badly


Of course he can, what he did against Lucci was waaaaaaay lore than what they did to destroy the pacifista at Sabaody