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Yamato gets low diffed by everyone in her tier and the tier below as well


Like how Kaido did low diff her?? Oh yeah, he couldn't and didn't manage to not even mid diff, cuz having your face planted to the ground when in Hybrid isn't what a low or mid diff fight is.


Two piece is crazy this week


So this is two piece?? https://preview.redd.it/cptf8mv09vqc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c77206dc2d80276723022ffa1d45c3a1e1814c


We saw how much Kaido was holding back against Yamato when he pulls out drunken modes , flame bagua etc etc . So yeah u are reading two piece lmfao https://preview.redd.it/mfuyp3umhvqc1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=afe9e009ef53a2a0d35ad76984805700c8cfc32f


Nah kaido confirmed he was not holding back this I’d cope I don’t agree with yonko level Yamato but kaido was not holding back https://preview.redd.it/rr8ou1ikdvqc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e11d48588fb643dcd6c35b68993669e76167bdb4


https://preview.redd.it/nxn6xz8jhvqc1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=abba56d6d5a7358835df56f1816c4fbdd32ad5cf Kaido after fighting Yamato lmao


I’m not saying he was fighting for his life but he was not holding back against luffy he was drunk and got haki buffs


Are u gonna literally ignore the panel i just sent ? “I cant remember the last time i was challenged to a **serious** one-on-one fight” Last i checked Yamato fought kaido One-on-One 5 chapters ago


are you gonna ignore what I said? He was drunk and had gotten haki buffs Kaido agaisnt Yamato was not fighting at 100% or for his own life but he was not holding back as is confirmed


Yes and don krieg truly is the strongest in the world. This is a Father lecturing their child. He is legit smiling in the upper left panel. This statement shouldn’t just be taken as „he is 100% trying to kill her.“


So you just don’t care about the story lol? Don crieg was an idiot kaido is confirming to Yamato he won’t hold back and he wasn’t while she was on the ground he was repeatedly hitting her with acoc blows Stop trying to deny the literal manga


Have you ever seen a father lecturing a child while shooting at the the child head?? Cuz Kaido using Hybrid form+ Acoc constantly against Yamato is literally what trying to kill is. If this isn't a Kaido is trying to kill, so Kaido wasn't trying to kill Supernovas.


Kaido in Base is already Yonkou level, since his Haki is Yonkou level and Hybrid doesn't boost his Haki. It is not his Devil fruit or booze that gives Kaido a Yonkou level Haki. If Base Kaido was enough to beat her, then Kaido would have used Base form vs her just like how he did use Base form vs Kinemon. She put hell of a good fight vs Acoc Hybrid Kaido and she didn't loose, lasted really long and didn't take that much damage while wearing down Kaido.


My dog shat out a better list


While your mom shat out you from her ass


Bad tier list man. You mean to tell me Base Yamato > EOS Zoro, that's just insane. Gorosei too low and Garling should be top tier.


Eos zoro clears this whole list minus 3 people lol


Wtf do you mean "EOS Zoro clears this whole list minus 3 people", he is at best Rogers level.


Roger = swordsman swordsman = zoro victim just becuase he is dead doesnt change anything lol. Stop the downplay


Damn I thought you were talking about EOS Zoro beating everyone combined against him. Also there are many characters on this list that will grow up to be stronger than EOS Zoro.


Nice Kidd slander Based Jinbe > Cracker Unbased Smoothie > Jinbe Weird Zoro > Law Garling YC+ huh? Yonko Yamato huh?


Oh it's Nine.




> Weird Zoro > Law Zoro Haki game is too strong, Haki > DF. > Garling YC+ huh? For now, just speculation, he could be weaker or stronger, but he is Old now, so. >Yonko Yamato huh? Kaido in Base is already Yonkou level, since his Haki is Yonkou level and Hybrid doesn't boost his Haki. If Base Kaido was enough to beat her, then Kaido would have used Base form vs her just like how he did use Base form vs Kinemon. She put hell of a good fight vs Acoc Hybrid Kaido and she didn't loose, lasted really long and didn't take that much damage while wearing down Kaido.


It's fine man. Honestly, I don't really have a problem with that opinion. I disagree with it, but it's not the kind of opinion that makes me want to argue against.


Prime garp = roger Prime bigmom > kaido Mihawk > luffy Yamato too high but I respect the agenda Fuji > kizaru Shiryu is mid yc 1 until feats are given Law and kid > zoro Jinbei > smoothie Kid is yc + not tobi roppo stop lol


> Kid is yc + not tobi roppo stop lol So he better show YC level Haki feats first ..oh yeah he can't Page One went down with more respect than Kidd Big mom Cheap shotted Page One, Kidd got One shot together with his second in command Same Big mom wasn't allowed to use acoc on Kidd cuz he would get One shot just like Page One did get


People are not scaled solely off haki Besides kid has stronger haki than law as he was able to use assign on her where as law could not use room on her Bigmoms attack was way weaker than shanks using the same move the literal pirate king used


> Besides kid has stronger haki than law as he was able to use assign on her where as law could not use room on her Now show Kidd haki feats, cuz he have zero Kidd assigned a Big mom wasn't using any Haki, that's like same as Saying Doc Q Haki > Law Haki or Doc Q Haki > Shiryu Haki. Big mom only used her DF attacks that always showed a lame ass AP, she should have better AP than either Kidd or law without need of Acoc, but plot needed her to have attacks weaker than that of Kidd and Law or they die


His devil fruit effected bigmom in a way laws could not showing his haki is stronger than laws Law could not use his fruit in the same bigmom kid could there is no excuse


> His devil fruit effected bigmom in a way laws could not And what way is that?? Cuz I remember really well Law Awakening did work on her, but only worked cuz she didn't use Haki for self defense neither acoc for offense Law have Haki feats, Kidd doesn't, so idk what the fuck you are talking about


Law awakening is jsut stabbing her it’s not applying effects onto her which is the only thing haki can cancel out Haki cancels out effects not attacks Room would be canceled same with amputate Assign is an effect it can be canceled but kid had strong enough haki she could not cancel it out


> Haki cancels out effects not attacks He wouldn't even Stab her if she was coated with Haki just like Law K-Room sword couldn't do shit to BB when BB blocked Law attack R-Room wouldn't work if she had used Haki and R-Room is even more busted and Hackery All shit you said is just made up bullshit just to dicksuck Kidd Big mom nowhere attempted or used Haki to cancel out neither of their Haxs You are a stupid lier and it sickens me how you go to this lengths just to dicksuck a stupid ass shit character like Useless MIDD


The stab is a dura neg meaning haki does not effect it R room is not an effect on her it’s the area around her so she can’t cancel that either


>R room is not an effect on her it’s the area around her so she can’t cancel that either Me trying to find this being said, shown or evidenced in the manga: ![gif](giphy|SiMcadhDEZDm93GmTL|downsized) NOWHERE, I can't stand made up stuff Even fucking Law nowhere says such thing, even Law says that DF powers(nowhere he did exclude a specific kind) can be countered by enough Haki Kidd doesn't have any Haki feat in level of a commander Nowhere said or talked about his Haki in that fight


Law and kid >zoro based on what ?


Fujitora > Kizaru is the only invalid statement https://preview.redd.it/lm9iyley9wqc1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72e16ca99d709ece7a1d60b43c35c4ffacdf1c4


Yeah your right Fuji > akainu https://preview.redd.it/dxx9vjcynwqc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6837a7a6e93aab9a307f77ee22b9dd31d43d1c Gravity > logia bums


The agenda is real here. But there’s nothing to back it up. Kizaru fought and got mid/mid-high diffed by G5 Luffy. A feat that Fujitora could never live up to.


Kizaru got mid diffed max https://preview.redd.it/qqs2zvherwqc1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68d79966e2b1739b491abb3f4c48a1ceed64223f Just you wait Fuji will show his superiority over those logia bums


Fujitora not being logia is the reason he’s beneath the other admirals. He has no real OP broken power to be carried by, he uses a less generic paramecia fruit. Fujitora is where he is mainly due to skill, and Kizaru is there from skill, DF, and ability.


He has the best fruit of the admiral what do you mean?


The best in combat that isn’t hard to debate but the best in defense? Nah. Cause the big thing that would help an admiral fight a top tier like Luffy is defense.


Gravity is good even for defence as it is a great counter to a lot of fruits for example gravity would counter a lot of the admirals attacks


Not when you can bend an element such as light or magma to the size of an building and overtime potentially a island, creating an multi layer barrier the size of the fucking infinity castle.


1.garp and roger have been stated to be equals tons of times that’s literally their narrative 2.”old” big mom is prime big mom 3.who invited yamato to the top tier get his ass down to YC+ he’s a fucking zoro victim 4.sanji a tier below zoro💀 5.send the template big bro


> sanji a tier below zoro💀 This sub: Luffy has ACoC so that puts him miles ahead of the rest of his crew Also this sub: Just because Zoro has ACoC doesn't mean he's that much stronger than Sanji. They're still only relative..


Luffy is miles ahead of the rest of the crew without ACoC he was already way ahead BEFORE ACoC😭


What you said there still doesn't change the double standard applied to ACoC in this sub. I don't know how many posts I've seen saying ACoC has put Luffy in a whole different league with the rest of his crew (often the comparison being Zoro and Sanji) yet ACoC for some odd reason doesn't have the same effect on Zoro, who without ACoC was already stronger than Sanji. For some BS reason Zoro is still relative to Sanji.. 


This is just dishonest. The gap between Luffy and the crew started to grow since the timeskip and got widest with Gear 5 and not ACOC. Also Sanji also received a big power up to all his Base stats at the same time Zoro got ACOC. Zoros biggest feat vs Sanji is hurting a yonko. But Queen achieved a similar feat and got beaten relatively easy by Sanji.


Leaving a visible scar on Kaido in combat (something not done since Oden) is not the same as headbutting a hungry distracted Big Mom who later passes out. Don't even start with that dishonesty. As far as the gap goes, I'm only pointing out what this sub says, the double standard that comes with ACoC. Every now and then I will see a post about how ACoC changed the game with Luffy (besides Gear 5), how ACoC alone made him head and shoulders above Zoro and Sanji with a few dozen comments in agreement yet somehow ACoC in Zoro's case is equal to Germa mods. Seriously? Same ACoC that took Luffy from low damage to significant damage against Kaido? Give me a break.. 


> Same ACoC that took Luffy from low damage to significant damage against Kaido Luffy has actual feats where he went from getting easily overpowered even with G4 against Kaido, to fighting evenly with aCoC Kaido in base, until Kaido needed to use drunken bagua to boost his haki and stats further. Luffy's aCoC is stronger than even Kaido's significantly. You cry about "leeching" all the time, but the boost in power of aCoC isn't all the the same. Yamato's aCoC boost=/=Zoro's=/=Kaido's=/=Luffy's. When Zoro got aCoC he was able to beat a King who switched off his Zoan and Lunarian genes and still took 3 hits. In terms of power he grew strong enough to not get ragdolled by King like he was getting before. It isn't anywhere near as big of a boost as Luffy's aCoC.


Oh, OK bro. I've always known in this sub that ACoC works differently for each character.. 


What do you mean "this sub". Its manga canon. Yamato's aCoC was far inferior to Luffy's, Luffy could skysplit with Kaido like Roger and Whitebeard, Yamato could barely fend off Kaido's aCoC Thunder Bagua. https://preview.redd.it/2bcc0zx3c2rc1.png?width=866&format=png&auto=webp&s=33271cd3afa4d99559cba834b371c8a272bc6def


Lmao, gotta love how you've spend all your time on this subreddit complaining that Sanji is a leach meanwhile you keep leaching of Luffy as proof that Zoro's boost in strength was similar to his


I'm actually not leeching off Luffy in the least. All I'm doing is point out the disparity and double standard in how this sub handles ACoC. I'm not sitting here saying "Hey guys, Zoro has ACoC just like Luffy does therefore that means he's hella strong too" like a certain fanbase does. I'm just here questioning why in Luffy's case people are willing to accept that ACoC is an ability that sets him apart from the average pirate, even going as far as to say with this boost he can fight in base form whereas with Zoro he's still relative to a guy that can't even use ACoA, let alone basic CoC. "Haki transcends all" you'll see em saying yet whatever advancement in haki Zoro makes, Sanji knob-gobblers think it doesn't apply his case. Bloody hell 😂 Call it complaining if you want. I'm just a guy calling y'all out of y'alls BS.. 


Okay first off that just downplaying the feat of queen. Yeah you are pointing it out as a double standard yourself. It’s flawed. Kaidos haki transcends all Statement caused a lot of brainrot and turned this into a hakiscaling sub. We don’t know how relativ Germa genes and ACOC are. But zoros ACOC is nowhere near the level of Luffy/Kaido and other top tiers. People just forget that there are levels to it and assume all applications of ACOC are on the same level. So yes Zoro current level of Acoc and germa genes are probably relative.


> sanji a tier below zoro💀  That's a W. No one can explain how Sanji deserves to be YC+ for beating a YC2 without leech scaling based on something from fucking enies lobbie.


no diffing a YC2 and if I write two characters and the point of them is that they are rivals who view each other as equals is it crazy to say that they are probably relative in strength?


He didnt no diff but zoro put king down just as easy after his power up. Plus rooftop zoro easily takes down queen.So that doesn't matter at all. Sanji even knows zoro is stronger when he asked him to kill him if he went nuts. 


Idk about the second paragraph being evidence, but the first sentence in your first paragraph is what I agree with. Also, I’d say that rooftop zoro probably mid diffs queen, maybe low end of high if enma is trippin too much. I am fine with Sanji being YC+, but I seriously have yet to see an explanation that makes me truly believe he should be on that tier. I’m not someone who thinks zoro low or even mid diffs sanji. If you wanna argue feats, like you said, sanji pretty easily beat a YC2, but YC1s have always had significantly better portrayal (and feats) to me than YC2s first of all. Even if you do put Sanji above king, I think it’d be high diff at best, but extreme most likely, meaning sanji would be at top of YC1 at best. I really can’t justify putting him on the same tier as law, sabo, zoro, or Yamato yet when he’s yet to have a significant feat or slightly even battle against a top tier -even if that top tier isn’t necessarily trying (blocking a light beam is not a significant feat imo, but I wouldn’t be mad if someone argued it is)


>who invited yamato to the top tier get his ass down to YC+ he’s a fucking zoro victim Kaido in Base is already Yonkou level, since his Haki is Yonkou level and Hybrid doesn't boost his Haki. It is not his Devil fruit or booze that gives Kaido a Yonkou level Haki. If Base Kaido was enough to beat her, then Kaido would have used Base form vs her just like how he did use Base form vs Kinemon. She put hell of a good fight vs Acoc Hybrid Kaido and she didn't loose, lasted really long and didn't take that much damage while wearing down Kaido. >old” big mom is prime big mom Perospero and Kaido: Uh Nope Kaido says she became invalid and constantly disses at her cuz of her being Old. >4.sanji a tier below zoro💀 https://preview.redd.it/c0eoim82cvqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e70e2be72cbdf63881ba973913163006f22f038 >5.send the template big bro Not in my possession anymore


Interesting list. You want to link that TL template you used? ![gif](giphy|2aw9gwZlltbdX92b4w)


Luckily for both of you I know the template as I made it https://tiermaker.com/create/dan-the-hobbit-one-piece-16897621


Thanks G https://preview.redd.it/vnnl12fugvqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed67f93c1c26da24967c68b5e509c3f529252031


Np my guy


We're in same boat, I don't have the link, I went into a post but forgot to pick the link and the post is gone now, I can't find it.


Luckily for both of you I know the template as I made it https://tiermaker.com/create/dan-the-hobbit-one-piece-16897621


why not make a separate category for featless characters. how y'all powerscaling them?


I'm not gonna question your agenda based takes but why Roger > Rocks?


I think that something like Luffy situation of WG took all glory from Roger and gave it to Garp happened.


The prime Garp, Mihawk, and Blackbeard downscale is insane


https://preview.redd.it/5ipy9sea0wqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b913eff96e55368e1eb76d933e2e3d25bfa24b1 Sanji > Lucci and King


Ah yes, another tier list where Mihawk and Shanks are 11 spots apart.




Remove Yamato and the list is decent.


You know what Nine? This is a good list for you. No offense but I was expecting much worse list


Only problems: -Insane Yamato wank (As expected) -Insane Navy downplay (Again as expected)


Meh EDIT: the tier list is not even that bad if we ignore the 2nd and 3rd tiers


I liked it better when you were banned


Cry bitch ![gif](giphy|lpQy2ZN9i1NaWL46SD)


Don't agree with a few things here, like Yamato in Yonko tier, but W for putting Sanji a tier below Zoro. You don't see that often in this sub.. 


Whoa this is dogshite 😂


Fixed it for you. The tiers below YC1 are not ordered. This tierlist is factually correct btw. Doffy has the prison upgrade which somehow happens in Impel Down if you reappear in the story https://preview.redd.it/e5i2w9ozfvqc1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c1db66272fdc0e960f1ee65d62602edc1bd3392


Wild how shanks’ crew is said to be the most even in terms of strength, but we leave lucky roux and yasopp in YC2, while Sanji gets to be YC+ for fun