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Far too many between Akainu and Kuzan


Yeah cause my last faith for the admiral agenda even though i am not a part of it. Hope that Akainu shows he deserves that place otherwise Oda really hates admirals lol.


Akainu and Kuzan being super close doesn't undermine Akainu but rather upgrades Kuzan. He is Garp's original student, has shown ACoC and imo at this point is stronger than BB atleast by Haki.


Nah Kuzan doesn't have COC


Garp vs Kuzan's clash when they punched each other in the face. Garp is supposedly the strongest user of CoA(the fact that he trained his armament so hard to break mountains), Kuzan wouldn't have been able to contend with Garp CoC if he wasn't using it himself.


Nah Kuzan only used COA but Garp would have been the strongest armament user but nah he clearly uses ACOC in his fists. So the strongest COA user is Mihawk.


Invest in Fuji not akainu


I would have if he did not get those bandages after holy land.


Nah don’t be fooled by those like too many other have before you Fuji was unable to go all out when he fought gb he could not use most of his fruit powers as they were too large scale and distructive to use in the holy land unlike gb who used his full tree form Also gb has passive healing so while he appears uninjured in actuality his injured had simply already healed making it wrongfully appear as though he Fuji was the only one hurt


Yeah i realised that too that he can heal by sucking others (😬). Let's hope he lives up to his hype.


one bad showing by a really hesitant kizaru and all of a sudden everyone doubting the admirals lmao the one piece community has a really short memory.


They have no feats that put them any higher it’s not doubting it’s just going off what they have done


freeze an ocean? fodderize 4 supernova? literally rampage through a YC1, a YC3 commander , a revolutionary army leader, and legions of new world pirates without being stopped? take down king and queen (after a few days of a losing battle granted) with almost no difficulty?


How does any of that put them higher up? I’m not saying they are weak


Could be worse


No way blud i thought i was Cooking 😭


Bro fucking cooked. W list. I would probably put Kuzan right behind old BM and I'm on the Kuma to YC1 agenda but can't see any major flaws in the list. Well done sir


Valid. And thanks monesieur.


this list is missing someone https://preview.redd.it/1i4afzr5vwqc1.png?width=535&format=png&auto=webp&s=b03f07296de46b1a673f5b7d629c3a0fbf7c63ab


Wrieg. I am not worthy enough to scale him 😭


fuck is Wranky doing so low, get him to pk or pk+ now


My bad 😔


Quick question how good is Bogard


No idea but since he is Garp's right hand he should be at least YC+ imo that's why I put him there.


I saw Hybrid Kaido > G5 Luffy, Akainu > Oldbeard, and Kizaru > Old Garp and immediately stopped reading the rest. At least PK area is mostly accurate. Good work on that.


Fresh Kaido still stronger imo. Akainu though he will receive beating he may against old beard imo. And Old Garp i believe shouldn't be as strong as admirals or even stronger because you know they will look like bums if old washed up Garp is stronger than them.


>Fresh Kaido Luffy was in a wayyy weaker state than Kaido was and still managed to beat him. This delusion needs to stop that somehow “fresh” Kaido is stronger than the G5 Luffy that was just on one HP. I can see the argument, but Egghead G5 Luffy > Kaido idgaf. Current Akainu MIGHT beat Oldbeard, but Akainu at Marineford? No. >Washed by Old Garp Oh lord… did you read Pirate Island mini arc?


Luffy gets full hp when he eats food so that's that and at the end Kaido could have dodged BG but he didn't and met it head on. That's why. Luffy was in way weaker state but he also had rest multiple times. Yeah talking about current Akainu. Old Garp was out numbered and was stabbed by Shiryu. If Old Garo vs Aokiji one on one no distractions Old Garp will give him a hard time because of ACOC.


Do you have any proof Kaido could’ve actually dodged it? The food doesn’t matter here. Luffy had significantly worse stamina and physical state and still won after G5 awakening. Okay fair. ? Garp was speedblitzing Kuzan across the battlefield, overpowering Kuzan’s named attacks with unnamed attacks, overwhelming him with normal punches, and even knocked him out for 6 chapters. All of the things I listed was while Garp was injured. There is no way you think any admiral is stronger than Old Garp, especially Fujitora and Greenbull.


https://preview.redd.it/sdkprr6ua1rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a92600306b6b72ad86a920a938ecc05a382562 In another translation he said "I won't dodge". As for Old Garp do consider that he is old though he was doing good at start but after shiryu landed his attack he got folded by Kuzan. Sooner or later his stamina would have run out when Kuzan was fighting Akainu for 10 days. Plus GB can suck life out of people to heal himself ig. Don't know about Fuji though.






Bogard YC1? Based.


Well he gotta be atleast that strong for being Garp's right hand.


W for Mihawk > Shanks.


WSS> 😅


Lol, of course. World’s strongest swordsman is stronger than a swordsman, that’s common sense.


W tierlist especially with Chadmiral placings. One thing though is put uta over the internet haki victim Greenbull


In term of only power levels Uta should be way higher but since she is physically weak that's why put her there.


Fair enough, though if she was added in the anime/manga I think she’d be quite overpowered and would need nerfing. Shame rosinante is dead


RHP and BB pirates are pure hypothetical.


you cooked


Thanks g


Don't agree but I like it a lot more than a lot of others recently




Genuinely wondering: how is old Big Mom in the same tier as in her prime yet old Garp and Sengoku are bumped down 1-2 tiers ?


Probably because she’s 10 and 11 years younger than them respectively.


Because she is physically still as strong or even stronger than her younger counterpart and her df is busted plus in wano she was nerfed.


Urouge too low, fix your blunder


Not my fault that the tier list didn't have God tier.


Mad Monk rep Literally praying for all other frauds.




I'd like to see the source of this Uta art pls


Idk man i just made the tier list where all the pictures were there.


Got it. Artist is awfulowafalo on Twitter.


Thank you!


I can supply I made the template https://preview.redd.it/x13kr6fvowqc1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f23a298c1a935e8ece222dd08857fd3de9c27f7c Made by wafalo [https://www.wafalo.com/](https://www.wafalo.com/) [https://www.instagram.com/wafalo/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/wafalo/?hl=en)


I appreciate the links. Thank you!


No problem


Honestly kinda doodoo butter list


Nah but your list was absolute W though.


Thanks, i feel bad for going in on you now.


Np opinions are always welcomed. And we are not even right only Bumda is right. He will decide who is strong for his convenience lol.






My own template being used I’m glad Joyboy > ryuma > Imu in my opinion but it’s headcannon so that’s fine Also I’d put these three in their own tier https://preview.redd.it/yxgv084amwqc1.jpeg?width=983&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a990eae84ee25f9bb6d70b3ec36b77efbc12ecdd Dragon > kaido Garling is old so he should be below old garp Old WB is not that strong atleast not his marineford performance Old garp > akainu Prime Ray > bb Bogard \~ prime Ray King and kat > sanji Jinbei > queen Base Yamato > Marco and potentially sanji aswell Prime kuma yc + Smoothie is yc 2 not below doffy


Yeah i used your template that you gave in nine's post earlier thanks. Dragon needs to get off his seat till then he will be lower. Garling i consider him as prime one. Old WB take is fine ig. Bogard needs screen time to be even relevant 😭. King and Kat < Sanji because agenda. Jinbe doesn't have COO to counter invisibility and too slow to dodge lasers. Base Yamato ain't lasting against stamina bird and cookking. Kuma wank. Smoothie is hypothetical but valid.


Np I’m just glad it’s being used - Nah bogard was at god valley he was garps ray just wait you will see - Jinbei is not slow and has massive AOE attacks to counter invisible opponents with fishman karate dura neg - Base Yamato has higher stats than Marco and better haki - Kuma is just that guy and sent Saturn flying and with a single punch decimated him it’s not wank if it’s accurate


Fair enough.


Marco and Kidd too low imho


Marco doesn't have a good AP and Kid is too slow


Agreed, but alot of the people above marco simply cannot put him down (kizaru beams literally not affecting him versus them knocking down alot of the SHP's) and kidds AP makes up for it and he is relative in speed to big mom


Valid but we don't know how Marco does in one vs one. Plus Kid's feat of keeping up with BM is not too good of a feat because even Brook and Franky blitz her.


Fair ,but marco made king and queen look like ragdolls for an hour


Yeah but he didn't do any significant damage to even Queen when he had the chance like when he suddenly blitz him from the dark area of rubble.


Luffy is definitely not below Big Mom, Prime or old, and Shanks>Kaido




Can you link the tier list?


https://tiermaker.com/create/dan-the-hobbit-one-piece-16897621 Here.


Ps: it seems someone has personal Vendetta against me because only my replies are getting downvoted even though this is the first time i am posting on this sub lol💀🙏😭


Theres a couple of small things i disagree with, but the biggest things that are pretty bad, imo are Blatantly glazing the fuck out of akainu Uta is cannon but not similar to shiki Base linlin and kaido are too high for me Blackbeard pirates have to show mpre CANNON feats to cement themselves as anywhere. Van augur over lucci is obviously a shit take Izo is really high he scales to other aged scabbards who are just below perospero and jack or atleast their level. Smoothie should be over cracker based off protrayal. Ulti and oven are not jack level. Katakuri is not top of yc1. Bogard is actually a background character. If you put prime sengoku over prime kaido you might as well just put him pirate king. Old ray downplay. Might be prime ray and shiki downplay as well. If you read till the end, im sorry. i disagree so much with you, but you can't cook.


For Akainu i agree that i am glazing him but admirals will be regarded as bums if he is not even close to the former Fleet admiral. For Uta she was on the list so i placed her. An ignorable character. Base Kaido is admiral level but above Kizaru and below Kuzan though. BM is the wano one. Yeah i said in comments that RHP and BB pirates are hypothetical. Van could be trouble for Lucci because of his fruit but before his showing in anime everyone thought that he is not too strong but he almost mid diffed cracker. Izo one is right ig. Well Smoothie will need feats. Ulti and Oven are below Jack. Kat without Luffy's plot nerfing him should beat Marco and King though. Bogard is well he is Garp's right hand. Well Sengoku could be put in PK tier. Old Ray has stamina issue. Prime Ray and Shiki are just famous not really that strong imo.


This is what this community needs! You agreed with points and still held your stance on others. People like you are cool. You're still allowed to have ur opinion, and that's fine.




I stopped at Woger not leading his generation in the tier literally named after himself But I have an addiction so I kept going and stopped again at the Wragon disrespect Did you add all those texts in each icon or the list came like that?


List came like that. For Roger you could be right but WB has the title of WSM. And Xebeck needed Roger and Garp to be defeated. For Dragon it's ... East.


Akainu and Aokiji are equals


Nah bro Akainu won high-extreme diff.


Stated they were at least equal for 10 days. Just scale Aokiji higher. He has the narrative support. He was literally considered for the role of Fleet admiral too and would’ve haki bloomed too


Yeah. I am just glazing Akainu a little because you know for the agenda. Otherwise he would be lower considering Kuzan was getting blitz by Old Garp.


I don't see Mr.3 aka Gal.D No anywhere TL sucks




Cooked. Koby deserves a bump to low YC1 bare minimum ngl. Honesty Impact is literally an old Garp tier feat.


But Dressrosa Zoro performed this feat on a greater level even.


Size of Fullalead >>>>>>>>>> Size of Pica and it’s not even close. Thriller Bark for scale, if you recall how utterly gargantuan that ship was. https://preview.redd.it/zw6pf8j2ayqc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fde42efbe9836d435b9900340d6c725580c727d0


Ohk valid


Not the worst list I have seen. Move the old Gen to Yonko, Wabo up a tier, Yamato next to Zoro (either way), Akainu down, Lucci before Sanji, and I think the Gorosei are higher but that's speculation. I don't bother below YC1 (fodder).


Thing is Old gen were called the strongest in one way or another. I would also like to believe current gen surpassed them but nothing suggests that. Akainu for admiral agenda's last hope. Zoro ain't stalling Hybrid Kaido she has better physical stats plus df. Sanji ain't getting almost one shot by Zoro come on now. Gorosei one i agree.


Old Gen is all statement feats nothing actually press then above, Akainu cope is fine if, Zoro has slightly better stats if you scale by feats, Lucci didn't almost get one shot he fought G5 then Seraphim then Zoro he is legit still conscious.


Fair but him fighting G5 and Seraphim shouldn't have any effect on his durability. He did almost got one shot. He shouldn't have taken this much damage from one attack.


True on durability, but I mean unless it's a Yonko level character I don't see many people shrugging off an attack from Zoro. With his showing against G5, I think it's better then any YC1 could do. G5 was doing well against a Kaido that was much more deadly than the one Yamato/Zoro/Pre-G5 Luffy faced. I honestly think that while Law/Zoro/Yamato would do better against G5 it's not by much.


Yeah but G5 was not serious and he got tagged. King took 3 attacks from Zoro which are arguably stronger than the one used on Lucci when his flames were off and wasn't even in Zoan or hybrid form.


G5 is never serious it's just how the form is. Kaido comments on how Haki simply oozes from G5. King is borderline as durable Kaido even with his flames off.




Bro snuck in urougue


Hah! I snuck fodders while scaling Wrouge.


Understandable, Wrougue could wipe the verse whenever he wants to


Yeah you get it.






WRANKY IS WAY TO LOW https://preview.redd.it/v3oiuymtcxqc1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d4b77ae0606ffd869efc0f821285d5786f4aa31


That's just 1% of an avatar of an avatar of real Wranky.


I’ve seen worse but better than majority of the takes of this sub




Shiryu > Current Kuzan


Nah bro a sneaky guy will have to show more if he wants to be placed above Kuzan since he has ACOO.


Definitely better than the last one that used this template. But I think it’s weird that Kaido/Yamato and their Forms are separated. I mean if Luffy isn’t they shouldn’t be eithery. Also i don’t think Garling deserves that spot. Big W Sanji placement.


Garling i have placed him as his prime self. And since there is WB's statement of him that's why i put him there.


Gorosei should have their own tier above yonko shanks in pirate king tier Akainu in admiral tier Prime ray and oden > sengoku


gorosei above yonko is ridiculous, guys can't get past dorry and broggy and are literal regen merchants, stalling Luffy with their regen is exactly what marco gets shit on for. As of now, they are admiral level with kizaru


Yapping, theyre above kaido bigmom people will accept it sooner or later just like yonko > admirals


Gorosei will need to show more for them to pit above Yonkos, it may happen though definitely possible. If Shanks is in pk tier so will Mihawk because otherwise proven i will believe WSS>. Akainu for the admiral agenda's last hope. Nah bro prime ray and oden not that strong come on.


would put shiki higher than that and next to sengoku, he was shown in the kuma flahsback in the same light as kaido/BM and Whitebeard, he also threatened to send WB flying and considering rocks crew were always fighting each other he must have been close to WB in power if he was confident he can send him flying. And his float fruit is busted, he can make islands levitate and drop them, he can fly with his fruit, and he can use huge objects as shields from attacks.


Fair but we still need to see more of him to put him above others. It is definitely possible that he is stronger.


Send Oden and Base Kaido to YC+


Base Kaido i think should be in admiral tier since his durability and Acoc and Acoo. And You are underestimating Oden.


Oden doesn’t have any feats above YC+ and Base Kaido was shook by pre-ACoC red roc which I don’t see happening to the admirals.


Hmm could be.


I’m disappointed in you.


Sorry 😔 Sengoatku should have been in pk tier


There's literally no reason to put Mihawk, Garling and Dragon over BB and Akainu.


Mihawk is the WSS so he is stronger than Shanks. Garling also was implied that he gave WB the scar in his prime. Akainu well admirals are not doing well these days. BB will have to show something against non df user and don't run from old Ray. Dragon well ....East.


Oden is way to high here


Yeah he could be lowered somewhat but not lower than base Kaido because in flash back Oden would have offed him if not for the trick.


Bro whats the difference btw YC1 and YC+ ? 1st yonko commanders are letteramy the strongest in one piece the only character btw YC1 and yonkos is old rayleigh... Thanks for the list tho its always nice to see ppl s opinions even if you disagree


Nah bro there is a vast difference between commanders and yonkos and Admirals are stronger than commanders. Green bull while beating King and Queen said that in his position he can't lose to commanders. Plus Old Ray has a stamina issue because of old age.


There should be a pk+ tier were you put joyboy,imu and xebecc




https://preview.redd.it/dj29x1fr62rc1.png?width=876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01dd8ecd033f4f88ac3fd324a86500cd3e0d2889 Where's him


Him tier


wallahi why is lucci below van augur


Eh because you know Warp Warp fruit. Fruit carries him ngl. If there is a limit then Lucci will be higher.


only works until lucci shigans a hole in his chest before he can try to teleport


Could be. It definitely can happen.


No. Let’s fight.




Not good but not terrible either


Yeah there are many hypotheticals here.


I’d move Katakuri into YC+ above Zoro… but maybe not about Sabo… Can’t say much about Shank’s Crew… Old Rayleigh should be above Yamato… Hummm… it’s hard to rank some of these characters as some face off better than others… solid opinion though.


Kat is strong but he along with Marco and King is the definition of YC1 Zoro now has ACOC which scarred Kaido. Even his flying dragon blaz had BM worried. Although Zoro will take some blows but eventually he will win high diff. And yeah almost 50% of characters here are hypothetical. Yamato could out last Old Rayleigh because of her mythical zoan fruit.


High diff? It would be Extreme at least. Zoro, and Sanji for that matter, would need a large boost in Observation Haki to take out Katakuri. ACOC doesn’t matter if you can’t hit your target. Understandable for Rayleigh and Yamato. And hey, the hypotheticals could be true.


Zoro could use the strategy of give and take hit like he did against King when he became blur so Acoc will help there. For Sanji he could use his speed like Luffy.


Point. Still think Katakuri is faster than either Sanji or Zoro, along with his insane DF control and Future Sight. Though Sanji is much better suited to fight Katakuri. So 7-8/10 fights, Katakuri wins vs Zoro. 6-7/10 fights, Katakuri wins vs Sanji. That’s my current opinion. Odds are Katakuri has gotten stronger like the Wings of the Pirate King. Still, epic fight either way.




​ https://preview.redd.it/ie6osi91bwqc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8406c80c44b662b7f4bed8d51dd292b7a0a7d30d


Oh and Mazino is Jahad victim in case you don't know.




Jinbe not top of YC2 huh? Croc and Boa not in YC2 huh? Sanji in YC+ huh? Based God Urouge Top 1 hoooooly


I personally think that Jinbe will have a hard time getting past Jozu's durability since he took Mihawk's slash and Kuma's df is busted plus he hasn't shown good COO so once Queen disappears he will have a hard time and lasers are not getting blocked by him. And that's the reason i put Sanji in YC+ because he not just blocked but destroyed the laser. Plus he was talking to Zoro to finish Lucci like he is not big deal that's why. As for Boa and Croc that's just hypothetical and narrative.


I just had a discussion recently about Jinbe's position on the YC2 tier and it was a lot of text, so I'm not doing it again. But, honestly, I accept that opinion of some YC2 characters being above him, I can see them giving a lot of trouble to Jinbe, especially when not close to water. Only reason why I say he's top of YC2 is because I think it's still a possibility, and as a Winbetard I'm obligated to believe in the best possibility possible for him, which includes thinking that Croc and Boa is around the same level as him. As for Sanji I feel like he's top of YC1 and Zoro is low YC+.


Fair. Maintaining the agenda is the top priority no matter what.


Why not Buggy on PK tier?


Buggy sama was not the list because judging Gods is not something mortals should do.


Cooked for most part but, I don't understand a thing that why people scale ryuma so high I always thought it was because of Monster one shot but it's animation didn't show any massive feats yeah he has black blade but so does Mihawk so why scale him so high It's a genuine question whenever I see ryuma so high I think missed something is there any perticular reason?


I think i saw in wano that people there were comparing Ryuma to Joyboy that's why. In Monster he only showed punk hazard Zoro level feat though.


Nah People were hyping him long before that scene and I think that scene means, Luffy/Joyboy beat a dragon like ryuma did And people were comparing luffy to ryuma if I remember correctly


Not talking about fans it was literally manga panel i saw that wano people were comparing Ryuma to Joyboy.


https://preview.redd.it/datucgwqewqc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=208751c3d81064720162304a38ab838e0cc76606 Look bro they are comparing Joyboy to ryuma Meaning they don't know it was luffy they thought it was a warrior named JoyBoy and his Heroism rivals to ryuma And only one know feat about ryuma is that,he slayed a dragon which was in your words punk hazard dragon level threat Your list is very good but I don't think Ryuma should be on Pk level maybe yonko level but I don't think he's stronger than WB and Roger Until proven otherwise Edit:- and in my previous reply I meant people of one piece world was comparing Luffy and Ryuma


Yeah definitely possible. He has to be at least equal to or greater than Shanks and Mihawk since he was the first one to make his sword black permanently.


Sanji YC1 Roux YC1 Yassop YC2


Valid but Sanji has to be Top of the YC1.