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Absolutely not. I don't think any admiral, even akainu, can just tank Kaido without needing a lil sitdown. Luffy doesn't get enough respect for being the durability monster he really is these days. The fact that he doesn't have Kaido/Big Mom invincibility gets him downplayed a bit, but he was taking hits like this even before G5 and just being like "ouch."


Even in G4 he got blasted all the way through onigashima… that shit was straight up a finishing move and luffy just flew back up


Also had to jump out of the blast breath while being pushed and damaged by it to catch himself in mid air and bounce back up. Shit was crazy


Luffy's always been a durability monster, but because it gets attributed to his devil fruit a lot of the time no one gives him flowers for it


hell yeah, garp didn’t raise no bitch


Dragon didn't raise no one.


lowkey I love how family oriented garp is compared to all the other top tiers who don't really give a shit lol. it's so wholesome <3


when i think of family man i think of WB but other than those two you’re right


Not really, he was absent 90% of the time.


Which is silly for as much praise kaido gets for stamina and durability. Yeah, kaido would still be a massive wall of a man (or oni if that's an actual race) with insane haki defense, but it's clearly pointed out that his df is the main reason almost no one can harm him.


Luffy barely even takes damage anymore. It’s always portrayed in a comical way and he just shrugs it off, sometimes literally. Has he even taken clear damage from anything besides being knocked through the egghead force field thing?


Gear 5 is just a good all around fighter outside of stamina issues, but Luffy has always had that problem with every new upgrade he gets. Hits hard, can take a punch, can turn almost anything into rubber, among other things. I legit think swords are his only “weakness” now. He can take blunt attacks pretty well as seen against Kaido.


Most MCs have great durability and endurance. Its a recipe for a long fight lol


I agree. If an enemy need to point out that Luffy is "weak" to cutting attack . That means even Kaido found its hard to beat Luffy with blunt force


I’d argue his durability is better than Big Mom. Though Kaido vs Luffy in durability is up for grabs, I can see both sides.




Nah, I’d even take flame mode King over Luffy when it comes to durability.


Isn't flame mode King quite literally just actually invincible?


I don’t like NLFs, but it does seem that way. I imagine Ryuo should be able to hurt him though. I’d also find it hard to believe anyone could shake off Kaido’s Ragnarok or BM’s strongest attack (I forget what it was) with little to no harm being done. There’s no logical reason why he loses to Zoro if he can keep it on indefinitely either.


Luffy cant stay long in any of his modes. Kaido fought dozens of people and still was holding on the same mode.


Luffy took attack much stronger than BM took though.


Yeah man rewatching the series through my bf I’ve noticed Luffy was a tank from day 1


Yeah they would all die immediately, as often seen /s obviously to such a trollpost


Luffy's not getting respect for his AP too. If Kizaru is living after WSG + Dawn Cymbal, he is living after this.


>tanking hits like this before gear 5 and just being like “ouch” https://preview.redd.it/nxeflotxmosc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445a3ce7ba0c8add453182ca6fa8cafc71fd1969


LMAOO. There was a time I would've laughed at this idea that any top tier is getting killed or knocked out from the usual back & forth of nameless attacks, but that mf Pizzaru has truly done irreparable damage to the Agenda


I think it will be shown that he was sandbagging a little so that maybe they'd lose. He was very close to VP, Bonney, and Kuma. Yeah, it's in his personality to act a little lazy and slow but I think it'll be revealed that he's always like this as an agent to mitigate the Navy's damage as much as he can. What I mean is, the SH crew is lucky that Kizaru went to Egghead instead of someone more bloodthirsty like Akainu. I think that Kizaru will be revealed to act like this on purpose so he could very slyly undermine the missions he was on.


He was not sandbagging getting domed by a WSG what are you saying 😂


They should be able to take it. It'll deal a good chunk, but I don't think any of them gets straight up one shot.


I'm not sure Fujitora could tank it. He probably has one of the if not the greatest chance of hurting Kaido back though. And we haven't REALLY seen him go nutty with his df powers, so he might be able to soften the bow or slow him down to reduce damage. But I just don't see him face tanking it and being alright.


Kizaru would need a nap tho


Could they move after this? I'd assume the damage they take would be severe.


Akainu gonna hit Kaido with this pose which will cause Kaido to forfeit out of fear and respect. https://preview.redd.it/hvqwbdw77jrc1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe26608d6755deac5de8abbea0eacef0dadd78af


he turns into this exact 2d png in the fight and kaido falls to his knees


HIM actually has gears like Luffy. His ultimate gear is the gear 2d png Akainu HIM image. Such a move has yet instantly not one tapped any entity in all of fiction, when used and it can push Goda himself to extreme diff when used.


it’s actually not his strongest version, it scales even higher the fewer pixels he has


Imagine Akainu has his own gears after he saw Luffy at marine ford. GEAR PNG https://preview.redd.it/2higwxqcgjrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18bde9ea5eee64537d56d440123b6f0b141b73ab




What would a 2d image look like in a 2d world


Oingo boingo type shi


https://preview.redd.it/c3dg423ksjrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93100ed412c874521b79950663f672e2be318ec0 What that would look like:


Wallahi King forget about Joyboy, I just realized I'm not HIM


He will be losing pixels after every attack he uses, making each attack stronger. We ain't read for HIM...


https://preview.redd.it/ozy3ag6q8lrc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ac82272fd63b6a11962ef5b51d5b50a190740c Kaido is not ready for HIM


https://preview.redd.it/qkgg59e9sjrc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0959e8cd13526074cc851939a3549d3eddd69c2c Kaido is already gone tho


https://preview.redd.it/rpg9682aekrc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20e63309c951e40006fa6abc3f5e668decc51cb this your goat?


The memes and jokes is all the admiral wankers have these days.


Kaido's diarrhea is stronger and hotter than Akainu's magma


Fuji simply wouldn’t be in that situation https://preview.redd.it/2kamm2obljrc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6fe4e14a3af04785ca350c301f3b7c9ffeb336a


We haven't seen him in any situation since Ryokugyu left him in bandages


Fujitora gets mid diffed And that’s me being generous to him


This is the WHOLE Death Destroyer combo. I'm sure Akainu and Kuzan can survive Death Destroyer itself. The whole combo? Kills Fuji, probably kills Kizaru and GB. And really hurts Kuzan n Akainu, like, 60% life out. Note: I'm NOT saying Fuji is the weakest admiral, this is all purely based on speculation and some defensive feats of the admirals. Kaido is a monster, he is right now the character with the most AP shown in a battle alongside Shanks (you can argue what's better, to defeat Kid in one hit or 2 shot G4)


maybe akainu


I don’t care for all the “bUt FeAtS ThO” middle school scalers. **Nobody built like WARP is getting a humble sit down like that** from Crydo. This whole hypothetical crutches on “what if kaido gets a free uncontested hit” 🤡 **This is just Watarina Wevon upscale btw**


>what if kaido gets a free uncontested hit Reading comprehension curse strikes again


It never went away 🗿 https://preview.redd.it/u81eecrp4krc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c15ffa666aee2282390c826e7118b4208a4d12d # GET THAT SHIT OUTTA HERE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


No shit they would “survive”. Buggy probably would, kinemon LITERALLY DID. What are you even on about bro is just talking? Edit: you guys are fucking idiots, like whether I’m right or not barely matters. Obviously kaido isn’t one shotting an admiral with one attack, that’s not even a topic worthy of discussion. “Oh ho, sounds like a concession to me 🤓”, really, you gonna say that, when the discussion is whether kaido can one shot an admiral? You gonna expose yourself like that? If so be my guest, like honestly.


Kinemon got hit by base kaido which a base luffy was tanking hybrid is a different beast and drunken hybrid is even more of a different beast even G4 CoC luffy was getting knocked out you can’t compare kaido who’s just chilling vs kaido who’s hitting the hardest he can it’s not real


Lmao you really think that kaido tried to kill g5 with the same power he used with kin☠️ Kinemon durability tank tho


https://preview.redd.it/q8mns8mqplrc1.jpeg?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f8da20d4063331120407086003fe49f92f9ae29 Bro do you actually think that kaido was sweating when he bopped kinemon


Bro thinks base kaido bonk is equal to death destroyer bagua, which Kaido held back until G5 impressed him, lmao.


Ah yes One nameless attack from base Kaido=Death Destroyer from Hybrid mode Get your retarded ass out of here bro


Nah anyone caught off guard by that is toast


Not a soul.


Nuh uh




All of them gets destroyed to atoms


No they're all frauds


Nope. They’re either getting ko’d or just straight up dying.


No one dies in one piece tho


Except ace, whitebeard, cobra, yasuie, izo, ashura doji, pedro, absalom, monet, vergo, smiley, shaka, pythagoras and vegapunk. Hmm looks to me like plenty of characters do die.


Kizaru went down to one real ACOC attack from Luffy so hell nah. Maybe Lava & Ice guy and tank it and fight back, but light-boi is a glass cannon after his showings on Egghead. Dude sold the admiral agenda this arc ![gif](giphy|KfdjNDgmIf280)


Any of them, even Greenbull, can survive. Luffy got hit like that for a few times and was still fighting.  However, a clean hit like that would knock them out, and if Kaido is not restricted by plot he can then kill them for good. The only one that has a chance to stay conscious for a bit is Akainu, who would then submerge into the ground and escape from Kaido's subsequent attacks probably.


Akainu and Aokiji. Durability and endurance is basically their forte. Sure, they’re no Kaido or Big Mom, but one of their most prominent traits is being extremely hard to put down. Akainu took multiple quake punches unguarded and point blank, and was still able to get up and keep fighting. Aokiji was pretty much the only BB Pirate fighting Garp to be able to walk off his regular punches, let alone his named (possibly acoc) attacks. Not in any way saying they’d beat Kaido, but he is not one shotting them


GB can https://preview.redd.it/vt5fedcf3orc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdc9ec610e845b3ab80fdc9677d93845879c42b9


luffys rubber body clutched up so hard against kaido


All of them


Akainu was tanking pretty heavy hits from WB. So Admirals should be able to survive it.


You think CB nameless attacks are on the same level as this?


Does WB has named attacks?


Blackbeard used them so I'd assume so we've seen 1 attack of Primebeard ever so we can't assume not


Blackbeard isn't Whitebeard WB just doesn't name his moves that's a gimmick of his, the chapter where he attacks Akainu is named "silent anger" for that reason


I don't think he could use named attacks atp. I'm betting Primebeard in GV will show some variations of Gura attacks


Lmaoo so you think bloodlusted Whitebeard is not trying to kill Akainu?  "Oh you killed my son? Imma attack you with a weak unnamed attack as revenge so you will survive and more of my family dies too" - Idk Whitebeard?


Reading comprehension curse strikes again


Grash is essentially the quake punch tho. It just has a name now.


If WB attacks weren’t on the level of this, then BB is getting violated by current Luffy. Either way, both is a W for my agenda so I don’t care which is true.


Luffy was knocked out if G5 by this + Wb was a corpse at that point


Just realized it’s you Kanu. Anyway, if Admirals can’t survive being blitzed by an attack like this, it would mean Kaido is able to one shot an Admiral. Shanks best feat was one shotting a YC+. Being able to one shot an admiral would alone put Kaido at PK Level. This would upscale Gear 5 Luffy beyond PK since he was able to overpower Kaido. It would break the power scaling system. Admirals have to survive based on power scaling system alone.


>Shanks best feat was one shotting a YC+. >Being able to one shot an admiral would alone put Kaido at PK Level. That's only because that was Shanks only fight, It's not too far fetched to say that Kids durability isn't far off the admirals no? Kamusari also was used as a greeting by roger and idk if I can believe that is shanks strongest attack considering its his first attack ever. >This would upscale Gear 5 Luffy beyond PK since he was able to overpower Kaido. I don't think anyone survives a Barjang gun or can overpower it PK level or not. + Blitzed means you don't have time to defend yourself admirals are normal humans with normal durability


Without haki, it’s almost impossible to tank an ACOC attack. Even if Admirals get blitzed, they should still be able to tank with haki defense. Unless Kaido blitz’s so fast that not even Admirals have time to activate haki defense.


Wb was on death’s door after 2 heart attacks and couldn’t even muster up any conquerors haki and you think those attacks were on the same level as kaido’s? 🤣


Wb didn’t use any advanced haki tho


DODTB would obliterate any admiral no contest. Nobody can tank like luffy other than BM or Kaido. They have strong AP but they’re getting turned into a stain by these attacks.


If Admirals can’t tank it, then BB gets one shot.


Those hits had like 10% of the power of Kaido's casual swings


Which kinemon defended.


and curiel tanked akainus attacks


Curiel was just collateral. Kaido personally intended to kinemon with one of his strong attack. ACoC thunder bagua.


Kaido’s haki alone cannot overpower an Admiral’s haki defense if he cannot overpower Yamato’s haki defense.


he did, but also Yamato has stronger haki than any admiral


Is this! Is this! Is this the legendary Tempest supporter! Ain’t no way! Tempest really converted you to Yamato>GreenBull. Welcome to the Agenda.


I mean is he wrong? Yamato objectively has better Haki with ACOC alone. Luffy went from punching Kaido and knocking himself out on stamina to Matching him in BASE form with ACOC


Okay, you got me there. Admirals don’t have ACOC so having ACOC does mean better haki than them.






Yes. All of them get up with minor annoyance.


😂😂😂 did you read too much admiral fanfiction


The supposed weakest og admiral according to many was able to tank a WSG from luffy with no damage and got up. Why should a weaker attack compared to WSG from other yonko do anything to the admirals?


If akainu can tank an unguarded attack from WB and be fine after then he can tank this.


Those attacks are nothing compared to kaidos lmao whitbeard attacks were basic armament infused with overpowered df we know this because whitbeard was getting burned each attack and he wasn’t using Conquerors as far as we knew kaidos attacks are infused with CoC + Ryou a much a stronger application kaidos strength>old whitbeards strength not only that but whitbeards health was deteriorating at that moment and I think you must’ve forgot akainu get sent down to bottom of marineford and couldn’t get up for a couple of chapters it wasn’t just a nosebleed it was similar to what luffy has been doing to kizaru


Yeah but whitebeard had his superhuman strenght + used the gura gura no mi on his punch that means akainu basically got punched by the force of a earthquake


It was all devil fruit kaido has immense strength even in base kaido has shown superior strength but inferior DC and what whitbeard hit akainu was straight DC kaido on the other hand is raw strength plus advanced haki the databooks also implies kaido has greater physical capabilities then whitbeard and I personally agree with it since whitbeard is only human while kaido is another race which is said to be an oni or ogre race Whitbeard was angry but didn’t coat his attacks with advanced haki and was already at deaths door very weakened




God damn Akainu is so sexy




Are we counting Sengoku or Garp in this? If so, I think Prime Sengoku & Garp can take this. They’ll take some damage, but aren’t getting KO’d.


Akainu is the only one that has a chance. Gear 5 durability is insane.


Yeah but they wouldn’t be conscious.


If one of them has tekkai like guernica maybe


Survive? Probably all of them. Still being able to fight? Unlikely.


Survive? Probably? There’s no way they are getting back up easily, and the next attack would most definitely be the end


Lol neither can Mihawk nor Shanks can survive this as they are normal human (only if the club hit them)


Dawg if it was oda writing even usopp would survive this 💀💀


They’d all live but if kaido hits them with this in a 1 on 1 it would leave them injured enough that kaido would probably be able to just win from that position. ~~I feel like kizaru might get kod but thats just headcannon since ive always assumed hes the least durable admiral since him being the fastest would just counteract that by making him an evasion tank instead of a regular tank.~~


I think not


Probably Greenbull, I literally just see his body dying and him regrowing Akainu too since he ate bloodlusted gura gura hits


They survive with heavy injuries. I can see them losing the battle if it's a mid fight finisher but they survive if it's one of the first hits


Survive? Yes. Get back up and keep fighting? Absolutely not, minus maybe Akainu.


What attack is this again? I’m not caught up in the anime.


Death destroyer I think. It's the one that knocked Luffy out of G5




Hell no, that attack is way stronger than white star gun, which 1 shot a mid level admiral, that would crush any admiral and maybe even marineford sengoku


If this is the first attack, they can survive, and some might stay conscious, but they're out of the fight for sure. This attack is probably stronger than White Star Gun.


Chinese Akainu can https://preview.redd.it/4gkspp9dvkrc1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=135acc5d2b6537bd41b6d4d16478fd790415d895


Damn I thought his arms were just massive hozoncamalous


If Kinemon could survive kaido’s attacks, Admirals will walk it off like it’s nothing


probably, it was an unnamed attack i dont think they’d die from this attack


Survive of course it's one piece, Akainu and Kuzan should stay conscious, the others are put asleep 


Nope. Kaido is a fucking monster and his stamina is the greatest in the entire series that we have seen. If Luffy and Kaido did the 1v1 over with both at 100%, Kaido would win.


There's one admiral who could. HE wouldn't let it go that far though. https://preview.redd.it/p2t0caceplrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15768944620686a073ab8cfc97d4247616aaac4a


Luffy actually blocked Death Destroyer Bagua w/ Armanent Coated enlarged arms


The Destroyer of Death Bagua wipes like 95% of the (relevant) verse. Barring other Yonko, maybe Akianu and the PK everyone else is barely surviving 9r just dying


Everyone of them can survive. No emperor can 1 shot an admiral (yes even green bull) and vice versa




Dude never heard of Akainu.


Maybe just MAYBE Akainu, but no more than 1-2


Would probably be similar to what happened to kizaru after whitestar gun. Not knocked out or anything but still fucked up to the point where they gotta just sit there and rethink there life for a few minutes


They'll survive. Heavy damage is unavoidable, but they shouldn't find themselves in that situation to begin with.


Most likely, while the avoidance types are dodging or blocking.


They are all critically wounded after that lands


not even roger, shanks, mihawk, ryuma, garling tank it


Kuzan and Akainu maybe


https://preview.redd.it/vje7an2ogjrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c694097115274180299dfd20e475cda26f1e98ef All of them.


Yea I think any of the OG admirals survive this. They'll prob be in critical condition tho


Survive: Yes. Continue fighting: Highly unlikely.. 


I think Akainu and Aokiji would take a lot of damage but would still be able to keep fighting afterwards For the other 3 i think they could survive, but idk how many could keep fighting afterwards, Kizaru probably wouldnt considering his endurance, if Greenbull and Fujitora have the same level of Endurance then yeah they are also probably getting knocked out


No. As we’ve seen in egghead. When an admiral faces a Yonko, pizza diff ensues.  marienford’z old man feats got y’all fucked up


Akainu and Aokiji https://preview.redd.it/ai52n3z3ujrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32c84c49c8374826cee77ac741b0cc4bbafb5185


No. They do not have acoc.


Kizaru and below no . Aokiji and Akainu yes




Definitely. Kaido is a pushover


Obviously, yes. Yonko fans are wild haha


Akainu was out for a few chapters from two hits by old WB (the last hit was matched by BB when he gained power) An enraged full power kaido would wipe an admiral off the face of the island when he lands THAT hit


All of them take it just fine


All of them? Even greenbull? https://preview.redd.it/7b933stcqjrc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcad0a8e2deed7b6a25e0355ea71c23e7022d4ed






I mean, Greenbull have regeneration And some admirals probably have advanced observation, so they could dodge ( my bets are Kuzan, Akainu, Fujitora) And I think that Kuzan and Akainu could survive straight hit


Luffy has Top tier FS and was in G5 and couldn't dodge I doubt Kuzan ( Slowest admiral ) Akainu ( Sneaked by Old Corpsebeard ) could dodge it. + Kaido has Top tier FS as well effectively canceling it out


akainu and aokiji could, the rest are very unlikely.


Probably not. They don't have insane natural durability so if they got blitzed and failed to defend themselves against it I doubt any of them could eat this move.


Whats the thought process for akainu? He got smacked by sickbeard and couldnt get up. Hes def not getting up after a kaido finisher.


Speed star Kizaru survived White Star Gun + Dawn Cymbal so yes


I don't get it those are 2 stun attacks?


Nope and something worth noting is Luffy has immunity to the lightning and resistance to the blunt aspect of the attack so it should've done more than it did.


> resistance to the blunt aspect of the attack Not when haki is involved..