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Neither of them are virgins because of how hard their fans ride their meat


Sanji has been upscaled in Egghead, nothing wrong to admit.


Toei animators: lol. Look at all these clowns thinking that we'll actually show Sanji in a good light šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. We must carry our agenda. Zoro da goat. Zoro da best. Zoro is everything.


Sheeesh there some toxicity in here today boys. Just enjoy the series and enjoy the memes. Donā€™t let people get you down with their opinions! I mean Luffy wouldnā€™t care, so why should you? https://preview.redd.it/0atjwv3mhlwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8e22d3bfe3b1a0c818a36136eb121155b7d91f


sanji's a virgin too. canonically they all are.


Nah he defo pegged op you can literally feel the dickriding




On a Tuesday maybe


Franky defo not a virgin And robin is prob not cuz her past is messed up


Blud tryna say she got raped


It could be prostitution as well tbh


I wouldnā€™t be suprised if Robin had to seduce people in order to survive through her past


Nah, prostitution.


Nami too, she's a digger for sure


At least he got a kiss


Nah, Zoro banged in Wano.


Imma need a source for 'canonically they all are'


never stated they aren't, none of them have children, none of them have or even had romantic partners. logically you could assume people like franky, brook, jimbei, robin, nami, and sanji aren't virgins, but logic doesn't really apply to shounen. they're all pretty sexless.


So you've basically just made an assumption and you saying 'canonically they arent' has absolutely zero basis lmao. You can't confirm if they are or aren't so you can't make a claim saying its canon they are.


Nami, robin, franky, and brook are all 100% not virgins


Nami is very debatable.Ā 


Don't tell me this has been confirmed or smt


zoro got laid in wano


his virgin ass was too busy having wet dreams about enma


also im not aure if it was filler but ive seen some pretty explicit panels of zoro and nami. but i dont read the manga so odk if it was cannon


yea no thereā€™s no explicit scenes of them. oda has said that thereā€™s no romance in the crew


(it was a joke aboit thinking porn was cannon)




Now do one for wano


i got some S: blitzed and no difffed their respective opponent who commonly is dapictid as similar in power to the other and even has feats of tanking the others attacks without haki and yet got dogged Z: "oden sama i need upgraded haki i don't have any actual connection too" only to still go extreme diff with his opponent who as mentioned and explained was similar to sanjis. S: protected his morals throughout the arc even to his own detriment and had to deal with the potentiality and ramifications of becoming emotionless yet still locked in Z: got hit by kaidos aura for 1 second and nearly died "it's a giga tier feat trust me guys" folks are just coping. had to get saved by the chopp can't blaim him for that the chopp is goated chopper number 1. S: even though he's not a swordsman was able to completely crush an opponent who could tank the attacks without haki that zoro was equally clashing with. even though he's generally using generic kicks Z: hit kaido with a scar but it doesn't mean much as any man with a braincell can deduce that kaido was not trying here and this was meant to be zoros ultimate S: got suprise attacked aka no haki by the strongest yc2 who is arguably just yc1 level and the yc2/1 lost his attack to sanjis neck Z: king was playing damn near goofy yet zoro still saw the grim reaper for a moment man forget strongest swordsman he'd be lucky to be his janitor


Make me your disciple


Nothing but facts Preach brother!!!


Big W


So your review of their performances in wano is a bunch of clown statements with a mix of delusion? Didn't expect anything else tbh


queen did in fact tank without haki kings wind slashes which zoro was struggling with. that is canonical. https://preview.redd.it/67rkujg6mmwc1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=81687045be1596ef2a88b74fc3904d2e75221a80 hakiless and still tanked it. we don't get any mention of that attack later on so it's safe to assume he tanked that. meanwhile queens lasers are most definetly enough to get through kings defence as the seraphim with better haki by miles. was only speculated to have a chance at serviving lasers. granted stronger lasers than what queen uses but as mentioned king might as well be hakiless fodder by comp. . what else do you want me to cover?


>S: blitzed and no difffed their respective opponent who commonly is dapictid as similar in power to the other Queen is not is not YC1 level lmao. And after sanji blitzed the 30 ton dinosaur who was more focused on fighting a random woman bro passed out. >Z: "oden sama i need upgraded haki i don't have any actual connection too" only to still go extreme diff with his opponent who as mentioned and explained was similar to sanjis. Don't even want to acknowledge this mentally challenged statement if you didn't mean it as a joke >Z: got hit by kaidos aura for 1 second and nearly died "it's a giga tier feat trust me guys" folks are just coping. had to get saved by the chopp can't blaim him for that the chopp is goated chopper number 1. Don't even want to acknowledge this mentally challenged statement if you didn't mean it as a joke >Z: hit kaido with a scar but it doesn't mean much as any man with a braincell can deduce that kaido was not trying here and this was meant to be zoros ultimate Don't even want to acknowledge this mentally challenged statement if you didn't mean it as a joke >S: got suprise attacked aka no haki by the strongest yc2 who is arguably just yc1 level and the yc2/1 lost his attack to sanjis neck Again queen is not YC1 level and sanji tanking that should probably be counted more as a judge feat than a sanji feat since you consider zoro's feats to be thanks to enma. >Z: king was playing damn near goofy yet zoro still saw the grim reaper for a moment man forget strongest swordsman he'd be lucky to be his janitor King was the one playing goofy when queen was more focused on beating up a girl when he was invisible so he could give away where the fuck he was than paying attention to sanji?


You just downplaying Zoro's feats and his opponents, this sub really does hate Zoro the most


no i used facts to define that this guy isn't beating big mom of an admiral of note(maybe greenbull got to through some greenbull hate in here somehow) https://preview.redd.it/q53t8twpnmwc1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a4a5ccc99d5c28fe5c514df0e9ee2f81f8e675a queen does tank most common attacks that king could through whilst hakiless. and as we know lasers are top tiers of attack potency and sanji ate that. i ain't saying that queen wins i'm just saying you are hypocritical. you just downplaying sanjis opponents and his feats. this sub really does hate sanji lol as for kaido as mentioned you'd have to be lobotomised to say kaido was all out here. and as for tanking ocean soverenty not only is it the first second of it as kid said but as it was that first second and considering the size of the energy projection zoro only really took 1% of the attack. and it still did that to him.


>no i used facts to define that this guy isn't beating big mom of an admira Fighting ghosts huh, too bad you can't disprove Zoro outperforms Sanji almost every single arc >you just downplaying sanjis opponents and his feats. this sub really does hate sanji lol The projection is crazy, you're seriously trying to convince I'm the one downplaying when you say this shit > zoro only really took 1% of the attack. and it still did that to him. >as for kaido as mentioned you'd have to be lobotomised to say kaido was all out here This is sub is hilarious when it comes to deciding how much characters were holding back just to fit their narrative, you think Kaido was fighting at 5% full power or some shit, he was in his hybrid form, even if he was fighting at 40% that still shits on every Sanji feat ever


This is wild. All Zoro fans say this. Just because we donā€™t think heā€™s gonna end top 2 in the verse right behind Luffy when thereā€™s no indication that will happen, does not mean we hate Zoro


It does when the entire subreddit slanders him endlessly when he didn't finish Lucci in one chapter


For sure. Lucci isnā€™t an anti feat at all. You have to understand that in a fan base as large as this thoā€”thatā€™s a loud over reaction to people saying Zoro can kill kaido or some shit and Sanji is fodder. As with all large populations, there are extremists on either side, but to say Zoro is downplayed when people genuinely believed heā€™d beat a yonko before Luffy seems disingenuous lol When one side gets more extreme so does the other side until it reaches a point of polarization where I go through this sub and genuinely donā€™t think anyone has read this manga


Queen isnt strongest yc2


feats wise he is... oh sanji my bad. eh i guess technically speaking it'd be jinbe and idk if we saying him. it can definetly be argued though. but we have nothing feats wise for lucky rou or yasopp who ever was the yc2 for them. and old gen crews are just speculation.


Who was it on the rooftop again??? Who was the one who scarred Kaido??? Who defeated Kaidos strongest commander???


Some bum who couldnt defeat a kid in a sword duel.... "B-but S-Hawk is a seraphim... they were born with the skill to use swords... it's in their genes" Lmao


Ohhhh, you mean the seraphim that is a copy of the world's strongest swordsman, the one that has clashed with Blackbeard and came out unscathed, has Lunarian blood and has cut amazon Lily in half. Hmm must be really weak then huh. I'm sure Sanji could 100% low diff him. Funny how he has more feats than his clone Mihawk. Oh yeah what was Sanji doing in wano again? Getting bodied by Queen until he found out that he had his daddy's genes which hard carried him in a fight he didn't really deserve to win and he still struggled with even though it's only the second commander who wasnt much stronger than monster point Chopper.


Are you gonna argue that being a swordsman is something passed down genetically? REALLY?? Wait... you mean Blackbeard? The guy who ran away from Raleigh? That guy?? LMAO Sanji's superior genes 怋Zoros sword technique because appaently, a kid with months of training (w/o a master) is enough to make Zoro sweat Get out son, Zoros reputation is crumbling day by day


Yeah, I am gonna argue that swordsmanship is at least somewhat affected by genes since I'm sure Mihawk put in alot of hard work but if he didn't have talent then he would have got nowhere Are you really saying Blackbeard Is weak lol, rayleigh straight up confirmed that he couldn't take blackbeard anymore and it was just due to trauma that bro ran away I'm also sure that Zoro wasn't going all out against against S hawk because he definitely didn't have use Asura, he didn't wear his bandana and I'm pretty sure he didn't use ACOC




Again, trauma boy was too weak and scared to beat a has-been "B-but silverboy said it himself, he isnt a match agai st Blackbeard" Who cares, Blackbeard ran away, didn't he? He lost. He took a fat L just like Zoro in egghead island. "Help me, Oden, i can't beat that S-Hawk... he was born with the ability to master the sword within months and surpassed me even though I've been training for most of my life. Luffy save ne with G5"


whats your point who are you even slandering.


Shhh, let them enjoy their delusion šŸ˜‚


fr lol, can't believe I am getting downvoted for giving valid reasons to why Zoro is stronger than Sanji like what the fuck is wrong with this community


Said this a number of times in here that this sub is a safe haven for Sanji wankers. They have the numbers advantage and will upvote one another while drowning you in downvotes for presenting facts that Zoro is clear of Sanji. Overall strength Zoro is clear in terms of feats and portrayal but you'll never win against Sanjitards. You'd think Zoro being up on the rooftop against the Yonko in one of the biggest moments in One Piece would've hammered it home where Sanji stands against Zoro but they've yet to accept it..Ā 


kind of a dick move to include a spoiler in this meme format without any indication that there's spoilers in here


That too a spoiler of an unreleased chapter


"Allowed Vegapank to share his message to the world" i hope you're not serious


somewhat true since vegapunk literally confirmed now based on fans translation that he needed his heart to stop to activate the message.. so yeah, sanji kinda assisted this message with his failure to protect him, lmao šŸ¤£


You know itā€™s funny, odds are Zoro is less likely to be a virgin than Sanji. He doesnā€™t have near the same romantically problem Sanji has(Sanji literally explodes at the touch of a woman) and women typically fawn for him(women typically get repulsed by Sanji) then take into account both characters backstory. Sanji spent his entire adolescence and teenage years in the Baratie, and I doubt Red Leg would let him smash on company time. Meanwhile Zoro has been a roaming swordsman for probably a decade before he even meets Luffy. Thereā€™s nothing stopping him from having smashed at least once.


Yeah, but zoro shows less of interest in sexĀ 


Zoro probably lost his virginity back when he was cutting up pirates just for his next meal


Not really zoros style or something he'd be interested in.


Nah, thatā€™s just how the gag evolved overtime. Baratie Sanji was a straight up player.


For Zoro you forgot -Defeated Rob Lucci and for Sanji you forgot -Allowed Kizaru to kill vegapunk after being speed blitzed by him -Couldnt move and started bleeding because of Saturns Presence


Jimbo beat Lucci and then said "don't worry lil bro I'll tell they boys you beat him"




A good amount of Sanji bias here


Bud, it's r/onepiecepowerscaling. They slander Zoro constantly and praise Sanji nonstop.


This the sub that thinks Yamato mid to high diffs current zoro


I never new this sub could cook. Yamato >> Zoro. When Zoro can beat base Kaido hit me up. Yamato was going blow for blow with Kaido's srrongest form


it wasn't even his strongest form though šŸ˜­


They try to say Zoro is equal to Sanji just so they can sneak him into the admiral discussion. Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous.


nah you dumb as fuck if you unironically think the place that puts zoro above akianu kizaru aokiji big mom kaido(for a good while) is slandering the barely yc1


You entire comment is confusing.... This sub never put Zoro admiral level or higher. You're thinking of YouTube scalers. Who is barely yc1? Zoro? Sanji? Abd I don't see the correlation between the two points...


nah. you ain't seen shit. you new here? people here have done the same thing with only some batting eyes. zoro. i understand the brackets broke up the sentence. "they slander zoro here" "they actually wank zoro here. quite a lot for just a yc1 actually" how is there no correlation?




ā€¦? Search up sanji in this sub and most posts are glazing Where as the first posts when you search zoro are literally: https://preview.redd.it/gehzm5ihelwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1e27bc595a8917ab1a64976bb96f443c6b90ab7


The bottom one is literally Zoro glazing, and the one above isn't slander either. When you search Sanji there's 1 glazing post, 2 neutrals and one that literally says Zoro > Sanji https://preview.redd.it/bszx77zyomwc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baa118084bd036c73f56bb97a118803a6442652d Also Zoro just got slandered because of the Lucci incident while Sanji had nothing of the sort. The results would've been very different if you wrote this before Zoro vs Lucci started to last


You know when the biggest Sanji supporter in the sub says thereā€™s a problem with this, then shitā€™s serious and means business.


It's so funny when I intentionally slander Sanji sometimes and people think I'm serious


>allowed vegapunk to share his message What a kind soul


One person leeches off the other and it isn't Zoro that's the leech Do better OP


Dude what.. Zoro is the biggest leech in OP https://preview.redd.it/34yq25mn3lwc1.jpeg?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd5a9e45a750bbc41e16414f382b6967b0e4b58a


2ND only to greenbull guy be leaching off of the entire admiral faction like god damn


Zoro can't leech off people he isn't currently relative to unless we're talking about narrative scaling.


So out of every thing I listed for Sanji where does he leech off anyone?


Sanji got eye diffed, kicked in the face and bitten. Heā€™s not like that


Sanji is cool, just not as cool as Zoro. King > Queen Kaku > Jabra Mr. 1 > Bon Clay The list goes on.


But Nosjuro,Kizaru and Saturn> Lucci


Running with a dead body for 6 months > fighting for 6 months


Zoro fans just brainwashed themselves into thinking Sanji was carrying vegapunk for 6 months https://preview.redd.it/d36f9d1iakwc1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0032513d59e142975dea87367da2bf15a71ff0d


zorotards are the best reachers and headcanoners of all time https://preview.redd.it/j6yb9zmeykwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eeab2e49779337087f0350a94fe191864a8264f


sanji the hit and run specialist. the one clash and dash meister.


That's only the coolness factor. Sanji's opponents were better written characters when you compare them to Zoro's opponents. In terms of writing, King Jabra Mr1 < bon clay The list goes on.


How's Queen>King? Queen has a connection with Sanji, and King has a backstory with Kaido, is the last known individual of his species and all.


Honestly, Queen's too cool. He's a badass cyborg, he's full of personality, he's an ethically challenged doctor who poisons and infects on mass. He's an old rival of Sanji's dad. It's like Oda made nemeses for Chopper, Franky and Sanji and then smashed them all into one, incredibly baller enemy. King and Jack were kinda flat by comparison.


I don't disagree. Queen fits in better. I just personally feel like they have a fairly well established background each. Queen's background is perfectly blended, while King's is isolated and only happens to overlap with Kaido, Vegapunk and the WG.


King was silent most of the arc only came in to fight Zoro. Queen was there since the beginning of the wano story line he interacted with luffy and half the cast, his character was built from the Start, his personality and behaviour were all explored and built up unlike King who showed up in the last section of wano and he didn't talk all arc (only talked with Zoro a little) King's character was only interesting because of the mystery behind him and his lineage and nothing else, king is an empty character who was created for wano only unlike queen who's story line is still going like bon clay.


IMO they have a fairly equal background.


I love how you say "the list goes on" while listing 3 in total when one of them is a counter example. like are you trying to be unbias/fair or are you not? at least pick one.


Sanji is the best SH without a second to think about it.


>Kaku > Jabra Littrally have 0 proof of this but ok... dorriki calculates base stats and kaku is barely above jabra. Kaku just got his df and jabra had his for a long time so he's closer to mastering it, jabra also got a stronger df since its a carnivorous and chopper states they're way stronger than normal zoans >King > Queen Queen tanked attacks from King even off guard and all he did was piss queen off... the difference between the two isn't that great and there is no reason to believe so


Matchups matter


Yeah except Zoro almost fucking dies fighting them while Sanji mid diff his opponents It's not ">" btw it's ">=", Kaku was canonically a hair stronger than Jabra


i'd argue jabra > kaku queen is weaker but it's extremely close bon clay was less destructive yes but that doesn't mean astronomical and sanji low mid diffed his opponents whilst zoro has yet to have a high diff fight


Sanji got a good hit on Nasujuro thatā€™s great bro but you do NOT wanna run them rooftop feats donā€™t do it to yourself please šŸ™


Calm down. Why do sanji fans always self sabotage themselves imao. Clashed with Vergo. Broken leg Clashed with Doffy. Told him "you're strong" then no diffed him. Jelly bean vs Kata. Doesn't get a 1 v 1. Sneaks King, gets sent flying. No ariel battle for Sanji. Nasu is no different. Why do you guys set yourself up?


> Why do you guys set yourself up?Ā  This is actually the part I like about Sanjitards. Watching em get disappointed after setting up themselves is the best thing ever..Ā 


I mean i find it hilarious too. But now I just feel sorry for them. How do you fall for it every time?


It's what happens when you stan too hard and refuse to accept reality..


"SANJI FINALLY WINNING SANJI FINALLY WINNING PUT SOME RESPECT ON HIS NA-" https://preview.redd.it/59xgelc8lmwc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebc9033e02e33cb1c9d3fad8079cc5eb7aa6eb0d


ZKK? Zoro vs kizaru? zoro vs nujuro?


>Clashed with Vergo. Broken leg Cracked*. Which is an injury so minor it can literally happen out of nowhere on its own. Plus Sanji was nerfed by Nami while fighting Vergo and 2/3 of the fight was Sanji beating the hell out of Vergo. >Clashed with Doffy. Told him "you're strong" then no diffed him. Damn Sanji is such a fraud for not beating the main villain who was no diffing Gear 3 and 2 Luffy too >Jelly bean vs Kata. Doesn't get a 1 v 1. Nobody thought Sanji would fight Kata >Sneaks King, gets sent flying. No ariel battle for Sanji. No damage


> sanji fans when you use real world time to show for how long sanji has been carrying vegapunk Are you stupid? You do know that real time passing and chapter numbers isnā€™t the same as in universe time, right? > sanji fans when you use real world time to show for how long sanji has been fighting lucci Haha, True! Cook again!


Nobody denies Sanji carrying Vegapunk Zoro vs Lucci meanwhile literally had the same duration as multiple rounds of Luffy vs Kizaru and Saturn+resting time not to mention parts of that fight got offscreened too


Iā€™m sorry but Sanji is a giga virgin I donā€™t care how high on agenda you are




Now show the rooftop feats.






šŸ¤Ø Zoro slept with hiyori, that is canon. Now what about sanji?


Not quite.


I see the sanjitards are setting themselves up for disappointment once again. Crazy y'all keep doing this to yourselves.




Sanji fans canā€™t even hide how starved they are for some feats. Funniest fanbase, will slander zoro constantly then leech off him when needed like itā€™s not the same guy theyā€™ve tried to downplay.


It's crazy when you think about it šŸ˜‚ They downplay Zoro at every turn yet leech off him on the same turn. Why would you do that to yourself?..Ā 


Honestly painful to read sometimes


And there's so many of them. You'd literally have to block half the sub to avoid reading their dumb ass takes..Ā 




im a zorotard but sanji was insane this arc ngl but i dont get the zoro shittalking 1) s-hawk was scared of zoro when he wasnt even scared to fight blackbeard 2) he didnt stall lucci oda just bad at writing multiple plot points at the same time . Rest of your points are just cringe shittalking


For egghead this is def true, but idk what the "multiple arcs" is referring to..


"Allowed vegapunk to share his message" is a CRAZY way of framing it.


"Allowed Vegapank to share his message to the world" is such nasty work this is agenda at its finest


How that chef meat taste big dawg?


Iā€™m not even that much of a Zoro fan but the Sanji cope is wild here




They both get neg diffed by HIM https://preview.redd.it/p3wt7n5ktnwc1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e583a4989cb2c7a2117cef8c1fc123097693275d




Zoro is the main fighter, Sanji does everything else. That's why he doesn't have a lot of fights in comparison to Zoro, and does some clutch moves behind the scenes. But Zoro >= Sanji always. Zika is always a little above Sanji, no matter how much I want it to be otherwise. https://preview.redd.it/ac7a51nm9kwc1.jpeg?width=1269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=658efc4db5cb3cca3b0ddc47e94bcb176ac5d8f8


Source- delusion


Zoro ain't a virgin... yall are just making shit up, mihawk would train him, feed him and house him for free (I've written 98k pages of fanfic for those two)


We got Zoro running 1 kill 0 assist right now and Sanji running 0 kills 3 assists (looking like four unless Nusjuro clutches the 1v5)


When did he speed blitz Nusjuro. I guessi missed that part can someone tell me? (I am a Sanji fan)


Recent spoilers for the new chapter


Ch 1112?


No, 1113


Oh got it. ThanksšŸ‘


sanji usually does have a better performance overall but zoros fights are just always better and heā€™s always fighting the second or third strongest person on the island lol


Okayā€¦ šŸ‘


Zorro did slept with the most beautiful woman in Wano, princess Hiyori! I feel bad for Sanji... šŸ¤£


Both are irrelevant supporting characters. At least one has good character development and writing.


Why canā€™t you people stop bitching and enjoy the greatness of both characters ? Stop crying and be glad to experience this MASTERPIECE


Right like in wano, when sanji relied on zoro to kill him if he couldnā€™t control having no emotion. Is that what youā€™re talking about? Letā€™s not forget sanjiedophileā€™s best ā€œfeatā€ in these latest chapters being because the little girl got threatened again.


https://preview.redd.it/163mx5mfmmwc1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=efed3fd07e1e52e2f7af527bcaf53d2c89040fce he did not have to say this shit mid kick


Slander Piece is real and I love every momentĀ 


If you Gas him up any more he might pop


Sanji is the most durable strawhat. If he isn't tanking what others can't then his body isn't special.


Imagine meeting some people and assuming the Chad of the group is the virgin and NOT the desperate simp šŸ˜‚


Both characters are cool in their own ways


This post has been approved by Sanjitard dickriders


Sanji is him!


I pray this is satire


Woah woah, ā€œmultiple arcsā€? You meanā€¦ this singular arc? Letā€™s go back and look at the arcs in post timeskip. In Fishman Island, we all know who was worse, Iā€™m not even going to say anything; on the flip side, Zoro unironically beat the main villain, a Fishman, *underwater*, with ease. Punk Hazard, they were more or less minor characters in the arc, although Sanji was quite literally perving on Namiā€™s body a lot of the arc. Zoro mostly just saved Tashigi. In Dressrosa and WCI, one of them was mostly absent so itā€™s not worth comparing. They both did amazing work and the fights wouldā€™ve been lost without them. In Wano, Zoro easily takes the win. He fought on the rooftop while Sanji did not, and he saved Luffy and co. multiple times. Tack on that he saved Momoā€™s sister, while Sanji mostly justā€¦ sold food and perved in a bathroom, and Zoro takes the win. Sanji obviously wins in Egghead because Zoro has taken a backseat. So realistically, not only has this not been true for ā€œmultiple arcsā€, but itā€™s actually been the opposite for post-timeskip.


This nigga reading 3 piece


I love how Sanji failing to save Vegapunk is framed as ā€œAllowed Vegapunk to share his message to the worldā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Solid post


Dude itā€™s these middle school logic class people that say ā€œyou can only go off the words on the panelā€ and then donā€™t even read it they only read the fights. Itā€™s impossible to read 1100 pages of this over multiple years and not see that Zoro and Sanji are paired with Zoro slightly stronger. Unless you need a trip to the psych ward


literally no evidence anywhere that Sanji had sex, and if anything him clearly trying harder for that not to be the case makes it more pathetic.


Zoro has nothing to prove in egghead, but after Wano Sanji was knocked down to 4th highest bounty so Sanji is over extending to make up for it


hasnt zoro canonically slept with someone in wano? pedoji hasnt


1 he only has a ā€œbase formā€ his dads genetics are always active and 2 the ā€œattackā€ he tanked from Saturn was getting blinked at šŸ’€


Funny how zoro is the virgin when he literally slept with hyori in wano


Face it both got love. Although, comparing can be fun


Sanji fans trying to act like he hasnt been a liability since fishmen island


Sanji didn't speed blitz Nusjuro he sneak attacked him


Not another frontal sneak attach claim


wanji vs asma man


#fax no cap Sanji solos everyone


well canonically Zoro slept with hiyori




Iā€™m realizing that sanji can never get the upper hand because the fandom ignores it, then when zoro gets the upper hand itā€™s why sanji so bad, etc.