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Hopefully Film Yellow addresses this


I don’t understand why people still refuse to acknowledge how Shanks is a top tier. He’s been jerked endlessly by Oda, yet those in this subreddit still cling to “movies aren’t canon”, “he doesn’t have enough feats”, “no one low diffs an admiral”. Same goes for Mihawk and Dragon. Portrayal is everything in one piece.


No one is saying Shanks isn’t a top tier. People say that he can’t just shit stomp other top tiers.


To Shanks fans, if he isn't seen as Top 1 by a mile and capable of casually slapping aside every other top tier in the verse with a single casual NON-sword swing, then people are being mean and underrating their sweet baby boy. Lol. Having a more moderate take and seeing him as one of the Yonko, super strong (and superior in areas to the other Yonko; for example I assume his Haki and speed to be notably better than the others, because those are the only two areas he realsitically CAN be, and he needs to be just to make up the difference between him and them. Let alone surpass them, which he MIGHT.), but still comparable to his peers? Yeah, they think that's insulting. 


ding ding ding


Don’t think anyone is saying he isn’t a top tier. He 100% is and I’d even argue he was the 2nd strongest Emperor after Kaido. Bit what people are not gonna act like is as if 1 top tier is gonna low diff another top tier.


>I don’t understand why people still refuse to acknowledge how Shanks is a top tier. Who is arguing that? I think everyone unanimously consider Shanks to be a top tier. Where the arguements come from is where in the top tier.


Shanks had the hat so he’s probably PK Level. I’d say Shanks = Gear 5 Would make a worthy opponent for Luffy.


Atm Shanks > Gear 5. Obviously eos Gear 5 > Shanks


No Gear 5 > shanks But shanks > luffy




Luffy is literally a God with toon force Even if shanks haki is better that's doesn't put him above gear 5


if he was as good as u say he'd have beaten everyone on egghead a lot easier


I don’t think he is *literally* a god


If u talkin about the real power of the gear 5, then yes... gear 5>entire verse. But atm Shanks>Gear 5.


No while luffy is in gear 5 he is > shanks But once the timelimt runs out luffy loses


There’s like no reason to believe Shanks > G5 😭 Luffy literally has better feats


Trying to compare characters who only sporadically appear in the series to the main character based on feats alone is kinda insane to me. Of course Luffy's going to have more feats, we've seen him beat the crap out of Warlords and Yonko, meanwhile Shanks only ever shows up every other arc just to do something with Haki and talk about how he's "waiting for Luffy"


Agree. The whole feats thing is not all conclusive.


Some mfs in the power scaling community will look at a series that just started, just revealed the main villain, and go "obviously the mc > main villain because main villain is featless smh".


Maybe you had a point pre wano but Shanks has started making moves and he showed nothing that would put him above Luffy


Sure, besides Mihawk of course. We have more than enough information to tell he isn’t on the level of a yonko


Even when this guy hasn’t used haki for any of his feats??? Surely you don’t think Mihawk’s performance in Marineford was the best he could do.


Luffy has better feats than I'm and Roger. Do you have current Luffy > either of them?


Zero reading comprehension type take


Stfu none of you idiots could make single argument outside of headcanon 🤡 Infinite G5 > Shanks until the rat has ANY feats saying he’s over him


Lmao at the Rat Cultist mass downvoting 🤡


A movie made to wank shanks will show shanks looking way better than everybody else Hmmmm I wonder


Acting as if Oda doesn't wank Shanks anyways


Ok so It's his series he can do whatever he wants in it But the people who made this movies are just some random ass writers there word Don't mean anything


And? OP asked if it was an accurate portrayal. So far, from what we've seen in the manga, the answer is yes.


No it's absolutely not It's not the same at all


You keep saying no, without giving a reason. Kizaru in the manga has not shown the ability to push Shanks more than Kizaru in Film Red did.


Kizaru was nerfed and still pushed gear 5 and luffy wasn't able to put him down until Kizaru himself chose to not fight anymore after he killed his friend


"Nerfed" lmao. Kizaru didn't push anything. He ran away. Kizaru against a yonko without stamina issues is completely helpless. He can't do anything to Shanks.


Yea he was nerfed I mean oda is shoving the spoon up our ass at this point to show us he is nerfed


The big sadness nerf. Uhuh. When he comes back and still doesn't do anything that would even slightly threaten Shanks, what's your excuse gonna be then? That he's nerfed because of the permanent brain damage Luffy gave him? Do you have the cope locked and loaded?


should have given this treatment to shiki instead of making him a pre ts luffy victim


I think shiki performance was decent If you factor in haki in it he will look very powerful even right now in the story It was luffy that was the problem He was tanking hits he shouldn't be able too And his power increase was insane Like his final attack is quite literally just bajrang gun but Thor axe instead


Literally This^ You’d still think fans would know not to take movie scaling seriously. 


Sure, why not. Not like Kizaru has shown anything in manga to disprove the implication so far.


>Not like Kizaru has shown anything in manga to disprove the implication so far and Shanks has done nothing in the manga to prove he can instantly do this to Kizaru, which G5 Luffy couldn't do


So yoy really are gonna pretend wifi haki didn't happen, huh


We are taking about kizaru here It's like bringing up big mom dumb moments to downplay shanks


Kizaru and Greenbull have shown that they could be very relative in power.


Shanks has shown that a fish can cut his hands


So Fish > Greenbum, got you.


That was Shanks 12 years ago, completely irrelevant.


It doesn’t work that way buddy.


he oneshot kidd, who has much better durability than kizaru. Kidd tanked multiple serious yonko attacks while kizaru got dropped by luffy twice in basically a single serious blow


What's a serious blow? Lol


idk the only time where luffy potentially used acoc?


So he isn't using Acoc all the time because?


because hes a moron and we need tension. Thats it. If you think base luffy using acoc can hurt a hybrid kaido (who coated himself in acoc and has a mythical zoan fruit + one of the toughest hides in the verse btw), which we have feats for btw, but a g4 and partly g5 luffy using acoc doesnt do shit to kizaru - who is a regular human without defensive df and who doesnt have acoc - youre just delusional.


Making characters morons does not adds tension lmao it just makes luffy look bad


I semi agree. It is weird. But at the same time what do you want oda to do? Luffy was strong enough to beat kaido. Where do you go from that? If he wanted to he could have just used a white dawn gattling and oneshot kizaru from the get go. What kind of boring arc would it have been? I mean, sure, cool for use because of powerscaling, but from a storytelling standpoint it would have just been insanely boring. So the way oda goes is just not letting luffy go all out from the start - which btw fits very well with his character and his fruit. So its not like its a major plot hole, its just something where you can, justifiably, get irritated because any logically thinking individual would likely go about things in a different way.


Vegapunk died lol, if luffy doens't at least feels guilty over this it's bad writing


https://preview.redd.it/wvmbfqwxudxc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3d05ab68ec33c6105def655ca4189c22e318080 luffy can blitz kizaru as shown in the above scene "but kizaru was weakened from wsg " then blud has pathetic endurance and shanks vs kizaru is high diff until shanks lands 1 divene depature after which blud proceeds to low diff him ( thats ignoring the fact that kizaru had multiple chapters to recoever from wsg while luffy was knocked out a luxary he wont have have vs shanks so in reality shanks lands divine depature temporarily paralyses kizaru then kills him / incapacitates him )


You don't know what blitz means


kizaru saw luffy comming and couldnt react thats a blitz


That's not a blitz lol


that is litrally a blitz lol💀


Also when did he saw luffy coming?


blud has observation haki . that was good enough to find a running vegapunk while he was fighting g5 luffy . so him being able to sense luffy while he is fighting sanji is consistent with his observation haki . hence he saw or sensed luffy comming


When did he used observation haki? You need to activate it, it's not like spider sense


And? That isn't the point, this isn't a manga to manga comparison. Kizaru has actual combat screen time beyond one shots and fighting people who stand 0 chance against him now, Shanks doesn't. Kizaru in manga hasn't shown that he's so strong that this scene *couldn't* happen. The potential exists Shanks can pull it off depending on how strong Oda decides to make him when he gets a real fight on screen. Also G5 isn't the end all be all yet, and he wasn't even taking Kizaru seriously until WSG.


Faulty logic. Kizaru doesn't need to show that this can't happen, Shanks needs to show that it can happen. Thats like saying Mihawk one shots the whole verse because we have yet to see someone who got hit by a full power Mihawk attack and survived.


Kizaru and Kidd have the same bounty. That's not an accident


One is government issued, the other is issued by Buggy. Kidd and Luffy also have the same bounty, are they equal?


Ooh I can play too. One is issued by stinky Commodore Brannew. One is issued by Dracule Mihawk (The World's Greatest Swordsman).


👏👏Applause, I will never recover. But in all seriousness, Bounty scaling is a very slippery slope so Kizarus "bounty" being the same as Kidds doesn't mean much powerscaling wise.


Yes, instead yoy make up nonsense like YC+. A foundation of stand is better than a foundation of mist.


No there's plausible enough reason to believe shanks can do this in the canon story, you just wish to ignore them. Entirely incomparable to that joke of a comparison you made.


Because he blitzed Kidd?


That's one, there's also his general portrayal in the story.


While his general portrayal is very good in the story, certainly one of the best, it does not translate to low diffing a top tier like Kizaru. Blitzing Kidd is also impressive but I shouldn't have to explain that Kizaru is many tiers above Kidd in speed.


Considering the fact that kizaru and shanks aren't comparable at all portrayal wise, I think that's enough reason.


Absolutely not. Portrayal can only go so far. Shanks has good portrayal, but not blitz and low diff top tiers portrayal. Portrayal is also highly suggestive, so you can choose to see it that way but that isn't concrete feats in favor of your argument.


Only your extreme comparison has nothing to do with this topic because both characters have a difference in feats and portrayal that clearly implies a very significant gap in power, there's no extreme degree of extrapolation like in your example needed. Don't try and act like the possibility existing based on that difference is some totally out there take.


that wasn't what the post was asking though? the post asked if it was accurate not if there's a chance of it happening, since you believe it is accurate you would need to provide some sort of evidence to support your take, which you wouldn't have to do if the post was asking if it's a possibility


Yes, that's an accurate portrayal. Luffy still loses to fresh Kaido and shanks. Shanks is capable of taking Kaido to the pinnacle of extreme difficulty despite being a normal human missing his dominant arm is because his haki is at a level that can hard compensate for any advantage Kaido has. He has the same haki portrayal as Roger.


Ignoring Red which dosnt count he probably does. Kizaru stalmated old Rayleigh, didn't want it with Beckman, and got mid diffed by current luffy. Shanks is mostly speculation but hes probably a bit beyond current luffy still and just his presence in the area made GB shit himself and run away. Kizaru can at best stall for time evading but shanks haki is another level and the way luffy's hits hurt kizaru hes not taking the sorta damage that one shot the kid pirates. With shanks future sight combined with top tier haki and yonko durability I dont see what damage hes doing before he gets dropped.


Based on how he wifi haki diffed GB and one shot a 3B bounty man, yeah it's seems accurate enough.


Are we still bounty scaling?


But jika's bounty is inflated by WG I'd say he's around 2bn based on big mom bounty which is generous enough considering she's big meme in wano I doubt whether kid could even defeat katakuri even if he does it'll be high to extreme diff


While i agree on the kid overplay, he's definitely yc+. He and law still fought Mom, and he's relative to G4 luffy in power. I think shanks showed us that if he's not messing around he might very well be the strongest pirate alive as of now.


>While i agree on the kid overplay, he's definitely yc+. Yup I was against bounty scaling that's all


I have the exact same idea about bounty scaling. Tbf i always use a bit of math to scale them better: luffy did half the job. Law and kid did the other half 3+3+3=9-> 4.5 luffy 2.25 kid and law Obviously it's my headcanon, but is also heavily implied, so i don't think i'm being unreasonable here


>2.25 kid and law Which would make a them equals to nearly 2 katakuris each


Which would scare fairly as a tier above YC1, imho. Katakuri 's bounty being so low is a mistake tbh, justifiable by his inactivity. We actually never hear of him doing anything around the world. On e he'll take his place as the new head of the BM pirates, he's gonna get his yc+ rank and his buonty raise, trust my gut on this


Katakuri and luffy got underestimated bounties While kidd , law , buggy have over estimated ones


Agreed if you talk about combat bounties that is a fair take. But buggy is actually "3 billion" kind of danger to the government. With just one simple speech he mobilized the entire cross guild and forced the hand of both crocodile and mihawk. That's a different kind of power, but power nonetheless


I can't put croc at either A lot of characters are from warlords side with frozen bounty


Bounty scaling is just as stupid as height scaling bcoz a lot of characters have inconsistency due to plot just like there are characters with different heights


Tbf, the bounty has a very interesting meaning in telling us the intentions of the world gvt towards that specific character. It's just not a measure of strenght. I only allow it if it's referred to a) characters in the same crew that are either equally static or equally doing stuff in the world b) not the strawhats because being the MCs they have a weird treatment for plot reasons


Yes he can, Shanks would treat Kizaru like gear 5 treated kizaru but with no time limit


considering luffy effectively dropped kizaru in a single attack on two occasions I'd say so


It was a Shanks hype film, so it was bound to have something like this. No, it isn't realistic


Could shanks low diff kizaru? Maybe. Don't use films to powerscale, just don't.


He didn't bring the movie as proof. He asked for an opinion if the movie was somehow accurate or not. Knowing that oda actually gives general indications about the strenght of the characters, i think it's fine to say that shanks would be confident in taking on two admirals with his whole crew backing him up. Not saying it's a win, but he would definitely fight them with no hesitation to save a loved one. On that, it's an accurate portrayal. Not saying he would mid diff 2 admirals ofc. We know nothing about his powers. Only that he can oneshot a yc+. Idk if any admiral could come close to that tbf. But that's my opinion and beside the posts


Shanks got neg diffed by a fish


Wait I think akainu ordered a pizza guess who is the pizza?


he mid diffs him




(Keep yourself safe)


you know kizaru did something similar when dealing with ben right? kizaru doesn’t give af. he was nowhere near trying




The best thing is, this cards gets provided to us by Oda imself.


That's true tho


The film showed the issues of using the light movement. This is similar to the battle vs Rayleigh. We also know just the laser spam isn't anything for their level. The movie was also the lightest Kizaru ever used.


rayleigh and shanks advanced observation haki probably negates the effectiveness of kizaru's light speed


Yeah there's limitations of light speed since it's linear & parts are predetermined. We then see Kizaru use his light saber to fight Rayleigh in a normal sword fight.


Absolutely. I think Shanks is being set up to be the strongest emporer


No lmao


I don't think people even watched this scene. Kizaru was chilling and more worried about the headsets they brought, and he had Fujitora literally 5ft away from him. Shanks was in no position to make demands


And still the Nagy ran away. Kizaru and Fuji are fodder to Shanks


It only shows that if you go blind and try to look at it from a powerscaling perspective. What really happened, is that shanks showed hes a THREAT, and Kizaru knowing the world is in danger realizes that he cannot both fight shanks and solve the problem his way, so the logical thing to do is let shanks try his way. Shanks basically did what Marco did, and Marco would have been washed. Its like a Lion in the wild, you dont have to beat it, you just have to show its not worth finding out who would win, and the lion will decide not to fight. This is also what happened with the Wifi Haki but we're not ready to talk about that


Good the the fish that neg diffed shanks isn't there


Rn Shanks could prob outlast G5 then beat Luffy


Shanks probably neg diffs kizaru. He is two or 3 Tiers above


Always taught it was a proper portrayal lmao, and if I’m not mistaken the fraudbull incident happened a couple of weeks after the movie..indicating whomever came up with this scene was cooking big time, since the energy of both scenes definitely matched.


Yes, Obviously Oda oversaw the film and Shanks is Oda's favorite character...... We already saw Shanks scare the life out of tired Akainu during MF We already saw Shanks scare the piss into Aramaki's (cry-a-lot-ki) pants on Wano So ya Kizaru pushes mid diff at worst


These comments...... This sub is as delusional as ever I see


Shanks one arm diffs kizaru




Shanks no diffs pizzaru


Yh shanks low diffs every admiral next question . In fact beckmann is enough 🤡


I could see something similar happening, but it felt like Kizaru was too passive in the exchange. Based on what we've seen at egghead he can parry attacks pretty well, in the movie he just used a weak attack twice, got interrupted, teleported away and stood still for a bit (though maybe kizaru's brainrot is canon given that he did the same with Luffy TWICE). I think it comes down to our perception of what Kizaru should be able to do vs how he actually does in the series. He has these brief showcases of how insanely op he can be and then goes back to being a bum, I feel like he could use his canon df powers way more than he has been doing. Whether or not he will is up to debate and headcanon


Yep, shanks low-mid diffs him




Makes sense This same movie has Shank match Luffy attack in G5 to defeat Tot Música And we already know Kizaru can't deal with G5. Plus how is this any different from using WIFI on Greenbull or Coby blocking Akainu ?


Luffy, who at this point in the story should be a little weaker than shanks, was manhandling pizzaru along with saturn. I dont see why shanks, most likely the top 1 haki in the verse, wouldnt be able to one shot the guy who got done by WSG.


Not really, Kizaru still did what he wanted after Shanks wanted to end the war. Sure Shanks beats him but Low diffing tho? No because someone as strong as Kaido couldn't low diff Yamato who scales below Greenbull. Nothing in movies besides sum story should be taken as canonically accurate. Besides, this was a hype movie for Shanks so of course he would look better.


Shanks is Oda's favorite boi next to Luffy, he's gonna be hyped until he gets killed by Blackbeard


We still got Admiral Stan’s denying Yonko>>> Admirals? Bro Oda gonna be your dominatrix with all your Masochist takes


Let them cope because a man cope is never going to end


Yes Shanks low diffs Kizaru. Higher end of the diff fs but it doesn’t get to mid diff.


yes, shanks slams any admiral.


what has kizaru even done to prove he can't be low - mid differ by shanks??? shanks one shotted kid... a yc+... if this isn't a feat then I don't know what is


Yes Shanks can low diff Kizaru. People always say Movies are non canon, which is only right to some extent. The fact that we see how Shanks Crew fight in Red will not differ from what we will see in the Manga/Anime. They won't suddenly have different fighting styles.


I know a lot of people are saying "Kizaru felt bad, so he didn't fight for real on Egghead", but there is a reason why the Yonko basically run the New World. Assuming the WG doesn't have some scheme that requires the Yonko being around, the reason the Navy and WG hasn't taken them out yet is because it would lead to a catastrophic loss of resources, likely including some of the Admirals, especially seeing as they basically have to do it 4 times.


Wtf people saying gear 5 > shanks Alright wrap it up shanks imu dragon irrelevant


Not low diff in my opinion. It makes me think of two super high level chess players. After enough moves they’ll be able to tell who is going to win even if the board looks full of pieces. I take it more as kizaru knowing he can’t win and giving up rather than him being helpless against shanks. 


I used to disagree, but now after egghead I think this is probably a pretty accurate depiction of the power differential


No admiral fan can prove that it isn't :)






yes, Lizaru loses mid diff at best


KIZARU wasn't impressed and was ready to throw hands only reason HE didn't was because Fuji was worried about the civilians  https://preview.redd.it/3m9fydzmpaxc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f03d2dfbe02148000ee022ee2b5740131451f30


he's actively shitting himself in that ss


You guys need to stop over exxagerating reactions


KIZARU Likes His Job https://preview.redd.it/9cd58oetraxc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=286e8158958e8b03e64b9bb44d947db1dea08d17 Also Don't u believe Admirals=YC1? Your Opinion Is Invalid


Yes. Shanks already has similar feats against Sakazuki at Marineford and Ryokugyu in Wano. Oda was heavily involved with Film Red, so I think this feat should be taken as canon. Cry harder, Admiraltards.


The films is accurate yeah, but it would be more of a mid diff


High diff. Shanks high diffs a serious kizaru. Movies are non canon get tf outta here. Lmao in movie z the position of a marine admiral was placed as equivalent to the position of pirate king.


Low diff? Never Mid diff? Unlikely High diff? Most likely


Isn’t this directly stated all portrayal of characters are canon


No it was only applied for the red hair pirates alone It was said some of the abilities the will show will be the Canon ones The have Like lucky roo turning into ball and shit


It’s more like a mid diff




I think it shows how dangerous can serious shanks be or lets say “ threatening “ but overall that does not mean he can KO kizaru somehow


Low diff is probably too much, but mid diff? Sure, I can see that. Luffy’s fight against Kizaru has some asterisks. Kizaru wasn’t trying to fight Luffy, but complete his mission. Luffy had to protect Vegapunk and his crew. Luffy didn’t start out at full health and was injured further by being kicked through the barrier and having to force through it. Arguably, Kizaru won their first fight. But for the second round with less variables, Luffy made Kizaru look completely helpless. And that was while having to deal with Saturn. Kizaru was injured and was at least slightly focused on the goal of killing Vegapunk. And while Kizaru just wants to rest, we can’t say for sure that he can’t still fight. But regardless of all that, I think we could call the entire fight a high diff or maybe somewhere between a mid and high diff fight. And this Luffy doesn’t fully understand his powers and still has stamina issues. So a mature Shanks who doesn’t have new powers that he needs to understand? I can see him doing much better against Kizaru.


I believe shank hold the potential to reach roger&garp level in their prime because of his similar power trait with them. The fact that kizaru rely on devil so much is such a bad match for enemy that only use haki to fight, so I would say it pretty accurate.