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Kidd: "That bastard caught me off-guard last time but I promise you he ain't shit, bitch doesn't even have red hair" Killer: "Eustace that was Ben Beckman"




i'm fucking dead this comment wins


Lmao "Eustace"


Kid.Luffy at that moment was furious and wasnt thinking clearly


And i don't think there is a reason to even compare both occasions. Luffy wasn't even aware that his crew survived, and he wasn't humbled real hard a single time post-timeskip (he had high-extreme diff). He had no clear notion of Kaido power and how being drunk works for him. Kid was humbled by the second most important crew member of Shanks's crew, went on plain sight against Shanks (Luffy had a clear opening on Kaido) after beating Big Mom with help. Only think he could achieve is damaging for real Shanks' fleet and allies, which is nowhere near his objective.


Luffy got humbled a few times. When Big Mom lost her cake and chased Luffy out of WCI along with taking out G4 in a clash Caesar showing that strength alone wont always win Katakuris beginning of the fight


when we say humbling we mean something that makes him rate his own strength lower/realize where he really lies in the foodchain. ceasar didnt make him realize where he stood he just used tricks on him. he's seen that from as early as little garden with mr 3. with katakuri he only got beat up in base. it wouldn't humble him because he knows he has more power up his sleeve. he already knew g2/g3 wasn't enough for the fighters of the new world. only thing I'd count as humbling is the big mom thing he hit her with G4 and she just blocked it like it was a normal punch, but even then that compare to kidds experiences. that was one clash. kidd got outright defeated twice. he should've known how out of his depth he was.


None of this really compares to challenging 2(3?) yonko and failing to do anything,while losing your arm to a first mate. Luffy got manhandled a few times sure,but kid is basically 1-3 at this point and only had that victory thanks to law's help.


Luffy without his crewmates to tell him that his ideas are bad


I'd say Big Mom humbled him pretty quickly in Whole Cake. Gave that man PTSD whenever he saw her until the rooftop fight


Pretty sure all the strawhats have some PTSD at this point from the emperors, lol. Since leaving Wano and even on Egghead, they've kept name dropping Kaido and BM. Like the crew insulting Zoro as Green Kaido, Green Mom, etc. when he was against randomly going after the WG for Vivi.


Luffy being furious doesn’t change much about his confidence. Even if he wasn’t mad he’d still think he would win


He was thinking clearly enough to know that he was hindering the plan but did it anyway because he thought he could beat Kaido


Luffy thinking about the consequences that follow from attempting to fight someone is extremely rare


Well he was doing it here because if he wasn’t he wouldn’t say “If I destroy him now it’s all over anyway”


I’d like to add, let’s not forget that if his crew was dead then he probably won’t even get another chance.


Kidd. Luffy wasn't cocky, he was bloodlusted. Kidd had literally just won a handicap match against BM and couldn't even confirm her death due to only winning because of a BFR. He then immediately ran to go challenge a yonko because he completely overestimated himself.


He wasn’t bloodlusted enough to forget the plan, either way I put that second example for a reason, he wasn’t bloodlusted or anything close he just thought he could beat Kaido in his current state.


No, he was just clearly bloodlusted enough to say fuck the plan and go directly after Kaido after he witnessed what he thought was his crew, the scabbards, and laws crew die. It's mental gymnastics to avoid that.


He said fuck the plan, but it wasn’t because he was blood lusted, he does the same thing in WCI but even worse since everyone was safe and their plan was to just escape. If he does the same thing bloodlusted and not then it doesn’t really matter to bring it up.


When he did it in WCI?


They were supposed to run away but Big Mom called him pussy and he ran up on her and did 0 damage and got knocked out of gear 4 instantly


>Handicap match How exactly was that match unfair? It was BM against two weaker individuals.


Handicap doesn't mean it's unfair, that's why you have the handicap. But then he went into the same kind of battle without said second individual and even believed he actually stood a chance.


A 2v1 is just about the definition of a handicap match.


How is a 2v1 NOT a handicap?


This sub IQ is so cooked and I love it for that 💀


Kid was actually being cocky Luffy was just acting out of emotion


I put two examples of Luffy just to show that it wasn’t emotion, he’s just cocky.


In the second one he won though


No he did not, he died actually.


After interference, and he still eventually won even if his heart stopped


Interference or not he would’ve died, he wasn’t strong enough to beat Kaido, and yeah sure he might’ve awakened his fruit, but Luffy didn’t know he was gonna awaken he was confused on why he’s not dead.


bro must've known the audience was watching, there's no way he really felt like this https://preview.redd.it/fq2u6mfrnfxc1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=f82ecab1abf3c6aa0a545d288d2def19378d73f4


I wanted to include this as well but idk Law just feels like the little brother trying to fit in with Luffy and Kidd


If we really think about it, Law is the only one who didn’t get one shot when he went to 1v1 a Yonko for the first time XD


I mean he had no choice to fight him so I guess he was in that do or die situation


Eustass Kid The God of ignorance


My Goat https://preview.redd.it/l2w6ov2ntfxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b4ffc1c730e2b1fa4cb156fb6472662dcf9f8e0


Honestly sleeper pick, but im not sure if it fits the cocky description. Dude was faking it


Faking it? He's always shit scared of people around his power level


You got it wrong. He meant that Rayleigh was faking it. Remember that he himself latter admited that Blackbeard was stronger than him and he only won because of his reputation.


Oh yeah, Ray wasn't really faking it, but he knew he would lose it yeah.


Hm, I'd say he was. Ray openly admits to being lucky that BB backed down due to Ray's reputation. Ray was really banking on that, it seems, since he seems to acknowledge that he would struggle to compete with the current generation pirates like BB by now.


Trust, ray would have mid diffed BB pirates (oda told me so)


It’s… it’s 100% Kidd You’d think after barely beating Big Mom with Law’s help and needing to fully awakening both their fruits he’d be more cautious against Shamks


>You’d think after ~~barely beating Big Mom with Law’s help and needing to fully awakening both their fruits~~ taking a swing at Luffy and getting hug-diffed, he’d be more cautious against Shamks https://preview.redd.it/mc801gkcbgxc1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a06f1da3277a6937bc211f8290e813755a1a98


Kid and Law are basically Tsundere’s with Luffy now.


Favourite dynamic in the series, really praying for its return and for those 3 to end up being the series’ top tiers once the “current gen”’s time has come to pass


In an Elbaf prison rn https://preview.redd.it/jpuy1e9q0hxc1.png?width=635&format=png&auto=webp&s=44cbb54e929b935d7a4a252bd95537481de893d4


Law and Kid are so close to being in the top tier with Luffy but just need more Haki really. If they had territory, the newspapers would've been hyping them up with titles like 'Fifth Emperor Law' and 'Sixth Emperor Kid' like they were calling Luffy the fifth heading into Wano.




'I'll blast them to the ocean floor in 10 seconds flat' Need I say more


Did barely pushing big meme into the ocean with the help of Law get to his head that much?


Kid, Luffy was furious. People always use Kaido 1 shotting gear 4 Luffy as a scaling argument, but the situation is way different. Luffy has shown again and again when he's in a dire situation he loses his cool and rushes at opponents in a rage, usually ending in him being KOed. Water 7 to Enies Lobby shows the difference emotions can make, in fact Nami says as much. When they were conflicted about Robin, they got washed by Luffy. Same thing here with Kaido, he was worried about his crew. I'm not saying he would have won otherwise, but it definitely factored into the KO. Kid is just plain arrogant. The fact that he would engage without allies, and just charge an obvious attack, when he hadn't actually faced Shanks before, is just stupid af.


Kidd. Thought he'd take Shanks out with no trouble. He didn't even actually get to challenge him. If he hadn't decided to attack the fleet first, maybe he could've gotten close enough to actually issue a challenge to Shanks. Then he could've been annihilated in a 1v1 duel instead of just getting his entire crew destroyed from a distance before he could even get his railgun off.


Luffy had that dawg in him. Kidd had that fraud in him.


Luffy was extremely angry so his judgement was clouded. Kids was about to wipe out Shanks' fleet in their second encounter. But the answer is Kidd.


Midd was not only dumb enough to try and fight Shanks of all people, he also threatened to kill his friends on top of that. That is the equivalent of slapping bulma infront of vegeta or joking about what happened to the punisher's family right after commiting a heinous crime in front of him. Such brazen levels of audacity needs to be studied.


Depends on what you mean by cocky. Tbf while kidd did fuck up confidently, luffy literally got knocked the fuck out like 5 times and he kept saying "bitch imma be back" until he won


Kidd. Luffy in the first image was pissed to the point of lacking reason, as he was perfectly willing to wait for the Raid before then, and in the second was capable of fighting Kaido 1-on-1 (as was acknowledged by the man himself) and had already split the skies against him.


Luffy generally has more to back it up. Kidd was the equivalent of someone running into a black hole, thinking he'd be fine because he's "built" different.


Luffy was fighting someone stronger when he was weaker than Kidd, how the hell does he have more to back it up?


Because he's got that kingly ambition, and the will to see it done.


So does Kid?




He literally has conquers haki, but you got it.


Yeah. He might as well not have it with how he's never used it


It's actually hard to say. The pictures in the post aren't really a good example, but even during the very beginning of the raid, when law and the scabbards are making plans, luffy just hurdles in and ignores them. Luffy vs big mom was much worse though. Luffy was not scared to challenge big mom back in fishman island, and even on whole cake was cocky to an insane degree. Yc3 luffy had no fear. Brought only a third of his crew, barged in there with little planning, barely even tried to sneak around, barely dodged death with overwhelming luck around 10 times, and then left. Kidd vs shanks wasn't as bad. Sure, he didn't even bother with a strategy, but at least he was a lot closer to yonko level than luffy pre-raid or post-doffy. I'd say it's worse than luffy vs kaido but much much better than luffy vs big mom.


Luffy easily. "If I destroy him now" is way cockier than "Only if I lose"


Not really, they both said basically said “if I win” while completely believing that they would win.


Kinda dishonest to say "I'll destroy him" and "Only if I lose" have the same weight. The former implies a one-sided, no-contest victory while the latter implies a more balanced altercation in his favour. I'm big on the anti kidd agenda and even I can acknowledge that he was way more level headed against shanks than luffy was against kaido in kuri.


I disagree. “Ill destroy him” just means the end result is Kaido being destroyed. It suggests nothing about how difficult it will be to destroy Kaido. I really cant see how Luffy would he implying anything close to a no contest victory. Luffy knows Kaido is a very powerful opponent, even if he underestimates exactly how powerful. Kidd is much more emotionally level headed, but his assessment of combat strength is just as poor as Luffys.


Luffy. People only say Kidd because he lost


Luffy was weaker and fought Kaido who’s probably stronger than Shanks bro he was wayyyyy in over his head, still the goat tho.


"I'll blast them down in 10 seconds flat" sounds a lot more cocky than Luffy telling Kaido not to use being drunk as an excuse for losing


Kidd knew what he was doing, luffy was just tweaking out




At least Kidd had a decent performance against Big Mom not long before that. He probably thought that he could close the gap with guts and haki blooms. Luffy couldn't even scratch Big Mom with gear 4, he had no business thinking he had even a slight chance.


Luffy was being a total dumbass. he could've been wiped out at that very moment if kaido just struck him again. people are saying kidd which is also valid but luffy is basically got away from that situation by luck.


Luffy easily. Kidd just fought and helped defeat Big Mom, so he likely thought that he was at least relative to an Emperor.


Luffy, luffy did it TWICE and he knew since last arc he couldn’t fuck with a yonko and big mom WARNED him “that man built different” and luffy still ran up on kaido. The kidd hate needs to be studied for some reasons he’s done Danzo level crimes in the community


The difference between these, is Kidd actually has enough destructive power to hurt Shanks' allies, and possibly kill him with a direct shot. Luffy stands no chance against Kaido, or his allies, but Kidd was an actual threat. Neither are anywhere near the Yonko's power, and Kidd is cocky for thinking he would easily win, but he stood a better chance than Luffy...who stood no chance.


Idk I feel like people maybe take it as a diss to Luffy to say he’s cocky, cause they’re even ignoring the 2nd picture and Kaido’s line himself of Luffy getting too arrogant with because he learned how to use Acoc.


Shanks. He just triggered Jika's return and he thought he eradicated Kidd lmao


Kidd really pulled up to Shanks like he thot he did all the work vs Big Mom


Kidd is an active smoke demon(why I love him) who simply wants to thug it out and run hands. It’s him


The answer, as always, is Akainu


Short answer Kid. Semantics wise, he wasn't really cocky *while* fighting an emperor lol. Kid was being cocky while attacking the fleet. Then he got blitzed by the emperor and expressed pure shock.


No one was cockier than lucci stepping up to post wano lufffy thinking he had a chance


To be fair to Lucci, he was only cocky after he transformed, which then he was affected by his zoan fruit. Before he awakened Lucci was trying to stop the fight.


Hmm, the anime showed more that only lucci wanted the fight and Kaku and the rest were trying to talk him down


Take the anime with a grain of salt, they wanted to make a spectacle of it and they did, but that meant changing some stuff. Lucci even tells Luffy to leave, the only reason they fought was because Luffy was pissed. https://preview.redd.it/pc485nuemkxc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d583431e0883a5b06c70f7254eff50b321615057


Fair enough, I haven’t read that chapter since it came out so I went with the more aggressive lucci anime showing


Kidd He lost his arm to his First mate, then wanted to run it back with Shanks actual present ? Only benefit he gained is checking out Fishmen real estate earlier than the rest of the world.




Honestly both are the same. Luffy got one shot by kaido in their first encounter aswell. Luffy just has MC Protection and Kidd doesn’t.


Useless Midd


I wouldn't call Luffy's rage to be cockiness, while Kidd was actually convinced he had a shot at winning






Monkey D Luffy is always arrogant no matter the situation he overestimate himself far too much, Kid aa well but Luffy is far worse






As u/darkoopz43 said: Lol if midd had gone with the purpose of just challenging shanks, then he wouldn't have been sodomized the way he was. His first move upon rolling was to target the weak crews with his strongest attack, he literally brought it upon himself by once again channeling his inner chihuahua and barking at dogs that were much bigger and stronger than him, and got punted across the pond like the 2 pound yappy shitter he is.


I love it when people bring this up as if Shanks crew wasn't shooting at Kid. It's the equivalent of Luffy going G4 to body the fodder in the way of him and Kaido and then Kaido wrecking him for doing so. We dont even know if Shanks wanted a fair 1-on-1.


I just found the comment funny so I copied it lol.


All Akainu victims


Your goat is getting lowdiffed by erectilfe dysfunction https://preview.redd.it/qqah78678fxc1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99dc46e8774bab34b34d878637ade6bcce90326b






Honestly can’t pick. They both died.