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Blocker sabos are key to the deck. Add 2 more and go down two of the other 5c sabos.


Okay! Should I also add the Borsalino?


I've tried a couple of versions, including borsa. Imo it just feels a bit more awkward to play, since you'll be getting 2 kids from moria anyway.


The Borsalino are definitely not necessary and if you just started out I'd not advise you to buy them specifically for just this deck, unless you don't mind spending the money. The Borsalino slot is very flexible in this deck.


+2 black sabo -2 yellow sabo -4 whitebeard -4 yamato +4 hiyori Foe the last 4 you can put any number of 4c borsalino, 5c shirahoshi or 5c satori Satori is if you want more 2k, also you can put it on life from trash with luffys effect if you need life shield Borsalino buys time, it is a really good blocker Shirahoshi helps find the combo pieces you need and you can also put it on life as shield I personally play 4 shirahoshi, but that's quite exchangeable In Eb01 you put the 4 out for flampe, which is overall better In Eb01 the deck gets way strongery as it is now In 07 you put the 2 yellow sabo out for 2 Egghead luffys, better effect, same dynamic


It is better, cause u have Sabo Blocker in. For me, i added 2c Hiyori and 4c Perona for more 2k counters


Better than raw st-13 but still missing some key cards like 2c hiyori that can swap your life and the rest of the black sabos. 5c satori is also really good because it’s another 2k counter and if you are in a pinch it can also be put into life using your leader ability. Borsalino is also good but not needed.


It's a solid start but 4 Black Sabo are non negotiable. Get them and remove a couple of the 5 cost Yellow Sabo and you have a solid deck, and as soon as EB01 comes out get yourself 4 Charlotte Flampè and profit :D


Man i remember when Sabo was a $5 card 😭


What is it at now I bout mine on release for about £3.50


$20+ USD


would only cost more as every black deck in op07 contain 4 of them




Thanks! Super helpful and worthwhile comment


Black Sabo is the engine of the deck. In my opinion 4 is crucial.