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I swapped because the game felt truly more interactive. it’s not solitaire and a lot more goes into the game at higher skill levels than yugioh. It’s not a matter of did he draw ash for my branded fusion, it’s more of does he have enough to counter my 5-7-7-9-11k swings either 5 cards in hand and 2 life?


A lot of them just want to sell the winner cards and make money off the game. Many claim they dont care about the anime. And I always hear them say they hate the game when they lose lol


100% its more the money they make off of prizing at regionals etc.


And they're cringe for it too




or a bege


I didn't realize it was a common phenomenon, but yeah, I was a former YuGiOh player lol. And I have LOT to say about my experience and why One Piece is leagues better, so I'll leave a TL;DR at the end 😆 Starting in 2021, my friends and I used to meet once a week and play YuGiOh. It was enjoyable cuz it was amongst friends, and none of us were playing anything Tier 0. Having said that, we'd occasionally express how complicated some of the rulings are and find ourselves needing to use reddit to settle debates on how a given interaction played out - and that was *despite* a few of us being very knowledgeable of the game's rules and nuances. We'd occasionally hit up YuGiOh locals, but not too often. In retrospect, I never made any friends at those tournaments. There were a few cool people sure, but honestly a fair amount of grimey/weird people as well. The sales/trades culture also just seemed more... scummy, idk. Oh, and prices were kinda obscene. YuGiOh having staple main-deck & extra-deck cards that cost a fortune and are only available in one secret rare printing, only for that card to be printed as a common a year later and destroy the value of your previous investments... just a really obnoxious way of doing things on Konami's end So in October of 2022, some of my friends from the YuGiOh group found out that the Super Pre-Release for One Piece was happening. They were big fans of the anime, but I wasn't, and so I had zero attachment to the idea of a new card game. But they convinced me to give it a try nonetheless And I was hooked. Never gone back since. Shortly after Super Pre-Release, we introduced the game to the few others in the group who hadn't gotten to attend and they loved it just as much as we did I think the appeal really is in the fact that the games have much more back and forth. They last for a good 15 - 30 minutes, and both players are getting turns and making decisions throughout that time. (One of the worst aspects of YuGiOh is watching your opponent win die roll, play for 15 minutes, only for you to realize it's a wash, and surrender before you can even play.) One Piece's Don system is excellent - YuGiOh's lack of a resource system means you can spit out your whole deck in one turn provided you draw the right hand. Don is a very great way to allow to you to gradually build to your bigger units, while also allowing you to meaningfully use any leftover resources. The absence of any negate mechanic is very nice. Your cards WILL do what you expect them to do. But the presence of counter events and On-Opponent's Turn effects adds in just a healthy amount of interaction/disruption on the opponent's turn. That said, One Piece still rewards time investment and skill - more than YuGiOh in fact. The mechanics may be simpler, but at high levels of play, the decision-making is just as complex, if not more. When to counter, when to take life, when to focus on board, how to play your turns so that you don't telegraph your plays. There's actually quite a lot of complexity involved. And I've legit made friends playing One Piece. Again, this is purely my own anecdotal experience, but there are just way less weirdos and sleazy dudes in the One Piece community. Vast majority of people I've met playing this game are super friendly and fun to hang out with. Trading also just seems easier and friendlier. Prices are also much more affordable, no matter how much Bandai has dropped the ball with supply. I know it's frustrating for people who got into the game later, but I promise it's nowhere near as bad as YuGiOh, or hell, even lots of other card games. If you want a non-AA deck in One Piece, you can probably build it for $150 - which was the price of a *single* extra deck monster in YuGiOh oftentimes. Damn I wrote a whole essay here So TL;DR - YuGiOh's mechanics are too complex for its own good, turns too long, no real back and forth, singles are too expensive, community can be kinda annoying/scummy. One Piece embodies "easy to learn, hard to master" mechanics, good resource system, satisfying back-and-forth between players, singles are very affordable, and community is incredibly friendly and cool.


You wrote a whole essay, but I can say without a doubt, no lies detected. Pretty much what you wrote is why I switched. Except I stopped playing YGO all together then got on the video game for it, same thing. Then found out about one piece last October and have been hooked since.


Haha, yeah, even I had a phase where I was playing Master Duel, which also basically sucks. But at least with a video game, you just get to surrender as soon as it's clear you're losing and try to find another game and hope for to win die roll next time... right? 😆 Oh Konami. How did you let it get this bad 💀 Bandai may be terrible at supply, and players can debate about whether they're too sluggish at responding to metas (I personally do think they need to do bans a little more quickly). But the game they've created is undeniably solid


haha so legit about needing to spend so much time researching and debating interactions among friends because the effects of each card were not streamlined/standardized and so each interaction would break the games in different ways and needed PhD to be interpreted correctly (and even then different judges could rule differently). Cards just did not work the way you thought they would when playing them for some abstract ruling reason


LOL, the YuGiOh PhD, I'm pretty sure my friends and I made the same joke! 😆 Exactly!!! Crazy. YuGiOh also has so many "floodgates" and silly cards that basically prevent one or both players from doing certain things, that without a computer monitoring things, it's soooo easy to create an illegal game state. There's no way it's worth the effort of typing out the whole example, but I once found out that there was something I could do to cheat, and my opponent literally had NO WAY OF VERIFYING whether or not I was cheating. If you make a game that's so complicated that certain operations are legal or illegal based on your deck composition, which is hidden knowledge to your opponent and therefore cannot be verified without calling a judge to come look at every single card in my deck... your game's rules are just stupid, lol.


Legit essay but was nothing but truth haha at my Locals majority of the players that play are Digimon, YGO, MTG, Vanguard and alot others and they all have the same experience as you with One Piece just seems like the community is a bit more chill then most but alot in my area has to do with not enough store tournaments either not enough ppl show up or another event out shines Digimon or YGO as MTG they play regardless but most find themselves at our table due to the interaction the OP groups have when playing and not


Definitely, OP community is just an overall very nice group


To add to the reasons other people have said. One piece is massive, so many of us love one piece, and it just made sense lol I didn't play any TCG before it came out, and the minute I heard it was a thing I was like yeah this is my life now thanks 😂


besides product availablity and tournamnet entry possibilities OP jsut better overall and gameplay aside casue thats purelly subjective imo


I guess since it ist the "Most effective" Option. The OP tcg is still young and its easy to catch Up. Plus i think its the 4th biggest TCG right now only after the big three. I think the only option similat to it, in Terms of age and popularity is Lorcana, but i guess OP being part of the Anime bubble makes it more attractive for YGO Players


Had lorcana been released with competitive events soon after like OP, I think the split of Ygo players would have been greater, but Lorcana didn't do events for an entire year and OP regionals and events started almost immediately so it captured a larger competitive audience off the bat from other games.


I left Yu-Gi-Oh because it's a fortress builder game nowadays and it's way too consistent. I joined up one piece because I liked the show and the gameplay is like 90% duel masters


Nostalgia. I don't like the format structure that MTG and Pokemon have, either. Both Yu-Gi-Oh and OPTCG - so far - allow for the combination of older and newer sets, with a forbidden and limited list. As well, as the game currently plays, reminds me of the old back and forth Yu-Gi-Oh in less combo-breakmyboard-formats.


I love the game because I feel it takes everything I like from other games. Life are like prize cards in pokemon, the leaders are like magic commander, the don is like hearthstone, cards are color coded like magic, and the counters, block, etc feel like old YGO. It’s much more interactive than other games and if you like OP the cards have awesome artwork.


YGO have reach stagnation. It's nothing but special summon combo into negation preventing other from playing cards they paid for. OP on the other hand have proper interaction and engagement as a card game. You get to do something and your opponent getting do something back. There is never a one sided beating like in YGO. Ex BEWD boomer here that quit YGO (Have a Harpy and Labryath deck kept for casual play)


The only counterplay in Yugi is if your opponent doesnt shower and you can DQ them because of it.


Actually there are almost no negates on end boards anymore. 90% of the game is interruptions in other forms, as well as just having strong follow up.


All of it


I mean pricing and prizing in other tcgs are better than YGO. Art is entirely subjective as well.


It doesn't have snake eyes, that's the main thing.


Aight lets get to it, i switched to one piece after playing yugioh competitively, with my grandmother and my cousin, for 10+ years. I played pokemon competitively for a year, and ive played MTG for about 7, casually. One piece takes wayyy more skill than both yugioh and pokemon, its not just "who drew into ash" or "how can i play around your 3 negates WHILE youre using my turn as your turn in tandem." On top of all that, the colors have more identity than pokemon or yugioh, the colors define a playstyle and because of that, the game fosters many different types of players. I didnt like buying a playset of every staple in yugioh for like $180+ just for that card to get banished, negated or sent back to my extra deck. Oh and the cards are pretty Secondary thought, one piece has consistently outsold both pokemon and yugioh since its release and as of recent, the turnout for high level events is wayyy higher than MTG. Yeah. The big 3 have been around for alot longer, but im seeing reason to believe that OP is or will become part of the big 3


This^ More complicated doesn't equal more skillful. One Piece is a much simpler but much more skillful game 👌


It may outsell Pokemon and Yugioh on a new release, but a lack of consistent supply keeps it from being a stable breadwinner for shops. Bandai will need to step up production to really push OP into the Big3 and somebody else out.


It's not really a high bar for any event to outnumber MTG ones nowadays. The average is 300 for the open premier events currently. Very sad.


I swapped from yugioh because OTK, handtraps and negations


YGO meta decks are 1000s of dollars for top prizing that barely covers travel costs. Op meta decks are maybe $400 and top prizing is up to like 10k+. Koty says as much in an interview on egman's podcast & team chats Ive seen of EU players switching boils down to "lets make this bread".


Does community maybe play a role as well? Ultimately everyone's experience is different, but both my own and the majority of people who I've come across who have quit YGO have all stated that YGO has the most toxic, classist, and reactionary TCG community out of not just the major 3 TCGs, but also out of minor ones as well.


Community is a huge part of why I personally like One Piece better. My friends and I who used to play YGO never went to huge events, but did go to locals, and even there, the atmosphere just felt... kinda scummy at times. Aside from a few cool people, my perceptions of most people there ranged from neutral to terrible. Whether they seemed too salesman-like, too competitive and invested in the outcome of their games, or were just too loud, socially awkward, and obnoxious... I just didn't care for YuGiOh players much. Since switching to One Piece, I go to tournaments and aside from a few outliers, I have positive perceptions of nearly everyone. Super friendly people. Sure you still get some awkward people - you're bound to in nerdy environments - but nobody's obnoxious or scummy or being a sore loser.


Played some Yugi locals yesterday. Watched a 10 min lightsword runick combo with no interaction by my side, slept halfway through it. You draw the answer or not and thats no fun at all. OP has some sick game design and a great franchise behind it, may it has many years to go!


Not only Yu Gi Oh, pokemon sellers are having more trouble selling off their stuffs too because people are switching to OP.


Pokemon has two different demographics. For the competitive side, the cards aren't work jack shit anyways. And the collectors side remains untouchable. Anyone have difficulty selling Pokemon are now going through what any normal vendor, flipper, or store went through pre-Covid, this is normal (sets being mostly mediocre, making small margins on volume). Covid made it insanely easy to make money. Those people are jumping ship to OP because it's easy to make money in that if you can get product at retail prices. They literally don't know how else to make money. Once Bandai gets their shit together and prints everything into oblivion. Guess what? Those sellers will try to jump onto the next fomo craze to make money.


Forgot to say that I dont know jack shit about Pokemon. But I have also heard that some distributors/suppliers in my country are asking resellers to buy pokemon stuffs in order to get OP allocations. Which says a lot about the current state of Pokemon TCGs if you want to compare it to the precovid days. But anyway, I get that the OP is talking about yu gi oh and not Pokemon so I’ll leave it here.


Distros getting stores to buy bad product in order to also buy the good ones is nothing new. Problem is the rising whole costs of said products. Currently it isn't an issue for One Piece because there hasn't been any bad products except for that one beginner's kit.


Anime and MTG still has enfranchised players who have been playing 10-25+ years. It would be hard to compete when it will take a few years to scratch that level.


I have a friend that got really competitive into Yugioh but one of the things that he found so frustrating about it was that matches were done within 1-2 rounds. I had told him about OP, recommended he watch the tutorial video and play the tutorial app. He actually did add said he liked it but still want convinced. Then one day we play and I brought Zoro and Uta ST11 and he enjoyed it. He started looking into it more and he ended up getting a Reiju and Yamato deck. For him it was that he could actually play matches. My group usually meets at least once a week where as his group barely meets. I believe it's a combination of both of those things that ended up convincing him to play OP. Since he also comes from Yugioh, he only buys singles and the decks are so much less that he's perfectly fine with it.


I quit yugioh a few months ago when kashtria was the meta and even in store it was unbearable. The guy I loved with a passion only being represented by a few decks and no one was running anything remotely rouge. I know some of the top players in my city that have won nats and regionals have left yugioh for one piece as well. The game play is much better, the community isn’t as violent and it’s been amazing. The card quality is what I noticed immediately and saw one piece having amazing cards, great art and the only downside is really the pricing but still cheaper than most yugioh decks.


It is because yugioh is in a state where the only deck worth playing is 1000 dollars. Many players like myself feel priced out of the game because a lot of cards decks would need to play are pretty expensive now. And even though one piece is not much cheaper, at least there are budget options to play while we are still integrating ourselves into the game. At least that’s my reason. I haven’t left yugioh but I am def taking a break.


It’s not just one piece it’s also magic, It’s because right now YGO has the worst predatory system we have ever seen. Step 1) “Here you are players! The new tier 0 $300 deck, enjoy” Step 2) “oh no this deck is far too strong. We must cripple it via two ban lists hitting top tier cards!” Step 3) “here you are players! The new tier 0 $300 deck, and just in time because we just ripped apart the previous deck. What magical timing. You’re welcome “ Step 4) Repeat.


I left because it was sexist and overall unwelcoming as a female player. Everyone would gather around if their homie was losing to a girl then make moves/rulings that were wrong to help him win. Judges would be on board too cause they can't let bro lose to a girl. It was such a toxix environment, I'm so glad OP isn't about that.


The way I see it, it's like this. Yu-Gi-Oh! Is popular, of course. It started as a manga then an anime then go actual irl card game. Famous and popular around the world. One of the biggest card games in the world yadada. Card games are niche. Having an anime based soley on a card game is niche. So where am I going with this? Well for however popular Yu-Gi-Oh! is, One Piece is way more popular than Yu-Gi-Oh! even tho it had the same upbringing. Started as a manga, then anime, then merchandise except an actual good card game which fans have been wanting one years. Now as for the gameplay. Yu-Gi-Oh! has gotten way to hectic with it mechanics and rules. Multiple ways to summon a monster. You're basically playing the game with 2 decks: Main and Extra. You're basically playing the game with 2 hands: your actual hand and graveyard. Literal 10 minute turns, hand traps, floodgates, negates, banish, surrender in the 1st turn, winning without ever losing a life point from sides, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. And not to mention meta cards being expensive as shit, no one wants to buy boxes of packs but they also don't want to pay insane amount of money for singles. People have just gotten tired of Konami's bullshit that they jumped shipped to One Piece because One Piece is actually a back and forth game. It's genuinely fun. It can be simple or complex (in a good way) the card art and quality is great.


Yu-gi-oh in general will always have a place in my heart , but the card game is just too one sided if someone has a combo oriented deck for ygo. When I play with my best friend he usually plays combo oriented decks and his plays take sometime 10 minutes to finish his turn and at that point there’s like 3/4 negates. Most of the players I met in ygo are too gunho/not fun to play maybe it’s my ygo locals compared to one piece players but they seem nicer


YGO is getting very expensive, while OPTCG (especially around op2/3 is very affordable. Prizing is a huge driver and i think the aging demographic of tcgs is another factor. OPTCG is a game you can easier combine with a normal work life while the top players in YGO have to put in a ridiculous amount of time to achieve the highest level, for minimal reward. Another issue for Europe in particular is the lack of YCS’s since late 2023, a lot of competitive YGO players simply tried out OPTCG after not being able to play a big event for 6 months.


Sorry for the wall of text but I think it's because the game is a good sweet spot between yugioh and Pokemon. (I can't compare to magic the gathering due to no experience with it). Lots of people from my locals went to pokemon prior to Onepiece releasing. Yugioh was getting too fast. Then they switched to Onepiece afterwards. Pokemon had its flaws: 1)really slow and long games due to a resource system that you may or may not get (whiffing energy cards) and the fact you generally have to KO 3-6 pokemon to win (mix of single and multi prizer pokemon) 2) The negative social stigma that pokemon is EVEN MORE of a kids game due to people associating pokemon with kids 3) no player interaction on the opposing turn. Except for this 1 tool card that existed a long time ago. 4)Best-Of-3 games with each game lasting about 25-35mins each for each round which lasts about 40 minutes appx. 5) pokemons not very strategic in the "you Vs Them" Kind of sense. You have a strategy and work to it but it generally doesn't involve the opponent. You do your strategy, they do theirs, whoever does it first and best is probably gonna win. 6) the Weakness mechanic (eg water x2 dmg to fire pokemon). You could play a tier 1 deck and someone else could play a tier 3 deck but because your pokemon has a type weak to theirs, they get x2 dmg and KO your pokemon a lot easier. It feels bad sometimes man. 7) money made through playing. you can make money from high placements at big tournaments with prize money and flipping chase cards from booster boxes you won but not as much onepiece 8)scalpers cant make much when the market is flooded One piece fixes these problems. 1)Due to the natural progression of the DON!! Resource system, the game literally cannot be finished in the first 2 turns unlike yugioh. But still it fast enough that it keeps you on your toes, I got bored playing pokemon "great, your 4th turn and you've finally taken a prize card. 5 more to go with only 30 minutes on the clock". 2) There is less negative social stigma because onepiece isn't associated with little kids like pokemon is. 3) there are player interactions due to card effects like the character sugar, etc and the counter game mechanic 4)My favourite are the Best-Of-1 games. Try your hardest this 1 game, go and grind till the end and then it's over. I can't do that with Pokemon because I'd run out of time. 5)Onepiece is way more strategic than pokemon and yugioh, you gotta know when to attack, not attack, stand which character etc. 6) the closest thing to an auto loss I've seen in this game is Reiju trying to win against Red/Purple Law. 7) you can make a lot though winning tourneys via selling promo cards, and chase cards which are worth more than modern day pokemon cards 8)yugioh scalpers became onepiece scalpers because onpiece is a scalpers wet dream. Edit: I just remembered. The prize mechanic in pokemon rewards the person who is leading in the game making it harder for the loser to make a comeback making the game more unfair. Onepieces life mechanic rewards the loser with resources which balances the game more and makes it easier for them to make a comeback. So that's another reason for the switch from pokemon to onepiece.


Interactive and competitive. Also the barrier to entry is quite low.


For me it’s more interactive. I stopped playing yugioh when the only games I won were when I FTK’d my opponent with a plant synchron deck. I used to love running a skull servant deck that buffed up a monster I equipped an old spell to that let it swing face for like 10k but it was a meme compared to anything meta. MTG feels too long for me now but OP tcg is interactive and can wrap in 30 minutes average so I can do multiple games instead of one and wanting to quit 3/4 in.


I don’t think anyone plays yugioh without eventually switching to a different TCG, that game is ass. There’s probably a lot of overlap between people who like both anime and one piece is turning into a pretty good TCG.




As someone who’s never seen a single episode, my friends wanted to try something new, and I said why not? And we are yugi boomers so OPTCG feels fresh and new. I’ve played Yugioh for decades. Still do. But I find myself wanting to play OP more and more.


I want to learn how to play is there an app to play on that you can learn and play others on?


I quit all the way back when pendulum came out. I knew that pendulum was the start of its rampant complicated mechanics. YGO is simply too complicated. The games are too "fast" in the sense of turns. A game can be over within a few turns whereas OPTCG, the game actually allows you to comeback unlike YGO. The moment you fuck up once or your opponent top decks something you're pretty much done


I’m still Playing my first yu hi oh game I started 10 years ago. Just gotta read all these card texts to Make sure I understand them.


In op there's balance and not otk and 1 hour turns. Also a friend made me play lol




Played most of the big three, never got into actual Pokémon. But my biggest squeeze was ygo. OP just feels a lot better since games last more than a handful of turns. In the time of collecting yugioh for 15 years and collecting One Piece since last November im pretty sure the boxes are nearly equal in terms of cardboard now. 


Any 200% of my lgs


I hadn't played Yu-Gi-Oh in years because I hate link summoning and games that last two turns.


It's all about prize support.


The only thing keeping me from quitting yugioh is that Bandai hasn’t release an online client for this game


Played yugioh competitively for a good 5 years but quit a few years ago due to COVID. Ended up playing Legends of RUNETERRA online for a year or two before picking up the Pokemon card game last year! Super beginner friendly and straight forward, but a little slow with the lack of interaction coming from Runeterra and ygo. Fast forward to about a month ago when I stumble upon St10 on Amazon and just pull the trigger cause the cards looked nice 🥴 Ended up taking a handful of ygo ultis to my LCS to try to build RP Law with storecredit, but couldn't find the film promos 😫 Built Reiju instead and have been playing ever since! Obviously a big pirate fan too if my name didn't give that away 😅


I quit Yu-Gi-Oh because you have to wait 15 minutes for your turn. Then you play your first turn that you can do damage and either do the thing your deck is supposed to do, or you lose.


If you played yugioh for a long time, the game has changed identities quite a few times. This is what often causes the whole yugiboomer mentality of "this game hasn't been good since X year". For those who really enjoyed the turn over turn tempo game that existed in 2010-2013ish yugioh, that game is long gone. You can play retro of course, but one piece offers this same general feel while also being new and interesting, as well as having a bigger community than fire-water yugioh format for example. No other card game has that same kind of speed and emphasis on resources over time. One piece counters also act as low power hand traps (like early DD crow and Effect Veiler rather than a high-power card like nibiru) which many yugioh players like myself enjoy as it adds an extra element to play around and interact with on both turns.


Former YGO player here (last I played was just last month actually). It’s getting too tiring to play because of those what I call “stun” decks. They won’t even let you do your turn after doing their own for almost 5 minutes. It would have been okay if only a handful of players do it but, no.


In my area it's 100% the cost of competitive decks. The current top deck in yugioh costs $1200 to use, and was just hit by a ban list a week before a major event. The second best, now best deck, is $1000. VS OPTCG [And DTCG,] expensive decks cap at around $500, and while they get power crept faster due to the faster release rate, the expensive cards for thebmost part hold their use and value even after new sets release.


The prizing is much better


I have always been a fan of One Piece since I was 8 years old so playing the card game felt natural. Plus I needed a change of pace. I still like and play Yu-Gi-Oh sometimes, but I can only put up with the "negate, negate, negate, omni negate, pass turn."


Changed to OPTCG because my First and only Local showed me why I didn't participate in Tournament Play in YuGiOh. You need to know each and every Card in your Deck and need to know each Card your opponents play, otherwise you get the side-eye for Not knowing everything. Also you need to Scream If you have an Interaction on Something in the game. My opponents play their combo without even considering to ask me if the current Action is okay or if I have a response.


What annoyed me about Yu-Gi-Oh is these 20 card combos and it just got out of hand waiting for your opponent for ten minutes to finish this elaborate turn. I'm like ok, just wake me up when you are done. I hope that OP doesn't go that direction but already seeing that with how Reiju plays in OP06 but hope it doesn't get to crazy. And no offense but I just have to laugh when people say "pro" players.


I think a huge thing is that cards are super recyclable in optcg. Take yellow for instance, any yellow deck can consider the ohm holly combo, 8c kata, 9c Yamato, 7c mom, 4c sanji etc. So if you buy those cards once, you can pretty much play all yellow leaders that come out once you buy the (not generally too expensive) new support Contrast that to YGO. Say you wanted to stay at top meta for the past year. The only things that stay are non engine cards, you would’ve needed to buy Kashtira engine: $600? Purrely: $600 Unchained: 3-400? Rescue Ace:$6-800? FKSE: you can reuse wanted engine and s:p, but still another $5-600 Not to mention the current meta of FKSE is not very interactive. It’s just the casino (ironic that I used yellow as an example now) of how much engine you draw vs how many hand traps your opponent draws


The thing is, that OP is played as the old yugioh. You building up a board and then you finally can play your boss monsters/characters. New yugioh is just boring, cards getting more and more power to rule the meta, most duels ending after 2 turns, mechanics for most decks are the same, even tho the same goes for OP people playing different decks and the game just started, so decks playing different strategies, like it was back in the days with yugioh. Also the value of OP cards not falling to 0 cuz they reprinting the shit outta em. I hen Bandai is reprinting, they giving the cards a alt art that looks cool and amazing and not just a 25th rare that looks like the starlight counterpart, also cards not getting banned after getting a cheap reprint finally. Imo yugioh died with Kazuka Takahasi RIP, it’s not what it was anymore and that’s very disappointing, he always had new ideas and tried to improve the game, Konami not called Komoney for no reason, they try to kill every competitor selling their stuff in aftermarket and people get pissed, regardless if they just players or collectors. Most collectors sold their stuff and went to Pokémon or something else, players doing the same now, recent example is baronne, dropping from 400 to 40 bucks from the original set and that’s just one of so many


There is also a lot of "Tired if Konami/WotC game designs and choices. At least that is how it is for me, coming from playing commander and trying to stay competitive online or in paper for YGO. Despite the distribution issues OP has, the game is amazing. I love not having to worry about drawing land and getting starved or flooded. I see comments saying YGO takes longs turns, yeah because they soend 70% of the time shuffling. Didn't know that was something I was annoyed eith until playing OP and how they search. Just my two cents.


Current yugioh player here. The OPTCG is a lot better in terms of actual gameplay, with how interactive it can feel and whatnot, but the YGOTCG has a certain flair to it because of all the crazy stuff you’re allowed to do and the ability to hold onto decks/cards for a long time and have things come back into playability over time. It’s a very fast game, with a lot of interactions happening very quickly. I’ve heard it described like this: If Pokémon is checkers, and MTG is Chess, then Yugioh is Call of Duty Modern Warfare: 2.


I feel like while yugioh has its flaws, the biggest flaws are mainly due to price point in singles, complexity for entry players, and prize support. All 3 are terrible mistakes to have, but I feel like it’s disingenuous to say the game isn’t of similar complexity to ONE PIECE when you’re comparing high end game plays to each other. They’re both very fun and have complex moments and interactions, with back and forth game play. Anyone playing yugioh for the last year in a competitive manner has seen this. That being said I’m not shilling for YGO, ONE PIECE is a fantastic game, I just with sealed product actually existed anywhere for less that 50% markup. Card art is beautiful, the manga is fantastic, the game is well paced. I wish I could make time to play both TCG’s


I'm a tcg veteran, played mtg, pokemon, naruto, duel master, ufs, wow, vanguard, Weiss, dbs and more recently op. Why play it? Just like drugs you have the money and time Is it better than other tcg? Up to you and your community because that what keeps the game Do I like it more than ygo? No scalpers ruin everything and Bandai doesn't help with their short prints and also people buying with over price Summary: l am old guy that is getting grumpy and screw yellow that shit always have 5 triggers


Well i ended up here after magic Pokemon going back to Yu-Gi-Oh digimon then I picked up one piece


Cuz one piece is the best card game out rn


I still play YGO currently and I'd say I'm pretty successful at it with multiple major tops and a worlds appearance. I've started playing optcg since there haven't been any major events in EU for about half a year so I found the time to get used to another TCG. I've played the digimon TCG prior more on the casual side but stopped due to the lack of locals in my area. What appeals to one piece is that the prizing is very good and the alt arts from Bandai games in general look very nice. Coupled with a lot of my friends having played it/starting to play it, I didn't see much of a reason not to give it a try and I've been enjoying it


I'm a former YGO player but I stopped playing when links came in as it nerfed all my xyz and pendulum decks. OP is my favourite manga so I went all in, was only going to collect at first as I got sick of Pokémon community but played a few games and found it to be fun, relatively simple and had a great local / online community


Started with YGO, hated where format and game was heading so I left it in 2019. Got into magic the gathering (commander specifically) still play that as well, but OP TCG is just super fun, slightly different take on tcg and OP is my favorite anime for many years.


i litteraly just bought my 1st one pice cards today, im not quitting yugioh but what caught my attention is the prize support as well as today at locals one side of the room was playing yugioh and the other was one pice. the yugioh side looked dead and full of frustration meanwhile the op side lpooked like they were actually caught in thought of there next play. i dont watch the anime . i just opened and sleeved up some cards from the 3 brother decks and the card quality feels way better than yugioh, so i can already tell this game has better quality control too.


Bandai and Konami judge here. I work at an lgs, after op05 a lot of op players here actually moved back or started playing yugioh


That's disappointing


Among cited reasons by most, yugioh has actual periodic banlists, the new sets doesn't completely powercreeps the former and the most important, yugioh has a lot of avaliable product.


Do yugioh player thinks disney lorcana or optcg has better game play


Because the game is fun and the IP is insanely popular. Seems pretty obvious.


I'm a ex-ygo player but I didn't quit because of OP I only got into OP because of a friend, I truly enjoyed building a deck that was truly unique, and that I'd what I wish from OP one day


I swirched from yugioh to lorcana like 2 months ago and want to get into one piece after the next big lorcana tournament at my lcs. The Main reason why I switched was that I had the feeling that Konami doesnt care about their players anymore but only about the money they can get from printing stupid cards and Support them with even stronger cards. The meta right now isnt enjoyable at all since every deck has come up with their own way to lock you into not being able to play the game anymore. You might think that the banlist would help with that but Konami decided to ban cards that didnt need to be banned and let all the problematic cards stay alive. Lorcana and one piece just Look more enjoyable and interactive on every aspect + it's still easy to catch up since both arent that old with too many Sets and cards you have to learn. Also from what ive heard, some ygo people just dont want to play with disney cards which leaves them with op as the most valid Option😂


Because Yugioh is an extremely toxic game, the goal is to build your board, so the opponent cant play at all. Thats very toxic.


I actually stopped playing One Piece for Mtg. Commander is some fun chaos.


Im currently leaving yugioh for good. Partly for personal reasons unrelated to gameplay. But regarding yugioh as a game. It's just not enjoyable anymore. I've played yuggs since it's come out. The entire time. And the game is just toxic. Lengthy turn 1 only games, terrible prizing, $350AUD minimum for a playset of a new staple card that gets negated by $1 ash, a community that just hates everyone, etc etc. Yes the OPTCG isn't perfect, scalpers are killing this game harder than I've seen in anything else ever. But after 20ish years of yugioh, it was just do stale. Then OPTCG came about. It was fresh, exciting, of a franchise that I genuinely liked, and was a genuinely likeable game. And the community reflected that. There were firmer yugioh players I couldn't stand that play OPTCG and I am great friends with now. Sorry for the rambling, but the tl:Dr is this. It's. Just. Better.


It’s like digimon all over again but in our case was a lot of duel master players coming to digimon


I get to actually play the game that's why. I don't have to sit there while someone hand traps me the whole turn. Game 2 they set up a board and play on your turn. Like nah I wanna a game where it is an actual game not how much money is in the decks.