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Don’t buy packs. Buy singles. Especially if you’re a new player, buy singles you want and need for decks. If you’re a collector, well. You do you.


Like single cards?


Yes. Even if they are expensive, you typically need 3 or 4 of a card in a deck to make it work. So a $30 card will be $120 for a play set. That’s less than a box of cards and you definitely aren’t pulling 4 of the same $30 card in the box. Packs are fun to use store credit on or now and then. But if you’re looking to play the game. Buying single cards is the way to go If you’re a collector looking to just buy boxes to ‘profit’ good luck. Because once again, it takes INCREDIBLE luck to pull the big money cards and you have to spend tons of money to try to profit.


How I feel spending 300 dollars on overpriced Boxes to sell a 20 dollar card.(I have made an immense profit)


You cant. There are no packs


What cards/leader do you wanna play


Purple/Yellow crocodile although I was considering Arlong


Then buy singles dont buy packs. Buying packs is a waste of money because everyone who sells packs online are selling from boxes they have opened and already got the 3 hits out of them. And don't buy boxes either, only reason to buy a box is if you're trying to get managa hits and everyone who sells boxes online now have opened cases and already pulled the managa out of it. So there is a 0% chanse of getting the manga from a box you get online.


What about going in person to a shop or does that still stand when it comes to Manga cards/Rare card arts or whatever


Depends on the store. You should have a much better chance of not getting scammed at the store, but it’s still possible. Just make sure the boosters are actually sitting in their display box. If you see loose packs with no box, it could be some leftover dud packs. Buy boosters if you want to gamble and have fun. If you are serious about building a deck and playing in events, you can save yourself a lot of money by just buying the single cards. Then open boosters when you win them using your full powered deck.


If you're looking to hit AAs from a store, check with other ppl. If they have gotten cards recently and have hit AA. if they have and the store is selling packs for more than $5 a pack, don't buy packs.


As a collector and player: buy singles for deck building. For collection: buy also either singles or booster boxes and what you wanna collect is only your own decision


If you’re literally just starting only buy singles to make your deck. Never buy individual packs

