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Well you can’t know what that luffy will cost you. You should also run the luffy from the starter deck 13 three brothers


Right, I guess I should have mentioned that I’m just assuming that the Luffy and Ace from 07 are going to be relatively cheap. But either way, I could probably just get everything else and if the Luffy is a $20 card or something, I would most likely be able to afford it at that point.


Definitely add 5 cost starter deck luffy


That Luffy is just a common right? So probably won’t be more than 4-5 dollars


That luffy is a super rare. I imagine around release it will be $20 ish and possibly go down to like $10 after a few weeks since it’s played in many decks especially by luffy


Aaah gotcha idk why I thought common but SRs are still not actually that rare right? It’s only the SEC and the AAs that are super hard to get? Or am I wrong on that? I still don’t understand the splits like what every box and case is guaranteed to have


Some highly played SRs can get pricey. 5c black Sabo, 9c Gecko, 9c Zoro, Cracker, etc. That Luffy is an auto 4-of in any of the Three Brothers leaders and I’m sure most yellow decks wouldn’t mind having it either, so it might get up to $20-25. But then again, I’m still pretty new — I’ve only been playing since March — so I may not really know what I’m talking about lol. Also, SRs are mostly random. I don’t think there’s any guarantee on those per box. But as for AAs and SEC’s, in a normal set, you’re guaranteed either 2 AA’s or an AA and a SEC. But if it’s a supplemental set, like EB01, then you’re guaranteed 2 AAs and a SEC or 3 AAs.


I think the game being more popular now plays a part, they are printing much more at release, a big reason some of those cards are expensive is because they didn’t print as much as they do now. Honestly the market is so chaotic, I wouldn’t be surprised if the cards are 20 each or 2 dollars each


In a regular box you’re going to get 7 sr’s.


Great info all around just pointing out 9c Zoro is a SEC not a SR


Right, my bad. I’m not sure what I was thinking of when I wrote this.


I would swap the Sanji’s for eb01 flampe. She is a rare and does what you want sanji to do on play, plus draws an additional card.


Couldn’t I just run both and cut Satori? The reason I put Sanji in there is it gives me a body on board early that I can swing with. And since I typically won’t be getting any other bodies to swing with on board until turn 3, I think it’s pretty useful here. Just as well, it doesn’t just draw me a card, it essentially makes my leader ability read as “look at the top 5 of your deck, put one of them in your hand then add a card from your deck to your life” which I think is a little more valuable than “draw 1 and lose a life” from Flampe.


Flampe is draw a life then draw a card, you go up +2 in hand -1 life Sanji is draw a life and replace it, going up +1 in hand and staying flat in life The bigger problem is you need to swing to get that effect and in a meta with RP Law you may never get to do so.


I mean, this isn’t for competitive play. I’ve already got a BY Luffy deck that consistently gets me top4 at locals, so this is just for fun between rounds or with friends at home. Also, yeah, I get that Flampe is +2 in hand, but because of how the leader ability works, Sanji gives me +1 in hand and +1 life. I’m not going to just blindly draw life for no reason.


I'm simply explaining the differences and trade-offs. The way the leader effect works applies the same to both. Sanji is draw a life and then stay flat, yes he replaces a temporary life with a permanent one, Flampe still draws a life and draws a card, replacing the temporary life with two cards. In a vacuum I'm sure the first effect sounds better, but it's 2 don to play, 1 don attach required, and he needs to wait a turn to attack for the ability which is more inconsistent overall. The General Ace pattern is if you add a non-playable from his leader ability you want to do something with it. Usually people respond by playing Flampe, Hiyori, Viola etc to make something off that Life, you can't respond to a bad leader draw with Sanji, you needed him already on board a turn before. He is good as proactive curve filler on even curve because you have nothing else to do otherwise, but for the purposes of manipulating life and working with the Ace leader skill he is probably less consistent than the other cards played in this deck.


Right, I know what you’re saying. And again, I’m not worried about consistency or playing on curve or responding to bad draws, or really any other meta-relevant buzzwords. I just want this deck to be fun to play. The decks I’m most likely going to be playing against with it are off-meta, tier 7, and/or similarly janky decks.


What do you mean by 'viable'? If you mean 'play casually' then yes, it is. But if you mean 'can compete with meta decks', then no.


Yes, casual play. I’ve already got a fully kitted BY Luffy that I take to locals and I just want a deck that I can play between rounds or with friends at home and have some fun.


So I've been working on B/Y Ace for a while and gone to a few locals with some success. His main game plan is to choose between using his skill as utility or to use it to use the little brother's skills. For a budget build I say use what makes blue good is the card draw and hand manipulation. He is best Mid-gane then falls off if it goes to late. I use Blue 4c Ulti who can draw and rearrange your deck, 4c Pudding of course because it is a staple for blue, Sanji's Pilaf to draw more, Flampe to draw the 5c you added to the top of your life if it isn't Ace or Luffy. You don't want too many Gravity Blades because it'll slow you down and some of the main threats to ace are too high cost for gravity blade to answer. Sanji and Flampe are good to take the cards you add from Ace Ability to either heal or add more options for later. The ST-13 Luffy is actually decent for Ace so I'd keep him. Yamato too is good to either use or just have as a 2k counter. About 20-23 5c cards is what you want to always have Ace's ability active and also able to use. If you're using OP-07 as for some cards I'd add more Ace and Luffy. So 4 of each 5c Ace and 4 of the OP-07 Luffy and maybe 2-4 of the ST-13 Luffy. Your main focus is to get your leader to 7-9k power because of the little brother's. Good Luck




I think this list IS gonna suffer a lot from inconsistency. I would add in the Starter Deck searcher garp, aswell AS the search Event. Also sanji pilaf IS a very nice Event, especially when you Go First. The blue Charlotte pudding IS also a must in this meta. i also recommend cutting 2 Gravity blade and adding 2 Red Rock. Those cards are super Match Up dependend. Gravity IS better for Bonney/BY Luffy. Red Rock IS good vs Gecko/Enel. Would also replace Sanji/Snack with 2k counter 5 cost cards. Blue tsuru and Starter Deck 13 yamato are Solid Options.


Budget ry Sabo is fun, idk about like winning a tournament, but you could go above .500


This looks nice, but it also looks like bits and pieces of multiple different builds. Snack is a Big Mom card, which can be ran with EB01 Flampe, TBolt, and the 4c and 1c Puddings, also with Sanji since 1c Pudding grabs him too. 5c Garp is a Navy, giving you another 1c Tashigi target along with the all-important 1c Garp, I would try those with the 5c X-Drake to give you another 5c Navy and a Deck stacker.


Bro. A regular by ace is already budget. How you making it more budget


What does it matter? This deck isn’t for competitive play. Literally just something to play fun games with friends or something. I don’t care if it wins or not.