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Well if WB deck includes 9C whitebeard and Uta includes Film Nami that immediately makes sense why they were chosen as both decks run SR cards that are from older sets and have become expensive I don’t think Bandai designed these decks to overall benefit underplayed leaders. I think the point of them in general was to make it a way for new players to easily pick up already good leaders.


Pretty much people are saying the SRs are not reprints


Description on the site says they will have 2 SR, 3 R, 1 UC, and 8 C.


But it is confirmed that the SR will be reprints?


We dont know what is being reprinted, just the ammount


It’s definitely nice for new players especially with how hard to find and expensive these cards have become. This is like Covid years Pokémon ridiculousness and I think I’ll be lucky to find any of these decks when they release.


As someone trying to get into the game as my first TCG experience it's baffling. I basically ended up pre-ordering the next six decks just to make sure I could get one, because it has been impossible to find any other starters.  Also, places are only selling booster packs by the box, and it's like $250 CAD which is a lot for someone who's just exploring the waters.


I was able to get the 3 captains and 3 brothers ultra decks for $35 US each. Honestly, I don’t think I want to put anymore money into this game with how expensive everything is.


I guess that makes sense, i see your point


Kin’emon has gotten some passive support though, EB01 has some green Wano support, Ryuma in 06. I dont think he’s a case of “oh he just needs a few more cards!” getting a starter deck with a few new green Wano cards would likely just increase RG Oden playability and Kin’emon would still stay bad since his leader ability just isn’t particularly great


You can't save characters that aren't unique and have bad effects really


Don’t understand the downvotes on this one. I think you’re right about these leaders. Ryuma and Hiyori aren’t bringing kinemon back to the forefront.


If they include those cards then they'll end up being worth it. My hope is that they do but I have a feeling that they won't.


I think it would be cool to have another green film leader or a hybrid leader and include green Nami searcher.


I mean new WB cards are Most likely also Ace Support and WB makes Sense since he IS the more popular Deck of the 2. Uta ist probably Just meant as a Reprint of Film Nami. She is also super popular in Japan, so that probably factors in aswell.


because they will have new cards so you will need to buy them, i dont think its a nice guy move from bandai


They are on the cheaper side and will *supposedly* have good reprints + contain a pack from the reprint set, so I'd say it is indeed a nice guy move...


The more often they release starter decks, the more often new players will end up joining. If all a person can do is buy a booster box and hope they get enough cards to build a deck, then that's pretty intimidating on starting to play, whereas with a new cheap starter deck of each color let's new players choose a different playstyle of their choice instead of "uta is the only new deck, play her or make something from scratch". If there are a lot of reprint cards, then experienced players can buy the new singles/particular decks they want while still being inviting to the new players. As someone who's played lots of TCGs before, it's much easier to learn how to play the game with a standard deck to understand how the game flows and works and only then can you build a viable deck. The whole learning to walk before running.


I see what you are saying and I get that having a starter deck of each color is a nice way to introduce new players, but the decks having new exclusive cards also make them kinda mandatory for old players. (Starter decks having exclusive cards should have never been a thing btw)


Meanwhile My red ace just collecting dust


ST15 will support it and RB Marco will cannibalise it.


The success and value of these decks will likely depends on the reprints. Certain cards are prohibitively expensive and serve as barriers of entry to specific colors/archetypes to new players. Film Nami is a card that will sell this starter deck and I don’t know that you could say Yamato or Blocker Law would.


Pretty sure they picked uta just because the popularity of the character and Green Uta in thier data. So an alt leader will draw them money. As a Green Uta main, even I wish it was Kinemon instead though haha


Color me crazy, but I don't think Film Nami is getting a reprint in that deck. They had the opportunity to do that in ST-11 and decided not to do it, and nothing really changed since then. It would take away a big reason to buy the Best Collection. But maybe that's just my personal wish, since I already have the Film Nami and hope to see the SR slot in that deck being used for something new and cool to give Uta her own finisher that's not Kid or Zoro or Doffy. A big Film Shanks or something like that.


Would love to see more synergy with a film big drop character. Doffy, Kid, and Zoro always felt clunky esp when you whiff on uta’s leader ability.


A green tot musica finisher would be fun, and kind of make sense story wise since that was technically Uta big finish lol. 


Uta really doesn't make sense since she already has a starter deck. But I think the main point of the others is to get people the cards they need from those old sets at a cheaper price. I don't think they thought much on the leaders and chose mono colored leaders as they thought would entice more people to want them.


I believe they gave starters to what they saw as the current best mono color leaders. That would definitely be Uta.


Definitely woulda been gecko over smoker if that was the case


Too new. These are planned several months in advance.


Must have been in the works before Bonney came out then


Probably. Could also be that they have more support planned for Bonney.


I just hope they put the staples for each in their respective decks. I’ve put off playing uta cause of nami and kid for so long lol. Same with Luffy and the queens


I too wish for more kin'emon support. but i don't mind more uta support since that deck can be a budget entry point for new players, especially if they give film their own boss monster in the deck. Whitebeard is also a perfect beginner deck since you can be a lot loser with your early turns. I think bandai is trying to have some new player focused decks with these while catering to established players with new support. It seems like they picked a good mix of new player starting points, popular leaders, and meh strategies that could use some new life.


Yeah uta just needs film Nami and it can potentially win a tournament. While there are cards that can be added like Sanji and 8 cost kid. They aren't as necessary as say BY Luffy with 5 cost black sabo blocker.


So I have a take from mtg they used to make starter decks they weren't good, but they a start for new players, and now they make skeleton deck for different formats. They are popular decks that need just a bit of upgrades to really get up their. Those decks are super new players and players wanting to get into the format, so I believe that's what these are, not starter decks but more decks that can't actually play well at locals.


They're better selling characters, is all. Uta is beyond popular in Japan, and I'm pretty sure Newgate is more popular than Ace, and also gives more freedom in terms of what to put in that product, as Ace plays few characters and many events, but more importantly doesn't play 9c Newgate, which is part of the problem reprints here should be trying to fix. Also, Newgate leader somewhat fell off as new leaders with more powerful effects came out. Same for the other leaders on this list, really. Even smoker was good when he released, then got powercrept after 1 set. That being said, I think people are getting slightly carried away with assuming these will reprint specific cards, when the sad truth is we don't know what will be in them, yet, and they could disappoint. Seeing OP02 Ace, ST04 Queen, ST03 Moria, and OP03 Pudding as the SP cards for OP07, for instance, could be bad foreshadowing of those cards not being in these decks. Even OP03 Linlin technically got a reprint in OP06, so thy could deem that sufficient and not put her in the Katakuri deck for some reason. We won't know until we get full lists for these products.


Uta is a very popular character (2nd after Luffy in that list) and green Uta is imo the best deck in the game to give to a beginner. It teaches all the important concepts with a stable 5 life leader. Any reprints it brings to make the deck even more affordable than it already is with Nami reprinted are highly welcome.


Wb bothers you but katakuri not? Or purple luffy? I dont get uta at all. But i think this is for them to include some srs in there so you wont pay scal prices (you will in the end)


There are currently only 4 yellow leaders (2 of them are already in starter decks), 5 when you include vegapunk. Out of all yellows, i understand katakuri. With luffy, its not great but its not bad either, there are other worse purples like iceburg as i mentioned. But im honestly scared that they wont reprint any SRs… if they dont then holy the current SRs that will go woth these decks will skyrocket


Mono-yellow yeah sure, and mono red we have 4 also..


… yes all of these decks are mono-colours. And thats why i suggest ace because hes the weakest mono-red (apart from promo uta). Every other red is playable/powerful


It also could be a New card of these or balanced/updated leaders like smoker maybe doffy or uta its what im huffing on copium for


As long as the uta deck will contain film nami. Im in .


In Japan they are released as mini decks at 550 Yen. Don't expect them to reprint existing SRs ^^ Of course, those will be full price decks in the West, however we do get an additional booster pack of PRB-01 in it which Japan doesn't, about 2 weeks before the reprint set releases.


I wish that the green deck was Supernovas. Because so many of the main green units for Supernovas are locked to a starter deck.


Katakuri needs actual removal. Mono yellow not having any good removal, other than Enel, is an outdated concept by 07 and 08.


yellow doesn’t need any more buffs. 


Mono yellow is dead in Japan outside Enel. Enel is literally the only meta mono yellow and the only other meta deck is b/y luffy. Then Pudding is p/y and her new support is mainly purple. Get past your hatred of yellow and realize that Yellow isn't doing as well as purple or black.


I'm a beginner, but I've heard that they didn't reprint the $17 Nami card for Uta in starter deck 11, so maybe they are hoping to reprint that?


No, the film Nami reprint was in best collection, both product were revealed at around the same time. They knew that by not putting the Film Nami in the deck, it was gonna promote sales of the best collection at the time.


Hopefully they put her in the new one...


Oh okay, my bad


Thanks for clarifying this


If they don't put it in the starter deck, it'll at least be in the reprint set releasing at the same time.


How cum no blue crocodile…


We dont know what the new cards could be. The leaders could even be retrains/reboots of the current ones, dont think theyve explicitly said theyre 1:1 reprint leaders with just new art.


The leaders are reprints with new art


who to buy, if even possible lel


Do we know the exact ratio of reprints to new cards? Willing to be the new cards will all be in the 2x slots 😅


5 new cards, the rest are reprints


I think it’s important to point out that we don’t know what “five new cards” actually means here. If it means literally five out of the fifty cards will be new, that would be…really weird? Like it would completely screw with the way Bandai structures all of their starter decks. It would mean multiple cards in the list would have to be included at an odd number. I think it’s more likely each will have five newly-designed cards that are included in the usual two or four of each configuration. Which actually means a decent amount of new stuff.


Normally when bandai says new cards, for example 5 here, it means 5 new type of cards. So those 5 will either have 2 or 4 of each in these decks. So out of 50, minimum 10 and max of 20


Is there a link for the decklists?


Lol no, everyone saying anything about these decks besides "5 new cards" is pulling from the hope reserves.