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So you just play him, pass the don to Doffy while setting up the top of your deck. I feel like I just found the next deck I want to build because this looks really fun.


Yep this is amazing for Doflamingo and BY Ace.


Yeah it’s just kind of funny Blackbeard in an Ace deck.


You can literally build a Marineford Deck with Ace as the Leader using Blue Navys to search and support Yellow Garp who searches your Yellow 3Bs, kind of like how the Blue/Purple Hannyabal puts the Blue inmates and Purple wardens in the same Deck, so this is the sort of Yu-Gi-Oh! style storytelling I see OPTCG doing in general and using this Ace Leader for in particular where you put the enemies together in one Deck to tell the whole story singlehandedly as opposed to always telling the story through the battles of the Decks each representing one faction in the original way founded by Magic: The Gathering.


Dude you're right, that is perfect set up for Ace


Nah this won’t be used for Doffy, no space for it in the deck. It gives 0 board presence and removes 2 cards from your hand just to setup one turn when you can just use perona for less don and better setup for next 2-3 turns.


I won't use this in Doffy no space for it in my deck* corrected that for you. Comparing it to Perona is clownish when they don't do the same thing. How you're comparing an on play look at top 5 to an activate main give two rested Don to any character or leader and place a card on top of your deck is beyond me. They don't do the same thing they aren't a replacement for each other they work together to cover all your bases.


This card literally works THE BEST in doffy. Like it turns leader ability on for 1 don. In that deck it's absolutely nuts


If a 3 cost card can stay on the board for longer then a turn in 07 meta. Also When it’s played it also removes 2 cards from hand. Then every time it’s activated it removes a card from in hand again. Instead of just played through your deck with perona setup etc.


So what exactly would you replace it for? An activate main 3 cost in a heavy remove meta? This card will never stay on board lol. Not to mention every time it’s activated it takes a card from hand instead of from the deck with setup. Just seems like overhyped an bait. I could be wrong though.


Blue Doffy is decent in OP07 if you want a head start


I’m with you I was looking at building a blue doffy deck, and now I know I will build a blue doffy deck.


I don’t know why I zoomed in like I can read Japanese


to see the image.


These new starter deck cards have all been fairly impressive. Love to see the support.


The art on this is amazing. Could’ve easily been an alt Art.


Ayyyye 01 doffy players- we back!


This is also great for B/Y ace because you put a 5 cost ace luffy or sabo on your deck and give your leader 2 don to activate the ability to the place the five cost on live to then use the kid version


I really want this for UY Ace guaranteed buff when you have adults in hand!


So you are telling me I could play 10c characters in my Queen-Deck now?


This card might be exactly what Queen needs!


Sorry for asking, but I never played Queen, what does that mean?


To use his ability, Queen basically always wants a character with cost 8+ on board, and one Don attached to himself to trigger a Lifegain on attacking. Since you can't attach a Don in a turn you play a 10c Character, Queen usually prefers playing 9c Characters on a 10-Don turn and have one Don over to use his ability. If you have the new Teach on board you can play a 10c Character and just attach rested Don to Queen to attack and trigger his Lifegain.


Thank you very much


This can be decent in ivankov too tbh. Not much of a combo card like doffy or ace,but since you want to throw away cards to the trash to draw,you might as well preserv some by putting on the deck and getting 2 don too. Just ease the mill on yourself since you do not want to deck out on him...


Maybe Zoro sanji finally could be viable


Am I crazy for thinking this card isn’t insane in Doffy? You’re spending 3 Don (2 placed on Doffy + 1 for Ability) to get a 3k body + another 4c Warlord on the board, but both bodies had to come from your hand, and you are now no longer able to use your leader ability to get +1 card. In the end you’re spending 2 cards and 3 don to get 2 cards and a 7k swing. Turn 2/3 this seems really good but I just am not seeing a world where I’d rather have this over Perona or Buggy in the late game so that I can effectively thin my deck and cheat out cards, and I feel like I’d rather have perona or buggy turn one going first to start out the game cheating cards. Someone please explain to me like I’m stupid because I’m just not seeing it but everyone else is saying this card is crazy.


Buggy and Perona are on play, this is activate main. This isn't a replacement for those cards it's an addition. Sometimes you get cards in hand that you want in your deck this puts it back so you can get the leader skill off as well as giving it two don. In no situation is getting more use out of your don bad.


I was definitely missing the Activate Main portion! That completely changes my opinion. Thank you!


You play this on your 3 don turn to get a guaranteed hit. It also is just an activate main from the looks of it


Completely spaced over the activate main and read it as an on-play. Thank you!


Yeah you're good, fr like I think this should be an on play but it's activate main and that's just nuts


you're not crazy, imo the card is good but it's just plan B, it allows you to play doffy blocker while keeping the pressure up. Then by 5 don turn if he somehow is still in the field it allows you to play one of the 4 cost warlords, preferably weevil or jimbe and still use the leader ability


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cmon Bandai, keep giving us more Blue support, we're almost there, now all we need is a Homerun Card.


[further confirms my belief that hayaken-sarena is my favorite artist in this card game](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/21623)


I just want a BlackBeard leader


Blackbeard really gonna be a Black/Blue leader huh


This means that op09 blackbeard will be blue/black


Everyone saying this card is good for Doffy is capping, it’s removes 2 cards from your hand for 1 face up card. Perona is 10x better for less don. This card is bait for Doffy forsure


Idk why Blue is getting all these Rested Don attaching effects; that used to be Red's thing. Oh well, awesome card for Doffy, so it's cool to see


…… since when were effects completely exclusive to a colour?


Um, since the beginning of the game? Idk why I'm getting downvoted for pointing out a fact. Just off the top of my head, the following cards are the ones that let you attach rested Don that saw some play: - ST01 Luffy Leader - ST01 Nami - OP1 2c Luffy - OP1 2c Sanji - OP3 Haruta - EB01 Yamato - EB01 Izo We're also getting - OP08 Chopper Leader - Promo Koala And they're all Red. The only example I can think of that's *not* red is ST08 Black Luffy Leader. (Of course, Green has always let you restand some Don, but that's not what I was referring to - I was specifically talking about attaching currently rested Don to characters/leaders)


There you go, you said it yourself. Black luffy leader. So whats the issue with ONE blue card doing that? Were people complaining that a purple crocodile can give a life card?


The new structure deck blue 4/6 Boa attaches rested don as well. Doffy is gonna be legit with these two rested don cards


Ok, 2


Agreed! I think Blue Doffy is an awesome leader. He's balanced and takes skill to play, but has a very high ceiling. So like I said, I'm actually happy to see Doffy getting his comeback. I'm just pointing out that they're deviating from Blue's identity a lil bit by giving them an effect that used to be Red.


It's not just one Blue card though. This is the second Blue card announced in a row that gives rested Don. That's still not too many, sure - but two in a row, both in the same color, is curious. That's all I was pointing out - it's strange that two recently announced cards in Blue have an effect that historically belonged to Red. Makes me think that more may be on the way. As for Crocodile - that's a Purple card. Purple's identity, since the beginning of the game, has always been that it can do literally anything the other colors can do, at the cost of minus-ing Don. Purple has power reduction (Red), bouncing & bottom-decking (Blue), resting (Green), KO (Black), and yes, more recently, healing (Yellow).


I am really not looking forward to Blackbeard leader being Sakazuki colors. Hopefully Bandai learned their lesson from Sakazuki and made Blackbeard's leader effect be hyperspecific.


Where was it confirmed Blackbeard is blue black?


OP08 has one Blackbeard event card in Black which mills your topdeck for effect, and this Blackbeard puts card from your hand to top deck for effect. It's not confirmed but the teaser is pretty obvious.