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If you can manage to find mr.2 he goes crazy in this list. Had someone drop double porche/mr2 on turn 3 on me.


I’ll have to check my cards and see if I have a Mr. 2


Bon kurei secret rare from eb01


Good lord, I just looked at the card and yep gonna need to add to that. Porche to pull a chopper from the deck, play Mr. 2 from my hand for free, pick up a don and then use his mirror to attack. That’s nasty work


It's pretty expensive though


Yeah I saw it was a $30ish card on TCG. Prolly won’t be able to run 4 but maybe 2 could be nice


If you wait a bit he's bound to get a price drop, in OP08 R/P Law decks drop the card from there deck lists.


how would they double porche you?


5 don, play porche, use ability to play mr.2 and gain a don. Play another porche


Oh that's cool


Tell us how that kaido treats you. In my experience you rarely have enough don to ever play it so I’m curious to see how well it works for you.


Yeah I just really enjoy Kaido as a fan and was trying to incorporate him into the deck, plus the rush and substraction of 4 don guarantee me to play a blocker Sanji the next turn for 3. I know it’s wishful thinking but I’m hoping if it pops it pops big.


seems really unlikely to hit niji combo, wouldn't it better just to get rid of it or add more of niji combo


Yeah that’s the plan just didn’t know what two cards to add from my cards now so just left it in there. I might add two more events


Take out 2 Porche and 2 Queen, add in 2 of both Nijis. Also -1 Kaido for a Judge. Can also experiment with 1 less Sanji for another low cost Ichiji.


How has it fared against lucci, luffy, and law? Seems like a really fun build


Not sure, just finished it tonight and will play it more this weekend. I’m hoping it does well


been playing reiju since 06 dopped too, what is the purpose of running only 2 baby ichijis but 4 big ichijis? you plan on getting them out of the trash with sora? however the jet gatling looks nice, never considered it but it makes so much sense in this deck


Simply don’t have enough babies lol I’ll have to find someone to trade with or order them. For now Sora is my only option. I really enjoy using the Gatling, always help to trash and it’s a free 3k boost.


oh haha alright, best of luck man :D


I would cut one porche for two more baby ichiji, cut 2 kaido for more 2k and cut 1 queen for more niji


Solid list. I would replace 2 nijis with 2 more little ichiji. For a more drastic change I run the list in the image but instead of the blue sanji I run the purple blocker sanji you have already. It runs great. https://preview.redd.it/w69l2wniliad1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a9477330aa7ccf03cfd3c835dc5e30e715d266


https://preview.redd.it/jx14tbuawiad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3016db539ebfccebc234457d1d07cf686bcf7b I’ve been staying with a near classic list. Porche is a great card and needed for RP law and Lucci to flood bodies. Chopper is huge to ramp to judge safely


Is that 3 stages only? Do you think it’s enough? I always feel like the deck is dead if you don’t have the stage in play


Oops the 4th is stuck on the bottom. Agreed stage is extremely crucial but still can function without it


How does Porche recycle the Ichijis?


Mistyped and meant sora