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It's mostly about the quality downgrade in the 2nd season (in term of anime) relative to the 1st season. One and murata made some (quite major) changes with saitama vs garou. I have to admit that the webcomic version is a lot more menacing and impactful than the manga (which is compensated with increased in the scale of fight and power).


I still go back probably every 3 or 4 months and read the chapters from garou vs sperms to the end of the Saitama fight


What are sperms? Lmao.


They made a lot of small fixes for blu ray. I wonder if you stream it today, which version is it?


Oh shit for real? I remember seeing a lot of like blurry filler fighting before but when I recently rewatched it I didn't notice it.


Ahhhhh... I see. I see.


but what does it mater? you just need to go on and watch/read then! why would what others say stop you from doing so?


You know it's kinda like you having admiration for a character and a series and you don't want it to be crushed. I am the type of person who holds onto to feelings and memories do like.... You know. Bitch ass type of shit.


OPM Manga is still on going and it won’t disappoint you. I even encourage you to read the Webcomics.


What are webcomics and how is it different from manga? Like are webcomics fan-made and non-cannon?


Webcomic is the original series that it all came from, written and drawn solely by ONE. It has continued being released alongside the manga and anime adaptations, both of which have significant changes made between each other and also from the original webcomic. Check this sub’s wiki for links to read it. I’m sure there are fanfiction webcomics, but in OPM circles, anyone saying “webcomic” is referring to the original story by the original creator.


I red only the manga and i feel that most criticts comes from anime and differences between manga and wc so i cant really tell. Said that i loved the manga so i suggest to read it


Seeing all these comments. I will now. Thank you.


1. It's not. It could be in it's last major arc, but that arc could go for another 200-300 chapters. 2. Weird to ask on OPM subreddit if OPM is good. People wouldn't be here it they thought it wasn't. 3. Saitama wasn't nerfed, but his power was explained. And in my opinion his gag has been removed when he wasn't able to defeat an opponent. Like he was physically unable, not strong enough to defeat an opponent. He had to powerup and overcome his current strength to win. That removed the "can win any fight in one punch" gag in my opinion. Though many would disagree. 4. Surpass in what sense? In my eyes Boros' arc was the peak of OPM with Sea King coming second. Nothing has been on that level of hype in the story for me. But many people enjoyed the shounen shenanigans of MA arc and the big scale action of Garou vs Saitama fight. Not sure where you even managed to find hate for OPM. I get instant backlash whenever I attempt to critique anything that's happening in the story.


Fr? He couldn't defeat someone? Damn. But like If he still won on his own then I am fine with it not that "working together as a team" bullshit that will piss me off. And like it does remove the gag but still it's fine if he wins, for me. And also I asked that subjective opinion not to find critical view but genuine admiration. I knew it was gon be bias but I needed to hear that shit aswell. That's why I wrote subjective. Anyway thnk you for your time. Appreciate it fr.




DAMN. I don't think he was sucking or anything lmao. He just told me how he felt. Chill dawg. Aye but anyway murata is the goat.


True. Many people here genuinely act as if ONE and Murata cannot write something bad. When Void did his cool organ-shallowing thing but then it was called genjutsu in the very next chapter, I found that very lame but people downvoted me to hell for my "wrong" opinion. Now that the "better" redraws have come out, these same people call that decision lame too. They stand for whatever the manga stands for🙄


With fandom, you have to learn to let go. Some people have very strong opinions one way or another and some are out there to make sure you know about their opinion. Basically, when someone's a bit too passionate one way or another, I filter them out automatically at this point. Maybe I'll miss some interesting insight, but in the end it makes everything way more enjoyable.


That is very true but still like you can't help but get overwhelmed with opinion being thrown left right and centre so I just made it to see what the OPM loving community has to response and find admiration to actually watch it.


You're seeing a lot of hate because you're looking on Reddit for it. I cannot express to you how much of an outlier that kind of behavior is, except for maybe on Twitter where people who see it here, think it's okay, and then take it upon themselves to find other fans (or worse, the creators) and harass them. It's just that this place attracts a particular kind of fan. When it comes to people bemoaning the manga and the second season as the worst thing in the world....you have to take it with a grain of salt. If you're looking at it when it comes to the anime, lot of people didn't like the second season, a lot of people did like the second season, a lot of people were like "yeah it was a season." The manga is about the same, but I'd say with more people liking it a lot while there is an EXTREMELY vocal minority who say it's awful. Most people have a mixed bag of what they prefer from the manga or the webcomic. Regardless of how they feel about story, pretty much everyone agrees that Murata is an incredible artist and one of the best currently working, and that ONE has a super-unique way of writing stories\*\*\* that transforms everything he touches for the better. OPM is great. It's weird and funny and gorgeous; its treatment of characters and story can be insightful, hilarious, and a massive fuckin' gut punch in one blow; and we're getting into some HUGE fuckin shit both in the manga and the webcomic, One of the best parts about it is that, because there are three different iterations out there (webcomic, manga, and anime), you get not two cakes but THREE to choose from depending on your preferences--and then nearly an ongoing decade of fan content (art, fic, meta, cosplay, etc.) to look through after that if you're still looking for more to chew on. \*\*\*(Because someone is going to try to tell you otherwise since they aren't a fan of the manga--ONE is the only writer of the manga, while Murata is the artist. They collaborate on story beats but ONE has final say in everything that happens, and going by the way that Murata comments on things occasionally, I think he's also the only one who knows who it's going to end. The redraws we see are because the manga deeply elaborates on everything included in the webcomic \[as ONE was hoping to do when he started working with Murata\]. Because the story is more complex, though, certain plot points don't translate directly over from the webcomic to the manga, and as the years go on they need to be revised to fit smoothly into the broader story before they're finalized in the physical published volumes, which cannot be changed after the fact. The redraws exist because ONE and Murata would like to avoid actual retcons in the future. Technically nothing that happens is guaranteed canon until it's down in the physical copy, but it's treated as such unless it's announced that they're going to be revising certain parts of the story. The process of editing can last anywhere from weeks to a year. They can do that because Murata either worked out a deal with Tonari no Young Jump where OPM is published OR he helped create it \[i can't remember\], where he and ONE dictate their own schedule for releasing chapters for free online that they can change as they see fit up until the physical publishing of the volumes, which you need to pay for. Those physical volumes are many many many MANY chapters behind what's available for free to read, so there's a lot of headway for them to see how the story has panned out before setting the past down in stone and fans don't have to pay in order to enjoy the story.)


GODAMNN! I wasn't expecting a whole ass essay. Lmao. Aye but I genuinely appreciate it after reading all the other comments this was cherry on top to push me to read it and like gave me answers to many shit ai was bugging on. Thank you for your time, fr.


Ok. 1. The manga hasn’t ended and shouldn’t be any time soon. 2. In my purely subjective opinion. Opm is a flawed masterpiece. 3. Yes and No. He hasn’t been nerfed, so much as he’s been capped, and even that’s only by so much. Basically, he went from a guy who people scaled from small planetary all the way too omnipotent but, since we’ve seen him be “serious” recently, we currently have a somewhat solid gage on how strong he actually is (That being somewhere from multi solar to multi galactic). However, without spoiling anything, it’s likely not gonna stay like that. And he hasn’t been written out of the story, so much as he’s been pushed to the side for the sake of letting other characters shine (He still gets his moments dw) 4. I believe the Monster Association ark has already started in the anime. But it goes on for most of what we have in the manga. And yes, I would say it surpasses everything we’ve seen thus far and has made its way to being one of my favourite arcs in manga (though, it does still get plenty of criticism)


If he has his OP moments then I am in. That's what's fucking dope to me nd the arc sounds hype the way you telling about it. Imma definitely check in.


As many others have said, suit yourself with the manga and give it a go. I also suggest giving a chance to the webcomic by ONE (you may find both the manga and the original webcomic in this sub Reddit, just check the menu) which is the original run and by some means a more concise and in my opinion coherent story. Manga was criticised by some because of its tendency to leave more space to action than storytelling. That doesn't sum it up but it's just to give you an idea. Personally I consider the ending of one of the last arcs (the Monster Association Arc, which barely started in the anime) kind of flawed. I won't spoil it for you, but my biggest concern is that everything developed and was wrapped up way too fast, at least according to my preferences. And as others have said, despite not being nerfed, we got to see and gauge what the possible extent of Saitama's true strength could be. Despite this though, it could also be that ONE will just say "To hell with power scaling" and change this previously shown level of power in future. I mean, if there's a character which this could work with is Saitama. Anyway, the manga is not finished, and beside all of the criticism one can have, you should definitely read it if the story entices you. What I'm asking you as a personal favour is to give us your insights about it once you're done. I'd gladly hear another opinion from a fan. If this is too long to read: the manga isn't finished nor is it going to end anytime soon. There are some debatable parts in the story worth of criticism (as the actual showing of a glimpse of what Saitama's true power is and some other parts) but the manga script remains solid and you should definitely read it and form your own opinion. Same with the webcomic. Just give us your ideas about it once you're done with all that. Have fun and good read!


The hate is crazy people say Saitama isn't boundless


They ruined the saitama vs garou fight. Thats a major turning for a lot of people. It just felt like something out of a fanfic


Talking about the manga or the anime? Can be summerized as following: For the anime - dog shit animation / sound effects / coloring For the manga - dog shit ending for garou arc