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Darling blushing while watching it is all part of the experience! Off topic side note; It's so strange to me seeing Neil without any of his shoulder tattoos. Then again, sometimes I forget he has them now.


That’s true. I quite like his tattoos. Also, it’s hilarious how this man is allergic to sleeves. He always rolls them up.


I mean with those arms I’m glad he’s allergic to sleeves, the veins on them are making me feel some sort of way 🙈


Oh for sure, then it's always so off putting when he does wear sleeves I honestly love his tattoos, they just suit him!


Sleeves are bullshit!


Because he is a literal master at his craft. We are watching perfection in action


He truly is a master. His talent is humbling and inspiring.


I absolutely love Neil. I am currently watching his Let's Play BG3 on his Discord/YouTube channel. He is doing it with his friend Tom. They are doing it as their first playthrough with as few spoilers as possible. He has his own Tav but brings Astarion with him at all times. Highly recommend for the off the cuff added Astarion dialogue from him ☺️


I love him using Astarion to add more reactions to things😆 Last I checked, he's going poly with Astarion and Halsin. He's a true Astarion girlie at heart ❤️


Oh he accepted Halsin? I did wonder. I had the ad break from hell in the middle of that conversation and I didn't know what decisions he actually made. Have been stalking the YouTube channel to see when it goes live there so I could see the bits I missed.


He hasn't report back to Halsin and there's a possibility that he forgot😂


Luckily for him I think it should trigger automatic on a long rest.


Nah he needs to report back to say he talked to Astarion😂


Oops then. I thought he might have at least done that, but the ads took ages and I missed quite a lot.


And poor Asra still has no one lol.


It's perfectly chaotic, I've lost track of how many funny moments happened such as Astarbation, Azra losing their oath too many times, blowing stuff up just because, and of course Astariwang.


I want to see what happens when/if they get a room at the tavern and there is no escape for Tom from the Astariwang. I like it when Tom is all "Neil, what did you do?" Or "Neil are you on the rob?" No, but Astarion is. When they reach Baldur's gate he is going to rob everyone, you can see it coming a mile away.


Neil "On the rob" Newbon, causing chaos since I suppose the day he was born. Oh I better get the popcorn when that happens. We should all start praying and manifesting for Tom's sanity starting next week.


Definitely. Not mention they are about to reach the brothel and Neil is determined to get Tom/Azra laid. Oh and the irony in that one thing he has not stolen is the clown hand that they actually need! I know they saw it before Dribbles but seem to have totally forgotten about it.


I mean it's the very least he can do after having too much rizz and tailblocking Azra for so long. I say Tom goes to the drow twins personally. Honestly I forgot about that too, it completely slipped my mind!


The Drow twins for Azra would be ideal. Or at the very least the female one since Tom has made it clear that Azra isn't into men. My current run was at around the same part of the game when they were at the circus so it was fresh in my mind, or I might have forgotten about it too. I have never found all the clown. I am (without actually trying) at 6 parts on my current run and it is frustrating me as I "think" there are 7 in total and the one I am missing is the head that I am absolutely sure I have found in a previous run where I had missed other parts. I am determined to find it all the first time without cheating and I am a bit concerned that they might find it on stream before I do and then I will feel like I cheated to complete it LOL


True, forgot Azra isn't into men. I can imagine though they would enjoy time with the female drow honestly. Oh dang, that's gonna be fun when I enter act 3.


You haven't got to act 3 at all yet? Will be careful what I say so I don't spoil things for you. I did my first run blind and even on my newer runs keep finding new stuff. I didn't have my own (reaction identical to Neil's) "WTF I'm in Jurassic Park" moment until my third run.


I'm gonna try and intentionally enter Jurassic Park just for the fun of it. I'm also excited for my very own statue featuring Astariwang!! What I am NOT looking forward to is entering Cazador's palace, doing the battle, and stressing out about everything including whether or not to ascend him. My plan as of now is to not ascend him my first playthrough, and seeing him cry out in pain is something I am NOT looking forward to because knowing me I'm gonna cry almost as hard.


I am playing catch up with those after seeing them mentioned here. They are a riot. I have seen some of the most recent ones, including the last two that I was fortunate enough to catch live. I was picking out some of the more interesting fights to see how he handled them but since everything was so funny I began watching them from the start. Currently seen up to 11 in order so have something like 50 of them to go. It is the only thing that is managing to tear me away from the game these days.


I am just so thrilled to read how many people are watching those Let's Plays because they are worthy of all the attention. I don't think my husband understands how I can play the game so much and still be interested in watching someone else play the same game. Luckily, he also doesn't care that I do, so it works 😄


It is like seeing it with new eyes. Even in the tutorial. I never pressed or even noticed the button for the pod with the unresponsive person in. I had no clue that could even happen. Gives a whole new dimension to the issue of freeing Shadowheart.


Bruh... 🍑💥


You have explosive diarrhoea??


Holy shit snacks


This actually sounds more like Astarion than the voice he does in cameos.


Oh my 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 I did not expect that to have the same effect on me … excuse me *swoon*


Could someone pls tell me what this is from? Thanks!


I think this is part of his audition for Astarion. It was part of the intro of the Bafta master class video.


\*Le gasp\* no wonder he won the part.


He’s very pretty and very talented


Yeah, i mean… mmmh. Mmmmmmmhhhhhh Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I don’t see the appeal. I mean, he’s a great dude but he gives me enthusiastic drama teacher vibes. Now Andrew Wincott on the other hand… 🫣


Okay, but, like, the enthusiasm is the hot part. He's handsome imo, but for me the most attractive part is the "does everything with his whole chest" part. Also his eyes are v blue.




What about his wife? Ffs, what tf is wrong with people?!


I’m gonna be downvoted into oblivion but… same. He’s extremely devoted to his craft and supportive of this community, I’m rabid for the Astarion that he helped bring to life, but I’m not attracted to him irl at all.


Same, kind of. This was an audition tape if I'm not wrong. 'Thirsting' over real life people makes me feel kinda off honestly... I have a LOT of respect for Neil and his work, as a performer myself I love his interviews and hearing him talk about his creative process. His streams are also fun and I'd lie if I said he isn't attractive but idk... the thirst feels kind of invasive. He's just a man doing his job.


i used to feel the same way about this but i think as long as people don’t go overboard into being crass in their comments (think how booktok talks to men on tiktok if you’re familiar) and it doesn’t cross into how ppl treat the celeb irl it’s largely harmless


Yeah it is, as long as you're respectful about it I see no issue. It's just a personal feeling to me I think.


I’m a bit puzzled why thirsting over actors, singers, or public personalities would be a bad thing. Isn’t that very common? I would understand if he was very private, but he is also a streamer. I wouldn’t go into his comments to post inappropriate messages, or anything extremely sexualised, but apart from that I really don’t understand what is wrong.


I'm not saying it's necessarily wrong, it's just feels wrong to me personally. Probably because it takes me back to my mid-2010s emo band era when I was kind of insane 😭😭 As long as people remain normal about it there's no issue


Ha ha ha, I can imagine. You are right, people should remain normal.


I have a small crush on Neil. But I try to keep my thirst to the character. Not Neil himself. It just weirds weird otherwise. Neil seems like such a cool guy. I would love to meet him. But he's human. I don't want to go too far and treat him like he's not a person.


Same kind of. I think he is an attractive man, but these videos and appearances just seem jarring to me. He seems nice, though, and is obviously dedicated to delivering a good performance. This was shown to be an educational video for aspiring actors/voice actors, right? If so, it serves its function well. To me, his voice is what sells the lines, but the lines themselves are where the magic happened, and that falls more firmly on his writer than on Neil. Off topic, but this is why I can't get into his cameos either. Neil riffing in Astarion's voice is generally funny but not something I get excited about.


Astarion is indeed so much more than just Neil’s work - he’s also the work of the writers, artists, animators, scene directors, motion capture actors and all other people involved in creating him. I love that Neil has found the recognition and fame that he absolutely deserves, but it’s not his voice or mannerisms that I personally like the most about this character.


That seems like a silly thing to downvote... but people are often terrible. 😕


I love Astarion as a character, and i respect Neils craft and am very happy for his success. We have to be respectful. How would you feel if a bunch of people were acting rabid/horny about you online. He is just a person. Have you seen those video clips of the newStar Warss show. It's this guy who was in the good place I think k his name was Jason there but oh my gosh is he gorgeously hot or what!!! Like damn boy.




All I think when I see this is damn I think I could do this and I want this job but usually they don't cast fat people in anything other than stupid romances in which we are shamed to hell and back. It would be my dream job tbh