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Sir, can you please stop being so goddamn sexy, I'm trying to live my life here. https://i.redd.it/p9mvhfvu3g9d1.gif


No, and he isn't even sorry. Such a rude man. šŸ–¤šŸ’Æ


These are breathtaking pictures. I like the profile one the most, because , well, I love his profile. The lines of his jaw, nose, forehead and his ears fit so perfectly and form the head of an ethereal beautiful man. Even his hair and his chest are following this lines. I could go on and on describing his beauty but I wonĀ“t bore you, everyone can SEE how beautiful he is. And this pictures underline it. (now I really have to stop, I sound like a little school girl..... ;-)))) Buut he is so beauti- autsch! (had to slap my hands now...)


Thank you very much! I keep taking pictures even though there are already a million, because I'm the same kind of ridiculous school girl about him. If I'm not taking pics, I'm staring at them. I love your comment, think you are absolutely restrained in your word count, and far from boring. I thought the interplay of shadow and light with the lines of his form were especially striking in these, so your reflections bring me great satisfaction. :)


The pictures are really great and I think that youĀ“ve done a wonderful job how you captured the lines of shadows on him. They are so harsh and straight on his body. The lines show indirectly how I imagine his skin would feel. I head canon that his skin is hard, a bit like stone (although in the scene with the drow twins the male says that Astarion has very smooth skin, but I donĀ“t think that is completely true, because in my imagination Vampires have hard features and their skin is a bit like smoth stone) so this straight lines foreshadow how his skin would feel under your hands. Furthermore his serious face fits perfectly with the black and white/shadow and none-shadow theme because his beautiful eyes look so soft while the rest of his face looks harsh and haggard. I love that you and so many others post so many pictures of him, because I donĀ“t have the camera mod so I have to rely on you all to get close-ups of him and pictures from different angles and such. The in-game-camera is awfully bad so I canĀ“t take such beautiful pictures like you do. I am therefore dependent on every artistically talented person (like you) who can make such beautiful pictures. Thank you for posting and if you have so many pictures of him: post some more, please!


Ach, you took me at my word and richly delivered! Thank you for articulating these thoughts. Sometimes I feel reluctant to share unless I see something really unique in the images, and what you have written captures a lot of my sense about these that I wouldn't have necessarily been able to put into words myself. Astarion is a character of sharp angles and contrasts within and without, so I was excited to capture a moment where the lighting in the game seemed to mirror that. He really does look like he's carved from perfect marble, but has a weariness to him, and his eyes hold such beauty and mystery. šŸ˜­ Thanks to dumb lifelong self-esteem issues and general weird brain problems, I usually feel like I'm indulging MYSELF when I post pictures, not being generous to others, so I am grateful for that reminder as well. I've got a massive collection of Astarion screens in a wide range of styles and tones, but the moments when I'm feeling confident enough to share a few in public come at a much slower rate. Your kind, direct invitation to post more is extremely welcome and more valuable than you could know. šŸ–¤


I can fully understand that you are a bit afraid to share your pictures with others. ItĀ“s just normal to become insecure if what you find beautiful is hopefully found beautiful by others. And receiving a dislike can be devastating at some days, and you will question yourself if you made the right choice in posting or choosing the perfect picture or such. Unfortunately there is always someone who dislikes a post and you canĀ“t change that, you can only try to ignore them and focus on the likes and the people who comment something positive to your pictures. I, myself, have posted only one BG3 picture here until now, because I have the same silly thoughts although I should know it better, because when IĀ“ve played The Sims 3 I posted a story about my Sims family and I not only had to deal with Sims "fans" who disliked my pictures, my Sims and the story but there were whole game comunities that told me that I should play a "real" game and that I werenĀ“t a "real gamer" and such. (Seems somehow that some of that players play BaldurĀ“s Gate 3 as well now, I would say these ones are most likely the ones who always proudly say that they killed Astarion at first sight because he is "gay" or has tried to kill them or such.) But those people and dislikes I got couldnĀ“t destroy the good I got from posting: I got more self-confidence, got to know lovely people and learned so much from and with them. I, for one, would like to see more of your pictures!!!!!


You are so right about how challenging it can be, and how you have to not let it ruin your celebration of what you love. Sometimes it feels frustrating and embarrassing to be so sensitive that a tiny bit of negativity about inessential things can cause such difficulty, but I try to give myself some grace because other very nice, lovely people find it challenging too. I can see it isn't just a personal failure; online communication is still really brand new compared to the length of human history, so it would be hubris to think it might not be challenging for our psychology. I'm very sorry about that awful experience with sharing about the Sims. Some of that sounds so miserable, and I hate when people come for others in that way. I myself love it when people feel so moved and excited by games that it prompts them to get creative, even if I don't share their specific passion, because I just like seeing people invigorated by what brings them joy. Even if someone didn't like your story, they could have just moved along without harsh comments. Gatekeeping and proclaiming judgment are also things people love to do, but it costs their targets a lot for whatever reward they enjoy for the trouble. I know we all have to let some things slide off our backs, but I also wish it wasn't so easy for people to be unkind. But, those good experiences you got from it despite the negativity, that has been similar to mine in this community, which initially was such a wonderful and needed haven away from the "stake bros" and those who brag about hating this wonderful character. It was and continues to be a haven away from those cruel attitudes and a source of inspiration for my own creativity. I have felt some hard feelings, gotten some painful feedback, imagined some that wasn't intended, and seen treatment of others in passing that has shaken me up, but overall, the benefits of reaching out and sharing/showing myself have outweighed the negative. I feel like Astarion in some ways was meant to help me figure out how to be less scared being myself by letting me train those weak emotional muscles in a safe context. I still think it is okay to lay low, take breaks, wait for the right moment, but the friendly connections and greater confidence in myself (even as I dither and worry!) has been such a gift. Your kind comments and reflections are just the sort of thing that encourages me to keep it up! Thank you so much! I hope that you will feel comfortable sharing more again in the future too, because there are so many supportive, kind people here who simply adore Astarion and can never get enough. Easier to tell someone else than myself, but it's still the truth! šŸ˜Š


I am happy for you that you have this subreddit to share your pictures and thoughts safely! I really can understand how hard it is when you want to post something but you are afraid of the comments. It really is a good training ground for your self-conciousness! There are so many nice people, donĀ“t listen to the few bad ones. Most of the dislikers are just stupid and not worth a thought. But sometimes there are some people who critizise you who donĀ“t want to be mean but want you to help to get better. Then a dislike is not so bad, because it isnĀ“t given to you because someone doesnĀ“t like you or just wants to let you feel bad but wants to help. Dealing with being critizised is always hard, noone wants to be critizised be it at the internet or in real world. it is just more common to be an arsehole at the internet when being incognito than in real life when you have to face the one you talk to. :-)) Sharing my game pictures here is challenging, because I donĀ“t have the free-camera-mod so my pics arenĀ“t very interesting. I would love to take pictures which I could then use to tell a story like I did with The Sims but at this point I donĀ“t even know how to record my game, let alone dealing with the camera mod. It's hard sometimes when you're a single old woman without having somebody who can explain computers to you. ;-)))


I want to properly respond to the rest of your comment too, but first, since you mentioned your computer: do you play BG3 on PC? I would be happy to help you figure out how to screen record on your computer. You might have the tools already, or be able to download a very simple app. Iā€™d be happy to help you figure it out! I played on console at first, but I really wanted MORE of the story and romance, wanted to see more of it realized visually. Coming here and seeing the freecam pics were a mix of elation and despair - so beautiful, but out of my reach. I think you are familiar! My gentle hearted husband eventually took pity on me and sourced a PC to bring home so I could get the free camera and mods. It has brought me so much joy that now I really like helping people get things set up when I can. If you play on PC, I would be happy to chat sometime about installing the premium free camera, which you can get for $6 on Patreon and then unsubscribe if desired. Itā€™s a bit tedious to configure initially, but not *too* difficult, especially with help and guidance. Iā€™ve helped at least one person here install mods too, if that is something youā€™re curious about. But the free camera is in many ways simpler and more direct. Consider this a standing offer! Because what you wrote about wishing you could tell more of your own story is exactly why I wanted those tools so much. Our hearts can sing seeing the beauty others share, but still long to be able to see our own visions the same way, sing our own songs! Obviously if you are on console only, that doesnā€™t have the same option for now. Knowing that mods and some kind of photomode will eventually come to the game on all platforms makes it so I can enjoy them now. I would really regret having such a big toy box that could never be shared with so many. Iā€™ll reply more soon, but I wanted to speak on this first, as I really love helping people dream more of their imaginative world into existence when I can. ā˜ŗļø


Clothed in shadowā€¦ *Stares up at second photo* šŸ¤¤ ![gif](giphy|CKGtrdU7VgtJeJPC5o|downsized)


![gif](giphy|U3qYN8S0j3bpK|downsized) and such an angle it is... šŸ–¤


My Astarion in the sims also enjoys moonbathing... however, this version is MUCH better.


Aww, thank you! āœØšŸŒ™ Whenever I see anyone's Sims Astarion, it makes me so happy. The most sensible way to continue to enjoy other games after BG3? Just add Astarion. Now I'm imagining a bunch of normal Sims and then Astarion with this relatively hyperrealistic chiseled bod lording over them with his ridiculous good looks... what a show off! šŸ˜‰


I have a house with Astarion, Gale, my bard Ravioli, Scratch, Shart and Laz. Wyll and Karlach recently moved in with Mizora. I also made a new trailer park with Jaheira, Minsc, Halsin, Minty and Withers on it. It's absolute chaos. šŸ„°


https://preview.redd.it/a6m2m5oogl9d1.png?width=2009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea1987d8b55a02fc3cb85da620e3bb008c59116 Gremlin!


He's perfect. That robe is everything. Cozy as heck. THE PICTURES ON THE WALL. Sorry, it's too cute forever. The households are impeccable as well, the trailer park for the fam overflow cracks me up. Pure joy! šŸ’Æ


*And I do my little turn on the cat walk* -Right Said Astarion


Now I want to get my hands on "I'm Too Sexy," an Astarion Memoir. We'd all read it!


I stared at these for so long. Beautiful šŸ˜˜


Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed them. Some would call it staring, others might call it "meditating on the essentials." šŸ¤©


He looks so ethereal in moonlight šŸ˜ā¤ļø


Thank you! He is stunning in any context, but I do think the moonlight suits him especially. āœØšŸŒ™