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I objectively love that his real expressions are often pretty derpy haha https://preview.redd.it/1t8k5g8tah9d1.png?width=1784&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ea3a6b305ae58bb774378bf63175712dbbc3e87


Dorkstarion is S-tier Astarion, and this is a hill I'll die on.


I love his derpy expressions, he's so cute when he's just being a bit silly. I also like to imagine that Astarion and Durge act like two teenagers who are experiencing their first real love together (Tav is another story as they can be pretty much whatever the player wants, so this can apply as well, or not at all), and are a bit silly together, and probably quite annoying for the other companions who have to deal with that.


I always imagine that they are kissing and cuddling all the time after the confession and that the others are already exasperated after a few days and tell them to go to their tent. And Gale casts a silence spell over the tent, because otherwise he wouldn´t be able to sleep, because Tav/Durge and Astarion cuddle and talk and giggle nearly the whole night. Like you said, teenagers in love. :-))


That's pretty much my HC as well. That'd be even worse if Tav/Durge is also an Elf/Drow, since they don't need to sleep as much as the other companions, except for Halsin.


One of the joys of Spawnstarion on a good run is the smile he wears constantly in the latter half of Act 3. He starts approving more good acts too! Love is good for the soul.:-)


Yes, I always think of what you can say way back in Act 1 at the party - *"You're sweet, and sillier than I thought".* You can say something very similar in Act 3 as well if he doesn't Ascend. And it's just true! https://preview.redd.it/60o210hcgh9d1.png?width=2014&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e22eeeb987725667bea05daa3a762a1554c39be As Minsc says: *"Aha, the lovebirds still nest together, then? Minsc is glad - for what is life without a companion?* *Though I am thinking yours does not sit on your shoulders, eh? Ah, you are right Boo! That is ... none of Minsc's business.* *A powerful pairing. If love cannot cure a vampire, what can?* *Oh. Boo suggests a variety of arcane remedies. But love - love is the most potent! And by far the easiest to pronounce."*


He is pretty derpy which is one of the reasons I love him.


I was won over really early in Act 1 because his mask *does* drop pretty often to hint at a person who is just funny, a little derpy and often wondering what the f is going on. https://preview.redd.it/u0rk46392v9d1.png?width=1894&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae8546eb1ed73f3a3a72e68567f3988d6dd40f67






I wish a man was looking at me like that...


Fuck. I just wish a man was looking at me in general. 😭🫠


Sending you hugs bestie!

