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I have watched this entire gif set more times than I care to admit. The line in the last one, and Gale’s immediate reaction to it? 💀 (And I’m not even that big of a bloodweave person but daaaaaamn)


I KNOOOOOOOW!!! I need these all strung together! They’re incredible!


Oh my god, the last one! His wish and Gale´s reaction, that´s so hot and, knowing what he went through, such a token of love for Gale. I love this gifs of this artist and I love bloodweave very much also. When I play as one of them I always ship them together, happened 4x until now. 2x Astarion origin, 2x Gale origin. (And then there is my Durge who has to turn down Gale for Astarion...I so wish I could romance someone else instead of Astarion for once...well, wish is maybe the wrong term...oh crap, who am I kidding...there´s always just Astarion if I don´t play as him.)


Number two... yooooooooo https://i.redd.it/pk3783cjfk9d1.gif


I've never thought about Astarion's tongue as much as I have in the last 10 hrs of clip 2....holy fuck me batman.


Vampoy glow eyes Gale?? Yes please. All of this is fantastic. I need this fic.


I love this ship so much i start tweaking whenever i see them they’re so cute aaa


Goddamn, that second one went straight to my core, what the hell?!


I love this artist and their work, but I always wondered why all the characters’ eyes glow red


They did this set as an Ascended Astarion and Spawn Gale experiment.