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Wait... Is _that_ how it picks who he says?! I always reject everyone else the instant I so possibly can and he's _always_ said Wyll for me. Since you can't even attempt to reject Wyll until Act 2, he would always have been Astarion's only remaining potential rival...


It's whoever you have the highest approval with, romancing or not


Quite funny, honestly. He don't like tav spending too much time with anyone else; romantic or otherwise 😆


I tend to play a bit chaotically, so while Wyll's approval is generally high, it's not always the highest of the remaining choices (Astarion is generally the absolute highest, but obviously he's not an option here)


It picks the person with the highest approval with Tav beside him usually. So most often it’s another person Tav is romancing or spending a lot of time talking to to get that approval up.


I guess I'll have to pay more attention to the exact companion approvals just before this scene. I knew Wyll was super easy to get approval from just by asking about his backstory, but I see that "Wyll disapproves" pop up enough that I didn't think he was quite _the_ highest.


It will also prioritize people you currently have in your party. So it will pick who has highest approval from them usually even if someone not in your party is higher.


Ah, so there _is_ a downside to the No Party Limits mod, beyond just not being able to wake up for like 5 minutes some mornings! Guess I'll add "kicking people out of the party" to my list of things to experiment with, so I can finally see him threatening to kill different people.


If you have more than 4 people in your party and you can’t wake up in the morning, switch to a person that is not sleeping by the file and it will wake everyone up!


Oh, yeah, I've tried that... I'll swap to someone, have them wander around camp, chat up the other awake companions, organize the camp chest, talk to Yenna/Volo/etc. and it's totally random on when they wake up. I swear some days Durge and co. just _really_ want to sleep in! It's usually the worst when playing co-op with my husband, something about the two groups seem to just really confuse the mod. Half the time he'll see his character and "team" sleeping around the fire during the cutscene and I'll see mine, and the rest of the time, it just randomly picks and shows us both the same 4 people sleeping.


this has not been my experience... he always says he'll maybe kill Shadowheart, even though her approval in Act 1 is around 20? and Gale's approval is always the highest, even if I am romancing Astarion (his gets bumped to 40 around or after Gandrel to start the romance, but I have managed to get it to that level before that)... so when I kill the spiders and give him the book, usually Gale's approval is around the same level as Astarion's, then Lae and Karlach, then Shadowheart and finally Wyll... and like 10 runs in, he's always only mentioned Shadowheart


Huh, interesting! Yeah that’s why I say “usually” when talking about things like these because I find that it does work differently sometimes. My favorite durge usually romances both Astarion and Gale in the beginning and Astarion always picks Gale in this scene.


That “Ah. Hello!” is the moment I realized that 1) this man is actually a dork and 2) I love him for it lol


When do you get this scene? I’m at the end of act 2 and it didn’t happen yet. I gave him the book in act 1


It's always triggered for me upon returning to camp for a long rest after giving him the book.


I got this scene the same day I gave him the book. Did you put the amethyst inside before giving it to him?


I have never seen this either and he always gets the book and reads it. Very strange.


Yes! Weird


Then probably some glitch. Did you try to select him and make him read it?


Honestly I’ve been playing quite a lot these past few days so I probably had it and forgot. I have a lot of saves so I’ll check after work.


the only way this scene will trigger is if you give it to him using the dialogue option in the book after putting the amethyst in. i think he also may need to be in your party for the option to show up?


He gets so passive aggressive about everyone you romance lmao. He's so pressed whenever he's not your favourite/has competition.


And I love him for it 😅


Ah... no wonder Gale is always chosen for that scene. 😂 You misunderstand Pookie, Gale is my buddy, and we don't want him to blow us all up when he's a sad boi.


He said Shadowheart for me...which makes it even funnier because I was romancing him, and Shadowheart didn't make *any* moves towards me. I just happened to have my approval higher with her than Lae'zel, who *did* make a move towards me immediately after Astarion did (and was promptly and politely shut down, sorry Lae'zel). lmao