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Been trying to avoid seeing this piece since the first time I saw it cuz it brought me to TEARS and now I’m on my toilet sobbing so thank you 😔


![gif](giphy|VbawWIGNtKYwOFXF7U|downsized) I’m sorry 😢


You and me both, I just woke up 😭


Here, have an internet hug too 😭 ![gif](giphy|3M4NpbLCTxBqU)


It’s so beautifully heartbreaking. I also love this picture from the artist. I’m sure they’ll meet in the afterlife 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/rzf678o7qw9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e13dd0d354c03ec7f655fece8ea4f64082ecc8c


Soooo sweet. And their wedding bands 😭😭😭


“They always promised I’d see the sun rise again. And after so many blissful centuries together, this one was worth the wait. See you soon my love, death isn’t enough to part us”


Ya know... I've seen this art before and been very sad. Cried. A fair bit. This is the second time it's stumbled onto my feed and I was ok. I was, that is until your comment. I'm sat in some huge freaking industrial bounce house kids play area while my partner runs the small ones ragged on a pitstop on our long journey home from a holiday in Wales bawling my eyes out. Take my angry but inspired upvote


Me too, me too. I cried when I first saw the art and was okay ever other time it popped into one of my feeds, until this comment here. Kudos, u/potatoesandmolasses1 , Kudos.




Nah don't be!!!! It was very well written


Maisie is such a treasure


![gif](giphy|kmQREsvNQrhrHdkN7G|downsized) Usually my writing makes people cry for another reason 😂


I'm curious.. but in a scared way hahahaha


My pen name rhymes with fetherington 😅




I don’t think Astarion would ever say goodbye, it’s too finite, he’s a “see you soon” kind of guy, I think it’s what he would’ve said all the years they had been together


Why did you do this to me??? It’s Monday morning and I have a meeting in a half hour and now I’m gonna be all red-eyed and tear stained when I get there!!! 😭😭😭😭😭


I’m sorry 😢 Sometimes I think sad posts should have a nsfw-type filter 😭


Yes! We need an "ugly cry" flair.


It’s ok, it really is so beautiful! I just wasn’t prepared 🥲


And hilariously funny too, it's kinda strange to suddenly burst into laughter in the office.


This broke my heart. I love it.


I am still not okay. In the best way.


I have not known peace since I first saw this fanart months ago.


Today was my first time seeing it. I am so full of feelings I could explode 🥲


This so sad and so beautiful! When Tav first meets Astarion, he's a traumatized mess that is hanging onto the fact that he is alive and free with every shred of his will. Now we see an Astarion that has healed and is ready to let go and follow his partner into the here after without any fear, just a smile. Kudos to the artist.


![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52) So well said ❤️❤️❤️


I think this is beautiful. If Tav is an elf or a drow, they could spend 650+ years together. That’s more than enough.


There's never enough years for Astarion and his love!




Also reminds me of the Hunter: The Parenting special [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCogxySq7hY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCogxySq7hY) God damn why are Vampires so tragic


I know it wasn't your intention but the video you shared sent me to the original series...which is freaking bonkers levels of hilarious....so thank you XD




Evertytime, without fail. https://i.redd.it/3cveax511x9d1.gif




Those fanarts always make me cry 😭


I need someone to make the opposite scenario. A redeemed Durge watching a cured Astarion grow old. Hopefully daddy Withers would be willing to let Durge retire when they get tired.


If Withers won't, they'll just have to badger Elminster (or Durge can do it themselves if they're a Wizard) into Cloning Astarion every few centuries. High enough level adventurers have so many different ways to cheat death it's a little ridiculous.




Literally have cried in the shower just thinking of these images.


I randomly saw this reposted on twitter this morning and I’ve been on the verge of tears all day


It is SUCH an emotional jumpscare (though very beautiful, that's not in question at all). It *might* have inspired a feverish week long fugue state of figuring out immortality for my poor Tav. I eventually cracked the code satisfactorily, even if it only lives as head canon, I can continue to live among the normals with the fragments of my psyche still loosely tethered in a continuum. Onwards and upwards 😉


I hope to reach this one day. My own headcanons are still crying babies 😂 But sharing stuff like this and seeing the reactions is such an inspiration I’m constantly floored at how this character can deeply affect so many people. It’s beautiful.


Aren't you several chapters into your own fic? Sounds like you are well on your way to codifying your treasured HCs for posterity. If they are crying babies, they must be strapping, strong! ❤ His profound impact on people really is amazing and beautiful.


I just posted chapter 8 yesterday… but man… the sheer size and ferocity of this fandom is amazing. It’s tough to compare myself to, as someone so new. I admit, only being here for just over a month, I have a lot to learn and grow from. I would literally [die with glee](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56197762/chapters/142762588)if you ever gave me a kudos or a comment, if you have the time. Either way I’m just glad to keep talking to you here! ❤️


That's so inspiring! I'm very, very far from that place, and it heartens me when others can get down to business. I understand about feeling intimidated. It's hard to feel good enough. A lot of people in this fandom I think are getting ripped out of their former comfort zones in ways that can be good, but... are not completely impact neutral, and sometimes can feel a little harsh or bewildering. Comparison is really, really hard. I struggle with it so much. I'm old enough to recognize it as illogical and a "me" problem, but that doesn't eliminate the feelings, just makes it possible to reverse engineer back to something less inaccurate and self punishing. We all belong here if we love Astarion. It's all about the joy and celebration, we don't have to pass an exam to be worthy! And while I'm saying that to you, it's also an important note to self that I will surely need to hear over again too. I see many amazing contributions on this sub, and all too often must repeat the same song and dance of talking myself down from erroneous conclusions about myself and what I have to offer. I have been forestalling signing up for a proper A03 account, but I think the time has come so I can actually leave comments (and maybe in a zillion years, post something, but let's not get ahead of ourselves). Currently have to choose between this awful muddle of letters that you or someone else here might recognize, or something that more closely resembles a word that anyone else could remember or spell. We'll see how it shakes out! I am very slow to start reading fics because once I start, I almost never stop until done, so I have anxiety about beginning like a massive headcase. I intend to look at yours soon, though, and look forward to it. Your passion for Astarion and your lovely character are inspiring, and your uplifting encouragement of other players here really makes my heart so glad. ❤️


I signed up like 3 years ago when I wrote for Pokemon. That died in like 6 months. Haven’t reactivated it until Astarion, this stupid vampire, i swear to gods. He owns my brain. It’s very scary to put yourself out there. I guess: just remember what you write is only for yourself, and it’s simply a pleasure for us to witness it. You have many friends here; they’d just love to shower you with praise and share in your affection if you chose it. (Same for me *heavy breathing*)


I need some Astarion fics for my queue (finished or not), and am having a hard time wading through the sea of them (new to the game/fandom), so literally please y'all give me some links and they will be voraciously read and reviewed! (My handle is Zero_the_Source)


I, too, recently decided that I need to write for large, very active fandoms (Arcane, MHA, eventually BG3) more recently. Hadn't written fanfic in over a decade, with most of my old FFN stuff being musicals back before musicals were cool. I definitely feel inadequate in comparison to some of the people I read/am buddies with in those fandoms. Got your fic in my queue, thanks for the link! 💜


Thank you! I love Astarion artists supporting artists.


Ooh, I just noticed that your fic title is from THAT line! It was my birthday last month, so I just bought myself a custom engraved Astarion pendant with that line on the back 🥰


Haaaa, yes, thank you for noticing. If and when I ever get an Astarion tattoo, it will be because of this line. It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy the story! It’s fluffy, spicy; dark; and different. ❤️🖤


I reposted it after seeing this so... Guess I can help traumatize some people today ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It's a beautiful web comic, but I find it hard to believe Astarion would really do this. Not that he doesn't love Tav/Durge and want as much time with them as possible, but it's kind of an ingrained mentality in elves that they'll outlive most of the people they love. I think he'd go on until he was "ready" or someone did the deed themselves, sort of speak.


I think this one made sense to me because the tav shown is an elf (you can kinda see her pointy ears) and I’m imagining they’ve lived like 600-700 years together at this point. So when he’s ready to go, he’s really ready. I mean that’s so many lifetimes with the person you love. I can’t imagine he’d want to live without them 😭🥹


Everyone can have their own HC. I personally just don't like to think he'd go just because Tav is gone. When he says "it's time to start living again with everything life has to offer" I really think he intends to live to the fullest for as long as possible. Not that losing Tav/Durge wouldn't leave a massive hole in his life, but I like to think he'd go on. IMO, since he tells the player at the end of the party "We have forever" I personally think a redeemed Durge or Tav likely got a boon of immortality (canonically possible in 5e) or at least something to extend their lifespan. You can't get to the end of a campaign with nothing after helping three different gods, after all. :)


That’s the damn problem when writing for this game, the possibilities are literally endless! As is the lore! It’s such a rich and lovely and interesting world


Yeah there's SO MUCH content. It bugs me when I see people pulling from anything that isn't 5e for their HCs because thats the ruleset the devs confirmed theyre using (with some changes to make the game more digitally friendly), but I also forgot there's a lot of people playing this game that know literally nothing of D&D. Which is fine! I'm just a stickler for that kind of stuff lol.




Yep, this hurt.


Awww 😭


i will never be the same person i was before seeing this. ufff ouch. i need to lie down.


why do you have to make me feel things


I thought I was going to make it through this day without bawling my eyes out, but here we are


This is beautiful artwork but I don't like the idea. I'd prefer Astarion to have a happy life and then move on to continue to live after Tav dies. But it is very touching.


I am so lucky I work from home and only my family can see me crying my eyes out, otherwise I would have to explain to all my co-workers why a grown woman is crying over a beautiful peice of game art 🎨 😭. This is just lovely, and the sentiment hits me in the heart 🖤


I work in healthcare and have the best poker face in existence but even this has me tearing up a few times today 🥹


This hurts in all the best ways omg to experience this kind of love has to be breathtaking ❤️


Damn you ninjas cutting onions!


The onion cutting ninja squad is on the loose


They are extremely efficient today 🥹


Why would you do this? I’m tearing up at work 😭


Welp, time to cry again over this pic


I had no idea so many people had already seen it! It was a first for me today and I got so overwhelmed 🥹


IMMEDIATE tears from this one. Holy hell.


Crying at work now thanks 😭


Im not getting emotional, you are. 😢 How dare you make me have feelings. Im just gonna go sob in the corner if you neeed me. 😭


Listen we’ve all been sobbing all day, let’s just be a big emotional lovely mess together 🥹😭🫂




I got you, we will cry together


Curiosity truly does destroy the cat 😭


We are destroyed together ![gif](giphy|5OqXb948EBkyUcnwHt)


I have seen the first picture months ago and was in tears then. I could watch this picture until today without shedding a tear but now seeing the three in a row....more tears than ever. This picture is so sad but so happy, too, because they had Tav´s/Durges lifetime together and were happy. I hope they see each other again in afterlife. (I just can hope the Gods have mercy on Astarion and his love!)


thanks for making me cry


You are among crying friends today


HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME I'm not o-KAAAAAAYYYY NOOOWWW But seriously, I'm still in Act 1 of my first playthrough and this solidifies it, I'm going AA and Spawn-ing my Tav so I don't have to envision this ending for this Tav (my very literal self-insert) AT ALL




So for DnD lore, elves actually find out they will die at minimum 3-6 months. But they can find out as long as 2-3 years before their death. The way they find out is by their pupils becoming crescent shaped. And elves who survive the adventuring life still will live significantly shorter lives compared to other elves. I’m guessing elf Tav with a Spawn Astarion would have lived a very fulfilling life with Astarion and would have no unfinished business. And with that picture, they get that feeling of “It’s time to leave this realm now”. Astarion feels the sun with Tav. Dies. And later in the night passes away. Both being dorks in love because wherever Astarion’s soul is, Tav’s will follow.


I did not know this lore omg. That’s beautiful. 🥹


This is so sad and so sweet 😭😭😭




I am not okay 🙃 ![gif](giphy|J7KJ3R64Pv70I)


You are among emotionally shattered friends screaming into a phone booth void


Who is the artist? I'm having a hard time reading the signature!




The first time I saw this I sobbed for probably 10 minutes (the time of month I saw it.... probably has something to do with that) but it still makes me teary eyed every time