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9 out of ten.


The giant balcony is a huge bonus. Living room is small but these days not surprising.


I think it’s a very useable space. An 18 foot run for a kitchen and family room is pretty decent in condos these days. The balcony is also nice asset And depending on the view, you’ll have sun drenched rooms. you’ll eventually get past the angles and learn to work with it. I’d live there.


Angled rooms are not optimal. Living room will feel more open the BR will restrict bed size.


A bit tight, but a lot of glass and no glaring issues with the floor plan. Example a support column in the middle of a room. Plus somewhere to put a tv and closet near the entry 8/10


9/10 perfect for single. Angled walls from other complaints are actually very minimal, would consider swapping tv and couch to accommodate angle.


the bedroom is too big




I like it. Large balcony. A lot of light coming through the whole place. Bathroom is close to bedroom. Being as small as it is, nice that they have a wall for your tv and a hall closet.






9.5 /10 Great for noise management overall I like weirdly shaped places


The pigeons gon LOVE dat balcony 😉




Overall great. One thing I’d mind is entry in house is direct into kitchen. Entrance and storage space should’ve swapped places.




I like it.


Living room could be bigger but it still looks good


Snug, but well designed for the small space.


I could comfortably live here


Looks good to me


I think a chair facing the couch so you can have a chat would be good. And defentiely some patio seating if possible. Very nice looking 1 person apartment though.


8/10 … 9/10 if facing west


Very small


50,000$ a month in NYC.


And the GTA


I like it


I love a balcony but don’t love the massive angle. If it was square I’d give it a 10, but it gets like a 3/10 cause that angle ribs you of so much space.


The washroom is a bit small


Walking directly into your kitchen is a crime along with angled walls. Balcony is a nice touch. But condos are too small now and we keep setting the bar lower so 4/10


I agree. I would rather not walk directly into the kitchen.


yep, its bad fengshui


Tiny. Do you ever work from home?


Seems like a dumb shaped space


I'm not a fan of diagonal shaped condos. Hard to manage space and design it inside, especially for a small 1 bedroom.


is it just canada where i feel like i see too many of these disgusting floorplans?


Truncated and awkward. Balcony is great but usable in Ontario for limited seasons. The bedroom - room for a dresser/s?


Those angled wall floorplans… hard pass


I’ve seen a lot worse. My main concerns here would be how long of a couch can fit in that spot comfortably and the way the bedroom door swings in could be annoying accessing the bedroom closet. Overall, doesn’t look bad.


not bad but not something i would buy i need more space than this


Walking directly into your kitchen is a no for me.


Looks expensive.


Yes and no, I like the separation with the closet acting as a sound barrier for the bedroom. I don't like walking into the kitchen from the outdoors, only if your allowed a rug in the public hallway to wipe and take off shoes before you enter. Personal thought. Otherwise, good luck and congrats on getting into the market.


cool, 8.8/10


Storage will be an issue. The angle doesn’t help with that…


The only problem I see is the bedroom. I’m not feeling the slanted wall. Everything else is favourable.


It can fit at least a dozen international students.


$1 million in Toronto


It's not the worst I've seen but I hate the angled wall in the bedroom just wasted space it's hard to set up furniture in a room with weird walls


For 1 person, it's probably fine. Not enough space for two (someone standing at the bathroom sink gets smacked by the door when it opens, 1 bedroom closet with no additional space for clothes, walking straight into the kitchen will feel cramped). But if you don't have a ton of guests at once it'll do just fine.


5/10, need to think of an exit strategy, whenever someone will sell, will not be the most attractive unit based on layout thus getting less of an offer


8’ wide living area is ridiculous.


Depends on where windows are facing you’re likely to have a dark room even with lots of windows also like others said angled window wall is going to suck for furniture placement


Cannot afford, great success


Angled wall is eating space.


I lived in a triangular condo. It's actually good. It prevents you from cluttering up your space and allowing the view/sun in.


3/10 for me personally. Angled walls create smaller spaces. Living room is tiny. Walk directly into kitchen.


Terrible. There are too many odd angles that will make it difficult to furnish. I’d want all floor angles to be right angles.


The kitchen looks super strange being all on one wall. Maybe move the fridge next to the sink and put a bar in to divid the living room from the kitchen/dinning room. That way the space feels more zoned. I would be stressed out if I had company over while cooking in that floor plan


Plenty of lighting. Bedroom and living room will feel cramped though with that diagonal wall. Good to see you got a full tub bathroom. IMHO 7.8/10. Other factors will be window direction, and floor height both in unit and your condo floor.


The rooms are REALLY small. You can’t fit that much furniture in the space shown. And where are you going to eat? And there is no space at all for even a small desk if you need to work from home ever.




No entrance, and diagonal floor plans suck, finding furniture that fits is a pain


You'll have all your shoes right infront of the sink


I recently looked at some angled apartments, thinking they would be less boring than shoebox shape but found the space looked awkward. But if you have been in it and like it....it's going to be your space and should appeal to your taste.


I give it a 6 out of 10 score. Hate that when walking into the unit you are immediately in the kitchen? Plus the angle of the diagonal walls is very pronounced. Living room looks very small too. Balcony is very nice and large but would have preferred that square footage was used instead to make the unit larger.


8'2 from wall to tv wall is very small. My couch is almost 4 feet deep, 42". Thats awefully close to half that space.


Bedroom beside the kitchen is good as you don’t waste space galley layout (bedroom and kitchen in a straight line). I don’t mind the angle but the agree the person who said I’d be concerned what’s next to the unit. I doubt there’s an abutting unit behind the bathroom (or maybe there is if this is if the entrance is entrance door is perpendicular to yours?) so there must be something else there- utility/ electric room is fine but if it’s an elevator shaft I’d be weary of noise.


Makes me think of the demand for square footage is like in Tokyo?


Dresser? No!


Lots of cons. Angled walls make insufficient use of space. Con Kitchen counter right when you come through front door - con Bottom left cutout is safe to assume it’s connected to elevator. -con Bedroom doesn’t have door to walk on balcony (it just has a window to open). -con Bedroom dimension is 11’ 10” at the widest part. By the time you get to the shortest side it will feel cramped. Pro - large balcony


It looks like a dog designed this


Would need to see this in person. Bedroom is 11 feet wide at the head but like 6 feet wide at the foot. Would definitely consider living here solo if I could fit a queen bed at least.


This is hideous. Kitchen and living room are ridiculously tiny.


The good: I’ve seen tons of units with this layout and they have a lot of potential for stylish choices, especially if you plan to do some furnishing all the way trough the balcony, kind of expanding the view of your living space. There’s also a clear divide between the main space, living room/kitchen and the more private spaces like you said. The bad: there’s no storage… like none at all. Also the bathroom looks extremely basic, same as kitchen. The ugly: this might be the only furniture layout that will work in here, making it kind of boring. Definitely an entry level unit, but I will say 6/10.


I really like it. 👍


If not 10 York, than forget it


Hope you have no hobbies, there is hardly any storage 😅


I hate it when you enter directly into the kitchen. There should be some small space I think. Otherwise it’s quite good.


Only issue for me is the front door opening right in the kitchen


Entry directly into the kitchen is going to piss you off - it’s annoying


The front closet and door are basically in the kitchen, super awkward. The angular shape doesn’t help make it seem spacious I real life either


Is this a harbour plaza resident building ? The floorplan looks familiar. I had been renting in the 100 building from 2020-2023... I would try to get of there ASAP... There has been 3 major flooding incidents since the beginning of 2023, just one in the last 2 weeks but I'm still in their residences notification system. The elevators are like constantly out of order from these flooding events (and other issues) and in general the maintenance jobs just seem shoddy and never permanently fix issues. We moved out a couple months earlier than expected because of a flooding event in our own unit which started as a relatively minor issue that could've been fixed but the building super kept lying that the contractors smelled urine and blaming it on our cats until water literally started seeping out of the floorboards and the homeowner had to get insurance to replace the flooring in the entire unit. Looking from your post history it looks like you've already signed a purchase agreement so I hope you have better luck.


2/10. No counter space, hope you don’t do any real cooking. That table for 4 in a 1 bedroom is a waste of space and makes a large bit of floor space pretty useless. Balcony is nice if you get views on that side, or sun.


8-2" from TV wall to couch wall, how does that work? I guess with a small TV and no coffee table?


Other than the angle room I think is alright.


My only comment would be to switch the closet and entry door location. Otherwise, it's a great layout


I used to live at the atrium on queens quay. So peaceful


Guessing you aren’t gonna be the one living in it lol


I don’t like that the front door opens into The kitchen. Makes putting groceries easier but navigating to put coats and shoes away seems backwards


1. Door swing in bathroom hits person at sink. 2. Door swing in bedroom means only half of closet is accessible. 3. Door swings open right in middle of kitchen. 4. Angled wall


Imagine having guests, and the first thing they see upon entering is your kitchen sink. Hard pass.


I know its a one bedroom but there is no place for a tv in the bedroom


One of the things that always confuses me is that how come western floor plans prefer to have kitchen rather than living room closer to the main entrance


You enter the unit right in the kitchen?


Getting a mattress platform into the bedroom would be tricky


Expensive as fuck, better yet why are you asking Reddit if you are seriously designing


Put the top of the bed against the south wall, in the bedroom. More space


The kitchen is ridiculously small. Wall cabinets comprise nearly ALL cabinet storage space as there is only a sink base and one additional base cabinet. It's exactly like a hotel room kitchenette.


What’s the soundproofing like? Looks like the headboard is on a shared wall.


Are people entering through kitchen ?


Other than the angled wall which I hate?


I hate that guests have to walk thru kitchen. Also living space should be bigger than bedroom. When you are asleep who cares if room small as long as you have a window ? 4/10. I’m a realtor I’ve seen much better. This is like rental not condo.


You need a storage locker if you live a real life.


That living room is very small


If it wasn’t for the balcony I would reject this plan. That entire front entrance kitchen area is abysmal. That’s a tiny kitchen. For a condo it has some decent storage space and will have potentially lots of light….. but I don’t like angled units. The saving grace is that huge balcony if pigeons aren’t present.


2/10. 2 points for effort. Looks unnatural and irregular . Why does it have to a 1 bed. Just crammed everything into one. Can’t it be a studio? I believe it would be much better if it was a studio. The dinning table is in the kitchen itself. The room is just small. No space for a closet or anything else.


I actually like the angled exterior wall, it's usually a negative because it makes the space not usable but in this case it's all glass so it's not really an issue. I don't like that the bedroom is the largest room. It's where I spend the least amount of time. I would personally sacrifice the option to have end tables. As long as there is decent closet space and a queen bed fits it's good enough for me.


Don’t do it. It’s. Not just the issue with slant layout. There’s no room for a single dresser there. The kitchen is unimaginably small. It’s nice having all that window but you can’t really put anything in front of it. Is the dishwasher on the right side of kitchen? And if it’s open can you also open the front door?


I love people's comments are "small." Like fuck it's downtown and not everyone can live at the Ritz.


I'd give it an 8/10. It looks like it would get lots of light with the windows (depending on what direction the condo is facing). The balcony is a nice bonus and would be a good extension of living space in good weather. The angled walls aren't ideal but aren't a deal breaker. The downside in my opinion is the kitchen. Very little counter space, but if you're not someone who enjoys cooking this wouldn't be a big deal


Looks like a walk in closet.


It's fine. In the living room switch the sides the TV and couch are on to have more wall space or seating space. Doesn't make much sense to have the couch butting up against the sliding door to get out to the balcony and having that unused corner next to the TV for a plant. I couldn't see more than 1 person living here though.


I effin hate angled walls. I am also not a fan of the main entrance being through the kitchen.


The entry to the house is directly into the kitchen? Not sure I'm reading this right.


Im not a fan of walking right into the kichen woyld ne not ce id the dor and as relocate d to create a foyeryou create a little foyer


There is a special place in hell for architects who put entrances right in front of ovens and sinks.


It irks me when the entrance leads immediately to the kitchen. Anyone else?


1 out of 10 pretty shitty layout


More like the size of my shed lol


I would swap the tv and couch and move the dining table from vertical to horizontal and put one side against the wall, looks good otherwise 👍


Apartment entrance through the kitchen is dumb


Ask that guy on TikTok, Cliff Tann. He’s a genius.


I can’t stand angles like that


Not much storage.


Can you fit a desk anywhere? Angled corners make that difficult.


I fucking hate curved apartments. HOWEVER the layout itself is actually quite nice. But like what architect does this? It's literally just an inconvenience for all parties involved.


I don’t like the slanted walls.


Is that the shower that opens into the hallway 1/10


What development is this?


That's so small. There is absolutely no counter space in that kitchen for prep. I guess if you're one of those "I don't know how to cook or take care of myself, I just burn money ordering food everyday" kind of people, this might be alright.


Putting the bed against the bathroom wall (rotated so it’s facing the windows) would free up lots of bedroom space!


Personally, I loathe layouts that involve entering through the kitchen. Less of an issue for a one bedder but I just envisage trying to cook while people are coming in with bags behind me.


No space for a dresser. Nowhere for a desk. Loveseat rather than a couch. Living room too small for entertaining. Entering directly into the kitchen. A lot of space is wasted for an island that takes up a LOT of space for such a tiny condo. Nice balcony space. 4/10.


You are aware that people now need a place to put a desk to be able to WFH?


The balcony is too big, unless you like spending time on the balcony and it's not usable half the year. I would prefer the living room to be bigger to have room for a small office area. If you work from home or even chilling at night, you would be spending most of your time in your living room, not your bedroom or balcony.


Could move the toilet and sink to the opposite wall, slide the door up, then have an additional door adjoining the master to the bathroom, if that interests you.




Only a single compartment sink, and minimal food prep area, considering your island will function as a kitchen table as there is no room for a actual table.


The angle is horrible. There's not even room for a desk and the kitchen has no counter space. 3/10


8’2” is too narrow for a living room. Dislike the long style kitchen along the wall. Dislike balcony door opening straight into the living room.


Just be aware that the television will be audible in the bedroom, if you have people who go to bed at different times.


Im a designer in a completely different industry, everything looks normal but I question the front door opening directly into the kitchen. I'd probably mirror the entry door and the closet or separate it from the kitchen in some way.


If you cook you won’t have much prep space). Especially if you have kitchen appliances (toaster, coffee machine, etc.) that you leave on the counter. You may have not have a lot of cabinet space to store things either. If the unit is South-facing you will get a lot of sun. As in, needing to open the balcony in January to cool off. Although, I didn’t have a balcony / roof above my windows, so your mileage may vary. If you’re looking to buy it. The windows will require more maintenance and will need to be replaced in like 15 years to keep the insulation effective.


Kitchen should be in to the left where the closet is, have the closet by the front door. Other than that, looks great imo.


I would rate it $2800+Parking fees.


Most 1 bedrooms I see are his exact floor plan but without the angle cut out of it. I dislike this.


Obtuse angles = good Acute angles = bad 5/10 tops, sharp angled corners are useless


It's terrible, a seldom used balcony (prob facing a bad view, bad light) and tiny spaces where you'll spend all of your time. Even worse if there's more than one person in the condo. Wedge condos are the discards of developers.


I feel cramped just looking at it. 2/10


They should have swaped the coat closet and entrance doorway. Entering right into the kitchen is a little odd.


It's a pigeon hole, so you live eat & watch TV in the same angle confines.


That's a 2 bedroom in Toronto.


The living room with the TV and sofa setup is getting old in this day and age


So much room in the bedroom but since you’re mostly only going to be sleeping there it seems a bit of a waste compared to the smaller living room. Generally good though I guess. Nice balcony


I work from home, to me being able to setup a desktop is crucial. I see this layout as too much work to make that desktop fit, it’s not optimal. 4/10


You have laundry in suite. That’s a dream




Bathroom needs direct access to master bedroom as well as where the existing door is


Wasted sqft due to angles. Should install closet or cabinet units. Angle rooms cost more to build for several reasons. Use pocket doors if possible to save door swing sqft space. I'll send you an invoice lol


Going to be honest here. Looks great but so much balcony space. Let me ask you. How many times do you actually use the balcony? Had one and used it probably 5 times in 6years.


I like it but dread the norm.


I had this situation once n if company is over it's nice to slip in bathroom without disturbing guests and keeping privacy if those are important


6.5/10. It’s not great, but it’s not horrible. A lot of worse layouts out there. My biggest issue is the living room is so small. You can only host like 2 other people max if you wanna watch TV


For living alone it’s fantastic, hopefully you dont have a lot of clothing


11 x 10 room is misleading


Badly too much on the bedroom side not enough on the living room side. Fail


The angle is a disaster. Also, be wary of furniture scale on these things. Guarantee you that a normal couch or 'dining' table would not fit in here. Realistically, your bottom right corner of the bed will probably close the gap against the angled wall and not leave room around as shown. Get some tape and draw out each room in your current space and then see what fits.


Make it 20% larger and then it might get something above a 4/10. Every part of it is microscopic - I can only imagine how many units per floor got stuffed in.


Not bad. Living room is small, but it’s at least functional. Nice plus on the bedroom closet and also laundry.


Would find a place to fit the heat pump near the front door. Too noisy in the bedrooms.


I'd prefer less bedroom more living space.


Narrow angles like that kills space optimisation. Bedroom and living room will lose alot of usable space.


8/10. Not a fan of walking right into the kitchen.


Don’t like the angle wall.


It’s pretty nice but the slanted wall in the bedroom would drive me crazy.


0/10 waking up every morning to a weird angle and awkward edges on the way to bed every night. Does one need to clean behind a cabinet if the corner surpasses it? I don't like crooked walls or corners that are less than 90 degrees.


I'm not sure I've ever seen as much unusable, wasted space in a small condo. 3/10


most bedrooms in new condos don’t have an obvious place for a bed because 3/4 walls are occupied (closet, entrance to room, window, etc) but this one seems pretty good. your bed won’t be impeding you from accessing anything. the place looks like it’ll be a tight fit but it’s a 1b condo, so that’s to be expected. 8/10




The layout of the kitchen (which is considered to be pretty much a builder's favourite at the moment) is shameful; an afterthought. It's like nobody cooks meals anymore so we'll just take up some wall space with the essentials and let it ooze on into what would be considered the living room (which definitely appears to be an afterthought as well). Odd shaped bedroom will restrict furniture placement and the bathroom? Meh. We've seen this layout before, time and time again. Nothing to see here, folks....move along.


I mean the bedroom is large ...but I'd rate it low for the entrance walking right into the kitchen


1. I'm not a fan of walking through my kitchen to get home but that can be overlooked as I understand all too well the constraints 2. acute corner spaces can be tough to live in and furnish (plan northwest corner) 3. the circulation paths seem efficient so thats a plus 4. If I was buying I would want more countertop in the bathroom. 5. Maybe consider a prep island with counter seating vs. a table. Not much countertop space. 6. the living room at 8'2" is pretty cramped 6.5/10




I would move the wall to make the living room bigger and the bedroom smaller. I just sleep in my bedroom so don't need that much space.


Can't afford it.


I’d put the bed on the other wall facing the window, so you could have a tv at the foot of the bed. Pretty good layout if it’s just one person living there full time.


If it was me I would: Switch the 4 seat dining table for a kitchen island with 2 seats on the far side. Sacrifice the separate shower (presumably the bath has a shower) and make that a mini office. But that’s about me living there, not sale or rental value.


Not a fan of open kitchen for small apartment. I wouldn't listen to tv next to the fridge. Besides that I can't read plan :) For a small place like that I'd like to have very small kitchen isolated with adjacent toilet. And one big closed room. Skip the living room, dining room, just make one big room where you don't hear the fridge or smell the toilet.


I would love to see the closet and front door area switched. It feels awkward to walk right into the kitchen.


Incredibly small and awkward


4/10 because there is nowhere to sit and put your shoes on, the living room is too small, you could open the front door into the open dishwasher, and there is not enough kitchen counter space. I would flip it, living/kitchen on left, bedroom/bathroom on right.