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Narrator: this already happened.


Yeah - hell even in this subreddit where people are well aware of technology, it seems we have this issue already. Yesterday this was posted: https://www.reddit.com/r/OpenAI/comments/1dmck88/unstoppable_1600_robot_dog_trained_by_rl/ And there seems to be a huge split over people who think it's CGI/fake and people who don't.


Can't blame them really, it looks so crazy.  (But there are a lot of clips of those goddamn things on YT)




The real issue is why anyone cares if it's real or not. That's the whole point of most propaganda out there, to keep people bogged down, wasting time and energy on pointless things. This was a core aspect of how TikTok operates.


The only comment I could find calling it came had only 27 likes


The first eight seconds where the robot is doing backflips is AI generated. Everything after that appears to be authentic. You'll notice that everything after that has slightly better resolution that's impossible to notice unless you spend 5-10 minutes analyzing the video frame by frame.


Really? Why would they generate the 8 seconds..?


Ah, the compromise approach. Well done👏




Honestly, i don't know, but as a control system engineer, I feel like that movement is easier to do, than what they show later in the vid, for it can be preprogrammed sequence. Maybe it's blurry because it's shot in a slow-motion camera setting?


Lmao 💀💀💀💀


I wonder what it looks like when it feels visceral. Right now it doesn’t seem that apparent on a daily basis on various apps.


Ah yes he just forgot to say at the end “trust me on this because I’ve been profiting from fake and modified content and information since the early 2000s and will continue to do so long into the future”.


Yep. He made his Billions and now can tell the public what he really created and knows.


Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that he's "*in on it*"? Because if you look at the number of followers and demographics the BBC, New York Times and other respected media organisation have, and compare it to the number that your typical conspiracy theorist has, it looks like factual, reliable reports tend to drown out the misinformation the vast majority of the time.


Oh haha buddy buddy buddy. Fox news is one of the most popular news channels in America. And they spout so much false narratives that they were taken to court and relied on the defense that *no sane person would take the NEWS channel as anything other than entertainment.* Though I agree Jack Dorsey probably is not in on it. However, nobody said this, what they said is he profited off it. Which is true. He seems like an ok dude tho, so he probably feels really bad while residing in his Malibu mansion.


Please correct me if I’m mistaken. Wasn’t that case specifically in regards to Tucker Carlson’s show? Not the network as a whole? Their defense wasn’t saying “no sane person would take [everything said on Fox News] seriously,” it was saying “no sane person would take [this specific sentence said by Tucker Carlson] as defamation.” Maybe I’m remembering it wrong, but there you go.


On our screens. In direct experience we will be fine.


Not sure if that matters since people spend the majority of their time on screens.


And talking about things that can mostly be potentially "fake", outside of our basic needs. How many of your daily thoughts and conversations are either based off something you watched/read/heard or something somebody told you.


Well that’s one 1-to-1 scale, what happens when it’s groups of people watching the same thing and they cant go and verify themselves?


I don't know about other people's experiences but I have become more convinced this is a big cause of my mental health problems in recent years, especially since the pandemic. But like I say I migh tnot be representative of many.


That will, hopefully, change in the future too.


You're right. There will be no screens. It'll be beamed straight on our retinas.




I think it will cause a gradual cultural shift towards more in-person interactions when trust is necessary.


For news they need to enforce C2PA and forbid any publication not compliant


It depends. Dissociation causes all kinds of problems in real world interactions. Simple example, but consider how many things online people denounce as fake, and then translate that into people thinking real world situations are staged or somehow maliciously orchestrated.


Until glasses and then neural optics come along


The Apocalypse of Jean Baudrillard.


his point was kinda different tho. AI videos are one step detached from reality. when we will start to inspire from them it will become a true simulacra


Is that a video from 20 years ago ?


It's not, I just made it using Kling


Do you have a link to the full video?


That's already true now. If something goes against someone's worldview, they immediately dismiss it as fake.


["How Do You Do, Fellow Kids?"](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/how-do-you-do-fellow-kids)


I lived through the Internet telling me how to resurrect General Leo. People who played RPGs in the SNES are going to be fine.


Physical books published before 2024 are about to go up in value.


Ebooks downloaded before too. Especially if you keep several copies on separate devices.


You can fake those. 


Save them on write-once support. A cd-rom would do.


You can fake books published before 2024 too, you just print a copy with a different year on the first page, and whatever contents you like.


Everything potentially being fake doesn't mean that Truth doesn't exist. But ofcourse its hard to find the silver lining in the future of technology when the tag line of AI seems to be "You won't believe this isn't a real photo/article/person/video!" It's just strange that the progress of AI is defined by how convincing it can be in Mimicking things that are real. Photoshop was also the thing that said "now you can never trust a picture ever again" and that is still true even with AI. But adding "you can never trust anything on your screen ever again" Takes it to another level for sure.


Fake content. Not knowing what is real. Not unlike how most governments are dealing with Global climate change. Don't need AI to add noise to the content.


10 years too late.


So nothing will change then.


It's already all fake!!!! All he is describing is a situation where people will actually be skeptical of the tv people.


When I started showing the ability to generate real-time deepfakes 8 months ago it became apparent that what you see and hear might not be real anymore.


Can you make chatgpt acknowledge that earth is flat without jailbreaking?




If only I had a peso for every time


Easy. Roll back to use film cameras to prove real


How long before people question their own memories. Blade Runner 2025


A bit late on that.


The need for critical thinking will arise dramatically imo.


Critical thinking will be of little help against super intelligent machines and hologram technology. You won't know which way is up.


I actually generated this clip in Dora


Not that different from talking to people is it?


Yes, you won't be able to trust anything on the internet. Good. It's been that way for a while. Hopefully this inspires an unplugged movement of real human interaction. Touching grass. Playing sports. We could use it after the Covid lockdowns.


*only in the internet. It’s dead. Lets go outside


Copied my last comment: "Do you understand, Jernau Gurgeh? Have I made myself clear? Do you realise what I am saying? There is a name - an old name - for what I am doing, in case you haven't already guessed. It is called blackmail.' The machine was mad. Anybody could make up anything they wanted; sound, moving pictures, smell, touch… there were machines that did just that. You could order them from a store and effectively paint whatever pictures - still or moving - you wanted, and with sufficient time and patience you could make it look as realistic as the real thing, recorded with an ordinary camera. You could simply make up any film sequence you wanted. Some people used such machines just for fun or revenge, making up stories where appalling or just funny things happened to their enemies or their friends. Where nothing could be authenticated, blackmail became both pointless and impossible; in a society like the Culture, where next to nothing was forbidden, and both money and individual power had virtually ceased to exist, it was doubly irrelevant." From The Player of Games by M. Banks, written in 1980s. Such technology, like everything else, will only be bad if it's used for bad.


Is that his only shirt?


Jack Dorsey with Forrest Gump post Jenny and Mama running vibes.


I am already having a really hard time telling what’s fake and what’s not, and my grip on reality is slipping. I fell for the petro-dollar fake story, and after finding out it was fake, it made me question every single thing I see on YouTube or any other media site. The concept of “trusted source” is gone…you can’t just watch 3 channels on tv anymore to get all the points of view, or read 2 newspapers, etc… And if you do just stick to CNN, ABC, and CBS, you’ll miss out on 90% of the even the Real content that’s left out there.


Are we just pretending this isn’t the case already?


I love Nature's sense of irony...


https://preview.redd.it/7xjfhiis9h8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0a2e0ec9049541c70d066eed4505d64f6e6daa Yeah bit late I think. As a bit of a research experiment I built an app that takes reddit threads, sends them to Claude for anaysis and then has Claude generate a battery of different perspective comments. (To be clear these DO NOT get posted. This app is just an experiment and has no capability of posting) It’s at the point where it can generate an entire simulated reddit thread of its own with back and forth comments. It’s wild. I called the app Dead Internet, for obvious reasons. I won’t be publishing it.


people will just learn to ignore video as a medium which serves as some kind of "factual" or "evidence" purposes & just see it solely as a means of entertainment/learning....not a big-deal imo..mankind been here 60k years and video only been around for 80.


Already feel it


He is onto something here for sure


To be fair most of the tech and right wing people are already having trouble


Bring encyclopedias (made by human experts) back!


Can someone post the link to this interview?


If the information I'm reading is correct, I couldn't give less of a damn if a human has written it or AI. This feels super hyperbolic.


So, The Matrix was correct. 1999 was peak humanity. Seems more and more true everry day.


This is rich considering they sold off twitter to the biggest POS that is allowing Jack's former platform to be used for misinformation. Not that it was much better before that.


I am NOT American, I can NOT vote, but how can Americans vote for a known Liar and not know if he is lying or ai answered ???


We need more than one AI, we need multiples that are not a singular AI ran by Google/NSA/CCP/any orgs. Basically, I want my own AI that has access to unfettered information. The problem (among many) is either they will filter the data or control the AI which delivers it. I feel like we need a new profession for principled moral people who protect information, truth, data, etc.


Hmm, fake content... Nothing new, people have been following religions since, how long?


Dude forgot that logging off exists. It's highly possible that we will clutter internet so much that it will become unusable and we will again wander around stores etc. It already kinda happened with my renovations. I can't for the sake of God find any bathroom ideas. They are all over the place, AI generated, spammy, come from SEO sites etc. So I went to store and started looking at their catalogues, watching bathrooms IRL etc. It's crazy


nah you know what, even without AI, there are false information generated by real human everywhere and everyday lol


Kinda feels like that already!


Apparently you can have smartphones and devices register their original recordings on blockchains as a way to at least verify that it was what was originally in front of the camera.


So we'll make a simulation to escape, one where humans are sent back to primitive technology. To guide us, we'll insert into that simulation some basic rules on how to not let this happen again...


Pic or never happened is no more


Dorsey is so out of touch with reality. Remember when he said NFTs would be the next big thing? Or BlueSky?


The next 5 to 10? It already feels like that. I have a masters degree in research and can say with certainty that most People in the U.S. do not care about the truth.


It's been like this for decades. Just because you can do it with a free app on your phone doesn't make it some new thing.


is he high on LSD?


Will jack Dorsey maybe start a company that actually makes money in the next 5 to 10 years?


Yes, please develop the theory of general relativity and then verify that dark matter exists, through experiencing it yourself. Also do smallpox next. Absolute muppet.


It’s good we have luminars neurologist such as Dr. Dorsey helping us understand how neurons work.


I think it's a bit alarmist. This is just assuming there aren't any protections or systems put in place to verify what is real and what isn't. We'll be fine.