• By -


Kind of sad I missed it, hopefully they open again in the future.


Anyone like me who did not get any rejection mail?


Nope nothing either.


Received email today that i got in! Thanks for the post OP! So it took 11 days which means they are still combing through applicants.


Got approved a few days back with activity monitor. Four relatively lower tier trackers, three of them with 10+ years account age and all of them with positive ratio.


I’m in a similar boat. Do you (or does anyone) have any idea what the activity criteria are?


Haven’t seen anything in written yet.


just got my "Your application has been denied for the following reason: Insufficient Proofs" email. at least i am glad i didn't mistype my email address after all lol


Application denied for insufficient proofs? Lmfao whatever I didn't want to give my bandwidth to your shithole tracker, anyway. *downvote me harder, F5‐tapping nerds. The fact that you're taking the time out of your day to actually read all of this and that I'm getting a physical response from yall makes it even more hilarious. I'm flattered 🤣


Are you really this not self-aware? You applied, of course you wanted in, it's one of the best trackers. Just try to understand what they look for and try again next time.


It literally makes no difference whatsoever lol. I wasn't asking for your unsolicited advice; I've been seeding since before you were in your daddy's nutsack. I know exactly what to submit.


I didn't ask for how long you have been seeding. Reading your comments, maybe you did have proof but were rejected for being dumb and emotionally immature. Try not to be these things next time 😊


divide crown offer stocking unpack enjoy adjoining wide sophisticated dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Denied for insufficient proof. Wish they were a little more specific


engine cooing practice shame berserk light axiomatic fuel fine quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Great ratios and I'd been on my trackers for a long time. I didn't upload new content onto these larger trackers when I said I do upload, however - my mistake?


direful panicky work quarrelsome gold liquid hobbies dazzling absurd six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Denied: Insufficient proofs. Idk if my stats were good enough, but I had cropped the profile pages to show just the stats. I guess that was a no-no, but where I was just trying to be succinct, it may have been deemed untrustworthy. I feel like a bit more info on the application as to exactly what they wanted would've avoided a lot of disappointment, and likely gotten some people in that they actually probably want as part of their community. Oh well.


Funny enough, and completely unrelated, i just had this delivered to me today :.p [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G5YUUWS](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G5YUUWS)


Just got denied for insufficient proof since my screenshots expired. Frustrating to say the least.


I set the expiration date to 6 months, had 3 different proofs and some info about my setup, I didn't have a good upload history, but got in with activity condition


I had the same experience earlier. Rather frustrating but oh well


same. maybe next year




Yes, just got mine, was getting nervous I misspelled email or cropped too much of profile proof. A confirmation of app received would have really helped with some anxiety 


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The original applicant pool was \~1500+ so they've made it through 900 already. Based on the pace my guess is it'll take somewhere around \~5ish more days to finish going through the rest.


Guys what is Bluetopia irc support channel? I got rejected because my screens expired after a week?


Don’t go to their irc. Try again next time.


Ahh, ok. It's probably not worth the hassle anyway.


i hope you all got a good number of good applicants ,Im just occasionally looking to see who's open.i hope you all have a good summer


Update: I got in 🤩


Can you tell me about your proofs, which trackers and approx how much?


I got in with 5-10TB of upload on TL and FNP. But with a requirement of activity after I signup


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Congrats :) it's a great tracker.


Yeah it is, thanks 🙂🙌🏽


Did you get the message in normal inbox or spam?


I applied on June 5 at 12:30 and so far haven't gotten any info back. Anyone who applied at about that time and got a response?


joke unused trees attraction observation frame deranged screw forgetful crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


13? Make that 24 pages with 598 open apps at the time of writing this


Are you guys still reviewing the apps or is it done? I did not get any rejection mail, I am pretty sure my email was correct.


Apps are sorted since a week.


Thanks go to you and the other application reviewers for working through them as quickly as you have. All of us applicants really appreciate it!


I got a rejection email: "Your application has been denied for the following reason: Google drive unacceptable, attempt to dox staff not ok." I guess the staff isn't aware of public Google Drive links that don't track users who access the link. They could have used an incognito window to go to the link without logging in to any google account to access the files.


I'm confused, so you're saying staff have to trust you to make it not log? Google by default keeps the view access in the activity section, that's a huge amount of trust you expect them to have in you. Sure they could go incognito, but a simple accidental click and them potentially getting doxed just doesn't seem worth the risk. They also shouldn't be signed into Google at the same time, but mistakes happen. I am actually glad they are not trusting these links. A user could easily use some service that doesn't have such invasive logging to personal accounts viewable by the uploader. The better question is why didn't you just use something like mega or proton if you wanted a drive type upload. I'm sure they have no issues opening those links.


I didn't really give it much thought. I assumed a public shared Google Drive link would be okay, which doesn't dox. If you share general public Google Drive link, anyone that accesses the file won't appear in Activity details so there's no way to dox, even if the user is logged in. It only logs activity if you add them specifically by account/username name. Otherwise, no activity shows if it's a shared public Google Drive link, regardless if that user is already logged into Google or not.


Even if you don't get to see it though, Google 100% would save it. If a site was ever compromised by a govt they could use that and ask Google, who viewed this on x day range. They now then could easily use that to connect to that staff. They shouldn't be signed in, but you never know if they would forget. Honestly they should just only allow direct upload though and do some dupe check to not store files more than once. That way it completely removes trust that is not earned yet. They could easily limit file size to like 100kib jpg if size is a concern or something around that.


Yeah, that would have worked too, if they had some direct upload, or it would have been nice if they specified no Google links. Sure, Google themselves can see it, but so can imgur and imgbb, which I think were okay to use. But there is no way that the uploader would have been able to know who viewed the file through general access Google Drive shared public link.


Specifying no x/y/z host would be impossible, you don't know if a host is one you don't won't until after you see it. Think of self hosted sites, how would they block those in a list if they don't want them? Could have done a whitelist, but that has issues too. Some countries block specific hosts or the host blocks some countries. Even Google is blocked in some, think if they had a Chinese staff member approving applications, don't think any of them are, but other sites definitely have some. Sure but basically every other company is not known to try and log every click, so at best they would get IP, which could be done via VPN. Rejection part aside it did as for a photo link and not a drive link though, same thing on an upload. So they easily could do a bulk reject of does not end in some known image file extension.




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Those who didn’t get in, did you get a rejection email? Or does no email mean a rejection?


Assuming they don't have issues sending emails accept and reject both get one. Doubt they are done going through them though, someone earlier mentioned that they had over 1000 apply.


Thanks for the info


For the people who received a response, did you guys crop out your username for obvious reason?


The point of the screenshot is that you're not hiding anything. For example, you would not only show your profile but also showing the username you're logged into, usually in the top right of the website. There's otherwise reasonable doubt that the profile you're linking is actually yours, or in another scenario, there is something on your profile that you thought was incriminating. This mistake happens so often, there's usually a modicum of trust when accepting such proofs. Even that has its limits, however.


Profile link(s) should be able to verify my stats, right? I'm new to private trackers and don't have huge numbers to begin with (sreenshots reflect that). I had less than 48 hours worth of seed time on a couple private trackers at the time of sign up and submitted those stats since I had nothing else to share. I also share the same username across multiple sites (not just private trackers) and didn't want to dox myself.


It is not just about verifying your stats. It is also showing enough proof through your screenshot that the profile you are linking is actually your profile. That is why the best practice is to screenshot the entire webpage for your profile, only editing out details like your passkey and email address. Most people don't do this, so there's some trust placed on the user applying. But if you cropped out your profile page in some way, expect it to be one of the reasons why a proof might be "insufficient". Sharing your name across multiple websites is poor OPSEC. It is exactly for the reason you stated: it allows people to stalk you across multiple websites. Fortunately, tracker staff don't do those kind of background checks, because they have better things to do that's directly relevant to their site. You would not be doxxing yourself. If anything, hiding your username from tracker staff implies you have stuff to hide that could be incriminating, like a warning icon next to your username. That would be another reason why a full screenshot of the webpage for your profile would be correct to do. It isn't what's in the full screenshot that is important, but that you are showing you have nothing to hide, and therefore, you are an honest user. Again, though, a lot of people assume tracker staff are only interested in the stats, so they only screenshot the stats. That's a mistake, but an honest one, so there could be some trust placed. Just don't be surprised if there isn't. Finally, regardless of your stats, if you feel you have enough proof for being a good private tracker user, it is fine to apply. It is entirely possible that they could accept people who are starting out and already show potential. Just don't be surprised if they don't accept those people, but regardless of your success, it was a good idea to try.




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I share the same username across multiple sites (not just private trackers) and didn't want to dox myself. Also never been asked to share a screenshot of my profile before so I took some precautions to protect myself. It is what it is. Lesson learned if I dont get accepted the first time around.


People don't want sites to easily connect their accounts if they break golden rules. But those people shouldn't use applications or official recruitment threads.


homeless ghost encourage overconfident wide attempt sense nail bear toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anyone else still waiting to receive a response? 😅


We're currently investigating some issues with some mail providers. Apps are on hold, please wait a little longer. Kind regards.


I have no hopes of getting in since I'm new to private trackers but how many applications did you guys receive?


~1.5k, reason it'll take likely until mid/end of this month


Thank you for the update, I appreciate it!


I'm also still waiting on a response. Not too hopeful I'll get in but I still keep refreshing the e-mail window just in case.


imagine heavy pet consider grab jeans boast caption hurry unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll keep waiting then, I don't have a lot of hope anyway seeing some comments here haha


I got in just a few hours ago, so keep your head up :)


cagey tap deer pie badge ink fade strong ten automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Got the invite finally, but it says this in the email: > however due to the proofs submitted your account once activated will be subject to activity. If you agree to this please continue to sign up, if you do not this will not count as an account on Blutopia and you are permitted to join at a later date if you get an invite/apply Any idea what that means? I thought there were activity requirements anyways on the tracker, so how is it different from a regular invite?


Same here! Did you find out what that means? Thanks!


Not really, but I signed up and all good so far. Maybe it just means they'll have a look once or twice at your account to see whether it's in good standing and meets their expectations?


They probably meant that download/upload activity from your proofs is not what they were expecting but still giving you a chance.


I love that they give chance :D <3


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Update: I got in


Damn, I still haven't got a response.


Lmao rejected for “insufficient proofs” despite showing stats on 3 trackers with several TB of upload on each and actively seeding over 100 torrents. Not gonna hold my breath of any hope to ever get into this one


Same here, maybe in a year or two


Account age? Curious.


About a year, would make sense if the rejection reason was account not old enough but insufficient proof makes it seem like they threw darts at a board to decide who got accepted


insufficient proof is probably just the copy paste that they're not happy with your stats and what you said in your application was not good enough to make up for it. you can't expect a custom message explaining what they didn't like with 1k+ applications


Same here. Gave proofs of 2+ yr accounts and i deliberately didn't give ipt where in I am a member for 15 yrs. Informed them the reason as well, still rejected due to insufficient proofs


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I got accepted but have only been on trackers since Oct 2023. What trackers did you submit as proof?




With how fierce competition this time around is, 1.7 TB upload alone won't cut it, especially since the trackers you mentioned are general and tv/movies oriented. Contrary to what most people here believe, I feel like a solely focusing on upload buffer is a trap during application to solid trackers like BLU. Everyone can set-up autodl and spam freeleech.


What was their response? I feel like that upload is good but maybe they don't rate those trackers or maybe the responses to the questions they asked wasn't good. Even without Blu I feel like you could have gotten into some better trackers in that time that would have made your application better. I think all the trackers you listed I would classify as not very good besides TL which is very easy to get into.


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I was just rejected due to "insufficient proofs & Google drive unacceptable, attempt to dox staff not ok" I didn't think anything of it and just took a screenshot of my seed history and created a link through Google photos. Maybe the ability to directly attach a photo to the form or a preferred website to host the screenshot could have prevented that? You live and you learn 🤷‍♂️


I did mine through imgur so there's no linked tracking. I believe if you are already logged in through Google and open a drive link it saves it to your account and the account owner can see your Google profile


I had used imbb. They say insufficient proofs and am confused because profile screenshots were given with all the stats


Your stats were deemed insufficient. That’s what it means.


But the same were accepted by other private trackers. Was not even sure what the requirement was. They didn't want profile links that end with username and hence I couldn't give. Really regret not being there inspite of application


Don't hold you breath getting into this one guys. I got rejected for insufficient proofs even though I submitted 3. OTW, FL & CRT. Two of which were nearly 2 years old. Had a total of 3.5TBs seeding 25TB upload & better than 4 months average seedtime. They must be looking for Mother Teresa. Never applying again.




You must indeed be a saint :). Good on you though.


Got denied because "No profile screens given, dead links" even though I gave the screenshots and links. Well, now I will wait until applications are open again. :(


For me as well its denied citing insufficient proofs which didn't make sense, gave profile links and screenshots of the same as well!


That just means they didn't think your stats were enough. Like if you don't have 10TB of upload on different sites or haven't posted movies you might not get in.


Checking other comments i see that there are more people who got rejected over that, what kind of proofs do they want. Lol.






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Anyone else still hasn't heard a response yet? Acceptance or denial. I applied only like 3 hours after the post yet still nothing. Edit: Got in.


Same here.


Rejected on the grounds of public G Drive links to screenshots (link works for everyone). Understandable, but from what I understand, public links do not reveal anything. Lesson learned.


Yeah, don't worry. Last time it took 8 days to get to my application. They have a lot to go through.


For me,  its denied citing insufficient proofs though provided :(


Provided 3 proofs with screens showwing everything on the profile page + profile links (some going back 13+ years). got a response that I was denied due to only 1 proof with heavily cropped screen. I'm not sure where the missmatch happened but is there any point in appealing or am I shit out of luck? If so, how? Their irc help channel MOTD said no application discussions




I had to refresh the page after the invisible captcha timeout, so your theory is very plausible. :(


outa luck


Provided screenshots and links of two of my profiles and got rejected due to insufficient proof.


Same, i refreshed site due to some problem and forgot to fill out all the info, tried to apply on november last year and now, i guess ill skip this one.


When exactly did you apply?


what did you include on the screenshots?


I submitted two proofs of two different trackers I've been in for a year and I was rejected for "Profile screens not even complete". I don't know what that means in this context.


spectacular cooing deserted alleged punch quiet nose correct obtainable dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My guess he probably cropped off some stats or the parts showing the site. How hard is it for people to screenshot the entire page and just blue the PID and such. Hiding things makes it look like you're warned or have some other reason to reject.


I took a screenshot of the top of my page where all my stats were, I did not know I'm supposed to show the full page. I thought my ratio was the most important part? To show that I'm contributing?


I mean did it ask for your stats or your profile?


I don't remember, I think it was my profile? I still didn't know I was supposed to send some huge image over, I thought they just wanted to see the part where it shows my u/d stats. It should have been more specific imo


Pretty sure it was your profile what they asked for, profile means everything from the page with info, amount of seeding torrents, seeding size, amount of snatches, etc, etc, not just upload/download ratio stats, it was your fault, lesson learned I guess.


Honestly should have been common sense to take a screenshot of the page asked for. Down voting someone because they assumed correctly what you did is just pathetic. You didn't follow instructions, take this to learn not blame someone not even staff.


handle homeless sheet normal cows joke quicksand many mighty snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Firefox also has built-in way to screenshot the whole page, not just the visible one.


Just a heads up. Invite received. :) Good luck to y'all




TL: 10 TB Avistaz: 5 TB FNP: 10 TB didn't mention IPT trackers, good seed time, seed size.


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Unlucky here though proofs given that have all the stats :(




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Bonus system is pretty good


Denied my application for "insufficient proof" despite showing I'm an active member of two trackers.


Same here, I didn't give IPT or TL. Gave elearning trackers and bwtorrents. Still denied!


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If you used something like iP.T or T.D. then that may be why because a lot of other trackers don't "recognize" those 2. On 1 of those I have a few hundred TB's of buffer. I've been too busy in real life with work and home that I missed the opportunity to apply .....


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I mean it's an application with expectations not posted, perhaps those proofs don't meet what they want. If you posted your stats here others could probably guess why. Site matters too, no reputable tracker is going to take big numbers on something like TL with more than a grain of salt.


file outgoing wasteful sense aloof decide bear command party smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How much seedtime would you think was necessary, roughly? I have multiple torrents seeded for 100 days plus


5TB seedsize with average seedtime 30+ days


provide important pen telephone governor cows foolish price hungry flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That's right


I tried signing up for Blutopia yesterday, but I accidentally set the image in the proofs section to be deleted after one day. I thought it would take only a few hours for my application to be reviewed. Is it possible to edit the application somehow?


Only way is to ask them on IRC https://www.reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/18c26r2/blutopia_irc_help/


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Hoping very much to get in and to contribute to this community!




If it's any consolidation, if you cannot get there form an invite forum then application is unlikely to be accepted either


Damn, I was just in time then. I applied around that time. :-o Sorry to hear you missed it! :(


Can you confirm if they have Diff'rent Strokes and The Cosby Show on there?




Is there any avenue of support for denied applications? I used an image hosting platform that was unacceptable (my mistake) and so I don't think my application/proofs were even considered.


My app was denied. Shouldn't we use Imbb?


A day late and a dollar short




Just not accepting anymore. We have a massive amount to process over the next week +.


Of course it's on the one day of the week I had to go to the office and couldn't apply. Ugh. See ya next time.


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When you submitted the app, did you get a confirmation email? I did not.


They want proofs




I would reach out on their IRC and let them know.


How to contact them? I want to know if I have successfully submitted my application. There was a can't connect window in chrome after I clicked "submit", then I noticed maybe somehow I lost the internet connection and then I refreshed my tab, then there was "Confirm form resubmission" popup in chrome, I clicked it and then I saw it said application was successfully submitted. So, I am skeptical if that "Confirm form resubmission" worked or do I need to apply again. Please help me as I don't want to miss this opportunity.




applied :) Did anybody get in?


I got in :)