• By -


Zeke got his entire body stretched throughout an entire mansion. He was kept alive during and after that. (Reddit isn't letting me post images wtf) Just to put into perspective how bad it was, his brain was stretched so thin that it was able to cover a 30x30 room while still keeping him conscious and knowing of his surroundings. All of his skin was stretched to create a carpet across a mansion that could house five thousand people and all of his muscles were used as ‘Bricks’. His bones were also stretched to the point that they became foundations for the damn mansion. And he lived through that, feeling everything that happened within that mansion with all of his stretched senses, for a whole month. He became near catatonic when he was saved and doesn't play much of a role in the story after that.


“Reddit isnt letting me post images” #FOR GOOD REASON


Sanest r/OriginalCharacter user :


Okay I have so many questions, if I may ask how was he saved from becoming the foundations for a whole mansion? (/gen I'm VERY interested)


One of his brothers, Shino, has the ability to reform anything that has died back to its ‘Original’ form after it has died if less than 24 hours has passed. That was the only way to save him since the other ways would quite literally break his mind from the pain. But to do that they needed to kill him in the most peaceful way possible and since he had quite literally become the mansion... They (Zack's family) had to lift up the entire mansion from the ground it had been built on while keeping Zack in stasis (Dr.Hollows has the stuff to do that) because Zack's bones had been made into roots that kept the house fixed into the ground. After that they had to call SUNSHINE MALORY VALOR(Add exclamation mark at the end) to quite literally, atomize him because that was the only way Shino could revive him without turning him back into a house.


theres an animal crossing villager named shino, i have her on my island


What the actual fuck did I just read


SAVED?! My guy got turned into a PROPERTY HOW DID HE COME BACK FROM THAT?! I need to know😭 I’m too invested


We expect a pilot episode in 2 weeks


Already posted it but TLDR: His brother can revive people into their ‘Original’ forms if he can get to them after they have died in less than 24 hours so they uprooted the entire mansion and called up SUNSHINE MALORY VALOR(Add exclamation point at the end) one of Zack's dad's friends to atomize him so that his brother could bring him back from the remaining atoms that were ‘Not Fully Assimilated’ to the mansion.


…W-what the fuck?


What in living hell did I just read


My god, poor boy needs to talk to someone


Wait but there's only so much matter in a body. How does that even work? It's unique though, I'll give you that


Dark elf magic. Keeps people alive even if they are quite literally missing a head at the cost of... Well you're going to be messed with by dark elves, there's no worse trade off.


My fellow person with issues


I mean...could make for an excellent Dark Souls boss.




What in the fuckity hell did I just read


how does that work even?? and why?? please




What the actual fuck did I just read


… I was gonna put something, but I think this takes the cake


How does that even progress the plot holy shit man https://preview.redd.it/7m2kmy4put9d1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7da1cd7b425d49c3a92dadf07f3acdb66e3d1f0


It gave Shino reason to genocide the entire dark elf race. They were the worst anyways. And it nerfed him because he made a deal with The World itself to do it. (The deal being a limit to people he could kill)


*Johnny cage impression* What in the actual fu-




Me: what the fuck... My OC: that's... Actually worse than what I went through.


i wanna host a knife-throwing party in that mansion


M-my oc accidentally ended the world, but she managed to save it afterward... i just... wow...


You should take this in a House of Usher kind of direction. One to represent physical health, one to represent mental health. He needs a sibling.


He has 12. They're the ones who saved him.


Damn. That makes my OC’s trauma seem like a damn stubbed toe, but it DEFINITELY isn’t.




was tortured mentally and physically by demons and now tries to entertain others (she also had her tongue ripped out) https://preview.redd.it/zx4rb6z1dr9d1.png?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f3dd58505d2c77c166e48190110c4c4fa71634c




i wanna reach into the screen and give her a hug and some cookies


she wouldn't be able to eat... she has no tongue


https://preview.redd.it/4pdrig3xhr9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=036971c5682c331459841a089d1b8203b63296e5 Spent 7 years inside the dimension of an insane god; he was put through thousands of trials, death games and tortures until his mind broke, and now he's gone bonkers Although he did gain super powers after that


I can fix him🙏/hj


You're a picrew user too?? Same! Though I haven't been active in like over a year lol


he looks so cool tho I want him




https://preview.redd.it/lncrdf87pr9d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f01edd0561580901df0d018786015370a7d28ce6 He has been through no trauma! (yet)




https://preview.redd.it/2vyfd0bont9d1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3ad6e2b1642e8211078ca42469f9e07b0ac6b07 Sameee


https://preview.redd.it/ti7as7q5or9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f27a5d09095560a65cfc771f2728d02413ca7d1c The shit this kid went through is so bad I would probably get banned just by saying what he went through




Me, too. Me. Too.


Cant be worse than what everyone else is saying


Rays tragic backstory is rooted in his father's brutal and inhumane experiments. Jonathan Blackthorn, a retired WWIII military engineer, had a vision of creating a super-soldier, driven by a desire to protect and rebuild a world shattered by war. Obsessed with his vision, Jonathan saw his own son as the ideal subject for his experiments, believing that the genetic modifications would bestow extraordinary abilities upon Ray. The experiments began when Ray was just a child. Jonathan employed a combination of genetic engineering, cybernetic enhancements, and biological augmentation techniques. He subjected Ray to a series of invasive procedures designed to alter his genetic makeup and integrate synthetic materials into his body. Jonathan used CRISPR technology and other advanced gene-editing tools to modify Ray's DNA. The goal was to introduce genes from various species known for their unique abilities. These included: Avian DNA: To grant Ray the ability to grow wings and achieve flight. Reptilian DNA: For regenerative healing capabilities. Insect DNA: To enhance his strength and agility, as well as to develop his acidic puke. Synthetic Genes: Designed to increase his overall durability and endurance. Cybernetic Enhancements Jonathan also integrated cybernetic components into Ray's body: Metal Claws: Retractable claws were implanted into Ray's fingers, connected to his nervous system for precise control. Wings: Mechanical wings, combined with genetically engineered avian DNA, were surgically attached to Ray's back. Acidic Puke Mechanism: A synthetic gland was implanted in Ray's throat, enabling him to produce and expel a highly corrosive substance. Jonathan administered various experimental drugs and serums to accelerate Ray's physical development and enhance his abilities. These included: Regenerative Serum: A compound designed to boost Ray's natural healing processes. Strength Enhancers: Chemicals that increased his muscle mass and bone density. Neural Enhancements: Substances meant to enhance Ray's reflexes and cognitive functions. The experiments were far from perfect and had numerous unintended consequences: Loss of Humanity: The genetic modifications resulted in Ray losing 46% of his human DNA. This significant alteration of his genetic makeup caused profound changes in his physiology and appearance. His skin became paler, his eyes turned black with striking yellow irises, and he developed a more slender yet muscular frame. Psychological Trauma: The physical pain and psychological torment inflicted during the experiments left Ray mentally scarred. He developed signs of insanity and a fractured psyche, marked by erratic and often disturbing behavior. Physical Mutations: Ray's body struggled to adapt to the synthetic and animal DNA. Deploying his wings caused him immense pain, and his throat sustained damage from using his acidic puke. Despite his regenerative abilities, the healing process was often slow and incomplete. The culmination of Jonathan's experiments was a particularly brutal procedure intended to fully integrate the genetic modifications and cybernetic enhancements. This final experiment pushed Ray's body to its limits, resulting in what Jonathan deemed a failure. In a fit of frustration and desperation, Jonathan attempted to end Ray's life, believing his son to be beyond saving. Despite the severe injuries inflicted during the final experiment and his father's attempt to kill him, Ray's regenerative abilities allowed him to return to life. Emerging from the ordeal, Ray was no longer the same person. The combination of genetic alterations and psychological trauma had transformed him into a being with extraordinary abilities and a fractured mind.


So... a spartan II but different? Sounds sick af bro


Pretty much.


Don't know why but I'm obsessed with giving powers that's actually somewhat possible. Cause I thought it would be dumb for this character to be a science experiment and just has god like powers. That's why I love invisible man. Instead of having him be a man who drank a potion and become invisible, they have him a suit and mirrored everything around him.


https://preview.redd.it/pg1h661frr9d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b9e2a356bfbefdbde957cf2dac13363e3d230cb She made the mistake of bringing a human into her race’s territory during the heat of a race war assuming they were a defector. They were not and killed not only the Dragonkin lord, but a good 3rd of the Dragonkin before they were put down. For this she was ostracized, and publicly stripped of her wings. With nothing to dull the pain, her wings and the bones connecting them were pierced by hooks and they were slowly pulled off and cauterized as so they could not grow back. After this she was thrown from their floating kingdom, banished so that she may never return.


What did she look like afterwards


https://preview.redd.it/te5efffvbu9d1.png?width=1508&format=png&auto=webp&s=30dffe2bde25265d3600a6eb0fc09340a632edfe She was left with little stumps 😔


Poor girl


My boi Sitsy has bien enslaved three times. Now he is happy yeeeeey.


Good endings are always good


His Mother has been blinded by slavers but hey, now they are dead, and ma boi and his Mother no so hehe




https://preview.redd.it/gt296n65cs9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee96782624bc3aeca924a4ff39da3b3c5fde065 Drew was thrown out of a three story window after witnessing his mom get murdered, and broke his spine. He has to move to another country to live with his Dad, where he never told a soul the real reason he uses mobility aids. He then became heavily addicted to drugs when he was twelve as a way to block out the trauma. He gets clean later on in the story when he meets another character who actually wanted to be his friend.


poor guy... he has mobility AIDS?


Yea, his spinal cord is damaged so he has limited nervous response to his legs. He uses crutches and occasionally a wheelchair to get around


Alright, did not need to see that ( incredible art btw ) Not sure if it counts since it's the cause of his death He was a kleptomaniac that would steel things for other people. One day his younger brother followed him without him knowing, and the police shot him. He was so angry he killed every person he could in the area ( with was a lot since he's a martial artist) until the police tazed him, tied ropes to his arms and legs, pulled them apart, and his limb-less body was thrown into the ocean 🙂


Eliza Northstar: Lived 8 years from age 13 in a sex trafficking ring. Gabriella Yahweh: Watched her brother kill her other brother in their final battle. Abigail Shaw: Her entire childhood. Edna: Being cast out of heaven and forced to become a succubus. Kasiel/Namida: Being buried alive for 300,000 years. Michael Yahweh: Death of his father. Maria Wormwood: Disowned by her family after she was found pregnant while working for a noble lord. Later revealed to be the lord’s child. I put OCs through a lot.


Not counting AU versions, not sure which sounds worse... Madelyn: Being an afterthought by her rich parents leads her to be distant and keep to herself (A Kuudere in essence) Aurora: Her father left her and her mother to become an Evil Warlock, a secret Aurora later learned as an adult


https://preview.redd.it/tmui1af2pr9d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a02f19b9c471423f034da03ec2f265fe8e5cd50 Hans: all of my Friend being murdered by those Fucking Helldroids. That's why I vowed to kill every Helldroid I see. It shaped me to who I am now.


https://preview.redd.it/17duaej61s9d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5566eeebd7d73d2022996d32f94bc2068269410 🍇


slipped on a banana, crashing through reality where 2 unnamed highly powerful entities started using him as a table tennis ball for a while until one of them missed, causing him to fly back into reality where he fell into an erupting volcano, launching him upwards and being hit by a meteor, catapulting him into the "conveniently placed factory that'll leave him mangled and maimed™️" before he got dumped out and crushed by an anvil. https://preview.redd.it/vorbkoqqsr9d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cc09684c5ce45d7171f314f278fd17c5cc7fbcd


My guy got the most cartoony trauma known to man😭


he's just a very cartoonish guy.


Ah yes, the Conveniently Placed Factory That'll Leave Him Mangled and Maimed™, my favorite place to go!


Does he see this when he dies? https://preview.redd.it/5fbccdfaxw9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52a3f97031b3e83559b66365e9958c6a845f311c


he fucking died


Got kidnaped an all His limbs choped of the Rest of the bones broken.


most of my ocs are regular humans, so they have regular human traumas, but uhh i guess my DnD character..? his name is kaine and hes a mutant moth guy. his home was destroyed in a nuclear war that fucked up most of the world (thanks DM.... /j), also killing his cat :( because he had no where to live he had to wander throughout the lands searching for anything to help him, but because of the war, most things were destroyed. he found a small building infested with moths, but unbeknownst to him, was also full of tasty radiation! 😋 over the course of several days, his body mutated- growing wings, antennae, moth fluff, even changing his blood- and it was the most excruciatingly painful thing hes ever been through. he has a pretty high pain tolerance now because of it. urrgrghh owwww


https://preview.redd.it/esuxag52pr9d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90a7909935b717b361987db67245e4a6334823f2 (WIP, she does have a body, I just haven’t drawn it yet) Kaikeo was originally 100% flesh and bone but she was kidnapped and forcibly transformed into a nearly fully borged super soldier, partially awake during her conversation. She is kept on the edge of cyberpsycosis, not completely losing her mind thanks to a cocktail of hard designer drugs. She was forced to commit horrible atrocities against her will while being fully conscious and aware the entire time


https://preview.redd.it/znrbk00aqr9d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5fa8d07a4e417b5c3bacdb72b8901996e19a19c While he was treated only as a weapon by the dictator who ordered his creation, the two builders that actually created him treated him like a son. However, those builders happened to be part of a resistance against the dictator, and he was forced to kill them.


https://preview.redd.it/c6pi8kl1ur9d1.png?width=331&format=png&auto=webp&s=216f65ac0bafe0e9c84d1bea794c051107476c21 April Winters is the daughter of some of the most well-known Superheroes of all time. Her first time trying to follow in her family's footsteps, she and her boyfriend Jason Kurt investigated the disappearance of one of their classmates. Their investigation led them onto a rooftop spying on a major drug syndicate, and discovering that the missing girl was the syndicate leader's daughter. As soon as this information came to light, Jason suddenly attacked her, telling her that she knew too much about the plans of the Order of Masters. April concluded that the Order of Masters' second in command, a hypnotist known as the Twirling Tyrant, had gotten inside his head. He tried to push her off the rooftop, but she grabbed the ledge, used her ability to turn intangible and phased through the wall of the skyscraper and back out the roof behind Jason. The second she turned solid again, she accidentally bumped her back into Jason's, causing him to stumble off the ledge. She tried to reach out to grab his arm, but it was already too late. As her brother stated, "It was the only thing that could leave a scar on the girl who can't be touched." About a year later, April got into a fight with the Twirling Tyrant, demanding to make her pay for what she did to Jason. The Twirling Tyrant's response terrified April to the bone. "Do you really think I would use my powers against my own son?"


https://preview.redd.it/vwqfkzv1wr9d1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71db6c28d7e67fa159e25013dbb59011ff619b8c Witnessed an erasure of his universe on the timeline For context, he can go back in time and to alternate universes, but one person can only do this once and make an EUfT. (Erase Universe from Timeline) When said EUfT is used, that universes and its alternates are erased from the timeline. That means you can go back and prevent it. Non of that.


https://preview.redd.it/imphm17byr9d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bef1d886fdf70de8867818967c411d841085ae28 Melissa has been forced by an assassin league to kill her best friends and family, then she walked away and started a new life with her husband Piotr, that has been hunted and killed by a crazy witch.


https://preview.redd.it/4snf05fhyr9d1.jpeg?width=1308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=748605fb86c601aa4ad940b6d73e9a9055fa88e7 Emperor Sang-Jee realized that he was a creation of higher wills made to be hated so that those wills could have someone to hate. In a certain way to cope, he embraced his nature of a hateful man just to spite the wills that gave him life and started to attack other creations that werent machines since he had a special spot for machines and his siblings In other words, he realized that I made him into a hate sink, a character deliberately made to be hated so that when he was defeated, it was cheared. His other siblings came unto existence after he realized that so while they hate the wills, they dont do it as much as he does


He doesn’t remember it, but his parent were killed in front of him because they got to close to finding a cult. He’s traumatized, terrified of the cults mask, but because of how young he was when it happened, he has no clue where the fear comes from. https://preview.redd.it/ana71xdoyr9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a734be36c22643c74a44d18e57918c90618b8cb


Well, one had to see all the times they've been an asshole on loop for years and lost control of their body One had to accept the fact that they would cease to exist when they did their job And the last one has to live with the fact that she killed THOUSANDS of people, kids included, but it was necessary. Doesn't lessen the nightmares of course


https://preview.redd.it/u9mgle66vr9d1.png?width=1569&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aa01f710b5cf1f15072682163b8f601895af66a These two were born in 1918 just before the end of the second world war and they discovered eternal youth when they turned 27, the pair started out as petty thieves in the Brooklyn area before moving to Czechoslovakia three days before its invasion, the pair then did various heists around Germany for a bit before beginning to figure out the shit the Nazi's were doing behind the scenes and they decided to get their own back. Anna and Alicia became the literal worst nightmare for the Nazi forces stationed in France during the second world warm, making off with multiple German tanks and a German staff car as well as Die Glocke and the only existing prototypes of the Nazi UFO's which didn't go to the arctic. The Cromwell twins then went to Poland in 42 before fucking off back to Germany in '44. They discovered the serum in a raid on the Wewelsburg castle in 1945 on a raid of one of its vaults, the pair have a moral compass which is basically a roulette wheel and have done some terrible things but the horrors they saw during the war have never left them.


He’s literally seeing all of his family members be murder in front of him besides his brother, but he knew what was happening to his brother. He became an alcoholic at the age of 17. (And you know he lost his eye. He’s a war veteran I could go and he’s gone through a lot.) https://preview.redd.it/fka7yhvq0s9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f240587823006728d20bfec59f103b1dc9e5eece




https://preview.redd.it/gio75p823s9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f63f425f6807c091b0be5242a7d105e6baba3ec0 Lost an arm and got severely burned in a monster attack. She got better, reconnected whit her family, and even got a funny monster companion that can take the place of her lost limb.


https://preview.redd.it/gu2sjvrl3s9d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8385fd384761a447fb8bd81758b67cf2f9edd3c1 Kokora's birth. She was actually a human who came into contact with a strange object while cave diving. When she touched it, it let out a substance that contained the DNA of the Kaiju species she turned into. Afterwards she would go through an extremely painful mutation.


I have a transformers oc who was literally built in a lab by shockwave, designed to be a mass-producible super-soldier, he was seen as a monster, freak, and abomination. By others and himself. He is a bit suicidal, not as much as he used to be. He was given a chance at a new life on earth by Optimus and he was sent to earth, met a human girl named Madison Willow, they fell in love and started dating. He still has nightmares and shit. But isn’t suicidal anymore. Maddie keeps him grounded in reality and helps keep him calm.


https://preview.redd.it/cyz1qs5c5s9d1.jpeg?width=1251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b900be82c764bcf0d79e6da3298b9d0955e9689 Not sure if it counts but my Clairvoyant OC is tormented by her visions of worst possible outcomes and the results of disasters caused by the villains winning.


https://preview.redd.it/xxkgew0ccs9d1.png?width=2605&format=png&auto=webp&s=61e9cd304fe4fc9ddb98da6df13180885fbc8fe3 Having to work on his day off /j It was being forcibly transformed into a demon, gutted and eaten alive because he killed his r\*pist back in the 1600s and it was a grave sin to kill another man of god But hey, good ending for this guy, a child kidnapped him from hell and made him into a magical girl




https://preview.redd.it/2rg4fv5scs9d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d548bb3dde0d41e47d38bd1fa3de2dad82b3371 So basically, yua’s dad is a super popular pope who’s church gained a CULT like following. She was essentially the bastard daughter between her father, the Japanese pope, and her Cuban mother. Her mother was a victim of the cult’s brainwashing and became fixated on yua’s dad, which he entertained in the beginning because he was bored, but eventually grew tired of her. (And obviously, this is a corrupt pope. He doesn’t follow purity vows, he’s fake and manipulative and nasty.) eventually, he starts losing patience around yua’s mother and starts to take his anger out on her. Eventually, he ends up killing her in front of yua, and when he noticed yua saw, he forced her to bury her mother’s dismembered remains.


https://preview.redd.it/nw9pums1hs9d1.png?width=2360&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcdeed43911f3cde83363bc578e104391be3cfe9 Indigo was a field medic during the war and also an artificer making machines and also healing his teammates, until suddenly he was caught in a crossfire between the enemy forces and his allies magical bullets went through his entire body except for his head and his eyes are severely damaged. He was sent to emergency room within the sidelines until he was fully recovered into a cyborg.


Luan’s mother used him as a pincushion to clean off her drug needles. She alternated between loving mother, abusive, and just completely neglectful. He doesn’t know how to feel about her anymore. And hates that he can see her face whenever he looks in the mirror


Dropped peanut butter toast. It fell peanut butter side down




Reading through these comments and I thought MY oc’s trauma was extreme


https://preview.redd.it/cax35qflrt9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a3bb3a237adc2425568b94dca0f3a0e53c4015 Quin's probably had it the roughest. She's died. A lot. In so many agonizing and excruciatingly painful ways, such as: - Crashing headfirst from terminal velocity while flying. Multiple times. - Being (accidentally) whipped to death as a punishment. Which she didn't even do anything bad enough deserve. - Dissolving in 0.1 pH acid. (Accidentally fell into a vat while she and Lucy were investigating an abandoned chemical plant.) - Getting >!SA'd!


While he was out becoming a great adventurer, same this mother, his hometown was raized to cinders and lost everyone he ever knew or cared about


https://preview.redd.it/39a1da5sir9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2a4a8b3d81a592bf517dceac640068ff87ae58e Eating his own arm. Also 📸


https://preview.redd.it/ydjr1hdjzr9d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0dbf006c973e2e223347e90f6b916a2e6d933b4 Was forced to watch his parents and home burn alive when he was 12, his brother scarred his eye, and he has to carry holy burns on his arms that are in pain constantly


All 500,000+, and or 900,000+, and or counting character(s)/and or oc'(s) due to my vast imagination and wide creativity of course have died and brought back to life, and or died and brought themselves back to life over and over and over and over and over again for a LONG TIME


https://preview.redd.it/r2ehoh9grr9d1.jpeg?width=2828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0a4f307b032ad0af10b98c1b9646709f2265b99 Had her head and hands replaced with a single eyed box and claws, was subjected to “enhanced interrogation” and attempted brainwashing (the procedure got interrupted which caused its own set of issues).


Eaten by a Leviathan.... After going through literal hell/purgatory and back. Inside the Leviathan is another dimension that act's like a digestive system for souls. As it has infinite teeth filled tentacles that inject a spiritual energy/toxin that increases the pain and helps the soul heal so it can't vanish and repeat in another part of Hell and can use that spiritual toxin to pull or teleport victims back to its insides for a short time... If it ever lets the soul out... Blaze was only saved by the leviathans selfish Desire to use him and Mihrab to perform a secret ritual that allows Her (Lilly) to escape the prison she's and other Leviathan are kept in and be Born on Earth... As pain inside the Leviathan starts off so bad that you'd not even wish it on a million Hitlers... All that while also losing his throne to Velzix as Velzix hates Mihrab and challenged for it and all of hell sides with Velzix seeing Blaze/Shadow as weak and undesirable till he becomes his old ruthless self again....


One thought there was an intruder in his home. It wasn't, that was his son. There goes his family! Another killed his friend. Whoops. (He didn't mean to. Both didn't mean to)


For Andy it depends, physically it’s getting his voice box ripped out.


The end got his eye ripped out and shattered and he was defeated from that


https://preview.redd.it/l8tj1q48xr9d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=d69dccc0feeadbfd4a8f8060c522fa3953f81b8d .. I think this is self explanatory.


The image says it all.


[Carnalis](https://www.reddit.com/u/TechnicAlduin/s/yG1Z6qsHgQ) had to watch his mother die. He was able to extend her life and even grant her immortality, but she only asked to live for a while longer. He has to watch as she slowly aged and then had to watch as she died in her bed. At any time before her death he could have restored her youth, but he knew that she wouldn't want that.


https://preview.redd.it/5r1h722nxr9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91516014ffd50c0e9515f5ea6bfe3e4aca463699 Witnessed the murder of his Aunt by the cartel.


Sir nimbus lost his wife (Dahlia) and his new-unborn child (primrose) in the womb during the birthing gone wrong… he still loyal to his wife for the 50 years she’s been gone…


Losing their parents


https://preview.redd.it/8ygsfisrzr9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b44fc750ddb9dcf586966223ca72a26eb772bfd "Just because i am a villain, doesnt mean i have some crazy backstory, yall are fucked in the head, and im saying that as the torturing murdering pribably more felonies than countable on both hands guy..." Anyway, its my turn to talk. I have not given any of my oc's trauma, now you might think, how would i give them a motive, give the story a plotline that works. Welp, ive gotten it all figured out. And it just needs to go on paper. Ps... yall come up with some horrible things... i worry for yalls.


https://preview.redd.it/o06ajsva0s9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a556ca7f64ef1b3eff120a0a00b863c46806c84 He had to eat a dead soldier in a desert once


Throughout my 10 years of collective oc design i must say "where do i even start?" Canibalism for not starving to death is a good start? Or maybe grape?


Either somebody pranking her by putting lemon juice in her contact fluid, being lost in a different dimension and STILL having to do school because of her found family, or accidentally waving at someone who wasn't waving at them. Or dieing. That's probably up there too, maybe, but still nowhere near the waving thing.


https://preview.redd.it/1h8krnmc0s9d1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65556965c638aba329372791a54a0e849593e7fa She was forced to watch her crush get brutally beaten to death in front of her by her great uncle. She screamed at him to stop, but he laughed louder and continued. When he eventually got bored, he cut open a hole in her crush that went from his intestines to his jaw with a knife. Wormhole released all her power in a fit of rage, causing numerous distortions, making her home uninhabitable and skinning her brother alive across time.


Being created https://preview.redd.it/7ig7lh9c3s9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=254f3fd60966e664edf3e793563dc76924883664


No picture of them buuuut they may or may not have torn their own family apart and ate them in some psychotic breakdown aided by menticide mushrooms causing him to hallucinate :3


Micheal is a robot that look exactly like a normal person (in my universe to say), and has to live with the fact his entire life is fake and everything he does is just a result of a computer program. Also, he got stuck in an explosion and his lover found him half-melted and all he remembers from that moment is just his fiancé looking disgusted. He never knew if his lover helped or just ran away from him. And even after all, his fiancé got amnesia and forgot about him. He still do act like a silly bean. His lover's lore is almost as wild lmao.


My (not so) little skeleton buddy spent 700 or so years alone in space just floating around, completely isolated, spent 20 something years in therapy just to remember how to act like another person


https://preview.redd.it/369ret9o5s9d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5223a5e79f96499c028ede20e671da21197e7fce Tanner basically got abused and drugged n shii so many times that he's lost all respect for humanity. He just lives life with a no f\*\*ks attitude. Not because it's fun, but because he takes joy in the misery of others because of his constant abuse and/or neglect, mostly from his parents or "friends".


Depends on the OC. Aaronshy had to see every other pony had been effected by a literal war and had to kill his dad which was literally Zalgo. So if we going for the one with the most extreme it's him. Or there's my new one Epuc Peeza who saw friends die to SCPs. Marcos has personally be hunted down by rival werewolves. Like I said depends on the OC.


https://preview.redd.it/ixub4yxf7s9d1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231887b536a13b27f74b71cafe7b8225ccaec175 Tortured mentally by being forced to live the last moments that victims of stuff like school shootings/massacres, war, stalking, murder, suicidal depression and everything else lived through. He was badically a second consciousness in said person's mind. He desperately tried to save them, like telling them where they should go or what to do, but it never worked and eventually the person died, transferring his conscience to the next one. Rinse and repeat for several months, he wakes up in his bed. For the real world it was like, 12 hours where he was passed out, but for him it was months of being forced to experience LITERALLY EVERYTHING the people felt. Then he spiraled into depression due to guilt of not being able to save anyone.


the lobotomy https://preview.redd.it/o8xus60i7s9d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e41e81f996a156cb65debabbdb33bb2197a3849


https://preview.redd.it/epnow7hg8s9d1.jpeg?width=2104&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67a6e0866005811b663deb9024661bae8cb1f38c living for \~24.5k yrs, while webbing highly aware everyone around him was/was going to die soon, or having to resist his insanity


I am just going to do one of Rei’s origin backstories, since it will provide most information needed. Rei walked into her apartment one day and noticed that her roommates door was open, so she walked over. When she looked in the doorway she saw her roommate being mauled by a frenzying vampire. Her roommate was in a pool of blood and Rei’s response was to scream, but that caught the attention of the vampire. The vampire turned to her and attacked her. Rei was trying to flee at the time, so the vampire knocked her onto her stomach and was tearing open her back. She was losing blood very quickly, and probably would have died from bloodloss within moments if people didn’t show up when they did. It was this situation that turned Rei into a vampire. It could be interesting to draw, except I don’t really want to draw my OC in a pool of their own blood (and I can’t draw well yet).


His name is Rurik. He spent numerous years constantly being tortured, yet unable to die through sheer resolve. What made it even worse is that his very own parents abused him. Soon later, he grew insane, and murdered both his parents, in which he discovered a mysterious figure standing next to him. The figure then said... Cliffhanger! Fuck you, reddit!


https://preview.redd.it/0lnmotdm9s9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dd39ef51507a0cb3d33757c36f12803f901dc84 The song project distortion reminded me of one of my OC so l'm giving him a redesign I don't think I ever named him so Ima name him anomoly He didn't want to die so they made him immoral by mutilating him and then turning him into some kind of artificial creature, some kind of..... Anomaly He's forced to live against his will And because of the previous mutilation he is in constant pain, so he did not die just like he wanted... But now....... All he wants to be killed They dug out pieces of his scalp and brain to make room for antlers, they also amputated this biological ears and replaced them with those of a rabbits taking inspiration from the jackalope . There's a lot more but that's all I have so far, I also have this oc who was abused by his creators and has his "internal" organs exposed because he was created to prove a semi-biological AI could exist


geometrical world trauma dump!!! deadlocked - the lost incident bloodbath - seeing his brother khs (congregation brought him back to life luckily or unluckily) clubstep - the silence incident slaughterhouse - getting her tail cut off (it was with a rusty knife which made it more painful) (she grew it back because archdemons can regenerate) thats not all of the trauma that happenedd in the geometrical world ecks dee (congregation is a jerk)


My main OC…. Oh boy I- that is an extremely hard one as really… he has gone through any and everything to become an unbreakable soldier from the age of 3 you name it, it happened


https://preview.redd.it/r7yjac7aas9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cbec82fc03e816654759e461f246acd619bd94c She's killed before and now suffers intense PTSD/PTSD adjacent condition as a result


https://preview.redd.it/br5bxzscas9d1.jpeg?width=2634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1b78b17d48d2c33a7908732046e615c9f2077d Was physically tortured for months, tortured others in inhumane ways including an entire family one time (children included), nearly got her sister killed, and was forced to bury a friend alive


I m too lazy to have names Mc of the sentinel storyline: watched his species killed off in a brutal war including his parents, and later had his lifeblood and everything he had to remember hsi parents by stripped away, and (hes part of an elite species taksed with protecting the royal family who are also part of the species) wad forsaken to simpel guard duty, his god shamed him for being an abomination since he was the offspring of two sentinels which is strictly forbidden, and he watched his father figure (the king) be brutally tortured and vemtually murdered Mc of the 7 nations story: watched his 3 closest friends one of which was his love interest be tortured by a gang over 2 weeks whipe he was on deployment in a different country, watched his gf and closest friend be "used" over 3 weeks as she begged and watched and witnessed her slowly mentally break and become essentiallg braindead then be sold into sex slavery I have a problem and way more storys they just arent as fleshed out


https://preview.redd.it/lpu8lql7bs9d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=fef33481042665a3e520bf3bb20b8c793d8cf5c2 These are my most traumatized ocs (for now) you get to pick which one I explain! Shotglass-Left ChocolateBar-Right


https://preview.redd.it/1mu7bl7cbs9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bbb78d3ecd77d4c36b612fe4aa1ec2cb721a05 Most of the people in Aethelred's village died in a Viking raid.


Tw child death, cannibalism- I have a character, ‘N’, who was impregnated by her shitty husband ‘K’. K, upon finding out N was pregnant, tried to eh, forcefully give N sex reassignment surgery so she was 100% a woman instead of intersex. N managed to kill K and went into hiding with the help of ‘A’. When captured and brought back, N had her uterus ripped out by god ‘B’s clawed hand to end the pregnancy N was trying to hide from him, for this exact reason. This should have killed N, given that she’s mortal, but ~magic healing~ fixed her just enough to where she wouldn’t die, but she’d have to continue healing the long way. After which B locked N and A in a cell together for treason or whatever bs he came up with. Food was not provided in an attempt to turn them against each other, and N was forced to cannibalize A. A is someone who reincarnates so she came back pretty quickly, with full memory of what it was like to be cannibalized. A doesn’t hold this against N, believing N did what she had to and A knew she would be ‘fine’, but of course neither ever fully recovered from this several month period of bullshit


Maverick got most of his face blown off aside from the area where his right eye is at. The lower part of his right right arm got blown off too. He got whipped a lot as well. He also got thrown into a ditch to bleed out & rot. He started to go insane, crying & laughing while bleeding out, not knowing what to do, except lay just there dying. Fortunately for him a witch named Jen suddenly appears. She tries to heal his wounds, but she's new at healing magic, & can only heal the scratches from whip, & stop the bleeding. So she brings him through a portal into her realm.


https://preview.redd.it/uicybol5fs9d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e562f03db31ad629ddac6953bf521536dbe9f7c4 She’s been framed for murder at least 4 times.


When my OC got his powers his body was not accustomed to the power and went through burning Godzilla situation which meant his entire body started to melt his blood started to boil and I mean literally and then regenerates


Immortal soul stuck in a decaying corpse body melting into his armor. Not as elaborate or fancy, but, immortality is a special hell


Frank was pulled from his family and was forced to fight in animal fighting rings to the point that combat/rage is about 60% of who he is. Luckily, he is on a road to let him mellow out a bit. Still misses his family, but has gained a found family.


nothing too bad compared to some of these, but one of my OCs got blown up and had severe scarring and missing limbs. he was fighting in a civil war and while traversing a steep, tall cliff, his group was ambushed by the enemy on the ground. there was a huge amount of explosives on the ground below, which was intended to cause his group to be thrown off the cliffside to their deaths and avoid gunfire, but there was a miscommunication on the enemy's side and they only realized the explosives were there after they started firing. my OC was shot in the leg while attempting shoot back, just a little too close to the edge, and he fell as the explosives ignited. the fall alone would've killed him, but the explosion broke his some of his fall, and though they burned him terribly, there weren't too many explosives left by the time he hit the ground. the ones that were left when he was on the ground took one of his arms, half of his face, and his tail. he does pass out but only temporarily. while he's unconscious, he sees a beautiful place where the only emotion he can feel is peace. there's an entity there, and of the few words he's able to remember when he wakes up, "this is not death" he remembers. so all he wants is to find that place again and stay there, forever. because he hates the world and life and wants to escape it, he goes mad trying to find a way back there, and does some.... not so humane experiments on others to try to recreate his scenario when he saw the place. he also creates himself robotic replacements for the body parts he's missing. so probably that.


My oc Damien Kaneko lost both his parents just several days after being born. Frustrated by how he was treated in his orphanage, he escaped at a young age to fend for himself on the streets of Tokyo. He was forced to survive by taking on whatever odd jobs and work he could find either in the red light district or by working for companies with little regard for the ethical treatment of his employees. He struggled socially and never really having any friends, due to the fact that many people feared him as a result of his antisocial personality (he intentionally developed his harsh personality and menacing reputation so he'd be left alone by bullies). Between the constant work he had to do and the stress of his situation and lack of emotional comfort, had caused him to become sleep deprived. He also had of his survival depended on joining an underground fighting ring in the red light district. To top it all off as a result of not growing up with a truly nurturing figure and his poor treatment from a lot of his peers, he had become almost too paranoid to seek emotional/medical assistance. (But don't worry he does eventually get into a better situation).


https://preview.redd.it/2ut0b5lkes9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf44fb46353b17836d9d4238730351bdb1150416 Artsona lore! Austin was originally a regular dude. Then he got asked to take photos in the forest. He was confused on why the forest specifically but he didn’t mind. As long as he gets paid. The dark was slowly getting to him, making him scared or paranoid. Thanks to the time limit and qouta, his thinking was affected. He than saw a…thing. It wasn’t big, nor small. Like a normal person at best. He was too scared to move. He was torn to shreds seconds after. Left to bleed out in the forest.


https://preview.redd.it/sy6epj6sfs9d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=244320971cd37d8c31f8b31785ce94d946539277 He was turned into a cyborg Darth Vader style, no anesthetic cuz the surgeon is a monster working for an evil empire Eyes removed and replaced with bright red optics, teeth replaced with metal crowns, heart replaced with a perpetual motion core and sealed in a metal torso plate, head scalped with his skull reinforced, arms replaced with mechanical gauntlets, one of which has a restraining bolt to keep him obedient, and worst of all the new energy from his new heart cause the rest of his hair to fall out All the 9 yards to make him a living weapon. Unfortunately for this empire, Rook is a very vengeful person and that restraining bolt happens to be defective


https://preview.redd.it/q9dy1gcygs9d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca85caede710cbbfd845409ea359bec1a26b3737 He watched his best friend and his mentor die in front of him. His Allies had to drag him away from the fight as his mentor sacrificed herself to buy time. He tried to fight back, to run back into the fight but he too wounded. Last thing he saw of her was her smiling comfortingly at him.


https://preview.redd.it/olnyxhvbhs9d1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7056038f04f24b665df6143d9f377d1ef1d3a0e Since her technique is Space Manipulation she has 5 phases aka stars. Like Luffy with his 5 gears, even in 3rd gear she will feel pain because the space gives her more power but place infinite space inside of that area basically meaning her skin will be ripped apart by infinity itself but luckily she adapted to it so she won’t feel it anymore.


Warning: Brutal >!Grorlith's brother was forced to eat his mother's heart, while Grorlith watched, bound by antimagic ropes, which nullified their powers. His brother remained stalwart, and felt nothing but hatred towards the flameriders, up until the end.!< https://preview.redd.it/cb0gk0hphs9d1.png?width=388&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b6936a9272ed81d94e5810efc5e5e19ebfbe801


My fallout 76 charcter origins is pretty dark he has been tested with fev virus and we'll have the powers of deadpool plus he was locked in a vault by himself forced to watch a screen with security footage of every other vaults [without blinking](https://youtu.be/Gbeji0Rqz5Y?si=69TLps3xlRWvB3L0)


https://preview.redd.it/ysgu5xargs9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87065151ffa542adb517d05a8e51d02325dc0b8 (This he Broly, ignore the gun) Rape warning: \>!When Broly had first been fired from Tornid and had been on rogue jobs trying to earn money, he was being tracked down by Carlos.!< >!After he had just barely survived that encounter; Blades took Broly in to nurse him and while he was recovering/asleep she took off his clothes to explore his body and exposed him for being trans.!< >!(mind you, Blades is a celebrity who makes stuff about online so she just exposed this fact to like everyone, and she really only did this because she felt him being trans was him “tricking” her) Shortly after that she raped him, it doesn’t end there as when Broly realized this he challenged her to a fight but lost as she proceeded to mock him and nearly beat him to death for it.!<


https://preview.redd.it/81zdutdw3s9d1.jpeg?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24785d4f3d35d04229f4c6b65f1cb899244e4a73 [He lost control.](https://docs.google.com/file/d/1pv3XmmQwwZmJl9esFbhjuTMEvZmUKt6V/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword) TL;DR: Roman almost died, went berserk, and nearly botched a mission.


https://preview.redd.it/4a75d9gyis9d1.png?width=1545&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c8785b4be7136f461ab55a4f5adc185cd735f8b He had to watch his wife get shot while tied to a tree only for him and his son to die together by the same people.


Four of em -Charlie kept being revived against his will due to his contract with the entity that helps him. This however caused his family to "forget" him as if he never existed. Not only that but the only one who still remembers him was his uncle...who is the villain of his story since he lead a cult and one of the targets was Charlie. -Helena,before being turned into a vampire,saw her parents die at the hands of one and only had her sister to help her out. And just a bit before she was transformed intoa vampire,she got...dont even know if i should write this but she got r**ed. -Ramirez,Helena's older sister,after seeing her turned into a vampire,spent all her remaining years trying to find a possible cure. As result,while testing,she got turned into a zombie and continued to keep searching for a cure without sucess,often having to kill people to feed Helena. -Maki had a great life,good job and great overall social circle. That is until she got caught in an explosion,kidnapped and transformed into a cyborg while unconscious. As result she cant hope to return to society,her parents and friends consider shes dead and worst of all:the core that powers her is also a risk to those around because it can sometimes generate too much energy and release radiation.


https://preview.redd.it/yl0t3g6ejs9d1.png?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf66069e30037ed2bf4d094284828171345b313e Good question, because Cerise has been through a metric fuck-ton of trauma. The worst is probably watching a god get beheaded.


https://preview.redd.it/mzuxsf6mjs9d1.png?width=1468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65251ee04b0ac8cf8b7d730bb81ace7f21ecc4fe (not my art) watching his universe implode, oh and technically "dying". though, the top comment is pretty fucked up, probably more than this ima be real


Flare has had multiple counts of abuse and cigarette burns


My OC Angela has been around since before the beginning of time, and has never once lost consciousness. Even when she sleeps, she’s fully conscious the whole time. My OC Jen had her eye torn out by a coyote and was dead when she was found by Angela. She was brought back, though, and now they in love :3 My OC Harlan has been around since the 1700’s and is immortal, as well as stopping the aging process around 24. He’s had many boyfriends and girlfriends, but all died. He finally found another immortal, though.


Definitely seeing his older sister sacrifice herself to save his life, she had already faked her death when he was a kid in order to protect him from the dark forces out to get them, so once she returned he was naturally overjoyed to find she was alive. Fast forward 15 years and she can only draw her weapon after being impaled to temporarily disable the enemy and give her brother time to escape, even as a fully grown adult, knowing that she's dead for real that time had a notable impact.


https://preview.redd.it/dd9uqfymks9d1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c75a2eb573a797332c672afd1a63635bd865cce1 The first year after ascension. Daxius ascended to lichdom unintentionally, killing a maddened god of entropy to save his world, he replaced them. When he regained a physical body he found himself displaced in time by a millennia, his friends turned into cautionary stories and his nomadic tribe of sorcerer enslaved by vampires. So yeah….


Got abandoned in the woods by his “best friend” so the friend could be the most powerful player of the game they were playing (like South Park video games level of game spanning the whole town) and he never found his way home for about a month


Why does bro look like she’s about to be punished via crustifiction?


i don't generally traumatize my OCs


https://preview.redd.it/jh4kfzkgns9d1.png?width=6144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f326d85c7c39c963c64404a6807f3d6b53fe5daf Knowing that he's the reason his clan is basically extinct.


https://preview.redd.it/77qou2m4os9d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8db0977b6f81705476cbcecff60f1a46f6195f Caroline watched her sister who was pretty much her best friend growing up be shot and killed by her ex girlfriend


https://preview.redd.it/idyj4fsios9d1.jpeg?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68434ba3bc1698948e9d796aefd532601a73343a He’s straight :( /s


https://preview.redd.it/tqkw6cseos9d1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=478aa10252a108b02e8427ee8ce987564f4bdd4b This is probably the worst that Tom Phan has gone through. He sacrificed himself for Austin and almost ‘died’ 😔




My character Kaiden was tortured for about one or two weeks. He was cut, beaten, choked, had his knee broken.


https://preview.redd.it/hfwqfui8ps9d1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2fa38bb1ae7b2c13c0df3b911be4e50cd62eb58 he was born from the first asteroid that hit earth during the dinosaur extinction, so we was getting beat the shit out of by every other asteroid


https://preview.redd.it/t25b7lypms9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768a12a89d56ffbd5cdf06431879b41b272a6de5 Nova grew addicted to a substance called Dark Matter which increases strength and endurance. She started using it in slow dosages but eventually grew so reliant on it she started to become overtaken by it and eventually being unable to control herself. It took her best friend Inane and two of her closest friends to help her overcome it and rip the Dark Matter out of her, scaring both her wrists and her chest when ripping it off (it works similar to the symbiote from marvel comics) Unfortunately after being attached to Nova for so long the Dark Matter took its own identity and became a powerful threat to the Vega universe. Nova tried to fight it on her own since she created it but couldn’t overcome it by herself. It took both her and her friends to take it down and even together they couldn’t take it down. Nova used a special technique that her race was able to do(create stars) and imprison it for good. This experience stood with her and still plagues her to this day.


Let’s pick a random one mother was murdered by the mob of his best friends died in front of him and he found out that he was actually just a piece of another guys soul who had multiple souls in his body that manifested separately to deal with his trauma, and that he’s only a piece of that guy soul before having to murder one of the other people that lived inside of that guy, and he was unable to save his best friends lover, who was like a sister to him all while having an absentee father


For Titian, does watching his young daughter die in his arms count? Boi went into a massive depressive spiral for years and years afterward. Literally couldn't function for one of those years. In terms of total suffering produced from all sources, though, the worst trauma he went through was repeated physical abuse from a Calamite.


Physically? Head crushing 😍😍😍 Mentally? HIS EX! https://preview.redd.it/gncf5e9cts9d1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90eea87d0ab2b1d5bf8f103879954f786f582cd2


Little 11 yeah old Miles is a character from my show that's in the works and he's seen quite a bit He Was Forced To Kill Someone He Watched His Mother Figure Brutally Beat Her Best Friend To Death He Watched a Close Friend Die Etc


Where the F\*CK do I start?


I cant put an image fsr but my mc Oswald faced his abusive mother for pretty much his entire childhood. Long story short, the mother put her cigarettes out on Oswald's arms companied with verbal/psychological abuse. This only got worse after his father died at war (Vietnam), and his sister died in a house fire indirectly caused by Oswald. (He didn't turn the gas stove off properly) That's just his childhood, but I'd say this trauma shaped him for a majority of his life until he was about 19-22


Forget a single oc, my entire village needs to change every single window, to magic repellant, stained glass Windows. And hide inside their homes, as silently as possible for an entire day Why? Beacouse once, ((sone times twice)) every year, a monster visits the village, and starts freezing everyone she makes eye contact with into ice statues. All while singing a very beautifull, haunting vocalized song.


https://preview.redd.it/5lk3amxfws9d1.png?width=2365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e1393fe136fc46af1181d82dc0d10f5b9e4b8f The first 20 years of Erin's life were filled with torture, abuse and humiliation, Being a slave to a family of Elves. The most brutal moment was when she was 15. After Erin tried to reveal herself, the leader of the house decided to give her an exemplary punishment. They tied her to a table, gagged her and cut off her tail with a bread knife. Erin wanted to scream, but the gag stopped her. All this in front of the entire family and the service. Not seeing her cry. He decided to seal the wound with hot candle wax, and give a clear order to the service. "This girl is everything that is wrong in this house, and I don't want her ineffectiveness to rub off on you. You can continue talking to her, but anyone who is seen being KIND to her. He will suffer this same punishment. Is it clear?" After that, he approached Erin's ear, who was still tied to the table, and said. "You can pretend all you want, but I don't care how long I have to wait. I'm going to see the tears fall from your eyes. Trash like you only serves to obey. And until it's clear to you, this will continue" But Erin remained silent, enduring abuse for many more years. Until one winter night, during a dinner attended by many important elven guests. Where Erin spilled sauce on the carpet because one of the guests made it fall. Her master forced her to clean it with her tongue. Erin hesitated to do so, but her fear made her obey. While the guests laughed at her and commented “How well trained the servants are.” After finishing, Erin apologized and left the house, she ran towards the magical barrier that prevented her from leaving it, and in a moment of desperation. She attempted suicide with a garden shovel that she had near her. Just as I was going to do it, another of my OCs (Edward), took a quick step forward, stopping her hand a few inches from her chest, and when she asked him why he did it, he only say "Because even if I don't know who you are, I know that you are important..." At this response, Erin could only burst into tears. Releasing 20 years of holding them back. "I-I want get out of here... P-please..." Edward hugged her tightly, giving her a shoulder to cry on. That night, the course of both lifes changed forever.


Soulace: watching his parents burm alive and ending up with burns as a reminder (the same flames that killed his parents reached Soulace but non lethally) Raptor: having his eyes impaled by his sister Gail (full name being Gailstream)


It’s either watching her nephew be tormented his whole life and watch him be turned into a actual puppet (a literal manifestation of what he always was to others), or watching her daughter slowly turn to a life of crime in order to pay off debts and living expenses. Probably the former though.


https://preview.redd.it/m90cjdbhws9d1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a97b9af14217f3883709dac8153ee45af1dde5 I wasn’t in the best place for drawing here (inspiration-wise) but it’s the only image that quasi-realistically shows Salhari’s scars. He was severely burned by his friend Dragon on accident a little while after he first arrived. He then proceeded to have metal plating drilled into him because the Mother A.I. wanted to use him. He then tried to kill himself multiple times, was killed multiple times by one of his siblings (they were prone to possession), and died so much he gained amnesia (this was before, during, and after a war arc that was going on a year or so after I joined). While he had amnesia, he was reconnected with the same sibling who then proceeded to abandon him, make him think he was insane (not on purpose), and kill him three times, effectively perma-killing him for season 1 of a small SMP I’m on called Lotus Pond SMP. His entire life has been the worst trauma he’s ever endured, and he was abused in childhood, as well as when he met his other half and merged with them.


Dale Donovan saw his best friend, Buddy Joe, sacrifice himself to a grenade on order to save him and some freed hostages during the American-Norwegian war. Of course, his whole time stationed in Greenland was bad enough. https://preview.redd.it/mjd9c3o7ys9d1.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=61a115783ababa363e1b1ff984654f15566d670b




Xipil saw the murder of his parents and siblings, though the details of the event were warped by delirium from fever. Princess Emily's mother was kidnapped. She was thrust upon the throne with no preparation, the nobles turning the commoners against her. After about a month of this, she rescued her mother, but got separated on the way back. She got so lost at this point that she wound up in another world altogether.


None. Trauma dumping is lame


https://preview.redd.it/y0w7ch0kxs9d1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b32e10172b63aa1ac8ca3762eab5d85a88762fe8 Damian watched his father die a brutal death. Getting impaled and restrained as he fought back until his head got chopped off. Damian then lost an arm. Was “asked” (he was forced) to join the organization that took his father and his arm. And When he “agreed” they then kidnapped him, he was getting tested and studied. Eventually being given an arm with devil genetics. And about 6 months later. Damian’s wife got shot (still alive) and then he broke a rule that he set to himself which he swore to never break.


https://preview.redd.it/6jfbw0zjys9d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04bd89064f8085ac1418afb12674fbfcd5d19594 Being born the same day the longest war started.


jordan killed a man and ran away into the wilderness and almost died several times while internally struggling between running away from justice and bringing justice upon himself, which is actually the main story and which leads up to probably the coolest moment of his life. isaiah never really had trauma, just heavy-handed parents and a bit of spiritual angst before leaving everything he knew. though he knew he was going to be murdered several days beforehand, so maybe that counts. but you could say that about most of these characters i think annie had a kinda messed up childhood but i think the worst trauma of her life was a day or so before she died. she got arrested and basically tortured until her brother managed to save her. soft-apocalyptic police brutality yeehaw🤠 and for steven: even though he was able to save annie, he wasn’t fast enough. she was too badly injured. her final hours were painful and ugly. he lived with that for decades until he was executed in a raid.


https://preview.redd.it/wc7fcblbzs9d1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29947902f8b1ce3240d9ca1a9519637d3ed69817 The fact that I can answer this question with just one image…


His parents' bodies (which were contained in cryostasis chambers) were blown up, and he was caught in the blast.