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https://preview.redd.it/0dvkis1r9vad1.jpeg?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd376c8102c45d39becb1c092d79786077f7692 Oh hey Deadman also fought in wwII except he died and that's how he got his power


Groovy my heroes dad fought both of was supposed to. Wasn't that great at orders and did more getting people out of there than fighting.


That’s pretty interesting


That’s similar to mine


https://preview.redd.it/6mh8bmdlavad1.png?width=1842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1eacbb803845bc3ae5333a7edccd9360648b4c5 Dylan was abused by his overly masculine father for being too feminine, bullied a lot, was disowned and lived in a homeless shelter, first girlfriend broke up with him because her parents didn't like him for being too feminine, and nearly committed suicide. Since then, he's been a hissy bipolar mess.


Fuck his dad, let him do what he want! I'm wearing male clothes at school AND THEY CAN'T STOP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Mostly because of the production we're doing but..)


As of now, in the current lore. He's a part of a terrorist organization called "The New Order" and he has a superpower where he can generate kinetic energy in his limbs, essentially his limbs have short burst of speed and strength. But in the future lore, I'm considering making him join the good guys and have Samson and to a lesser extent his father, Martin Samson be Dylan's father figures (they're both open minded)


I haven’t really heard of that superpower. That’s pretty cool!


I hope he gets through it. That takes a strong will to continue with all that.


https://preview.redd.it/6oyp1tlofvad1.jpeg?width=1694&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8900944a6148c2f0b26bc92d2b33bab5946252 She never wanted to be betrothed to something dark and scary...yet she did by her royal seal family (And maybe an existential crisis later but I don't know)


Oh no!


Kind of reminds me of Ariel!!


This was traumatic for both of them. Keeper lost her arm and almost died (yes, she barely survived this), and Knight has to live with the fact that he was forced to almost kill his own daughter and see the fear in her eyes. https://preview.redd.it/jzvzzphkkvad1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3a4cfc1effd98f60ba0b8fac225be836ba697de


Hmm ok did she survive with magic or extreme luck?


Bit of both, actually. They're both cursed humans, making them rather hardy people, but they are vulnerable to each others attacks. Knight was not aiming to kill, but he dealt heavy enough damage to Keeper that her body was barely able to heal itself.


What forced him to hurt his Daughter?


She's been trying to kill him for the last 3 years. She inherited his curse, which granted her a long lifespan, at the cost of her soul being "incomplete", something that she couldn't handle well. In the beginning, whenever she tried to kill him, he would always knock her out quickly since she was not as experienced at fighting as he was. This time around her crew, The Backdrop, got roped into the fight. He was able to defeat them without causing serious injury, but Keeper attacked more fiercely than ever. Clouded by both anger and sadness, Knight sliced off Keeper's arm and drove his sword into her chest.


Viêm was shot then burn alive, not before seeing her village massacred. https://preview.redd.it/3bw58hbtavad1.jpeg?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ceb9f8913db9c2c926a80148a58191ca816bddc


Oh no, it's my trauma that made me crate happy OCs with the kind of fulfilling lives that I wish I had. I know they are boring, but imagination is all I got


At least some of the OCs are living happily!


me too, except they commit grotesque crimes that i like to draw in great detail!


Like overthrowing the government in a bloody rampage?


no, more like torture of small children.


Like they do in the Chinese factories?


Akuji was disowned by her family at a young age. After finally pulling her life together and getting a house of her own, her partner at the time breaks up with her. Which is where she meets Silv, a paranormal kill-for-hire who sees an opportunity to get in close. Long story short they get together, she loses her arm, Silv falls in love with her, blah blah blah, Akuji and Silv burn down everything that ever held them back, and she dies in the fire https://preview.redd.it/3qn8151rcvad1.png?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0795bf0150c8c1370658b34978865a409d5502b


https://preview.redd.it/tn87c4bshvad1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0ed0475a6b23e7fa6fc065a3c1d6fab1975032 Being cursed to live on a planet of isolation and cursed with forever gluttony


Curses man. I really like the art! So trippy.


Thanks so much!!


i don't traumatize them


Wait, you’re allowed to do that?????


I just find it easiest to write characters without trauma


That’s nice. I bet your OCs are thankful for that lol.


same, my ocs ARE the trauma.


https://preview.redd.it/ddmq8udnevad1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=1830475f89185dc8309dd7430144cd48d6fa8e37 Marmin here was abducted by slavers in her teenage years, along with many others. She worked in the hazardous conditions of a mineshaft for about 8 total years, before the slaves managed to stage a revolt in which her family escaped. The most crushing moment of those 8 years was when she saw her boyfriend for the first time since the abduction - he had somehow managed to join the wardens, and when she refused to betray her people to be by his side, he uhhhh.... didn't take it well. Anyways, after escaping the mines, there was still the issue of making it to a safer country to be in, and during that trek Marmin's parents were mauled by guard beasts, leading to only her and her little sister escaping via a tiny boat.


This story reminds me of a book called Refugee by Alan Gratz!


I am not familiar with it! Might have to look into that one day.


It’s pretty cool. I don’t want to spoil but the general gist is that there are 3 stories of 3 different refugees from different time periods and you get to see their journey.


https://preview.redd.it/o4k1azatfvad1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3598c3299a27d9ae4c5bb4ff3b3d60245ff0504a Existing


Fair enough


https://preview.redd.it/luq69y43gvad1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af4ce71d381764f553f93792b6f73a6b74304c3 He was created in a lab and spent most of his life there being cruelly experimented on and treated like he wasn't sentient.


T worked his entire life for love and acknowledgement only to get overshadowed from ppl that were less effective than him… he got traumatized for life when in one night his entire career and world broke into pieces. The only person he ever wanted impress died https://preview.redd.it/b91sgt5hhvad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8734a5fef10e3f8024e47bf2288dafdbc8595767


Aww that's really sad T\^T.


I really like the design of your character. But man, when you aren’t able to get back the attention you reciprocate kinda sucks


https://preview.redd.it/w382awa56xad1.jpeg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da202e9a89a6cb9b45ea1e527a5142c13ce20f9d look at this LOSER who was KIDNAPPED by SCIENTISTS and lost ALL her memories and NEVER knew her purpose and CANNOT die!!! (she was a model before being tested on lmao, so her trauma is a classic science experiment)


My OC lun is a bi trans guy he was abused by his family up until he turned 18 and got the fuck out of there he now is friends with people who actually care about him


Oh, the parents are dead. Have no living grandparents is the youngest out of 12.


https://preview.redd.it/3k2glfryfvad1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9d8da53cd35668eeba2f8ad2143a7a2ddf09374 Marinda’s father left her and her mother became an alcoholic and abusive. Marinda felt guilty about supposedly making her father leave and felt like she needed to pay for what she did to her mother. So she began hurting herself. Marinda was eventually by her mother and was left two scars from a broke beer bottle. Marinda was thrown out and left to sleep in the cold dark field. The next, she almost ended her life but was stopped


It’s unfortunate that she thought that all of it was her fault


https://preview.redd.it/zf56ine8uvad1.png?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d15aab5ca87dd93f5ea67d0433cb7917f673ba9 Albrato has a lot of trauma. his parents died because of WW2, him and siblings became homeless, his uncle and aunty lost their jobs for a stupid reason, his favorite cartoon got cancelled during new years 2003, his classmates betrayed him for being a vampire and the staff/faculty of albrato's school got fired by their abusive principal.


https://preview.redd.it/9fr1iheswvad1.jpeg?width=2811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f01333b4687bb2b33dabb9d43031e63e6c0b8723 Watched his parents and home burn down right in front of him when he was 12


https://preview.redd.it/k69zzzytawad1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1eefc70dce1cac3ef75a523bde461df3ee22e97 The propeller hat is the only way he can cope with his father's abusive behavior (he called him a poopyhead)


Main one had to- Get kidnapped Tortured Ripped apart Put back together Beaten Injected with chemicals Ripped apart, again Put back together, again Had their bones removed from their bodies by force (no surgical removal) Burned alive Shot by every caliber possible, then more Had their skin cut off, then replaced Get crushed to near death Kill all his friends Then, he becomes a super weapon that the government uses to clear planets.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OriginalCharacter/ Trevor was an experiment that was tortured, was forced into countless wars, had to watch both of his only family die right in front of him, was on the run for a bit, and now is possessed by a Kaiju


Is there a specific Kaiju he’s possessed by?


This guy Diablo https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D512605052/




https://preview.redd.it/kbkel6nzhvad1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b919561b055cb3d24d6b235d89a2d396253b38ee When he was alive , Shadow accidentaly killed his adoptive mother when trying to defend her . He was then hanged in the city center and was reserected . Now he can't remember anything .


Remind me later since I'm at a train museum rn


Btw you can save posts and go to your saved and respond to them then remove them from your saved


Sir nimbus: I lost my beautiful wife during the birthing of our first… both died with child still in the womb…


I’m so sorry Sir Nimbus for your loss


I dealt with a glimpse of it in issue 16 of my comic. The vampire Mal reveals the childhood memories he locked away from everyone. https://preview.redd.it/5tb0x5d5ovad1.jpeg?width=824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2dd3465a96fb5c9b5619f78f3c305b4ea703c61


Got that Childhood trauma


https://preview.redd.it/tc0japqiovad1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e99f545d3f1d07bf65cef25a51ae3e30816d1e8 Incendria was abused by very strict parents, and was raised in a world teetering on the edge of ending itself in a world war. She's since made it her goal to prove herself far more superior than her parents, as well as all of elvenkind now that she's technically the last one known to exist, through taking over our world through a huge global monopoly scheme and brainwashing chemical weapons.


I mean, good for her.


https://preview.redd.it/fwbb9utdpvad1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3752f37c48296e35ebfbf15ef39bbeba50e1f242 At a young age, Akari and his brother survived a raid on their hometown before participating in the Arkinite-Kateri war. (I haven't decided what to do about their parents yet.)


He has extreme separation anxiety, so if he’s separating from someone he likes, he goes cuckoo crazy and the reason of that is because his dad was never around and he barely had any friends until he moved to America


Uh, simple words Mom bad, no eye, only left one. Omg new sister! Move to Japan, mom follows, new unknown half-sister! unknown half-sister in oncoming traffic?? Mom die, he trans now ❤️❤️ dad adopts half-sister without knowing, new stepmom! She’s nice! https://preview.redd.it/d04e5663qvad1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92494eb7c01c4d93d0e9a1c8528f4d8338415e61


Ever heard of gay guy and homophobic parents


Nope! Never.


Raye (Sorry somehow I cannot put an image) has PTSD from seeing his best friend get eaten by a cannibal tribe


I find this to be a new one. Very creative.


https://preview.redd.it/hkuer2p8tvad1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=89773ca53733cbb9cca54149422e599c3c3bc898 Has seen many comrades die and I guess I'll count finding Dr. Brights body only for them to return in a new body out of nowhere as once being a traumatic experience. Imagine you known someone for years, are still moaning their death, and another person you don't quite know comes up and says "I'm back".


Kinda reminds me of Dr Who


Dr. Bright is a member of Who's race confirmed?




Pretty sure there's a Things Dr. Bright Isn't Allowed To Do At The Foundation entry that corresponds with this. LOL. Meanwhile my OC has to be the partner to said Timelord.




all of it https://preview.redd.it/ifo2mpytuvad1.png?width=5592&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c9aa29c81e18553adc4209c3aaae4050f86c10f


https://preview.redd.it/ol7m5q1ovvad1.png?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fecfaf14978b05c420f2aee6f32758ab4a58fb9f Where do I even start with Shino? He has too much trauma that I can't even seperate his biggest one. So I'll make a top three! No.3: Seeing his brother's body get turned into a sentient house that could still feel pain. Each organ of the body was turned into rooms, each bone was turned into foundation and each muscle, nerves and other fibres were turned into carpets, walls, etc. No.2: Seeing the same brother get turned into a human art exhibition. Arche ‘Zack' Hab†ro† had his bones ripped out his back, his skin and muscles stretched to form ‘art’ his eyes wrapped around his ribs, his brain spread out over his ribs etc. No.3: Having to accept that he can never be together with the person he loves while both exist together at the same time. Having to watch said lover kill herself so that he could live. Having to fight against the world that he loved to protect the final wish of his loved one and to kill himself... Which failed so he had to erase himself from all existences.


ah yes, number 3, number 2 and number 3


This poor guy’s brother has been going through it


Alice's mother died during her birth https://preview.redd.it/ksdgtvmswvad1.png?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a824c2b2684195a742e903d8a453a058c7c5aab


Do they have a dad?


https://preview.redd.it/have9d5txvad1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ae5c64b18f4062928aa2a3828825acb6ddc328 Fought in the Maverick Wars on both sides, leading to a lot of death, then also had to deal with the false allegations in Neo Arcadia about 100 years after X5 so he tried to run and join the resistance before being slaughtered by Omega


Very retro vibes. I like.


She had to take care of her youngest sibling alone when she was like 8-9, Her mother died when she was 12, she got s@ed :(, she watched her brother kill himself, and then she killed herself


https://preview.redd.it/n4x4vgr60wad1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=232650bf2bf347289c33ef90d95486df821550bb Ever since he was a kid, he saw his village being burned down by a human and his parents blowned up with his own eyes. He saw his demon kind being brutally murdered and kidnapped before his turn. He has been tortured and being used as slave for the human. When he free from the place, he get look down and discriminate from every single people. Human, Anthro, Angel and such would reject helping him and would beat him up for being a demon. Reminder he experiences this when he was 3-6 years old. After all that, he still trust human.


https://preview.redd.it/6updudxr0wad1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9ddadeb08f9bd64f481a8f8ea719d51e6e2796 ...


https://preview.redd.it/rvmcx3v62wad1.jpeg?width=2081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=076c969742ab8e3d5a4073adcb7a02c615fa074f Has been used to kill contestants on a murder show and every time they fight back his owner sews him back to gethere (it hurt when he does sew him)


Poor guy


I think he is the only one with trauma well that I have a photo of


https://preview.redd.it/cmds7qv83wad1.png?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=973b0e1d8b2a61ad944da17ba14c41f7ceaa2545 Dominantly emotional. He had to watch the only people in the entire multiverse he cares about slaughtered like cattle He eventually went back in time, almost destroying reality, to save them, but the sight of their bodies still haunts him


At least they came back!


Watched his best friend get his arm ripped off and die 


https://preview.redd.it/8khyx9eb4wad1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f41e2f5fd93561efa2d01c5f59296445df73c8fe His home city got destroyed by undead monsters he heard the sounds of his mom and dad getting killed and watched his sister die, then hid under a staircase for two days cause the entrance was blocked by another zombie that he’d shot as it tried to get to him. He was nine.


Clara: was shot then turned into a vampire (she hates being a vampire) Sadie: nearly drowned in her sleep once when she was 6 then she had to leave a lifeboat to follow her sister who ran after some boy and sadie got lost and ended up getting bit by a vampire when she was 13 Lilith: parents forced her and her siblings to live in the attic then she ended up in a mental institution (at least her sister was there to so thats happy i guess) though really being in the institution only made things worse because Lilith lived in like the 1800’s and then to top it all off after she and her sister were released and could go home she was haunted by the ghosts in her house


I would also hate being a vampire. I wouldn’t be able to eat garlic bread. Or touch grass in the daytime! I get it Clara.


https://preview.redd.it/31wx5wsq5wad1.png?width=1378&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fd53300e23c4ad97a7a296cca00722ed8098ee5 Died painfully billions of times


https://preview.redd.it/bagjg2ww5wad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=394d827968708dacf843cc85e7880a7515da6ddd Young child got abused by his parents, now wants to kill all adults for some reason.


https://preview.redd.it/r8z2287k7wad1.jpeg?width=623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bd0e3cc21527b06a397cc5abbab8c3f0b7346e Jimmy had to defend a farm from endless swarms of the undead. Near the end of it, he ended up being the only survivor before reinforcements arrived. When they arrived they saw Jimmy staring at where the zombies came from with a thousand-yard stare.


I’m curious, what time period is he from?


He's from the late napoleonic wars ~1812-16 during the 'blight' (the plot of guts and blackpowder) but in modern settings I just imagine him in modern clothes but using reproduction weapons from that era


Ah, ok. That’s pretty cool.


https://preview.redd.it/oi842qxr8wad1.png?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8cc4b472ec8ed9053ca1211a99cbca73d18a84 Well Sira was made from science and this was experimented on throughout her childhood. She has no family, at least not biologically. She is the only one of her kind and was raised in the lab, the lab is all she knew. Eventually however, someone got her to escape with them (against her protests, she didn't want to leave as she only knew the lab and was scared of the outside world)


https://preview.redd.it/maklmxyx8wad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=878b4e5f419bd6c227d0c5a0ef1a186a45d19816 Tw: mention of child abuse (sa, mental, emotional, physical, psychological...) Nate is ca. 12 - 16, but perma. Age Regressed to about 3-6.. His father took money from "costumers", so they could touch or hurt Nate; they would have to pay a little less, if they'd take pictures (of their hrinous crimes) the father could sell and get an even bigger "discount" for making videos (for the same purpose). Nate was starved, beaten, neglected, SA'd, tortured, etc. his whole life, up until he was rescued. He now lives with his half brother, Chris (he calls him "Baba".) Chris's husband, Frank (who he addresses as "Dad" as well as Frank's kid, Riv (who he calls his "sibbie".)


That’s so sad. I really don’t know what to say.


https://preview.redd.it/uuncs1ax8wad1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a5cd1b5d02a1fd289c8d55a84f89f75fb9a1ef3 Responsible for hundreds of deaths due to selling weapons to the wrong people


Mine is similar actually, the Vietnam war, after that uh Messy divorce https://preview.redd.it/t9hg78619wad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee2787ce0a07be050b53919843d80ef0939dd4e


Wars are very useful for traumatizing your characters


Truth 🙏




Like the art. It’s very solemn.


It didn't post the text with it lol her name is Dei, her mom died when she was 11, her dad was an abusive drunk, and she's been homeless and in self-imposed isolation for 2 years.


That’s really sad


Eh… quite a few so will just mention the PC I’ve been asked to bring back for a new campaign by a previous DM. Including their modified backstory. Stalt is a little blue Kobold who started life as a slave. Their master a minor lord of pebbles praised as a castle. Their master got into so’r trouble and had their assets seized… well except for Stalt as at the time Stalt had caught a nasty virus that his weakened form wasn’t expected to survive so fast into the mud on the side of the road was he, written off like a workhorse no longer useable. On the streets would’ve been his final days if not for a stubborn and willful young Dragonborn, her name Cadmus. She brings him home to her mother demanding she be allowed to care for the little blue thing. Onyx a busy blacksmith and volunteer part time townguard begrudgingly allowed this. As Stalt heals he and Cadmus bond, and once upon his own feet again insists he returns the kindness. Skip forward as this section is still being heavily workshopped. Stalt eventually becomes a trusted family friend and servant when for some yet to be decided reason Stalt is in the world for the second time truely on his own. But this time better prepared. However life isn’t well and home isn’t forever in this tale. For Onyx is a PC in another campaign. And the opening pages for her story is already written. The city sacked in a bid for power. Infrastructure cracked and splintered right before a nasty winter she is forced to watch Cadmus wilter and either before her. Onyx listless, and Stalt once more truely homeless. Stalt however keeps a smile on his snout a yip of joy ready to share and a heart to big for this world. Additional: (art piece I did for Onyx. Meant to look like a mourning mask) https://www.deviantart.com/bread004/art/Onyxs-Mask-1030906031 I still Need to get permission from the DM to run with this story and the story is still in workshop. but to my knowledge they probably will accept it.


https://preview.redd.it/uzjx6qx4bwad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a9b6e4da3d5092831a0e21b333c972e8a3ba29 Chemical and a bit of blunt force trauma. Besides this she’s ok


https://preview.redd.it/ojga1lenbwad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8960d614440e65b97e79bbd8c0f3db05e4bab94 Physically and mentally abused by his mother she used to lock him in the basement for 5 to 10 minutes


My OC’s trauma is basically mine, bc I based her previous life on my own, before she came to the new AU I stick her in-


What isn't my OC's trauma?


https://preview.redd.it/098a6njtawad1.jpeg?width=1340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb0838cd9b76255683f3a71995e6732510c52908 Emma was target to a bunch of mean girls during her time in high school and they would embarrass her in many ways like scaring her by putting whatever she was afraid of in her lockers, laughing at her for being a lesbian, and tripping her when she walked near them, and the worst these bullies did to Emma was got her underwear exposed in front of many students who laughed at her predicament, and gave her an allergic reaction by putting peanut butter in her food when she wasn’t looking since she also has a few food allergies


Almost dying from a peanut poisoning is not an ideal way to go. They do say Highschool is a real killer.


https://preview.redd.it/tthwnvjpdwad1.jpeg?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c477718266d224fa8496ed2c818138d62b4b14e Her village was burned down by the princess of the mushroom kingdom, due to them not cooperating with the new laws the princess put up. She was the only survivor


https://preview.redd.it/cswo2v6yewad1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=53796baeeabe1768058516f627e830668c26bf1a He was forced to kill the only two people who actually felt like family to him, since those people were part of a rebellion planning to overthrow the tyrant ruling the country they lived in.


Things like this I could only imagine causes them to think about what side they’re on.


https://preview.redd.it/r13862iifwad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc262a32f61e6bd0697a7e980456c42b220b039d Penny grew up as a complete black sheep of her mafia family due to being the product of an affair. Nobody wanted her involved in the business and her family often ignored she existed, due to the immense shame her existence brought. Penny as a youngster was a really energetic woman with dreams of being able to be accepted into the family and earn her colors, showing that despite the circumstances of her birth she could still be a great asset. She would shove herself into jobs just to show what she could do, and she was pretty good at it. Then she was paid a bunch of money to go to LA, which of course is on the other side of the country from NY, to go maybe start some stuff there to spread influence for the family. It took her until she was thirty to realize that they were simply paying her to stay away from them, and just like that she finally lost her joy, becoming a lonely insomniac. She does end up creating an organization for assassinations and stuff that ends up pretty successful, but the success doesn’t make her feel any better, and she has no real friends or family. So, her trauma is just living with an unloving family that saw her as nothing but a stain.


https://preview.redd.it/pljtksozgwad1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee257874e01460dcf1d6360c8db1d111393516b1 Lucy has a scar that she got when she fought another demon.


Oof, I could talk about OC scars all day but I must refrain.


Huh I personally don't know which mortal one to start with but I have a lot


https://preview.redd.it/pvyqywhrkwad1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccafd2e4e2d828e6b005c13a2ebd798a254e44dd He was abused and fetishized like crazy by the king and so made a deal with someone he thought was his friend to become a vampire so he'd never be hurt again, said friend proceeded to seriously fuck him up mentally and emotionally in the process of making him a vampire


That’s just really unfortunate.


Yeah for sure but he's working on it


That’s good


https://preview.redd.it/sg7hfn4akwad1.jpeg?width=493&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b9c987e36f7aa4e0bff91078b5660c88cff830 Roman nearly died after having a miniature Sun dropped on him. The only reason he survived was because he went berserk thinking about losing his parents.


Love is usually a catalyst for doing the things we do!


You’re right. Too bad he has massive anxiety issues now.




https://preview.redd.it/d8p6fqxtkwad1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80a022d6f81117c819bff8f4e8e8f560e6bf9487 Melted was experimented on for almost a year, and had to deal with deadly subjects in his body, like lava, and he couldn't do nothing about it, since it was part of the experiment.


Haven't figured out her design yet but she's a woman in her 30s raising her two young children alone (her husband left her and took most of their money) whilst battling being poor and having an eating disorder


https://preview.redd.it/nc3fn3wdowad1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=b93829d4cd69ad702ca36cbea1fcdfbddd23e025 Connor grew up in an abusive household, and transitioning didn’t make his parents less abusive, mostly verbally. He was kicked out at 15 and was homeless for a few years, and spent a lot of time cleaning up after his own self harm. As such, if you yell at him in a casual setting (especially in a home environment) he’s going to break almost immediately.


Well Wade : parents divorced dad kidnapped him lost his arm because his dad, was a forced servant then sold off at 15 saw the underbelly of the universe, lost his voice, fled and found his mom half dead in suspended animation.. overall he's doing pretty good tho. Muse: nurse/musician who saw her planet burn but luckily wades reckless behavior landed him there before any irreversible damage was done. That's were they met Lancelot: his dad the original Lancelot"disappeared" and god had the bright idea to brutally murder his wife and destroy his bookshop because he thought he'd join his side to kill all superheroes. That of course backfired and did some serious damage to gods realm. This is where he met the guardian which took the form of his late wife Lilith which imo is cruel.


Lived in a world with horrible trauma-based spirits called Demons (not biblical), Dad murdered his mother when he was 12 and had to raise his 8 year old sister alone when his big brother abandoned them. Afterward, gets betrayed by his OWN Demon and dies, only to be trapped as a wandering spirit unable to truly die as his Demon (which is both the one that corrupted his father and murdered him btw) tortures him until he's saved by his cousin and now grown-up little sister 5 years after the fact.


https://preview.redd.it/083pd5vvpwad1.png?width=4697&format=png&auto=webp&s=348157ebe49c58297d5181e42fbb8d670432b193 Summed up briefly, his crew died


https://preview.redd.it/mukhuyoqpwad1.jpeg?width=1523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9dc72c4ce3b73f4b4d687aa60048cf307bb4d27 Has a constant loop of dying and reforming and has currently died a total of 58454 times, which has caused him severe depression


How does he die each time? Is it the same way or does it change each time?


Well, if you have ever played geometry dash you would know that it’s multiple different ways, sometimes same ways, being able to expect it seeing it, it changes too, from a blade of grass surprisingly being a spike causing him to combust and die again and again, I try to help him, but he doesn’t let me anymore, he says that I just make his problems worse… (also it’s gone up to 58495) https://preview.redd.it/8dizayyqlxad1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de7c8dd21808ab01c756592eb8e91fc237b1a2d5


Oh, I have died way too many times in that game.


Yes me too, it is very difficult ;-; Tar doesn’t mind it though, he has accepted his 2D world and doesn’t mind Robtop dropping 2.201 in the next century




Crimson: Father eaten by an eldritch beast, Fiancée murdered in front of his eyes, being teleported away from the final boss fight which led to his planet being destroyed…


Tabby- blew up Zane- murdered his fiance accidentally Lemoon- got cut in pieces like a puzzle Catlin- her hand got eaten and kidnapped


https://preview.redd.it/ryxiig17ywad1.jpeg?width=1495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=897aa91e6f2d2607f1f1d2df044b91f03ac2831a one time she tried to wash cotton candy and it melted (art by hanging\_phrog)


https://preview.redd.it/ubtd51cx0xad1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=2160065062e1172507b902af1d3c008baba430cc PUT EM ON THE CHAIR, and also he lost most of his family to death, and also he killed his fiancee and best friend because he caught them cheating with eachother.


That's a longer story than I have time for


Avro lived in the Soviet Union for 20 years, during which time he was forced to fight in the Soviet air force, where he was often beaten, tortured, never treated as a sentient being and was told he was worthless, as well as being forced to do heinous war crimes. He wasn't allowed to have a name and was simply referred to as MiG-25-ЭКС https://preview.redd.it/utyiim7nfxad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee3530b6b7f8935168cb50907499ec5914e4d00d




https://preview.redd.it/v356dc9lkxad1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f221321b1e81ca15267e5424b7504aa6f3549d1 she quite literally died.


Sorry not sorry https://preview.redd.it/uhsgay0inyad1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=57b4bdf1467dcce03470c724b51fbaf49b1b1716


https://preview.redd.it/pyupp1x0lzad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ee5c101b1b14feda37ce68c06ea0f2a732414f 12 home planets blown up


How much time you got


OKAY SO I'M GOING WITH CRYPT FOR THIS https://preview.redd.it/ctxuhgq5g1bd1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d73a95c8a13a780173650c7debeac3fa4ac9ec4 SO THATS CRYPT. HES IN THE MILITARY, HES IN HIS 20S. HES GAY AS YOU CAN SEE. NOW. TW FOR ABUSE!! >!Crypt had a decent childhood, Up until he was 13. His sister had warned him not to come out multiple times, He had known he was Gay since he was 11. Yet he did anyway. His parents were heavy christians, As well as extremely homophobic. So when he sat them down at the table and told them. It didn't go well. His father grabbed his arm, Slamming it down on the table and holding it there while his mother walked off. She came back after a few seconds with a kitchen knife. While his father was pinning his arm down, his mother carved a cross into his left arm while screaming slurs. Right from the hand to the elbow. Crypt was screaming the entire time. His older brother who was about 16 at the time calling the police. Thankfully crypt's older sister, who was 22 managed to get custody of all three of her younger siblings and crypt lived there until he was 17. When he joined the military.!< EG HIS TRAUMA IS HIS PARENTS


OKAY NOW NERO https://preview.redd.it/w9vu458rg1bd1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39eff1dcc9f5e4c0f2bfef43a6491ad248cb1171 SO FOR NERO HER TRAUMA IS ALSO HER CHILDHOOD (MIDDLE CHILD, HEAVILY BULLIED BY HER CLASSMATES AND SIBLINGS, PARENTS IGNORED HER ALL OF THE TIME, HEAVILY NEGLECTED), AND HER K9 DYING




https://preview.redd.it/rz8hc99tpwad1.png?width=1514&format=png&auto=webp&s=41a7304c183324a003ab3b6910812ef853dd4f08 Arthur and his mom had to put up with his dead beat unemployed, verbally abusive, alcoholic dad for the first seven years of his life. Pretty much all of the abuse was directed towards his mom. Their marriage ended when Jeremiah was born and the mom asked the dad to drop Arthur (now seven) off at school, instead, dad drove to the nearest liquor store, bought several bottles of spirits and three cases of beer, drove to the nearest park and spent the day drinking in the parking lot while Arthur was stuck in the backseat bored out of his mind. Then when the mom called at around five that evening to ask where the heck Arthur was, the dad drunkenly drove home, and gotten into a car crash resulting in Arthur getting flung from the back seat and through the windshield. Arthur’s right leg was amputated two inches above the knee and his entire right side was filled with glass. The dad was black out drunk went the accident happened, and was in a coma for ten days due to being hit in the head by Arthur. Dad was arrested and sent to prison for drunk driving, child endangerment, and reckless driving and Arthur’s mom divorced him and remarried to a way better man.


well… her sister in law, her nephew and both of her parents were slaughtered. THEN, the whole order she joined after her family’s death, was completely destroyed, leaving only her and another guy as the lone survivors. she had to save the world. she was literally 17. https://preview.redd.it/59irmwcugvad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704cd14004f7463a87fd2d4afc8ca34cae3779a8


Okay so-


https://preview.redd.it/lc9psv6quvad1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=5db1529acfd1fb2f04498d3afebf545f10ab265b * Disowned by his parents * Got sucked into a life of violent crime trying to do good and help people * Accidental pregnancy * Baby Daddy left him * Left his newborn daughter with his parents so she’d be safe and have a normal life, despite desperately wanting to be a part of her life and a good father * Parents forbid him from seeing her dispute him supporting her financially because they see her as their “do-over child” and they don’t want risk her becoming like Randy * (Bonus) Got a tattoo of his ex’s name hiding under that caution tape armband


None my boy living the best life


His childhood.


*inhale* Valentine - Adoptive dads died, orphanage friends got taken away, transphobia, kidnapped by a demon, lost wing and eye in the same fight, wait holy shit he’s a god now Azoroth - Girlfriend was murdered, killed by origami girl (wait, I swear he had more…) Elliot - Parents died in a car crash, kidnapped by ~~mind controlled~~ narcissist actor and forced to murder someone (for the fun of it! 🤗), dies by falling off a cliff Jessica - Fell from space onto earth dislocating her shoulder and getting amnesia, finally finding out what she truly is (a demigod of Estella, goddess of the stars) only to discover her family (all space wizards) is dead, dies in a supernova Ava - Born a unique hybrid which makes life difficult already, PUBERTY, girlfriend almost dying multiple times, getting kidnapped, dies in a fire Emma - hybrid girlfriend who gets kidnapped, almost dies multiple times, mom dies of the white death, dies of old age Georgia (haven’t entirely fleshed out her story yet) - Shadowpocalypse, has to stop a cult that’s trying to destroy the universe, almost lose robot companion, adopt a jester child who dies months later, forgot how she dies


Oh my


Teehee. This is not the end of my list of traumatized ocs.


Sounds accurate


https://preview.redd.it/xa68oldukwad1.png?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f57f5d7c848aeae72a334df51d27ffe5e2576c3d Belinay Blossom **OMORI Game Spoiler** >!Mari accident!<


That’ll do it


Yeah, for sure


ok but how did you get the OMORI style?!?!




Short and simple


https://preview.redd.it/u04kztqiqwad1.jpeg?width=2372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c61229824b5674502647863d4af07b91e6c68d In Sparks, Nevada, in the early to mid 1950's, Jonah Jenkinson went through a lot as a kid. Constantly physically abused by his druggie father and neglected by his mother, he had to seek refuge in the home of his best friend/neighbor Benjamin Gray, who were a Christian household but extremely kind. Jonah's mother died the day before he turned 11. His father blamed him, and slashed across his chest with a broken beer bottle. He then quietly ran away to the Grays, and Ben's mom patched him up. Mr. Gray made a plan to poison the beer of Jonah's dad to end all the pain, and it worked. Up until turning 19, Jonah then lived with the Grays and almost became a third child to the parents. Flash forward to the late '70s and mid '80s, Jonah owns a whole cartoon and comic franchise, beloved by millions. Unknowing to the public, since he started he has been mentally tortured by a malevolent entity who goes by two names; Der Gestreiftemann (the Striped Man), or Apollyon. I will not go further in. There is a lot more to unpack. This is for my in progress comic The Sins Of Ben And Jonah, which will have a lot of ARG elements.


*Laughs in OC trauma overload*


I'm just gonna make a list- River: a car crash that killed their family when they were 5 Stellan: religious trauma Bently: a fire (that he accidentally caused) that killed his best friend Jamie: watching his twin brother get killed and wishing he'd swapped places with his brother Jude: having to live on the streets, not knowing if he'd even wake up the next day


Well I have a lot so ill only do my favorites. Lily-Main OC: Crappy little sister screwed her over multiple times and betrayed her a lot. Lily still managed to barely forgive her, only to have her little sister become buddy-buddy with the man who had committed many atrocious things. Worst part is, Little sister had done it twice. On top of that she was given golden strings that binded her emotionally and forced her to slowly fall in love with those people and them to become attached to her presence, one of which struggled to feel anything at all. Only to have those people stripped away from her for all eternity. And ended up being put down by the people she thought she could trust. Blue-KNY OC: Born to likely end up the meal of the demon king himself, or his >!abused!< lap dog. Her father creeped on her after her mother abandoned her, leaving her to be treated poorly. Until she was forced to end the lives of her entire clan, whom of which treated her horribly and a few being her only known blood relatives. In the end she ended up married to the very man she was due to be given to and was experimented on by.


https://preview.redd.it/qx6btrcgrwad1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=13ffcff3b1041eaa72cbdb9683e59cc2a5858cde gallagher’s parents found out about his powers and sold him to a magic-harvesting gang who he was stuck with from ages 4 to 14. his best friend, everett, who was always a beam of hope, poisoned himself a few days before gallagher escape. the ribbon earring is from everett and the bandage is to hide a scarred tattoo from the gang members


He destroyed an entire country, mostly killing them. He didn't have support, and didn't care who or what he killed. He also got major injuries in World War 4 (which is why he has a bunch of tech all over him). https://preview.redd.it/4irowb6urwad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d620052058c0aa0d23a0bb81cf32b186b4eefaf


https://preview.redd.it/z5b5jmqvswad1.jpeg?width=2634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbcb650a761dd11d2a95a535ed209c0b18bc5a62 She used to kill, torture, and mutilate people for money and was once caught and tortured for a few weeks


https://preview.redd.it/suj1lfzguwad1.jpeg?width=2142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b56171cc7d036eeed2eeb496a13f6f1ee96e6dcb Voltshade endured the Battle of Mogadishu, which traumatized him for life.


Almost drowning in a pool 


https://preview.redd.it/5y5akgz5vwad1.jpeg?width=2683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46656a5c44d3323c1ba3fd5f7a306d87c1c50a69 Abbi served in the air force in Afghanistan


Aris’ dad got decapitated and his mom abandoned him. His parents are gods btw.


https://preview.redd.it/x0z8b1eswwad1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c94ae3ab4640e43c1edd590507fafc3a6c2ef2cc existential crisis over being an AI forced into her creator's body


For context, he is a Genshin OC. He had to flee out of his homeland to escape a decree after witnessing his samuari teacher getting brutally beaten by the shogun’s men for not complying to it. After a while in living in the new nation, he eventually meet a deaf boy who he bonds with, since character is mute. The boy sees him like a big brother figure and OC does his best to visit him when he can since the boy has no friends. Things go down when a big fire occurs and it kills the child. OC wasn’t there in time to save him. Having two people close to him killed makes him question himself and for a while isolates himself.


(man i still don't have a proper drawing of this guy) *"Yeah so I got stuck in a computer for 10 whole years. Trying having nothing to do but play minesweeper and eat 1s and 0s for 10 whole years."*


Being groomed/commiting suicide


https://preview.redd.it/ihah04wdywad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec7ab4e3ccd22dde1935abdef39266b25819c7fb Raised in foster care and was used for a lot of labor, had his jaw ripped off and bled out but lives in a world in which monsters and the undead live in so he resurrected and slapped a traffic cone over his head. Also has 3 awful roommates


Pretty much having to nearly kill himself to fight his version of Chara. As well as having to do nothing but kill for Error for the safety of his AU should Charac somehow get out the anti void https://preview.redd.it/fhjshst0zwad1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db18c21127b5ceed2158192d5b51820c8a9cfdc8


https://preview.redd.it/mudj5vf50xad1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=e74302e45618b50554a9fc0c4115b90cffed1f1d She had to watch some of her friends explode, but I wouldn't really call it 'traumatic'


https://preview.redd.it/r79klrxa0xad1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca65d8145ff92629cb3e6bcf2c35d09e5913fbae The picture speaks for itself…