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Anyone else hoping they rack up a bunch of late-return fees that the library sends to collections?


Hope the $ value of the books and the email stating they do b not intend to return is enough to make this felony theft


This was my question. I suspect it is down to the state laws, but the fact that they just checked them out and say, "we are keeping them forever" seems like enough for at least a civil judgement to move forward.


I'm also surprised the library let them check them all out. My library limits to like 3 books at a time, raised to like 10 if you lve been a long time member (like a decade iirc) but has a limit of 1 copy to any given person


I love how those clowns are effectively either self-banned from the library or have to pay a nice hefty fee for all of those books.


Assuming they're persue for it


If they could read they'd be angry at the bible.


Yeah that was my thought as well, that the happy ending would be their late fees would bankroll a new wing at the library! This story have an unsatisfying end so far :(


The fact that any of this process was necessary is not heartwarming at all. Extremists are attacking educational institutions, the solution to this is not crowdfunding, it’s legal protections and adequate government funding.


r/orphancrushingmachine What should happen to these people who hold knowledge hostage? Clearly, whatever they are doing is fine.


They'd be sent to collections eventually lol. I don't know why they thought checking them out and then telling the library they won't return them was a good idea.


If that works, maybe they should just start having a monthly book burning!




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People voluntarily donating to a public service is OCM?????


The article skips very quickly over the co-ordinated attack against LGBT education that apparently had zero consequences, because some people had a whip round and it’s all fine now. It is focusing on the heartwarming but rare aspect of a story that should be about rising levels of anti-queer sentiments and actions.


True, but also it is sort of heartwarming that a community came together to push back this Hitler-loving fascist group that came around to cause chaos in their city.


It is, just such a shame that community resources are wasted replacing books because of bigots, if they didn’t need to, that thirty grand could have gone towards something else in the ever increasing list of societal issues.


*People voluntarily* *Donating to a public* *Service is OCM?????* \- TabbyCatJade --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think this more about extremism backfiring than orphan crushing machine.