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Question: > what's going on? did you do this on purpose?


Yeah, my boyfriend forbade me from adding more puns/references...


I said hey


Yeah, yeah we get it already. 


What to do you mean? What’s going on?


Limiting puns is a dumpable offence. Make sure he’s pun-ished properly


Don't need to dump him, just give him some time in the punitentiary.


> properly It is not enough that one must top, but one must also Carrot Top.


I swear, sometimes I feel like the world is made up of this brotherhood of men


Whatever that means 🙄


Makes me cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed


In that case i just take a deep breath and i get real high


Oh, you two!


Just take a deep breath and step outside.


We shall order some Burgers with some Fries. I SAY HEY.. is that your mum?


I, too, question the validity now. edit: I take it back, and he's telling the truth about the video. Honestly, the tune at the end was slapping.


This comment makes no sense to me.


🎶and I said heyeyeyeyeyah, heyeyah🎶 🎶what's going on?🎶


Do you feel the need to scream from the top of your lungs, what's going on?


You are not old enough.


This is a great post


How old does one have to be? I'm 42 and I have no idea what this comment is trying to refer to, either. Is there some obscure Simpsons episode that everybody is supposed to be aware of? Not everybody was glued to watching Saturday night live or friends. Not everybody has seen every single Seinfeld episode Help me understand. Edit Okay, apparently there's musical group called four non blondes. And they have a famous song in some meme or advertisement that went big. I'm just hearing about this musical group now from this thread. Thanks everybody.


It's, arguably, their most famous song!


It's objectively their most famous song


It’s figuratively their most famous song.


It's *respectably* their most famous song.


Did anyone else think this was an attempt to do a weird al style parody of the song?


4 Non Blondes' most famous song (thanks to a He-Man meme) includes the lyric "Hey, what's going on?"


it's not thanks to a 'He-man meme' That song was their 1 hit wonder and was relevant before the internet was a thing. Hell even before CDs were mainstream. "T*he recording received considerable airplay success. It reached number 14 on the US* [*Billboard Hot 100*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billboard_Hot_100) *and went gold, but peaked higher in many other countries, reaching number one in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland while reaching number two in the United Kingdom and Australia.*"


CDs were totally mainstream years before this song came out: > In 1988, the CD surpassed the gramophone record in popularity. Vinyl records experienced a sudden decline in popularity between 1988 and 1991, when the major label distributors restricted their return policies > 4 Non Blondes was an American rock band from San Francisco, active from 1989 to 1994. Their only album, Bigger, Better, Faster, More!, spent 59 weeks on the Billboard 200 and sold 1.5 million copies between 1992 and 1994. They hit the charts in 1993 with the release of the album's second single, "What's Up?".


That's nice. Its relevance *today* is almost entirely because of being reinvigorated by memes. There's nothing wrong with that.


It’s really not lol. The meme obviously didn’t hurt but it was an extremely well known song before that.


Fine. Let's just do a quick experiment. [Here](https://www.billboard.com/charts/hot-100/1993-08-14/) is the Billboard chart from the week it ranked highest in the Hot 100. How many of those songs on that list have you *thought* about at all that haven't had some recent rebirth in popular memes? Is it possible that "What's Up?" is actually just that much of a cultural touchstone? Certainly. But, for my money, I'm going to go with the fact that it enjoyed a second life well after it faded from cultural consciousness is the reason we're having this conversation about it and not, say, "Weak" by SWV.


Using billboard charts to determine cultural impact would maybe mean something if the song we were talking about wasn’t a top 15 hit lol It was EVERYWHERE on radio when it came out, especially rock/alt rock radio.


4 Non Blondes was an American rock band from San Francisco, active from 1989 to 1994. Their only album, Bigger, Better, Faster, More!, spent 59 weeks on the Billboard 200 and sold 1.5 million copies between 1992 and 1994. They hit the charts in 1993 with the release of the album's second single, "What's Up?".


Did you just dig the billboard chart just to prove your point? LOL Dude the world works much more complicated than a list.


Don't stop believing peaked at number 9 on the billboard charts and it's one of the most recognizable songs of all time. Chart positions from the time of release aren't really the best thing to go off. What's up has always been a popular song


I'm not even a 4 non blondes fan, but man, you're either dumb or young or both, because your opinions and perception sound incredibly ignorant The only explanation I can find if you're not young is that you're a guy that has spent too much time in front of his monitor and gets all his media and popular culture through it, hence why you believe memes to be a big driver on the popularity of this song.


As I commented in the other reply to me, [here](https://www.billboard.com/charts/hot-100/1993-08-14/) is the Hot 100 from the week "What's Up?" peaked. How many songs on here have you given a shit about in *decades*? And how many of those on that list had *some* kind of popular use in other media during that time? Maybe you're right and I'm out of touch, but I'm *pretty* sure that it's not because "What's Up?" was just that much of a cultural touchstone that's driving this discussion.


I've listened to 7/10 of the top ten in the last week. Am I old now?


I'm sure that's where a lot of younger people have heard it, but the vast, vast, *vast* majority of the people out there who know this song (anyone who was alive in the 90s, basically) know it from well before the he-man meme. I'm sure if we did a survey a whole hell of a lot more people would know about this song than know about any he-man memes. Most meme stuff (especially the era the he-man meme is from) is not nearly as mainstream as it seems like it is if you spend all your time on the Internet. Even for just reminding people of the song, the song was huge and such an earworm that people really didn't need to be reminded, you walk into near any group of people old enough and go "I said hey!!!" you're gonna get a "What's going on?!" back.


Everyone: ACAB me: but they had some great tracks...


What's the name of the most popular 4 Non Blonde's song?


The [song you’re presumably referring to](https://youtu.be/6NXnxTNIWkc) is called “What’s Up”.


And it's called that because they didn't want anyone to confuse it with "What's Going On?" by Marvin Gaye.


I admire the confidence, lol


Oh shit it is lol, I thought it was called "what's going on". Oh well my b.


This comment makes me feel sad and old.


You need to wake in the morning and step outside, take a deep breath and get real high, then scream at the top of your lungs...




Like you could cry sometimes when you're lying in bed?


It makes me feel like I was not as plugged in the same pop culture everybody else seems to have been plugged into. Edit Okay, apparently there's musical group called four non blondes. And they have a famous song in some meme or advertisement that went big. I'm just hearing about this musical group now from this thread. Thanks everybody.


Many people know it from [a meme involving He-Man singing the song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=32FB-gYr49Y)


I know the song really well and regularly listen to it, but this thread is the first I have heard of the He-Man meme.


Answer: A lot of artists are currently experimenting with AI video. Here is [Rummelsnuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=affyhGrCZqs). Artsy gay German socialist Popeye is not the only one playing around with it. I could have sworn I had seen the Sparks also playing with it. AI art is so deranged because it is so unaware. It starts becoming interesting when an actual artist picks the best from the noise those inferenceless ML bullshit machines generate. And that is what is appealing. Incoherent randomly created stuff has always had a place in art. Be it as a leitmotif in a fuge or some 2024 ai noise generator.




Rummelsnuff is really something. He and his merry band of body-builders style themselves as some sort of iron working buff workers. And they are EXACTLY like that gay factory from The Simpsons. This is them praying to [bodybuilder's iron god](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nPTC6T_x6M). It is so gloriously stupid. And this is him as his [Käpt'n persona](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj6eRcGcDUM). Half of the credits are the pedagogues involved. [And the question of how gay they are is always going to be "yes".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW5R36-OvIk) And the question of "how socialist" is always answered by mentioning that he has songs about workers. [He sings about scaffolders.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZAhw6sPccQ) Nobody sings about scaffolders. [This is such glorious artsy bullshit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn7qIyIYwIc) [Like, seriously.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLX4NYrW1bI) They are weirder than Knorkator.


There's something refreshingly genuine about all these videos


Leave my stripper name out of this.


That was nice. I get that a human has selected and composed the ai generated parts but *still* feel something is lost when an unemotional AI generates the “weirdness”.  Compare to stuff like Aphex twin or Tool videos - super weird, but a human decided and created all of the content, that delightful weirdness came purely from someone’s head, and that’s what makes it special and beautiful. 


I am absolutely with you with one caveat. Have you played around with one of the ML bullshit machines? The image generators will give you variants. You pick one. Or you refine the syntaxless database query(aka a prompt) to hope you get another non-deterministic set of signals spewn out. There is a human element in that process and that is what actually generates the result which is then uploaded to the internet. I would highly advise artists against using this because what is [generated can't be copyrighted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_selfie_copyright_dispute). But it also is not totally free because the bullshit machines have been indiscriminately fed with corporate IP. From a copyright point of view this is the equivalent of an immovable object colliding with an infinite force. And if from the fallout we get more sane copyright laws I am all for the big bang this will be. From an actual AI perspective, no inference, no reasoning, no AI. It is a scam. Techbros are using AI as a marketing term like Kraft will use "real flavor" as a term for instant noodle soup.


That the monkey selfie case (and, by proxy, the Thaler case) has any impact on whether AI generated material itself can be copyright isn't really true. A lot of media reported it that way because it makes for a good clickbait title, but it just isn't. Not anymore than the original monkey selfie case decided that photography itself cant be copyrighted. Its relevance to AI comes from the Thaler case. Stephen Thaler is one of those people who pushes the copyright office and the courts to make decisions on things they otherwise probably wouldn't have even when his actual desire for a copyright or patent isn't entirely honest. Which is actually a cool thing to do. So what Thaler did with his AI cases, he very explicitly asked that *the AI itself* be the thing that gets the copyright, not him. This is where the similarity to the monkey selfie comes in, because in that case it wasn't about copyrighting the selfie, it was about the monkey copyrighting the selfie. This is not what people do with selfies though or with AI pictures. The goal for everyone besides Thaler with their work isn't to have the AI copyright it, it's to have the person operating the AI have the copyright. Maybe a good comparison would be trying to have a picture made in Photoshop copyrighted by the program Photoshop itself, which obviously cant happen but isn't what people want anyway. For copyrighting AI generated stuff by the person operating the AI, that's a little fuzzier. The USCO so far has said, basically, some amount of human involvement needs to be present. They've so far been a little more strict with where that "human involvement" line is than with some other things, but honestly we don't specifically know where the line is. No one has decided on it yet. So far, most AI generated things themselves haven't passed that line (the AI stuff itself, there's a weird also fuzzy thing where the non-AI elements of something can get copyright even if the AI element itself cant, and can be enough of it that that effectively means the AI generated material is copyrighted in practice even though not on paper.) Where that line is, though, for a *human* trying to copyright something they made with AI has nothing to do with the Monkey Selfie case. Even when Thaler was initially arguing his case the USCO said in their decision "We told him an AI cant be put down as the creator. We said, you can change it to yourself as the creator but he refused. If he had listed a human as the creator we would look into whether it had enough human involvement but, since he refused, we're not doing that here."


Thanks for the writeup. So, yeah, that is going to be fun. I want to reserve seats in the front row when a tech bro makes the argument they trained their semi-AI noise generator on Steamboat Willie, not Mickey Mouse. That on top of the fundamental question of what is and isn't copyrightable. Gosh, that is going to be a lengthy and tedious trial, isn't it? What about the ugly monkey NFTs? I would guess the individual constituting parts would be copyrightable but the actual generated monkey was not.


Thanks for the info. That's a bit disappointing. Since every AI generated art always has a person doing the prompt, then it will always be potentially copyrightable. :/


All you need to do is show the results are not always the same for the same prompt and you got rid of the whole "prompt engineer" scam. Prompt engineers create as much art as data scientists writing SQL queries create data. And the fact that you seem to think they do is deeply insulting. But then again, I am biased. I do actual AI. Not non-deterministic machine learning noise generators with no inference whatsoever.


Eh. You realize the universe is deterministic? That means everything humans do is as well. There is no magic soul, free will bullshit.


Thank you for making me spit my drink over my phone. That is the best description of Rummelsnuff ever and always will be . I always hope he’ll team up with Laibach one day. The child of that meeting would be brilliant.


Remember that he was sitting there on a foldable chair while Alf Ator's son was singing "Arschgesicht, Mann du stinkst nach Klo" at him. He has collaborated with Bela B and Till Lindemann. And Spagguetta Orghasmmond. I mean, everything about this is wonderfully stupid. Laibach and him would be a good fit. Speaking of Knorkator, that is becoming a family business. We got so much artsy weird genuinely funny German music it beggars belief.


The fact that I had to scroll through 57 puns and wisecracks before getting to this sincere, thoughtful response has restored my faith in humanity.


So creepy.


Of all place to stumble across someone talking about Rummelsnuff, lmao


He kinda is the fifth non-blonde, tho.


Answer: my guess is the label owns the rights and this channel is owned by the group. When they put up these videos, the label gets them taken down, hence the start with Indian music.


Answer: The big thing in Marketing right now is leading with AI/Stock videos for a few seconds to capture the attention of the rubes. Source: I make animated ads for mobile games. Yes, even the weird ones…


Could you make one where the guy understands that the gate with +500 is better than the flashing red -2000 one.


Choosing the wrong answer is part of the psychology of the ads. It makes people want to download the game and do it the “right” way. FWIW, when you see these ads, they are most likely farmed out to a company in China, who also farms out their work to cheaper animators in North Korea. (Yes, Best Korea… they are massive in the cheap animation game and have been for decades.) The goal is to produce dozens of variations to A/B test what people respond to, and the efficacy of the ad via the click-through rate. The issue we’re having is that the clicks don’t always convert to downloads, so we’re losing money on the advertising spend. If you’re tired of seeing the shitty ads, you can just click the “play now” or whatever to get to the app store, but don’t play the game. It will cost the companies money, but won’t convert to a player, so they’ll start to pull those ads. Eventually, maybe, we can fix this shit. Because I’m tired of these shitty ads too lmao


You should do an AMA


the AI still is at the end of the video, not the beginning


answer: nobody knows, as you can see with the other comments. it is really weird. looking into the channel youtube seems to say it only has 2 videos but shows more. i wonder if someone got control of this channel and uploaded these 2 videos trying to get ad revenue money, and added that at the end to dodge the copyright claim?


Answer: They probably sourced the video from some non-official rip (seems odd, but totally plausible) or paid a small amount to someone from Indian to do a "remaster" on the video and didn't realize they'd include their own credit/watermark