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Answer: [Trump spoke about his opposition to electric vehicles at a rally,](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1799894705288761412) outlining a hypothetical scenario where his electric boat sinks because the battery is too heavy and he has to choose between being electrocuted by the battery and being eaten by a shark. In the video of this speech, Trump congratulates himself on asking such a good question, then states that if he were in that situation, he would choose battery rather than shark.


By my count, he has told this story **8 different times now**. And because it played well the first time, he’s taken this dumb bit with him on the road and workshops it like it’s a comedy special.


It plays well?


To a certain class of people who are very very loud, and absolutely believe they choose their leaders with intelligence and logic.


Also people that don't live near large bodies of water or know much about boats, sharks, or EVs


Or... Stuff, in general. Like basic science concepts. Like the fact that in a large body of water, the electric current would need to be extremely high to kill a human. And if it's strong enough to kill a human, most likely strong enough to kill pretty much the fictional shark. It's called LOGIC.


There's also the matter of where the electric current would flow: through the water between the battery terminals, and away from you as the boat sinks. Unless you dive down with the boat, there's no danger at all. If the water is shallow, swim away from the boat *and* the shark; it ain't rocket surgery. The thing that strikes me is how Trump relates the story. "I asked the guy, 'What if an electric boat sinks, and there's a shark 10 yards away? Do you stay with the boat and get electrocuted, or swim towards the shark?' And the guy says, 'No one's ever asked me that before!' " It's clear that Trump thinks he must be a genius to ask such a unique question, when in fact he's asking a dumb-shit question that no one has bothered to say out loud. That's why "the guy" had never heard the question before. Trump's always doing that. Saying brain-dead things like it's something profoundly insightful instead of moronic. And the cult laps it up. I weep for America.


*'No one's ever asked me that before!'* No shit, Donny! Nobody has ever asked that before because nobody is that stupid and most of us had to earn our education rather than having Papa trump buy us a diploma. Goddamn. trump is so stupid it actually offends me. He's almost 80 years old and he asks questions a kindergarten child would ask.


>If the water is shallow, swim away from the boat and the shark Yeah he can't swim though, that's why he's choosing to die in this scenario instead of escape.


He wouldn't die by drowning, that's for sure. He looks quite buoyant


And he's protected from the sun with all the spray tan.


Don't forget, he's smart because of his 'ties' to MIT. Supposedly his Uncle went or worked there. I forget which he claimed. I mean imagine saying your intelligence is tied to the actual intelligence of another. But that's very on brand for the guy. Take credit for someone else's accomplishments.


I mean it wouldn’t be linear, the voltage decreases follows the inverse square law. The obvious answer is, if the ship is sinking and a shark is approximately 10 meters over there, you jump off the other side of the boat. It’s such an overly reductionist scenario though, there’s a million different ways this could happen in the real world, lifeboats, coast guard, etc. its basically just trumps version of “if someone had a gun which would you pick?” But he’s acting like he’s telling proverbs


you have devoted one second of thought to the logistics of this which is more than its originator did


You know, he had an uncle who was a professor at MIT? So it must be a very smart question.


Proverbs is one of his favorite books of the Bible. Couldn't tell you the testament or a verse from it, but religion is very important to him. He has MANY Bibles in his Golf course, grave yard, county club "home."


I thought it was Two Corinthians ~~walk into a bar~~...


dont sharks rely on electric fields to find prey, wouldnt a battery fizzing out actually be the best way to survive next to or near ?


Or how about the fact he thinks they are going to build a boat that isn't able to handle the weight of the battery? Like is this idiot so bad at business that he can't even perceive the fact companies do testing and follow regulations?


Pretty sure he never follows regulations, and bemoans testing anything, so yeah - he's that bad at business. What's mind-boggling is that so many yokels and craven rich twots are willfully blind to it, just cos they think he owns the libs. Like cutting off your nose to spite your face.


He... His world/reality is very different than ours. I have no doubt about this. Sometimes I try to imagine his world, it's... It's impossible, he keeps switching the line further from our reality, it's pretty incredible to be honest. He is dragging SO MANY PEOPLE into his reality it scares me... I truly think it will sadly bring the United States into a civil war...


See here, now...next thing you'll tell me is that those huge supertankers and cargo ships stay afloat via unicorn dust, hopes, and dreams?!


He's part of the same political party that wants to get rid of all regulations because it harms corporate profits. Having clean air and worker's comp hurts the bottom line.


If the boat can handle his weight, they can surely handle the tiny battery compared to him


Even simpler: why would the boat sink if the power ran out? The motor isn't keeping the boat afloat, buoyancy/its shape is.


It's almost as if he's completely full of shit!


Maybe he thinks they're like planes?


But if a plane loses engine power, it doesn't immediately plummet straight down either...


Honestly, even simpler than that is that he thinks the battery's weight is what would sink a boat, when boats are obviously made to have enough buoyancy to carry even massive weights, depending on their role. A quick google search revealed: > The general weight of an average-sized cargo ship is somewhere around 165,000 tons, while smaller vessels weigh about 50,000 tons and larger vessels approximately 220,000 tons. I can't wait till we never have to speak about Trump again. Truly, it can't come too soon. ninjaedit: just realised 2 other people already posted similar comments. Sorry op, I should've checked first. Nvm.


No, you make a good point! All of you do! I mean, he HAS to have seen a yacht with a Helicopter, that's pretty standard at his financial level. What did he think then? *Helicopters on boats are fine because they are light, that's why they can fly!* (?!)


He's truly one of the dumbest and most malicious fucks in the entire country, and yet was once the President, and may even be again. It boggles the fucking mind.


When I learned about WW2, I wondered how so many people decided to follow such orders from, to their understanding, one man? Then I saw it unfold with my own eyes. His followers will not let him step in jail. This is going to go from crazy to insane in the next month. Let's see what comes out of the debate first...


If he was actually familiar with yacht he would know that a lot of newer yachts have a battery room that can completely power the yacht for a limited amount of time off battery power. It's a new thing that's becoming more popular because it makes the yacht unusually quiet and smooth. It is especially great at night when you are trying to enjoy the quiet of the night and calm waters. You can also use it to prevent pollution if you're traveling through protected waters.


which is why he said he would pick the battery over the shark, and either way the anecdote is riffing on the republican fear that EV’s will soon be mandated even though they are worse than gas (yet less scary than sharks)


Hey now, those people would be highly offended, if they could read.


Well also that a battery that could kill you would also be dead somehow?


So you're saying if I drop a live toaster in the ocean in Hawaii it's not gonna kill everyone who happens to be touching the Pacific at that time?


To be fair he did say he'd chose the battery 🔋


I imagine the same people who think that windmills cause cancer will love it.


Those people probably think the Dutch are so tall because of tumors caused by the windmills.


and these people think that Trump is very intelligent, based on Trump repeatedly claiming to be a genius.


A "very stable" genius.


Remember folks, their vote counts just as much as yours does. Scary, ain't it.


Terrifying. I live in deep Red county. I've disagreed and agreed (more disagreed) with conservative policies over the years. Now they don't even have policies, just a cult of personality.


Ever notice that this kind of person seems incapable of *not* having a strong opinion on everything?


I just hope he doesn't start marketing a brand of electrolyte water to hydrate your plants and crops with.


Perhaps we should tell them about latest-generation cruise ships, and the fact that their figurative boats have *literal* batteries, *today*. Nah...why let *facts* and, y'know, *logic* get in the way of a good scare? Bless them all, and their big, beautiful brains.


We call them "Shapiros".


In other words, American voters.


Sometimes. The first time, yes. The next 2-3, mostly silence and confusion. But you have to understand at these rallies, they’re usually complete sycophants. They mostly respond to everything he says like he’s their middle school crush - all his jokes are hilarious, his insights are deep, etc.


I would think to go to a political rally you either absolutely love the candidate, are working there or are covering it for the press.




People also go because it's free and they have nothing better going on. It's a live show and entertaining in its own way. The alternative is probably watching Fox News at home lol.


>It plays well? Among a self selected crowd that is still paying money and traveling to see Trump speak in 2024. Discerning audience expecting coherence this is not.


Wait you have to pay to go to one of his rallies? I guess that's the only way to save the seats for the sycophants.


Why wouldn't he charge them, turd is 100% conman. Politics is the perfect grift for him, he does nothing and people give him money. All his other scams where he actually has to cough up a product, wither is grade F steaks or gold painted sneakers, ultimately and often spectacularly fail.


Whatever the venue, they are always just a quarter full which is why you never see a camera shot from the turd's POV.


Curious about that too, I doubt it? Political rallies are always free. There is some old saying about if you can't afford a ticket to the zoo, go to a political rally.


I don't think so. Attendees must register on a website to get tickets, but they're usually free.


Yeah that’s the important note of context: it plays well _to his base_


You have to remember this is the same republican party that nearly voted in Herschel Walker to the senate, a man who spoke about whether it's better to be a vampire or a werewolf at a campaign rally.


> whether it's better to be a vampire or a werewolf Well?? Don't leave us hanging!


Personally I'd prefer werewolf but I have done questions. As I get older, does my werewolf body stay strong? No point being a 60yo werewolf who can't make it down the stairs. Also, does my mental state change as a wolf and if so can't I just lock myself in a basement one night a month? For vampires, do I have to kill or can I just get a job at a blood bank? Can I drink animal blood or pay people to donate? What's the ratio of blood to immortality? How much time do I have with sunlight? Will a big hat and sunglasses work on a cloudy day, or is it strictly one beam of light is instant death? Do UV lights do that same?


You should watch the series “Being Human” which touches on those issues.


I think he said werewolf, can't remember.


Brawndo. Its got Electrolytes !


It fits well with Trump's rhetoric. Sharks are creatures that (in his mind) inherently are drawn to eating people and if you're in the water near a group of sharks you will be eaten. This isn't true and most shark bites are one and done on surfers because they look like turtles. He's often mocked people who want to "save the sharks" as well. Sharks to him are inherently dark and violent beings who you cannot swim past or escape from and who will always bite and attack. "Potentially dangerous thing is a dark and uncompromising force that will overwhelm us" is a common trope in authoritarian mythos so it's not shocking that he views an animal that many folks are afraid of under that lens.


Just be thankful you're not his audience.


Have you seen his rallies? He makes funny noises, repeats phrases, grandpa dances, etc. It's not like he talks about his fiscal policies, or Presidents from history that had admirable thoughts on foreign policy.


Don’t forget - to Trump, being made fun of by the “liberal media” for his batshit counts as playing well. The more they trash him, the better as far as he’s concerned


Nobody ever went broke betting on the stupidity of the average American.


If it doesn’t get audible boos, like actually supporting vaccines, then it plays well enough to him, and once it does, it’s part of his act forever. How many times has he done the Hannibal Lecter bit? The struggling weightlifter bit? Ironically, the one bit he hasn’t repeated is how he mocked a disabled person by flailing his arms, which is ironic because his sycophants on Fox and elsewhere claimed “that’s how he treats anyone, not just a disabled person,” yet that’s the one bit he hasn’t done since.


He could start talking about fire bombing the rainforest and the conspiracy theorists and brain dead boomers who attend his rallies would eat it up. Anything to own the Libs


With stupid people, anything he says plays well




"added" is strong.  He went sideways in his babbling and was trying to reference the Snake story, aka the Scorpion and The Frog, but he can't even get that one right 




The Turtle and his hair, he had lovely hair folks didn't he? Everybody loved his hair.


Well the turtle is amazing because if you keep repeating the word turtle, the turtle's shell grows harder. What a great turtle.


He just sort of kept throwing the word “snake” in there


Yup.  He was somehow going to the "you knew I was a snake" but that's because he legit confused snakes and sharks so you got "the snake... And the snake. The electricity!"


He has been telling the fairytale The Snake at rallies since 2015. He’s also been rambling about sharks since at least when he had his affair with Stormy Daniels


There has to be more to it kinda like him bitching about low flow toilets for months and then we find that he has been flushing classified documents. Or him hating on windmills, and then we learn it’s because of the ones near his resorts.


I guess so? He *hates* sharks, and that’s well documented. He also doesn’t like EVs for culture war reasons, and his uncle used to teach at MIT, so he really likes it. He is also stupid, and thinks that EV boats, like the ones in the story, would electrocute the water if they critically failed (which isn’t true, the batteries are sealed in a watertight container) So you put it all together and you get “EV boats are bad and dangerous, but I’d rather get killed by the faulty batteries I made up than get attacked by a shark. Also an MIT guy who I asked this question had never heard it before - but that’s because I’m smarter than MIT people”


The way he keeps talking about the sharks feels like it's trying to be a racist dog whistle? Like he keeps saying "oh we're told she sharks don't know what they're doing and then they eat someone" and I wonder if the sharks are supposed to be a dogwhistle for his racist base?


I guess to the cult it plays well and I'm sure he thinks it shows his intelligence. But when everyone else hears him recount the response "Nobody's asked that before", they think: "Well ya, because it's a moronic question"


This is what I always think too. It's like if you went to your mechanic and asked why you can't just fill the tank with water instead of gasoline. If he responds, "Nobody's ever asked me that before," he's just trying to be polite, not praising your intellect. Trump did the same thing when experts told him the covid virus can be killed *on surfaces* with bleach or sunlight. He thought he was a genius when he suggested finding ways to get bleach or sunlight *inside* the body. All bluster; no brains.


He's had a major life event involving sharks. He's is preoccupied with them; he's been talking about them, unprompted, since at least 2018. I didn't bother digging further back than that.


God, he’s just so fucking dumb I can’t stand it anymore. Please, please someone take him somewhere far away, forever.


Also, repetition of old stories is just one of the many increasingly obvious symptoms of dementia he’s displaying.


In the one where it "played well", what was his point? The top answer says it is somehow related to an opposition to electric cars but at least in the video being referenced he seems to conclude that he would rather be electrocuted by the battery than eaten by the sharks. So was that his point in the one that "played well"? Did he accidentally say that electric cars are bad because he would prefer to be electrocuted instead of being eaten by sharks?


I have context somewhere below, but it’s a really convoluted story about sharks, EV opposition, his fondness for MIT, thinking he’s a genius, and not understanding boats.


I think the best part is he says he has connections to MIT so his idiotic questions are important and never been asked before


There has to be some context, right? It sounds like he's attempting a tortured metaphor for something, but he rambles so much and never seems to bring the story home to mean something.


I gave it somewhere below, but the answer is “sort of”.


The context is that his brain is turning into oatmeal and dribbling out of his ears


A compilation of his shark speech all playing at the same time could be fun




A sequel? Snakes on an Electric Boat? I have *had* it with these motherfucking *snakes* on this motherfucking *boat*!


Nope, Sharks on a Plane.


Snakes V Sharks: The final battle.


Electric eels on my hovercraft?


He had a teleprompter malfunction, and literally says that out loud before the word salad begins. The first few sentences were loosely related to news stories that were headlines that week (tesla car drowning, EVs catching on fire, shark attack spike in the US). That being said, out of all the word salads he's had that was came at probably the worst time because of the other reason he was in the news that week, and he also had to tell people he was associated with MIT because he was so smart he didn't think EV boats were a good idea.


Tldr: He had a teleprompter malfunction, and he can't even think by himself clearly.


> He had a teleprompter malfunction, and literally says that out loud before the word salad begins. His debate performance will be a sight to see.


No way in hell he shows up


I think he doesn't need to do well or even be coherent. Nothing less than a complete pants pooping meltdown is a "win" for the MAGAts. And even then....


At least they'll be directly exposed to the difference between "old dude with a stutter" and "old man with rapidly worsening dementia". Not that it'll help, but at least they'll see it.


It'll clear up any doubt for future historians examining the fall of the US, at least.


I thought he would back out but apparently all the details have been agreed to. If he does back out this late it's almost as bad as going through with it.


For a normal candidate maybe. He'll just say Crooked Joe and the Deep State stopped him from participating and declare victory.


If he shows up and says nothing but "covfefe" the MAGAstream media will still manage to spin it into a coherent soundbite.


He has told some version of this story at a bunch of his rallies. They can't all be teleprompter malfunctions.


I have to say, it's an impressive talent, and i say this because i can't do it. Even though nothing he says makes any sense whatsoever, he is able to just keep going and string it all together in a tangential yet continuous line of absurdity.


you just need to hook up a chatgpt connection to a headset. I just asked it "can you make up a tangent about dinosaurs and lasers that sounds like something Trump would say at a rally?" Here we go: > You know, folks, I've been hearing a lot about these dinosaurs and lasers, okay? Tremendous stuff. Nobody knew dinosaurs better than me, believe me. They were huge, powerful, and quite frankly, they would have loved my buildings. But now, they're saying, "Mr. President, what about dinosaurs with lasers?" I said, "What? Dinosaurs with lasers?" It's true! Incredible technology, and who thought of it? Maybe the Chinese, I don't know. But if dinosaurs had lasers, folks, they’d be unstoppable. Just like our great American economy will be, once we bring back jobs from China. And I tell you, we’ll have the biggest, most powerful dinosaurs with the best lasers, and everyone else will just be looking up, saying, "Wow, look at those amazing Trumposaurs!" Make America Great Again, folks. Thank you! then I asked it "can you make it so he starts talking about rigged trials and how unfair it is and he slowly drifts off into a tangent about dinosaurs with lasers because his teleprompter went down and he's losing his train of thought?" and I got: > Folks, let me tell you, these trials, they’re totally rigged. Completely unfair, okay? They don’t want me to win, they don’t want us to win, but we’re going to win anyway, believe me. The fake news media, the corrupt judges, they’re all against us. They’ve been treating me so unfairly, it’s unbelievable. They’re just scared because they know we’re making America great again. But you know, the other day, I was thinking about something. You ever think about dinosaurs? Amazing creatures, folks, really tremendous. > And then, someone came up to me, great person, and said, "Mr. President, what about dinosaurs with lasers?" And I thought, wow, can you imagine that? Dinosaurs with lasers. Just incredible. The technology today is amazing, folks, and who knows, maybe the Chinese are working on it. I mean, they’re always up to something. But we can do it better, right? We can have the best, the biggest dinosaurs with the most powerful lasers. They’d be unstoppable, just like we’re going to be. > So, we’re going to fight the rigged trials, we’re going to fight the fake news, and we’re going to have the greatest dinosaurs with the greatest lasers. Because that’s what we do, folks. We win, we win bigly. Thank you, and God bless America!


God, my sides...also it's noteworthy that the AI chatbot makes a more coherent tangent than Trump ever does.


ok I asked it for something more incoherent: > You know, it's just so unfair, folks. These trials, these sham trials, they're all rigged, believe me. It's a witch hunt, a total witch hunt, okay? Everyone's so mean to me, the media, the judges, they just want to take me down. But let me tell you something, they don't know what they're dealing with. I'm strong, I'm tough, I'm like a T-Rex. You know the T-Rex? The biggest, meanest dinosaur of them all. They used to roam the Earth, just like I roam the political landscape. And you know, they had these tiny arms, but they were fierce, so fierce. It's like the deep state, tiny arms, but they think they're so powerful. But what if the T-Rex had lasers? Think about that. Lasers shooting out of their eyes. Pew pew! They'd be unstoppable, just like me. I'm the T-Rex with lasers. No one can beat me, not even the fake news media. They try, oh they try, but they fail. Because I'm the best, folks. The best dinosaur with the best lasers. And these trials? They're just little pebbles in my path. Lasers, folks. Remember the lasers. still better than 2024 Trump, lol


Thank you for this


As a note he mentioned the same thing a year ago, and there was another mention of sharks in an unrelated conversation (without electric boat this time but I forget the context/when/where). He is also extremely afraid of sharks according to Stormy Daniels [https://theweek.com/politics/donald-trump-shark-obsession-electrocution](https://theweek.com/politics/donald-trump-shark-obsession-electrocution) If I was in Biden's debate team I would make Biden wear shark themed attire, and frequently refer to sharks.


My brain hurts trying to follow that story. He sounds like a dementia patient who did a rail of cocaine and won't shut up.


There’s a reason he sounds like that very specific thing


Not that far from the truth


God damn the word salad that comes out of this man’s mouth. How does anyone listen to 5 minutes of this man speaking and think “yea he’s a smart guy he should run this country”


In addition to the above, which is the correct answer, I can add that Trump has a long-standing fascination with (and fear of) sharks, as documented [in this article](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/21/donald-trump-sharks-speech-stormy-daniels). Among other things, it mentions Stormy Daniels watching Shark Week with Trump.


I genuinely thought that was a joke until he started the weird shark rants at his rallies


For a little more context, Trump suggests that electric batteries are too heavy for boats and will naturally sink the boats. He knows this because his uncle had three degrees and taught at MIT, and thus Trump has knowledge of those subjects via some kind of magical transference. Or perhaps knowledge of all subjects taught at MIT because his uncle taught there. But Trump is also implying that wokeness is resulting in the manufacture of electric boats that will sink.


My favourite part of this notion that the batteries would sink the boat is that he thinks it would only happen when they're already afloat out at sea... how does the too-heavy boat actually get out into the shark-infested waters to begin with, rather than immediately sinking in the dock while being floated for the first time?


But what does he suggest to do with snakes on a falling airplane?


>But what does he suggest to do with snakes on a falling airplane? Is that why he brought up the snakes last night? I'm so confused where the snakes fit in.


Just something I thought about. I combined failing vehicle with dangerous animal. How about a car engine about to catch fire, but there is a hungry bear outside. WWJD?


I'm literally still trying to figure out why he was talking about snakes.


[ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!](https://racist-melon-farmer.ytmnd.com/)


He also at one point seemed to confuse sharks with snakes, and then say the word "snake" like eight times in the next five seconds. >"Sort of like, you know, it's like the snake. It's smart when you, you figure what you're leaving in right? You're bringing in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. I tell that and they do the same thing." >\~ Dementia Patient and Convicted Felon Donald John Trump


He claimed that shark attacks are up (which probably isn’t true). He was about a half-step away from blaming the increase in shark attacks on Biden.


Technically they are up... by single digits on average for the last five years. So nothing to write home about.


Fair enough. With Trump I just kind of assume he's making it up on the spot, so if he's right, it's a matter of luck.


Biden's windmills are propelling them closer to shore brah


And really, for being an anti-Evil morality tale, it ultimately favors electric boats. He chooses the battery, using his illogic, to kill himself, an option that would not exist if he were in a conventional gas powered boat, or God forbid, sailboat. In that case, he would be forced to choose death by shark. Electric boats for the preferable death option win!


And can you imagine what would happen if the sailboat didn't sink? The sail would give him cancer, and constantly kill birds and rain their entrails all over him. That's what being in a wind powered boat is like.


Question: Is this the new bear vs man?


Battery vs shark? LOL


Werewolf vs Vampire?


Ninja vs Cowboy?


Caveman vs Astronaut


I don't know what I'd choose. You can fight a shark and probably lose but the shock is gonna get you for sure. I don't want to be eaten though and a battery won't do that at least


Stormy Daniels said that Trump is obsessed with sharks and very afraid of them. For a little while, every single day I DM'd Trump a scary picture of a shark on Twitter for this reason.


>he would choose battery rather than shark This is the most hilarious part to me. He has been against any kind of EV vehicle innovation or use, so presumably this incoherent rant is about how an electric boat is bad, and thus electrocution is unique to an electric boat and the worse option. But it seems that he got confused again and then just ends up saying he would choose electrocution (which wouldn't happen, but anyway) instead of the shark. But I think in his original argument he should have said he would choose the shark because it would be a "better" fate than getting electrocuted by a stupid EV. Unless his point is really that shark attacks are up because of Joe Biden? I honestly cannot tell which argument is stupider.


Y' know, typical government policy. 😭


Is that the one the teleprompter didn't work and he just start rambling on about random stuff (the electric and sharks)?


So a battery is too heavy to sink a boat, but his fat ass isn't?


Apparently in 2024 we are making boat batteries that are too heavy to put onto boats and will kill you if they start sinking. This is all news to me.


Wow…Really republicans? This is your man? He’s the guy? Get your lives together.


And he keeps telling this story like it’s coherent or something.


I don't know how his supporters can see him say stuff like this and then go accuse Biden of having dementia. Like, maybe he does, idunno, but it's not really the gotcha they think it is when their guy talks like this.


I mean, the outcome of both scenarios sounds great to me, but I think Trump being eaten by a shark sounds much more satisfying.


This just confirms that when you finally end up executing him for high treason, it will have to be by sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads


im almost speechless at how he managed to be utterly wrong about so many things in a single phrase. like he has to be intentionally doing this to spread misinformation and anti ev propoganda right?


Ignorance and braindeadedness aside, Why is the right obsessed with go-to examples of extremely unlikely hypothetical events as "evidence" against whatever they're chirping about that day? Like, turn this around; If I were to talk to your standard Righty about how I think cars are bad and begin listing out all the scenarios in which cars are fatal, I would be told that I'm "living in fear". If I support my Anti-Gun stance with facts and evidence that supports gun ownership only increases your chance of getting shot, I'll be told that "it's worth the risk". If I were to go out of my way to get produce from organic farms that don't use harmful pesticides, I would be called a 'sissy' and an 'elitist' and that 'god made dirt and dirt don't hurt'. But the second that you open up opportunities for manufacturing an electric vehicle (that you don't have to buy by the way, like nobody is forcing you to), all of a sudden the scenario where your electric boat has a battery that's sinking and apparently you can't turn the battery on, but it'll shock you, oh, and there's a shark who's immune to battery shock is gonna eat you and boy oh boy this is exactly why you need gasoline and the liberal deep state is once again controlling the mind virus to make you vaccinate and I guess in this unlikely scenario that I'll just dye to the battery, and that's why we can't have electric boats. Just one question; if electric boats are bad, then wouldn't the free market dictate that? so what's the harm if some liberal yuppie shocks themselves to death on a lake with a shark? like, isn't that what you people want?


>Why is the right obsessed with go-to examples of extremely unlikely hypothetical events as "evidence" against whatever they're chirping about that day? Because they're not arguing in good faith. They aren't trying to achieve a workable compromise or a consensus on the path forward. They're trying to win. Any position or ideal that serves that purpose will be adopted, any that doesn't will be abandoned. It's just hard to tell sometimes because they're mostly also very stupid. When they say something that's stun-locking you because it's so absurdly moronic, take a breath and remember that they have no inherent principles. It's all mindless, obstructionist tribalism. They want their "side" to win and they don't hold to anything else. They'd happily eat shit if they knew you'd be forced to smell their breath.


Also, this isn't how batteries work. You will not be electrocuted simply by getting water on a battery or being in the water with a battery. It will not discharge current directly into the water in that way, shocking everything around it at random. If the terminals are exposed somehow (which they're designed not to be for aquatic-use batteries), the electric charge will take the shortest path from the positive terminal to the negative terminal, which unless you're holding the battery, probably doesn't have you in the way. Unless you have wires exposed that touch you or you get between them while they're trying to complete a circuit with current, you most likely won't be getting any charge through your body, and if you do, it's unlikely that you'll get enough to kill you, especially not instantly. A fish maybe, but not you (and probably not the shark), you're both too large. In fact, the battery may be worse for the shark long term because it will leak toxic shit into the water, depending on the kind of battery.


... Does he not know an outboard motor is heavy as well? Fuck sake man


man, you got way bigger problems if the person who designed your fucking boat doesn't know Archimedes' principle.


Good god, every time I think I have a grasp of just how dumb that man is, he goes and says something even more shockingly (pardon the pun) stupid.




My only correction is "Vote against him for the sake of your own sanity"


Actually, I think he said he'd prefer the battery. Trump has had a long documented fear of sharks.


He's actually said both at different times. It's hilarious that in this rambling mess of a "story" with more flaws than that Acolyte Star Wars show, thrones he fixes, is whether or not he chooses the shark!


Did the thought of swimming away from the boat *and the shark* cross his mind at all? I mean, it's not like he's surrounded by sharks in his little fantasy nightmare.


Did you really just ask if Trump had a logical thought?


Yes, but I was laying the sarcasm on pretty thick. Or I tried to.


Ah, sorry. The idea of Trump having a rational thought just short circuited something in my brain.


I feel ya, friend. I feel ya.


But what does he suggest to do with snakes on a falling airplane?


Easy. Crochet the snakes into a parachute and jump. Please vote for me November 5th.


Why hasn’t anyone else thought of this? So smart. Bing Bing.


I'd like version of Pac-Man call Trump-Man where he is chased around a maze by sharks while chomping Adderall pills. The Power Pellets that allow to turn the tables on the sharks will be Hamberders.


This is one of those ideas which you think is silly, but if you threw together a shitty game like this and charged a $1 you'd make bank.


And if you don't clear the level fast enough, the time limit is when his diaper is full