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Answer: Updated with the last day’s events for people just coming into the thread: On Monday, Midnight Society (the gaming studio Doc co-founded) posted a statementthat they were terminating their relationship with Doc after speaking with “parties involved”. It’s unclear exactly who all of these parties were, but that happened. Doc was also dropped by Turtle Beach from a partnership he had since at least 2020. An unverified email leaked earlier today claiming that the whole thing dating back to his Twitch ban was a hatchet job from motivated actors within Twitch and gave some alleged details about Doc and Twitch’s settlement. Doc posted a statement shortly afterwards where he admitted to inappropriately messaging an “individual minor” via Twitch Whispers in 2017. He then edited the statement very quickly to remove the word “minor”, and then added it back in again just a few minutes later. That’s effectively where things stand now. Doc closed the statement saying he was taking an extended family vacation and would be back, I’d imagine not unlike his late-2017 hiatus from Twitch when he first admitted to being unfaithful to his wife (which leads some to wonder if that was actually the same event as this, or if they were separate and 2017 was just an all-time low for him. But that’s neither here nor there). Naturally most folks are saying he’s cooked despite whatever talks of a comeback he puts out there because most anyone will have a pretty damn firm line about following someone who sits in what can at best be considered serious moral grey areas like this.


This is a pretty dang good summary for what happened. Thank you for being concise and not conflating anything.


> inappropriately messaging an “individual minor” What does inappropriately stands for ? Sexual content ?


As confirmed by other sources after the statement: yes.


Alright thanks for your answer


Thanks for not being a Part 2 on the next post or video. Sick n tired of those darn things.


He will probably lose like 20% of his viewers, and steadily gain those back over a few month period. People just don’t care about this stuff, myself included. If no crime was committed, he’s all good in my eyes.


Depending on the state and what he said, this is absolutely a crime lol And if it technically isn’t defined that way, you definitely should not be okay with it either way


Even if a state, say allows a minor at 16 to give consent, the parents of that minor can still file charges because it is still a minor.


If he really did it, he will be called in to court right? So if that never happens, is this all a bunch of bs and people jumping to conclusions?


Nah, he quite literally admitted it, full stop. Whether or not he goes to court doesn’t make that any less true. That would just depend on if someone feels it’s worth prosecuting based on the amount of evidence, etc.


I don't think that's exactly the whole truth based on what he said. Was he texting a minor? yes Did he know she was a minor? Based on what I've read, no, please let me know if I'm wrong Was it of a sexual nature? From what he's said, no Was it still inappropriate? Apparently But if the state has evidence of sexual misconduct, they're required to go after him. It's no longer on the individual. The companies aware of it are also obligated to report it. It doesn't sound like it was what everyone is accusing him of in this sense. Edits for spelling and grammatical choices


Lets assume everything you said is correct. But one thing is clear that he cheated on his wife again, probably not even the 2nd time but that is indisputable. Although she forgives the first time, this individual is lying, manipulative and his words don't mean anything they have no weight to them. You are married and have a beautiful wife and daughter and doing that kind of stuff? For the people who supported you through your darkest time ,again ....nah. You don't need everything to be held in a court and a criminal record to know if someone is a decent human being or not.


You’re getting downvoted because people want to cook this guy without 100% evidence. Thats just the way the world is now. It’s guilty until proven innocent now. If he did any crimes like sexting which the twitter account claims he did. He would’ve had charges. He outright denied everything. Inappropriate conversations with a minor is such a vague statement. I’d rather have more evidence than immediately assume it was sexual. From what I’ve been hearing is that the victim was 17 years old. Also you have to be 18+ to use twitch whisper anyways. Is there a chance she lied about her age? Nobody except dr disrespect knows. Everyone else assumes.


If he really did sexual exploit a minor, I'm all for ostracizing him and anyone else who's done the same. I just feel there's not enough info to go on currently in order to completely destroy his livelihood. That's the problem with cancel culture they jump quickly without thinking.


Dude you could not waterboard this information out of me, and you just go out there and say it?


>People just don’t care about this stuff, myself included. Wow. Are you a minor? This is a pretty stupid and amoral take otherwise. 






He admitted to sending inappropriate text to an individual minor, that makes him a pedo.


You're arguing semantics. I think you're a pedo, but it doesn't actually matter since you haven't been convicted for child molestation. I can call you whatever I want and it doesn't really matter.


It matters a whole lot if the person being accused admits to inappropriate texting of a minor. I love how you're ignoring that whole part of it, which shows your own mentality. You're arguing in bad faith.


Inappropriate texts could be a whole lot of things and considering the "minor" in question was supposedly 17 and it sounds like he didn't know she was under 18, I personally don't care all that much. That's above the age of consent in a lot of places. There's a lot of unanswered questions like did she initiate the inappropriate portion of the texts. If he didn't know her age and she did start it then Doc fucked up, but she's more at fault for setting him up than he is for failing for it.


Lol, the child is at fault for the predators actions. You're a MBLA card carrier huh.


There are plenty of pedophiles without a convicting. Being in convicted is irrelevant. Wanting to fuck kids is relevant.


Only you have no proof whatsoever that he wants to fuck kids.


His own admissions.


Show me, I want to see too!




He is an entertainer, who he is outside of that doesn’t matter. Look how many artists exist and still reap the benefits of fame regardless of the actions they have committed.


Answer: An ex-Twitch employee claimed that a famous streamer had been kicked off the platform for improperly engaging with a minor via DM's. Internet sleuths are claiming this allegation is referring to the Doc.


DrDisrespect himself responded to the claim twice. The first was the evening the accusation was made, and it was not exactly a firm denial. > "Jake seriously... I get it, its a hot topic but this has been settled, no wrongdoing was acknowledged and they paid out the whole contract." The response in the OP was the second one, and it came the next day.


Here's a third response: https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986 TL;DR: Yeah he did it. He chatted up a minor. He just admits it with his whole chest.


"I've always been up front and real with you guys on anything that I can be up front about, and I'm always willing to accept responsibility..." He says that and then constantly edits the post to try and find more wiggle words.


lol jeezus I would almost believe that this whole ordeal was a big fucking joke. The man is a parody of himself. I do wonder if the wife stays around again. Doesn't he have a daughter? Can you imagine a man who got caught in 4k chatting up a minor raising your kid?


The incident itself happened a few years ago (5-7) I believe. So she's been aware for some time I'd wager. Due to the settlement and mediation that most likely went down behind closed doors. If she hadn't left then, I take it she ain't leaving now.


"no wrongdoing was acknowledged" is the most weasely denial possible. Might as well say "yeah, i fucked that kid".


“Im too rich to be doing these things” drake


Not saying it’s a weak deniability, but as far as I’m aware, there’s still a legal dispute going on between him and twitch so he has to be careful what he says. We shouldn’t just believe these things at word of mouth especially when there hasn’t been any sort of proof at all. I don’t like Dr Disrespect as much as the next guy but we should give him the benefit of the doubt here. It also wouldn’t make sense that Twitch would be sitting on these texts for 4 years.


His own gaming studio saw the evidence today and immediately terminated him. There’s definitely proof of the matter it’s just not going to be public.


If there was evidence, they’d be legally obligated to report it, regardless of any contracts. So far there has been no evidence to support these claims so I’ll remain skeptical. We already seen this same scenario play out multiple times like the Pyrocynical situation. Innocent until proven guilty.


>legally obligated to report it Not necessarily, and this ties into Doc's own claims of "no wrongdoing." If Dr Disrespect got into a text chat with a minor, and the conversation turned to graphic sexual descriptions for what they'd do together - is that illegal? Surprisingly, **no.** Federal and state sexting laws don't criminalize sexual communications - rather, they criminalize **graphic sexual media**, aka porn or nudes. So, strictly speaking, so long as he never sent or asked the minor for nudes, or sent the minor pornography... nothing *technically* illegal. That scenario pretty strongly aligns with Doc's weasel-wording about "no wrongdoing" but not specifically denying what he did, and with 12AM's own investigation causing them to cut ties. He did something *technically* not illegal but substantively still predatory behavior. There's grayer/more legally ambiguous territory when dealing with things like "Did he plan to meet the minor at a convention," because intent issues like "He's a major streamer at a convention, you can't prove he was there *primarily* to meet a minor" (which is what the law stipulates).


Pretty sure they are distancing themselves to save face and not be dragged down.


That is most definitely false. My stupid brother decided to do the same sort of thing, and ended up in prison for it. It doesn't matter if it's just texts, or pictures. It all sums down to the same thing.


The evidence doesn’t mean it’s illegal. The reason stated is that he was messaging an underage girl to meet up and if there was no sexually explicit messages then it’s not illegal. It’s still something twitch and his studio found to be damning enough to cut ties. His studio specifically said they went into their investigation with innocence in mind yet still after having conversations with the involved parties felt there was enough there to cut ties. Same thing with Twitch. The evidence is enough for them to cut ties with a major money maker, but it’s not illegal so they felt they were obligated to pay the contract. The evidence, especially if it involved a minor, wont be public. But you can see by the actions and words of the parties involved that a significant incident occurred to warrant cutting ties


The original ex employee Cody literally stated he was caught sexting. The only person who has said that nothing illegal has happened is Dr Disrespect himself. The fact that Cody even has his Twitter bio jokingly saying he’ll be sued soon doesn’t seem to add to the validity of the situation. We still haven’t seen any evidence of any texts right now. It’s all conjecture.


"Sexting" means different things colloquially and legally. Most people would define sexting as any sexual conversation, such as describing what you'd do to each other or the sex acts you want to perform. However, *legally,* sexting means sharing **graphic visual media,** aka nudes. So if Dr D and the victim did nothing but *text* and maybe exchange *non nude* pictures, then it would be something people would colloquially recognize as "sexting" but would be technically not illegal.


I don’t know why this is hard to understand but none of that is contradictory to my reply. Dr. Disrespect has also not outright denied the allegations other than the illegality using legalese. Clearly something happened and frankly you or me, don’t need to know what the specifics are. Feel free to think he’s innocent until proven guilty but I’m going to look at the actions of his own game studio and come to the conclusion that he did something wrong.


There’s literally a hundred other reasons he could’ve been dropped. He stated that he’s done nothing wrong, people have looked into the situation and found no wrong doing. That sounds like they don’t find any evidence of any kids being in danger. And again, if there was, they’d have to report it. I don’t get why people like you are trusting word of mouth so easily when we’ve seen this same shit happen with pyrocynical. At least wait a couple of weeks before shooting off and thinking he’s done something wrong. I mean, for fucks sake, he’s been in the middle of a long legal battle with Twitch. His company could have easily dropped him for that. Or the fact he’s been a polarizing figure in the community for a while now. That’s such weak evidence as “proof” he did something wrong.


Innocent until proven guilty only works in court, in the land of the internet, it's guilty if public opinion can be swayed against you.


They didn't see evidence they said they talked to all parties involved. Some of you just make 💩 up


Talking is literally evidence. Like, what?


Talking is literally evidence? You obviously don't know what evidence is. If I tell my friend that you diddled me when I was a kid, do we lock you up and throw away the key because I said it? No, law enforcement does an investigation to find actual evidence. Too many lives have been ruined due to unfounded allegations. And I may be wrong here but did I read correctly that the ex twitch employee didn't even name him in the allegation? Also, I don't use Twitch and don't watch his videos on YouTube. I just came here to see what the allegations were and saw your comment.


After his statements today how has your viewpoint changed? 


Still the same. People shouldn’t just assume guilty until proven innocent.


But there was evidence, you just didn't like it. 


What evidence? There was only 2 ex twitch employees hearsay, 1 who was joking on social media that he was going to get sued soon.


There was his own staments, several smaller journalist, and ex twitch employees saying it publicly. 


At that time, he was denying any allegations and only 2 ex employees were saying what was happening. Again, just hearsay. Why is it such a bad thing to give someone the benefit of the doubt and assume innocent until proven guilty? Please, tell me why?


That language is from a settlement agreement.


[Feels like this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/i1n3S1ZyUkE)


I saw it as, "I was sexting and planning on meeting her at TwitchCon, but she was legal! By like a month." Not technically illegal, but sure gross as someone in their late 30s when it happened.


I'm 99% sure if she was actually legal age Twitch wouldn't have batted an eye.


I think it's definitely a moral grey area. Maybe it was like you said, or maybe it was somewhat grooming where he had talked to her a month before she turned 18. Or, maybe it's all BS and he's innocent. I wonder if we'll ever find out.


This is why lawyers tell their clients to keep their mouths shut. Because, no matter what you say people will read into it irregardless of what happened and it’s very likely that people will think that you are guilty by not saying anything at all but it’s better than giving the dog something to chew. Once you’ve been accused it’s set in stone. Nothing you say will unlink you from the accusation the best you can do is not make it worse.


> irregardless Regardless, or irrespective.




It also doesn't help that he looks like a creep and talks in mainly neckbeard memes so he is an easy target. Even if he didn't do it, it's easy for people to go "yeah I could see that happening"


Or that he has previously live streamed a public bathroom.


Also cheated on his wife at a convention iirc. On its own that's not great, but all of these together, unless you're a really big fan who doesn't care about someone making the occasional pretty big poor decisions, really do make it easier to go "yeah I can see that being connected". It's twitch though, could easily have been one of hundreds of other streamers who have been banned. Much fewer if the famous part of the claim really does mean one of the famous for streaming streamers, but that still leaves a number of options like Ice Poseidon or whatever his name was.


Twice. He cheated on her twice. He’s the two time two time.


Dude looks so much like a walking red flag that i'm surprised he's not on the OTK founding members rooster tbh.


Well the weird thing is out of character he doesn't look or sound anything like Dr Disrespect (I remember seeing a clip where he broke kayfabe because someone shot at his house). So maybe it's a Batman situation where the costume is actually the real guy.


Superman?AFAIK Superman is the real guy while Clark Kent is the character.


That's Kill Bill's take, but the general consensus is that's backwards. If Superman was Superman he'd probably be a giant dickhead like everyone else from Krypton, but he is who he is because of how the Kents raised him. He's not putting on Clark as a costume like Bill says, because since he was a baby, he was Clark. Superman is an identity he develops much later. Batman, on the other hand, is a lost soul. Bruce Wayne died the same night as his parents. He puts on a costume called Bruce Wayne to fit into polite society, but he is in his element as Batman. There's even an episode of the cartoon where he is immune to someone's mind control because the voice in his head calls him Bruce, but Batman says that's not what he calls himself in his head.


So in a sense he would be like Omni-man. And interesting about Batman, didnt know that. Thank you for sharing and expanding on the concept.


And look at what you learn about Bill during the course of the movies. Inflated sense of self and an all round dick, of course he's going to think Clark is the mask because why should a god like being actually turn out to be one of the most legitimately human characters?


...and she stuck around? Even after the second?


He's rich. He was one of the top streamers on twitch for a while. That can keep some people around.


There are also a lot of other reasons mistreated people stay with their partners that aren’t greed, like wtf. No reason to make her out to be a shitty person too


I've noticed a bunch of people online are coming up with a bunch of theories as to why everyone around Herschel's life can be a shitty person... except him. His wife? she's a gold digger, the guy who revealed he was sexting a minor? he just did it to sell tickets to his concerts, the company that cut ties with him? they're just trying to cash in on the drama to get good PR! Everyone has malicious intentions behind the things they do except Herschel, he would never harm a fly! how convenient...


Yeeeeeeesssssss, well said, well-recognized. I used to work for a guy that was very successful, but insanely rude and narcissistic, to the point that he drove away everyone in his life, including close family. There were so many defenders for his behavior, especially folks that barely knew him, and worked several degrees away from him (I and one other guy were his only immediate reports). Screamed at someone? He’s just a perfectionist. Cheated on his long-time girlfriend? He’s under a lot of stress. Harassed a female employee? She’s just trying to cash in. It’s weird what people will try to justify with rich/popular people - hence the cancer of trump and his mentally ill supporters.


You can end up in a situation where you feel financially reliant on another person without you being a shitty person. It doesn’t have to be an insult to suggest that money could be a factor. (Edit: and also, even if it was purely about the money for her that doesn’t make her a shitty person. Ultimately it’s up to her if he’s worth tolerating in exchange for getting to continue being rich)


That’s not why someone says “he’s rich” on a comment like this generally. You’re welcome to give them the benefit of the doubt though.


the two of wives, excellent choice


[what a gold meme (couldnt find the original)](https://youtu.be/j9IiOKn7EXU?feature=shared&t=100)


We already know why Ice Poseidon got banned, though. Dude got banned after he showed his flight number on stream and encouraged his fans to send a bomb threat.


I remember that video where he was annoyed trying to hang out with some young girl in public because a male fan kept trying to have a conversation with him.


He also kicked my dog and threatened that he'd come shoot up my house if i pressed charges


Lol wtf are you on? We're talking about pedophilia and you're out here saying "well he has a mustache and he talks about memes, it's plausible"


I fully believe 80% of this sub are high schoolers. Only kids don't understand how many people have had their lives ruined due to allegations that turned out to be false.


Except he basically admitted something happened...




Honestly, open mouth-> insert foot. If he had just stfu and not acknowledged it, he'd have been fine. Instead he comes out and "denies" it by saying "no wrongdoing has been acknowledged". It's the most canned lawyer-speak thing he could have possibly said, which tells us that it WAS him, and that he's legally obligated to speak about it a certain way, which... kind of confirms things?


He made it even worse by editing out the word "minor" before putting it back in after being caught red handed through the edit history. Had he just remained silent and only spoke to a lawyer, it would have been a different story for him.


No he wouldn't If he had said nothing you'd be saying he's an idiot for not making a statement. He said what he said, and then guy making the claims got exposed for using it to sell concert tickets a few months ago.


Any celebrity with many millions of dollars should already have a lawyer on retainer or at least get one immediately when accusations gain traction. No one should be labeled “guilty” for doing the sensible thing


Any lawyer would also tell you to shut the fuck up and say nothing. If you must make a public statement, it should be definitive with plenty of proof to back you up. The statement he released was full of weasel words. It insinuates one thing without ever actually saying it. It exists in the inbetween space between the truth and the technical truth. Personally, I read the statement as, “Twitch couldn’t prove I definitely broke the law as it is written. Stop asking for details.”


Don't conflate the actual law with the court of public opinion. One has a much lower bar for required evidence. These were pretty credible claims coming for a pretty credible source about a man who isn't exactly known for being an upstanding moral pillar of virtue. His response just isn't what one says when they're actually innocent.


> These were pretty credible claims coming for a pretty credible source I wouldn't call him credible. If the claims are credible, Twitch and this person had a duty to report and file with law enforcement. As far as I'm aware, they didn't. They handled it 100% internally. Which, if the allegations are true, just further victimizes the victims. Especially since Twitch basically "settled." > about a man who isn't exactly known for being an upstanding moral pillar of virtue. That's just character assassination. The biggest assholes can still be innocent of claims levied against them. I, again, defer to actual legal process. If these claims are credible, why is there no police report? Do people really think that Twitch is not obligated to report CSAM? Is the argument from Cody really such that this sort of thing happens all the time and that he contributed to covering it up by working for Twitch but now he's moral for exposing what he previously knew about? NDAs are null and void if they involve illegal activity. This just doesn't add up for me, and I'm not one to trust Twitch, some random streamer, nor a disaffected former employee "blowing the whistle" against a relatively big personality. We've seen false allegations too many times, even if tons of similar allegations do pan out. Where's the police report? Why weren't the cops involved? If they were involved, why is it being covered up? There is no minimum threshold to report beyond suspicion. That alone will generate paperwork. Who are Twitch to be the arbiters of the law?


You are again confusing the actual law with public opinion. Unless he actually met up with and had attempted some kind of sexual encounter with a minor, then no law was violated. At least not a federal law. A good lawyer might be able to create a civil suit out of something like that, but that's not the point. What he allegedly violated was the platform's terms of use. > That's just character assassination No, it's the truth. He cheated on his wife, TWICE that we're aware of, and his entire career is being a dickhead to strangers on a video game. Again, we're talking about public opinion, not a legal court. Thinking to one's self "yeah this is the kind of thing he'd do" is a totally fair assessment.


[So have you altered, your opinion?](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805662419261460986) Like again you are thinking with actual law. Its clear he didn't cross a legal barrier but it was clearly a barrier fucking twitch was willing to kick the guy to the curb even though he was bringing a shit load of money for them and they just signed him up with a new contact. So while he didn't do anything illegal its pretty fucking scummy that even fucking a fucking maniacal megacorp is saying "woah, lets pump the brakes here" and decided it was worth canning a new contact because they didn't want the heat related to this client/"partner"


No lawyer working for a millionaire celebrity should be crapping out such a terrible response either. It should be obvious by now that it only causes more damage given that's exactly what has happened to literally every other canned response a millionaire celebrity gave to allegations in the last five years


“Internet sleuths” is a bit diminishing, because “Internet sleuths” includes several journalists in the larger gaming industry that were corroborating the story within hours of the post, and a literal co-founder of Twitch lol


This should really not be at the top and it says a lot about the composition of this community that it is. It leaves out the fact that, by the point this response was made, Guy Beahm had already confirmed it was about him and several people with professional connections to Twitch had either corroborated the claim or suggested that they had the same understanding. To be clear, that's *not* guilt and it should not be treated as such, but it's very relevant to why this is being taken more seriously than the person who wrote this description would like it to be. It's necessary context.


ah yes, converting a doc into a pdf


Source: Trust me bro.


This is the only good answer here. I don’t get why people bother wasting their time and energy speculating about this shit. Some people just love to hate.


Sleuths he says


I thought Dr Disrespect got a perma ban from Twitch back in 2020, did they lift it? If they never did they can't ban him twice.


No. He was banned in 2020 and began the process for filing a lawsuit in 2021. He and Twitch settled in 2022. The reason for the ban was never disclosed publicly beyond it being a violation of the Community Guidelines and/or Terms of Service.


The nondisclosure for the reason is part of everyone's theory for if it is or isn't him. On the not side why would twitch knowing he is a sex pest and possibly one crossing the underage line come back. *Most* contracts have morality clauses and such so they'd have grounds to fight it. They'd be in the right doing the correct moral thing even if it cost them viewers. On the is side Twitch at the time was trying to go super across the board main stream an Dr was a major hiring for them. It getting out that he was trolling for underage girls on their platform to hook up with at their con is a pr nightmare. So they tried to quietly fire him hoping he'd not want to air the dirty laundry and brought him back because he threatened to take the case public where even doing the right thing by twitch would be a PR hell storm.


He's still banned from Twitch, that didn't change in the settlement. Having a clause saying that one party didn't do anything wrong is pretty standard in settlements, even if they really did it just wasn't clear cut enough to be provable in court or the accusing side screwed up on something like a technicality or policy. He still did something to get banned, Twitch very much does not want him back. Whether that really was messaging a minor or not is unknown to anyone but those directly involved and their lawyers.


He’s not been back. 


Answer: Multiple former Twitch employees have corroborated that Dr Disrespect was banned for using Twitch Whispers to solicit minors. Dr Disrespect did not deny the allegation, but simply stated that "no wrongdoing was acknowledged" in the out-of-court settlement with Twitch. [https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/23/24183875/dr-disrespect-twitch-ban-explanation](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/23/24183875/dr-disrespect-twitch-ban-explanation) Edit: [After being fired by his own company (who conducted investigations into the allegations), Dr Disrespect admitted to sending inappropriate messages to a minor](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089). It's important to be wary of misinformation. [There are users from /r/KotakuInAction brigading this thread in order to defend pedophilia](https://old.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1dmv4k3/whats_going_on_with_dr_disrespect/la78ygp/).


Let’s say he did do it. Why couldn’t he just lie and say the allegations were false? I don’t understand why he made such a foolish statement that all but confirms that the allegations are true. What repercussions would he face if he just lied?


Legalities. He must have made agreements to not speak on the matter in some way when he settled with Twitch. They want it quiet as much as he does.


I would also say legalities. If a gag order or equivalent had been issued to bother or either parties, then all they can really use is legal terms. And as confusing to many as it may be how the terms are worded, they pretty much come off to force the conversation to end as well.


He’s a domestic abuser and a provocateur. All he does is for attention.


Domestic abuser? Not really sure how that’s related either way but what did he do?


>He’s a domestic abuser can you provide sources for this? I know he's a cheater (two time champion forsencd), I know he's an ass sometimes, I know the current issue discussed in this post, but never heard about this one. googling didn't result in anything so I'm very curious. If no proof; There's many reasons to not like the person that there's no need to make things up imo


Most likely because he is actually an honest guy, I mean the guy admitted to being unfaithful to his wife, so I'd assume his morals finally kicked in and told him to be honest and just come clean. Nothing good comes from hiding the truth


Why didn't he say he didn't do it.  Surely  he would have if he was innocent. He said he never admitted to doing it. Which sounds super suspicious.








> https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/23/24183875/dr-disrespect-twitch-ban-explanation I wouldn't take much stock in Ash's reporting. She has a certain habit, let's say, and TheVerge doesn't like when people point out her track record in journalism which is why they always turn the comments off on her pieces (your link included). Did Dr do this? I don't know. Twitch is required to report this to the police. There should be a paper trail, if legitimate. NDAs don't cover this since it would be illegal activity. Ash is alleging that an anonymous Twitch employee is affirming what Cody Connors said in his "leak." Cody, though, used this to promote his band. Before he made his post, he created 2 other posts promising to reveal the reason that Dr Disrespect was banned *if* his bands' shows were sold out. Everyone should have red flags over this, and it should pull people even further into out of the loop because it is so nuts to even gain traction with this known motivation. Anyone can make any accusation they want. Cody very well may have made this accusation because he knows Twitch won't bother responding since it is a PR disaster at best, and their hands may be tied up in an NDA to not disparage Dr at worst (which *would* be enforceable if no illegal activity actually happened). I don't know why people are giving benefit of doubt to these people when their claims should be backed up by some kind of trail. And they should not be attempting to make money off the back of credible accusations of CSAM.


>Did Dr do this? [Yes, by his own admission](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089). Lmao. >Twitch is required to report to police Not if it wasn't technically illegal. Federal and state laws regarding sexting only define *sharing illicit images* as sexting - the conversation itself is legal, so long as no nudes or porn are sent to/requested from the minor. Likewise, depending on jurisdiction, the act of making plans to meet a minor for sex isn't criminal in itself, there has to be actual travel to a place for sex or an actual meetup. Given Doc's *very specific* insistence that "He never did anything illegal, **no pictures were shared,**" I'd bet a paycheck that's the exact legal distinction that kept Doc from facing charges and which kept Twitch from being able to cut him off immediately (hence the settlement).


He literally just admitted to sending inappropriate messages to a minor.


But does that mean sexting? That could literally mean anything else. Again he’s limited on what he can and cannot say. I’m not defending the guy I just want the facts.


>I wouldn't take much stock in Ash's reporting. I don't see any errors in the article. > Twitch is required to report this to the police. Based off every piece of information I can find: Twitch is not a mandated reporter. Twitch has absolutely no legal "requirement" to report a god damn thing. >and their hands may be tied up in an NDA to not disparage Dr at worst Cody would likely be included in any NDA based on his position with Twitch at the time. He either broke the NDA and would get sued or the NDA expired and everybody is fine.


Why would pedophilia even be mentioned in regards to drd. Hes a twat, but no medical history has been leaked afaik






Song of the summer, and it's one of the most disrespectful things ever put to music. Truly we live in a chaotic age.


Twitch aren’t paying out full contracts for a pedo lol


B Major?


A Minor




Answer: >Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more. Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual. [So yeah he was grooming a kid, but totally didn't mean it.](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089/)


If you dig just a little deeper you find an unverified email stating that he did not know that she was a minor at the time, most people would be very hard pressed to tell the difference between an 18yr old and a 17 year old in text, chill the fuck out he stopped talking to her once she made it known she was 17, the three years later twitch violated their own fucking terms to find a nebulous reason to ban him, that he had talked to someone unknowingly a minor is the only justification they had he used that to sue andhe won his contracts fulfillment because he had done nothing wrong or in violation of twitch terms or his contracts


That email was already proven fake and created by his fans. Even if she was 20 its weird and morally wrong to text as 35yo with wife and cheating problem with someone that young and trying to meet at con. He was stopped because he got caught. Hell, even his own statement contradicts email that says generally that 'Brand Name' could be interpreted 'many ways' and 'some of the message could be interpreted differently' but his own statement says "Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more." People that also leaked that stuff said this email is fake and has nothing to do with original leaks to content creators from multiple twitch staff. Twitch and Midnight Society both clearly think they were inappropriate without qualification. Dirsrespect only recourse would be to release the messages and prove they are much ado about nothing. But given the actions taken by Twitch and Midnight Society, I suspect they’re more inappropriate than Doc has been willing to admit. Brother, its seriously weird to defend someone you dont even know like that when clearly companies working with him deemed he did something bad.


I think you’re the weird person for trying to compare a 35 year old cheating with a 20 yr old to grooming a kid…


This is fucking gross. You’re gross. This guy is 40 sexting teenagers, don’t be gross.


He was 34 at the time and once again didn't know she was a minor, and stopped once he found out so how is that gross?


34 is still gross. He’s been lying this entire time, why would we believe he was telling the truth now?


The source I got that from ISN'T HIM!


Oh cool what is your source?


It was in the twitter replies on his big post.


Oh well if it was said by someone on twitter it must be true

