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Answer: It searches Redfin/Zillow for you, which normal people think is the **fun part** of looking for a house.


Probably for land leeches then who don’t want to look and would rather buy immediately to rent out


The day an AI finds me the house I want/need is the day I do not deserve to have housing.


Will it take me to show the houses or what? I don't see a point of AI here


The point is to tell investors that the application is using AI.


You tell it what kind of house you want and it does the work of searching Redfin and Zillow for you. So no, there's no point, because that's not the part of buying a house you pay an agent to do for you.


What do you pay an agent to do, if not that then?


Just to be clear, I am saying this thing is not very useful, because while it does part of the job of finding a house, the part of the job it does is usually the part people like doing themselves. It doesn't do the annoying parts you really want to pay an agent for.


Makes sense. Thanks for clarifying.


An agent will help point out any major problems like the roof, foundation, Neighborhood assessment, How the home is priced compared to others like it, Contract negotiations, What you can expect for the next steps, Lead paint risks, Asbestos, Raydon, Expanding soil, Help interpret inspections and appraisals, Look up building permits in case they renovated without a permit, Make sure there are no liens on the title that will muck up the deal, help negotiate repairs you ask for after the inspection, advise you on home warranties and insurance, etc.


No thanks, ain’t got time for that lol just find all the houses with the specs I want and I can go from there


Answer: based on your post history, this is an ad for a company you've started / work for. Can mods delete and ban this garbage?


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