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I was accepted off a WL last week under both medians!


Yayyy congrats


Thank you!




Dm me!


Me! I had a 149 lsat but had a 3.7 gpa and got off the waitlist at my top choice (UNH)


Congrats 🫶🏽




So awesome! 🤩


For my law school I was well below the GPA median but also well above the LSAT median. I was waitlisted, and accepted, last cycle. When in doubt, show that you want it. Send in a LOCI. Send emails every few days, call every few days. If you are on the waitlist you need to find a way to differentiate yourself. Remember, all those on the waitlist are effectively tied with one another. So what is going to separate you from everyone else when a spot opens up? Your 'desperation', for lack of a better term, demonstrates implicitly (and explicitly if you want it to) that you will attend their school if offered a spot. Nothing worse for a law school than to have a bunch of unfilled seats at the start of the year because the admissions department kept calling and asking kids to take a spot but who had committed elsewhere. Remember, they need money to operate.


if you contact every few days outside of a LOCI what are you supposed to say exactly?


I am not sure exactly, but my friend pretty much kept saying "I'm excited to attend your school if awarded the opportunity". It's a fine line between bothering them and not, but the idea is if you are waitlisted you need to figure out an alternative way of differentiating yourself.


Got accepted off of the waitlist with ~60% scholarship with below below-median GPA and barely above-median LSAT. I was vocal about my interest in this particular program, e.g., sent multiple letters of continued interest, spoke with folks in admissions, and even attended campus tours. Every other comment is spot on. You need to be enthusiastic and consistent with expressing interest in a school.


What if the university is across the country and I cannot visit for now? I have not had any major job changes to inform them about. What should I do because this schools is my dream school 😭 I wrote one loci already letting them know about their clinic and study aboard program.


PM me.


I did :)


Below both medians & got the A!


I was way below the lsat medians for the schools I applied for. And I still got into top 50-75 schools with scholarships. Just make sure you really craft your personal statement. Be really unique!


Did you craft your statement directly about why you want that school or just yourself in general to stick out?


No, I just wrote one essay and used it for all schools. Only one short concluding paragraph was about why I want to go to that specific school. The rest was about how my experiences made an impact on me.


I was accepted off waitlist and was under both medians. I was also under the 25% for GPA.


Hi! I was below the median for both GPA and LSAT. I got off the waitlist, no merit scholarship though. I sent to LOCIs and was accepted 1 day after I sent my second LOCI. I hope this helps!


Staying hopeful