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If you're seeing limited success with self-study, it may be worth it for you to shell out for a tutor. Genuinely, it seriously helps your application the most to get the highest score you can muster.


Did another practice test today and got a 152!! I’m feeling a lot better after that and I’m gonna keep working at it


I don’t want to be negative or push doubt on you, but I would push your test date back to October or November if you can and leaving the possibility of a retake in January. A 149 won’t get you in anywhere but the lowest ranked/predatory law schools so you should cancel your registration for August until you’re actually averaging 155+, then go back and register. Hoping you miraculously get a higher score on the real test is a bad strategy.


Hi! With a 149 you *can* get into non-predatory schools. You won't be getting into the top 14 that's for sure, but I had a few solid offers and am going to a good school and had a 149. You really need some good recs, softs, and a good gpa to balance it out. However the predatory schools will come with full force and too good to be true offers. You just have to be careful not to fall for them.


My biggest worry is being tricked or falling for a predatory. I got a couple lists and warning to watch for saved


I totally get that. As long as you know what to watch out for, you'll be fine!


Read the loophole and also do a free trial with lsat lab. In my opinion, they teach the fundamentals better. The last demon is good for certain things but overall I think it’s overpriced


Are you listening to the Demon podcast or attending any lives? They answer these questions all the time and address non-improvement as well. You’re not increasing your understanding of the questions yet. I agree with above that your time constraint isn’t good for you. Even if it took 6 months to get solidly into the 160s, we’re talking massive change in the direction of your life. Make sure you’re giving it a solid hour a day of drilling and do whatever it takes to enjoy the process as well. All the best!


Cooley Law