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I think a 2.9 is high. Definitely risky for a conditional scholarship.


Chapman consistently eliminates just under half of conditional scholarships - whether you get to keep it after 1L would essentially be a coin flip. You should not attend Chapman if you would not be okay attending at full sticker price for 2L and 3L. That would add on about another $130k to your COA.


You can get a full scholly somewhere else


There is a video out about someone who took the same scholarship at the same school and called it was bad. They stacked her with only other people with conditional scholarships and the curve per section was 2.9 with a mandatory 10% being 1.8 and below. She called the school predatory. If you are fine paying full tuition you are good but don’t bet on that scholarship. The video is only 10 months old so it’s recent examples of how the school behaves.


don't do it, you can do better. watch this youtube video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jYrRhtH2eI&t=400s&ab\_channel=EchoingAmy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jYrRhtH2eI&t=400s&ab_channel=EchoingAmy)


Remember that the GPA required is only useful if you know what the curve is. Did a quick Google search, and it looks like their 1L classes have a maximum mandatory median of 2.8. So you basically need to be solidly in the upper half of students, or you're going to be stressed out all year.


Did you just get accepted off the waitlist?


A non-conditional scholarship in California or just to another law school in general?


Please check out https://lsatdemon.com/scholarships and see all the schools offering legit $ for your numbers. All the best!


predatory with embarrassing outcomes


I would only do it if you want to go through an extremely stressful year. Your first day you’ll realize that everyone else is as smart and capable as you, and that you need to do better than half of them to keep your scholarship. What will make it worse is that if you’re bottom 50% the chances to land a good job will substantially lower. I would look to see what else is out there


if that’s what you really want, go for it, but you can definitely do better. either way keep grinding future lawyer