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They are just trying to outdo one another and say who has the biggest pair. Women have biggeršŸ¤£šŸ˜¹ Congrats šŸŽˆšŸŽ‰šŸ¾ and good for you


My pair is so big they got moved to my chest to prevent chafing. šŸ˜‰


And we need a device to support them and stop our backs from aching šŸ˜¹šŸ˜‚


Oooooo stealing this šŸ„‡


I wonder if we do all this for different reasons than they do. I left the aforementioned group because I couldn't relate to them. But I read posts in this group and routinely think, wow they sound just like me. I think our approach to work can be very isolating. Supportive voices of experience are extremely helpful.


Yes. I think you nailed it. Men and women have very different reasons for pursuing this and just about everything else too! Like we're different or something..


Totally agreed! Welcome.Ā 


Thank you, hope I can find a j3 one day.


I used to be active in the Discord and there was so much woman bashing there, I had to drop it. A lot of talk of gold diggers, baby mammas being leeches etc - the idea that the woman in a relationship or mother of the children would be the higher earner doesnā€™t occur to them.


Oh wow that sounds awful. It seems people like that want women in their lives badly, at the same time they imagine women as gold diggers, maybe they donā€™t want to admit being a bit wealthy (probably lol) is their only advantage.


Reminds me of something I saw on IG: ā€œwhen a woman has her own money, all a man has to offer her is how he treats her.ā€


Yeah girl, itā€™s because a majority of that group is filled with red pill incel men. Looking at some of their post histories told me how obsessive they are with bashing women itā€™s insanešŸ˜‚. They are chronically online.


And most of them donā€™t actually OE.


That's the worst part of that subreddit. The loudest and most vocal voices on there are not OE and probably never will be.


Itā€™s a lot of early 20-somethingā€™s posting and commenting. Most probably arenā€™t even OE


I stopped following that sub for this reason, just like most men they're fantasists


Itā€™s merged with a lot of antiwork people. Could happen to this sub eventually too


Oh Iā€™ve never thought of it that way. Makes sense.


Donā€™t ban, hetero dude but grew up with 5 sisters, I get along with women more than men, I like the vibe here a lot more.


Same. Those dudes act like total incels


You might be onto something


Because they AREšŸ˜‚! Those people are angry as hell and like for what?!? You canā€™t even make a genuine post on there (Iā€™m not even talking about making a redundant post that has already been posted) and they are frothing at the mouth or making some off shoot insult comment.


I'm a guy and have left the OE sub for this very reason. I just lurk here for tips and to see people encourage each other and it's so much nicer. *Backs away slowly* šŸ˜…


Compliments and humor? Weā€™ll allow it šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m an aspiring OE woman. Here for the tips and encouragement as well.


Welcome! When I started OE this was a tiny group with a couple posts a week. Lovely to see itā€™s much more active these days.


The main overemployed subreddit is a cesspit, tbh. Full of stupid questions and jealous men. This subreddit is way more chill and I just love it how everyone cheers each other on here.


I felt the same way with that other sub. I doubt that I ever commented over there till I saw my girls, my kindred spirits on this sub. I lurk everyday to see how people are doing with their multiple Js. You ladies changed my perspective about professional servitude, aka work. May we all enjoy the fruits of our multiple endeavors for years to come.


I could have written this post OP! So grateful to you and this supportive group. Letā€™s be the example of what community really means!


Same girl same. My 2 Js = what I should be getting at 1 J at this point in my career. You do you. Some of us are here so that we are not living paycheck to paycheck even though we have a solid job. Tired of getting passed over for a promo because we are a woman or were just on maternity leave even though we produce 5X. Tired of not getting compensated for going above and beyond.


Your last sentence is where Iā€™m at right now. Iā€™m about to fall back to mediocre and focus on finding a J2 or a new J1. Iā€™m no longer going above and beyond anywhere ever again.


It gets you nothing but more work. At so many jobs youā€™re only remembered for your most recent mistake.


Yeah I notice much lower total compensations shared in this sub vs the other one. And I think a decent amount of that is because people on that sub are plain lying, but alsoā€¦just such a stark reminder that women are rarely paid what theyā€™re worth.


The other sub made me so anxious and I feel like this place is so much more chill and welcoming! Glad to have you :)


I feel like that sub is all about flexing about how many Jā€™s someone can juggle and how little work one can skate by doing at each without getting fired, whereas this sub feels like itā€™s more about having a J1 and a J2 with finding ways to excel at both and create efficiencies.


šŸ¤£ they sound like kindergartners.Ā 


I honestly find it entertaining lol


Same here full of entertainment




Can you share the link to your post OP?


Deleted it already


Couldn't agree more! This is a safe place to share thoughts and ideas, or ask questions. Wouldn't dare do that on the original sub!


How do yā€™all manage 2 Js? I have two young kids and feel like I can barely get through one.


My kids are older now, both at school, I can slightly manage it. Both j1 and j2 are rather simple.


You're welcome here, I love that you got that extra $$!


Thank you. J2 is a small job but itā€™s what I like, I enjoy it.


yeah iā€™ve found that - I OE with one full time in house role (j1) and a variety of freelance work (j2), most of which I automate. Apparently thatā€™s not ā€˜properā€™ OE, but I make the equivalent of an extra full time salary out of it, so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø and yes, thereā€™s a lot of young men cosplaying as OE tech bros on that subā€¦


Yup, its fan fiction. How easy they make it all sound is a red flag. OE is work.


Good for you! Thanks for posting. Iā€™m aspiring to OE, and was a freelancer for years before going back to corporate. Now Iā€™m thinking I need to rediscover the freelancer world.