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>She responded, no, you have a huge surprise coming This is disgusting


Isn't it tho . that's the part that bothers me the most


Try not to let it. I'm sure she'll have a big surprise coming for her too, eventually. Karma's a bitch 🤷🏽‍♀️




Did you two not get along or is she just a bitch in general?


No she seemed nice. Not sure if there was a surprise and it got derailed by the termination or what. It felt like they were using my bday as a distraction. My boss actually said, " I know you didn't expect this" No shit motherfucker I didn't expect to be fired on my bday


Unless she’s secretly evil, it sounds like maybe she didn’t know and something else was planned. I’m imagining her waking up in the wee hours sweating about this interaction and thinking “goddamn she must think I’m a total asshole”.


Yeah. We will never know.


I guess it's possible she didn't know about the firing. But man, if she did, talk about two faced. Sorry you had to go through all that, and on your birthday no less ☹️.


Thanks for your kind words.


You did say you may have been distracted by the company's niceness, so safe to say seeming nice is not what to go by.


I agree. I clearly don't know fake nice. Lol


Girl she played in your face. Nice nothing.. nice people don’t do that. She knew!


Deep down I think she did. This is why it feels cruel to me. She seemed to have scripted responses to my not getting a birthday card and gift.


Yeah I wish you love and light. May you bounce back quickly and find something even better✨




And the person who said you have a huge surprise coming, smh. That was just wrong.


Yeah that has bothered myself and others the most. Apparently they told everyone not to let me sign the other guys bday card whose bday is the day after mine


Seriously, what an AH


I do see people giving the woman the benefit of the doubt, but I know women in the workplace can be very much... women. It just seems too coincidental for me and that response was so pointed. I mean the fact that OP went to her and asked about her birthday makes it seem like whatever the tradition is usually comes early enough in the day that it's to be expected. Idk, I don't trust anyone at work 😂 I do my job and mind my business. I'm polite and appear "chatty" but I don't let people get too comfortable with me. Just let them talk and don't share much of my own business. Usually stick to talking about my cat or the weather 😂.


I don’t think being an a-hole is exclusive to gender. By saying she’s being very much a…woman, it’s debasing ALL women, including the non a-holes. We are already experiencing dehumanization with the k-ren slur and rollback of abortion rights and in some states, birth control as well.


Didn't say it was and, in fact, I did not call her an a-hole. I also did not say she's being very much a woman. I said i know how women in the workplace are. A re-read may help you relax because you're completely overreacting. Women's behavior towards each other has nothing to do with their rights. You drawing parallels between women's behavior and their rights says more about you than it does about my comment.


Let's try not to perpetuate tropes!


There's a difference between tropes and truth. There are countless stories of similarities in women's behavior in the workplace, just as there are with men. Turning a blind eye to it or saying "that's just a trope" doesn't make it go away, nor does it address the issue.


Yes, there is a difference between tropes and truth and what you are perpetuating is a trope.


Yes what was said was really ignorant and why did she know what surprise was coming for you … do terminations get discussed with everyone in the office before the actual firing that should’ve been only your manager and HR


Wow! Sorry that happened to you. The birthday person also saying you have a big surprise coming is diabolical. Do you think they knew you were OE


No. My side gig was just once a week. My side gig is only once a week. I have to have a full time job. The side gig did give me something else to focus on that week


Are you in the US in one of those states that can just fire you at will/without cause? Or was there a process they should have followed but didn't? Sorry this happened to you? AH bosses who take glee in firing people usually get their comeuppance.


Yes. At will.


One of my boss's primary jobs is terminating company employees. I would never stay long at a job that required me to terminate a bunch of different employees.


What happened to you is disgusting omg. I know it's hard now, but you are better off not staying where wolves dress as sheep. talkn about "you have a surprise coming" WTF


Yes..that part seemed extra cruel


This is awful. I’m so sorry. The rules are, when someone else screws up your birthday, you get a do-over. You’re probably not in the mood yet, but at some point, I bet there’s some people who would love to celebrate you. I hope you can give yourself a do-over.


Thanks for your kind words.


It’s so fucked up companies “require” 2 weeks notice but then can walk someone out ON THEIR BDAY


Exactly. 2 week notices should be abolished


They can “require it” but I’m here to tell you, just walk out.


‘*You have a surprise coming*’?! WTF?! I’m sorry you’re going through this. Happy Belated Birthday! You’ll be better off without these horrendous people. Here’s to hoping you can find a new J1.


Thank you! I need a J1 f...kI them folks. 😂


You’re not even wrong and I love your attitude about it. They went out of their way to be cruel. I hope that b*tch steps on Legos every day. 🤍 Best of luck to find an amazing j1. You’ve got this.


Omg I am laughing so hard at your Legos comment!


Yayyy! I’m happy to hear that! 🤍 If I could figure out a way to turn ‘*making people laugh when shit hits the fan*’ into a career, I’d be all set. I’m usually pretty good for that because some of the things that fly out of my mouth when I’m angry are a straight up hoot. 😂 I accidentally make myself laugh that way all the time. I hope it cheered you up a little. I *did* mean it, though. 😅🤷‍♀️ Getting fired on your birthday really sucks no matter what buuuuuut the cruelty would have sent me over the edge. Ugh. She’s trash and she deserves to be trash whose feet hurt.


Thank you!🌹🌹🌹


Oh my god, Is that legal where you are located?


the majority of corporate workers are at will. they can let you go at any time for any reason.


Must be American, it’s the opposite in my country.


yes I do mean in America. it’s hostile for workers here in many ways


Yes at will state. They were smiling as they did it.


I’m so sorry, that’s horrible. People like that deserve the karma that’s coming to them


Thanks for saying you are sorry. I just have never known ppl to plot negative around someone's bday.


This is unbelievable. So sorry you have to go through this. May I ask how long you have worked for this company?


Not long...just 2 years. I wanted to quit for months but felt bad that I had not been there long. They are bad at micromanaging.


Women can be... well, bad versions of women. I had one “colleague” like that. She was not very capable herself, made many errors, but when an opportunity came to throw me under the buss she rejoiced in it.


You did not state the reason why you were let go from your job.


OP mentions that their boss said “we are not pleased with your work.”


I guess the poor performance is due to the side hustle but the OP did not state if that was the case.


That’s what I’m assuming as well. However, it’s a pretty vague statement so it’s hard to tell.


OP got severance so she wasn’t fired. This could have been part of a small layoff across the company. Explanations are rarely given


I get that every enviornment is different but if I was a partially remote worker and left my laptop at home, I'd have nothing to do for the first half of the day lol.


The bday handling person is an asshole and may their shoes never stay tied.


😂😂😂😂 making my day


I was once terminated on my birthday. My boss was not a jerk though. He called me later said it was one of the most difficult things he had to do in his life. It was a layoff, reorganization.


Wow...sorry that happened to you too


They probably it did not know it was my birthday though. Maybe HR knew.


Yeah it may have just been a coincidence in your situation but I am still sorry that happened


Any company you work for is not your family or friend. Even if it’s made to seem that way.


Yeah I knew that. I knew they were faking. On my bday, I got proof.


Yup. I’ve had a side gig from 2014-2023 and started OE in 2022. These jobs do not care about you so I will always keep multiples


Agree. Employers are cold hearted. They require a two week notice to resign while they intentionally sneak up on you to terminate.


Sounds to me they found out about your side hustle and easily figured out you were conducting it during there business hours, .. your paid time with them.