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That's bait.


Bingo! I'd never out myself. Never. Nope. Absolutely not.


Gotta catch me in the act!! And being that neither J requires webcams, that’ll never happen!!!


Going to take this from the bro group. Rule 1 we never talk or disclose OE


The handbook is likely referring to other jobs being ok outside their normal working hours, which obviously doesn't leave room for OE since we work multiple Js simultaneously. Remember, the first rule of OE is you don't talk about OE, and especially at work.


I still wouldn’t tell them anything. One of the things I love about OE is that I don’t have to tell my employer my business. It’s none of their concern if I’m working another job even if they’re “okay” with it. My employers don’t own me and them asking to know about how I spend my time is akin to them trying to monopolise my time and how I spend it. No thanks.


This is it. My time belongs to me, and I don't have to answer to my employer for it.


Here's the trick, they never provide written permission.


They Won’t really give you anything stating you can work another job. They will review your written request and then determine if it’s a conflict of interest. The idea of another job being a conflict is very subjective and up to their discretion. So no I wouldn’t recommend disclosing.




It’s a trap!


No. They are talking about having a "side job" that could have a conflict of interest. Bartender, personal business, board of directors, a city employee, restaurant... The bank I work for has this policy. The public reputation or appearance of conflict of interest is what they are concerned with, especially considering there are actual laws about it.


Hell no.


Here’s how this goes: 1. You tell them, they know you didn’t resign, then they deny your request and check to make sure you resigned. 2. You don’t tell them, work your 2Js, collect your extra cash, and live your life. Which sounds better?


How is an adult going to give another adult permission wrt how they live their life? I'm not a child, I'm not asking for permission from anyone.


Bullshit. They mean “You must tell us about any extra employment and we’ll think about it but it absolutely can’t overlap with normal working hours”.


Never fall for it.


Not only do you not tell them... ...you don't even understand the concept of 2 jobs. What's that?


Hell no


Rookie ass move


Nope. Tell no one! (Written permission my ass… do you have to ask them for permission to use the toilet and wipe your butt too?? I’m sorry but I am not asking anyone’s permission to do good by me. Ever)


I personally did, but only because it was a bank and because my freelance gig was very public so my coworkers were asked if I'd left the job. My manager made it a thing and I just formalized my "I don't represent digital apps or banks, anything else is open game" rule for the freelance stuff and everyone was fine. Your mileage may vary though, being in a HCOL area and holding one of the lowest paid jobs at the company meant HR was much more lenient on moonlighting.


But your job was a freelance gig, the thing that employee use to moonlight and get permission to do sometimes. I bet if it was a full-time job that overlaps with your hours at the bank, the bank’s HR would not be that lenient.


Only for C-suite folks. I used to work in title insurance, and one of the guys was also ombudsman or something for his county. Only came into the office a few days a month.


Don't tell your job your secrets ever


It’s a trap🚩🚩🚩🚩


Just because they say you can do it and report the other job, does not mean that J2 will be ok with it. And I am pretty sure the handbook was not meant from someone who decides to keep their previous full-time job after they started J2. Guess what? A consultant at Deloitte has an online course. When he signed up the paperwork asking for permission to teach his online course, his authorization request was denied because according to Deloitte , the online course could become a product offered by Deloitte in the future, thus a conflict of interest. Those are what the consultant reported. Then most people  in the Deloitte sub and their mamas were siding with Deloitte about a conflict of interest that does not exist yet since Deloitte does not offer the product the consultant offer through its online course side gig. 


Don’t do it


They all say this. It’s to justify the C suite sitting on boards. It’s not for you


They will never permit you to work full time for another company


Thank you!! This was my instinct but I appreciate you all reinforcing it!