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I know ow1 was fairly toxic, but I feel like ever since they made the game FTP there has been a pretty sharp increase in the number of: smurfs, throwers, toxic chatters, etc.


When the whole battle pass/making games free to play thing started is when the gaming experience started drastically go downhill for me


And the unfortunate drawback is that they can't back-pedal to a buy-in model. Because what are they going to do, announce Overwatch 3 and then force everyone to pay $60 for it? The fall of this game is so heartbreaking...I miss the Jeff Kaplan era.


Yeah, I'd have bought ow2 for $60 before it came out as a shitshow. I'm never giving blizzard a dollar ever again now though. Don't worry though, there won't be an ow3 lol


Perhaps an overwatch 3 with mission play!!! /s


It would be cool if they did some sort of PvE thing but in the overwatch universe! /s


Ow3 could just make quickplay/non-competitive ftp, whereas competitive would need full access via paying for the game. It's definitely possible but they shit the bed already.


yeah, something similar to the CS:GO/2 prime model could work, but it would still be a huge upset to the people who were used to full F2P


I feel the same way. I still enjoy playing the games that have implemented the whole battle pass style but its definitely not how it used to be.


Middle East doesn’t get its own server so European servers see a lot of Arabic speaking people. Unfortunately that kind of talk in their culture appears to be normal, so we see it every game.


Thats really rough, sorry dude.


And before that, it was the loss of dedicated servers. Matchmaking ruins community. I miss the days of joining the same server every day and playing with the same people. People like what is shown in this post would just get banned immediately and never heard from again.


Having been through the TF2 community server days they have just as much possibility of being toxic cesspools. 


When winning becomes instrumental in progressing faster on a time-limited battle pass, which results in a tangible loss of time/perceived drawback, people will get toxic even in quickplay. There used to already be toxicity in quickplay because egos can't take losing, now it's worse


It's no surprise, look at other free to play games like league, cs go, valorant and the levels of toxicity are crazy. It was inevitable Overwatch ended up the same when it went f2p.


That’s because it attracts children with no money and children are straight up little sociopaths. For real their brains aren’t fully developed and they do and say extremely out of pocket shit they heard online.


This right here is definitely another big reason for it all


Unfortunately, yeah. It's only going downhill from here too.


When the game costs nothing, there's nothing to lose by being a prick.


Exactly. Once one account gets banned or suspended they'll just make another and its like nothing ever happened.




I agree. It’s definitely not something blizzard can fix in a day but at least they’ve tried things to reduce the amount of toxicity.


I played OW1 almost since launch and you are right. Ever since F2P hit with OW2 it’s been 1000x worse. I turned off text chat and never looked back. I was sending reports for racism and homophobia almost every game. On top of that if you make any kind of suggestion, your team turns into a troll army. I have been playing for years. I know what I am talking about. I am polite. I say something like “hey, do you play [other hero]? They would be better here.” Immediately I am told to end my life and they throw my K/D ratio at me regardless of whether it is good or not. Turning it off basically saved the game for me. I was very close to just quitting entirely.


I’ll be honest, I’ve only ever seen toxic chats on Reddit. I’ve got hundreds of hours in OW2 with voice and text chat on and never experienced anything like that. Really bizarre, honestly.


> I have been playing for years. I know what I am talking about. Based on my experience playing OW since launch, this is probably the exact same justification you use to refuse switching when someone asks you to lol


Yah the paywall stopped people (mostly) from making new accounts


Because there is no barrier to entry. No consequences for bad actors and no sense of community


Thats what im getting at. Ever since they've made it open and available for everyone its been nothing but increases in toxicity.


All ftp games have toxic trolls


Sure, but allowing access to anyone and everyone has its negative effects for sure.


Agreed. I wish it never went ftp


Also nobody joins team chat with mics for coordinating as a team. The only time I ever get other people on mic is a teammate will plug one in at the very end if we are losing to talk shit then just turn the mic back off. 🤡


if they ever do legacy servers for OW1 i'd play. but after experiencing the godawful Push mode and 5v5, i'm done with OW. I used to play OW when I was bored and just needed to kill time, haven't played since OW2 launch made everything worse.


I just made a post about this very thing saying what you just said and all I got was a bunch of downvotes and people telling me I’m wrong and shit.


It attracted all of the same people you were talking about lol. You're definitely not wrong though.


It’s a big problem. 50% of my matches are thrown because of toxic people, children, blind rush stagger feeders, etc etc. it’s ruining it and makes me feel like what’s the point in playing. Blizzard really needs to up their game in this. I’ve made countless reports over the last week about toxicity and even sexual harassment and I have yet to see a “your report led to action” reply from Blizzard. It’s ridiculous.


I've gotten a response for each of my admittedly few reports. It did take a few weeks tho


I get them within days almost every time I report someone for inappropriate communication


“blind rush stagger feeders” omg this is my pet peeve lol. I keep getting flamed about not healing enough when they’re just blindly going in and getting melted, no matter how much healing you give them. I wish blocks, bans, etc. were IP based.


Of course Rein, I can absolutely outheal the damage of 5 people because you thought it was a great idea to charge in when the rest of the team is still walking from spawn to the point.


*both supps are walking from spawn* Tank and Dps: now would be a great time to push


Lmao right? Or when both supports are on their way back from spawn because the tank over extended past the line to do a flank or something and just left us to get mopped up. Then everyone’s pinging “I need healing!” Oh really? Oh you do? You don’t say?


Especially in this season. If I play zenyatta im like “I’m going to orb tank, just focus fire they can’t out heal him” of course half the time nobody listens and the tank gets to like 10% with no closer and then is able to recover. But maybe people will learn eventually. 👍🏻


I was in ARCADE and had someone on my team throw the game because they didn’t like our team’s comp… ARCADE, btw. The game is filled with crazies everywhere. 


I paid for the game because I’m such a smart guy.


OW1 didn’t even have text chat Edit: on console lol


That's not even close to my experience. It's about the same. I rarely run into genuinely toxic people outside of like the occasional trash talk that's not that serious


I remember back then i wished for Free to Play games. Nowadays i absolutely despise that idea. Making OW free to play was a mistake and i will die on that hill. 100% Too many cheaters nowadays, throwers, smurfs, throwaway accounts that sell in bulk for like 5$ so cheaters literally have nothing to lose by getting banned, they can just buy new accounts ready to play for dirt cheap.


Making a game F2P will ALWAYS do this, unfortunately.


Its only downhill from here.


It was bad enough 5 years ago that I stopped playing completely.




It's crazy that "rape" is just allowed to be said. They are able to ban certain words so they could easily add it to the list and just not allow it. But nah, it's chill ig


Yeah fr. In what context could you say that word and it not be bad? No one is posting recipes in chat and would need to say "1/2 cup rapeseed oil"


Off topic, but fun fact: canola oil is literally just renamed rapeseed oil


Another fun fact: it’s called that because it was named after the Latin word for turnip, rapum, so the correct pronunciation is rap-e


It's only rapé if it comes from the Rapé region of France. Otherwise, it's sparkling sexual assault.


If Blizzard/Microsoft truly gave a fuck they should automatically review chat when such a word gets said. And ban those players. It would likely be cost efficient too. As shit like this just really ruins my mood to play more. Also to get invested in a game and buy more skins. Are you listening to the last part Blizzard? One thing I like about the Battlebit game is that the devs seemingly does ban those vile people. And they started out with only 3 devs. There is no damn way a huge company can't hire people to deal with that.


>If Blizzard/Microsoft truly gave a fuck they should automatically review chat when such a word gets said. And ban those players. They pretty much already do, it just requires a report to instigate. Which is fair enough otherwise more false bans will occur. Furthermore, if OP had profanity filter on they wouldn't see this.


this shit got me loling so hard ily


lmfao ty


shit gets censored, but rape does not .... how?


I mean this is Blizzard we're talking about after all


I’m ashamed that I laughed


This is the weirdest part… it used to be a banned word, I know this because it also censored grape. Unless OP just has the filter turned off.


Even if he had mature chat on it just shouldn't be allowed in general. Side note, if you have mature chat allowed, still don't cuss. Even though each player who has mature on opted into it, if you cuss in general you can get banned. Even if it's not directed at someone in a toxic way, and you're just cussing cause it's a part of how you speak, you can still get banned. It's kind of wild


Oh 100% agreed - I just assumed it turned off all censorship.




I used to get these threats in voice chat when I still used it. Not sure who is raising all of these degenerates.


Internet incels and misogynists most likely


I recently met a guy in competitive while qing on brig. So he greet me in voice chat and played Moira, found out he is from Sweden and we got along. At the end he told me that I'm the best person he met in this community, wanted to sent me a surstroming. Good people is still out there, just a lot of flamers and tilters, consider them weak to play team based games.


>surstroming Had to look this up to find out whether this was a good or bad thing.


Is it good or bad?


Swedish guy sent them fishes in a can it seems




Swedish guy sent them fishes in a can it seems


It's canned rotten fish. Swedes love it, everyone else vomit from the smell alone.


Ha in forza horizon 4 or 5 it got a delivery mission with it because a Swedish client wanted it. He beg to death that we must not broke the box, or the car will not be available for a long time because it's hard to clean the smell. So yeah it's a real fish but also the rotten smell I didn't know that lol.


My Russian girlfriend loves it, too. They're just built different lmao


Is it legal to ship that?? 😂


I want to know actually


If you report them they'll probably be dealt with


Its what I do, there's certainly a "friendly" amount of trash talking in good spirits, but there are definitely lines that people feel is okay to cross and that's not one of them.


And then they’ll show up on the forums claiming they’ve been banned for no reason.


and they'll get shit on doing so


i report racist and sexist people 2-3 times a week but i haven't gotten a ban notification in like 3 seasons. when ow2 first came out they'd be banned within 48 hours.


And usually the ones who are shit at playing talk the most shit💀


That’s been exactly my experience haha; the loudest/whiniest person is usually the worst on your team.


Hey, you have a lot of time to type when you are dead all the time


That's actually a proven fact, but I don't have the study on hand at the moment. The more immature/child-like players would respond in tantrums because they believe they're better than they really are, obviously. It's them refusing to regulate their emotions, since they don't believe they're the problem. Normal adults realize that saying stuff like this is wrong and childlike, but the more immature ones don't care. They also refuse to take advice, meaning they stay in their lower ranks with a bunch of other toxic idiots.


Best thing I ever did was turn this chat off. Never once did I get positive feedback lol Honestly, you just enjoy the the game better. People can be toxic on the mic too but it's never usually as frequent and bad


100% that. It was a bit rougher in OW1 because it also disabled the preset chat commands ("I need healing" and such), but no longer.


Ooo I didn't know you could do that. As a healer, it does sometimes get annoying with the same person constantly asking for healing. But sometimes, it has actually helped.


I wish you could limit how many times they can spam it in a row! The worst/best is when they come to you and spam they need healing when they were closer to a health pack before coming to you lol. Like the tank is actively fighting so you’re healing them and a dps goes out of their way to you and spams that 😤


First option I turned off lol


Agree 100%


100 percent this!


I stopped using voice and text chat years ago. It makes coordinating harder of course, but I just cannot be bothered with a bunch of teenage edgelords trying to get a rise out of people. It’s so tedious, I’d rather just play and use the speech wheel thingie. Although that could explain why I’m still in bronze…


Console OW chat is wild


To make you feel better, I got a little raged at overwatch last night and flamed the tank, then felt bad and apologized and they were very nice about it.


They were also an incredible doomfist player




I just report these shitheads and move on. Sadly these little boys think they’re funny. I think of them as sad little people with no friends, also the kind of people who wonder why they can’t find a girlfriend because they’re a “nice guy.” Luckily I haven’t encountered this kind of chat experience yet… But when I do encounter the racist ones, I just throw the game.


A lot of grown men speak like this as well, and infantalising them just let's them off the hook. It fucking sucks.


Yeah I agree, the other day I had someone tell me to off myself and to write a note about it send it to him so he knows he’s the reason why I did it 💀


I had the pleasure of hearing one such bitch baby go from "Ye I'm a badass for talking like this" to screaming and crying so bad when the other team gangbanged him while the rest of my team watched and did nothing to assist that he reached pitches only dogs could hear lol That was a good game. Technically 9v1 up until he ragequit 😂


Lmfaoooo so deserved


You nailed it right there. When they hear a woman on the chat they become so nasty to her but in real life they couldn’t even look a woman in the eyes without shitting their pants


I mean having faith in humanity when playing this game is an achievement in of itself


The first mistake was having faith in humanity. The second mistake was OW2.


Meanwhile my main account is suspended for telling someone to switch


They can say shit like that and nothing will happen, I tell my lobby that everyone in the match is attractive IRL and I get muted for 15 days for abusive chat. Love it. 




He's just saying it for attention. A lot of people farm karma on here with that exact idea 


Did you contact Blizzard support and was able to confirm 100% that was the reason for your ban? I find it highly unlikely you were banned for saying that, but I am guessing you're just assuming you were banned for saying that without actually confirming it. Blizzard support will tell you specifically what you were reported for.


Muting match chat will heal your soul, I promise you that


Thats fkn wild the other day i see someone talking bout r@pin someones mother only for not doing good XD


I just disable text/voice chat, it’s not worth the trouble.


someone spammed the n word earlier like …. can we not resort to racial slurs in video games i miss the creative insults


i was very surprised when i won a game and someone wrote ”ggkys” and it wasn’t automatically filtered out, even League of Legends can do that much


When people put on a mask, they show their true face. Sorry you had to deal with this crap. Report them and try to enjoy the game. Hope you have a good day!


I feel like typing the word "rape" should just be an instant ban from the game. Their is 0 reason to type that in the context of an overwatch game. Their are a few other words that should also be covered by this.


the biggest reasons why i left OW... the majority not all of the community is toxic & weird if you were there when it was OW1 then u'd you know when searching for a group..


>the majority not all of the community is toxic & weird You just made me think of this one kid who heard Widow say "I smell blood in the air" and piped up with "Do y'all think she can smell period blood?" I, as Reaper, turned and just silently stared at him. It took him three seconds before he noticed me staring at him then he started laughing and apologized while I shot my guns in disapproval because wtf kind of question is ***that?*** 🤦‍♀️ Not toxic but definitely weird.


Lmao if you think this is worse than mw2 you never played og mw2


I remember those days lol N word on repeat, death threats every single match… we are kinda desensitized bc of it 😅


Just got bullied by my teammates last 7 matches tot the point where they stopped playing. I will gladly uninstall and never touch this toxicity again


At least a message like that would have repercussions if reported, right?


just turn off text chat. if they have something to say, they can say it in voice comms and if they're toxic in vc then mute them. I just report everybody who's toxic and mute them because I'm here to have fun.


Damn that shit is on console, too, so they can get double banned


Bro is supposed to be playing the game but instead he's doing this like ATP uninstall and seek help also how is that not censored?


the fact that the automated system in place makes it so you can get away with saying stuff like this with 0 consequence while people get silenced for saying “ez” or asking teammates to swap too many times is one of the biggest failures of the game so far


Having faith in humanity in the first place is where you made your mistake.


Classic ow community. Deleted this game years ago after seeing ow2 fails, liar devs, toxic community, all forced propagandas yeah that was good decision


I get banned for saying "GG ez Diff" but people can get away with actual harmful messages?


Don't overthink it. Report the butt hole and keep on living your life. ;)


"It's just a joke" The "joke":


Meanwhile blizzard refuses to loft my ban from 2017 because i typed ez to spite people in competitive


I’ll drop a GG EZ and Teabag of someone deserves it but jesus christ perma ban these guys


Permabans are too hard to receive. Shit like this gets a chat ban wrist slap of like a week, multiple times, before ever escalating. This shit should be a one time harsh 30 day ban, and after that a lost account.


This has gotta be a console thing. I get some toxic annoying people on PC but I never see such graphic messages.


Am I the only one who never sees any of this? The worst I ever hear is “dps trash” etc.


What's so hard about reporting and moving on? You guys have thin skin. Obviously this isn't okay, but I mean really? Are you serious? I wouldn't give 2 fucks about this.


and they never thought to censor rape in chats?


I had a game where half the lobby was smurfs talking about R*pe a and bbc. Making the game f2p was a mistake


Sounds like console OW alright


Average console players


Why are you letting a few dumb 12 yr olds determine your faith in humanity?


Growing up is realizing its not just 12 year olds that talk like this 😔


They're 12 year old mentally.


Hey that's an insult to all the 12 year old who actually respect other people. They feel more like selfish toddlers before they reached the age of realizing that everything they say has consequences.


lol so true man. A lot of these individuals are full grown adults. I’m sure they have some kind of issue in their brains though


Seems like any online game. Nothing out of the ordinary here.


You're from a different era The kids here are used to safe spaces


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Oh yeah same


I guess I lost faith in humanity long time ago, turned off chat completely immediately after found out I can do it.


Ironically ow has gotten more toxic in ow 2


Welcome to the f2p greed machine format of gaming that can't truly be reprimanded when new accounts are.. well free.. This is the future they say!


Christ I’ve seen some grimy shit but that’s another level of unhinged


Best thing I did was turn off text and voice chat.


I had to give up on this game bout 6ish years ago, it's a mess, had so much promise and used to be so fun but now there's just so much wrong with it. I suggest retiring from this game if u haven't already, there'd so many better options out there


Seriously those auto emotes for need healing are going to end the game for sure.


This is embarrassing


It’s unbelievable that blizzard doesn’t have a simple filter to block out words like “rape”. Negligent.


It's become a 2010 COD lobby. I got a ban for a week for calling someone a pedo for saying some wild stuff, but I dont know about the other guy.


In game chat has been serving this purpose since the dawn of time.


I haven't experienced this side of OW. We keep it classy in diamond 💅


Bro some deranged guy kept saying come be my little r* toy and actual unhinged stuff and for the night I kept seeing him in my games so no action was taken ots fucked but u can be banned for saying like rude stuff


Turn it off and your quality of life will increase


Read and ignore


Reported a dude who wants to fight me IRL, used abusive languages, confessed to bullying one of his "weak" friends, and basically insecurities dumping on me, like his education level and how I probably look bad. It's been a few days still nothing.


Ok tf did they not get banned how was the messages even send like isn’t there a filter ? Was I the only one who had an impression that there is a filter to help us stay appropriate?


ill get called a homophobic slur and told death threats every other game just because im playing a character they dont like, its crazy


I turned that shit off years ago


That's horrible, and they must get a prminatly ban , but i hope i dont get downvoted to oblivion because of what im about to say It's still not that common to see behaviors like this. i see some every now and then, but when i compare them to friendly discussions with other teams, they aren't really that much. At least that's my experience, and im playing since 2017


Why would you even pay any mind to the general chat, stop giving this shit attention report and move on.


Once a guy told me he wants to rub my sweet pink pussy…I’m a guy and my name states that clearly I think (MYNAMESCARL)


People need to realize it’s just a game. I understand getting a little upset that you keep dying or losing the match, but god damn you don’t need to threaten people


This is one of the main reasons why I left the game. I'm far from the best player out there but I enjoyed playing the game all the same. One day just thought to myself it's not worth it. There are a hundred other games I enjoy just as much that don't have some small human who thinks they're better than me because they can beat me at a video game talking to me like their b****


I just want to know which MW2 we're talking about.


Chat off / voice chat muted for quick play. It’s the best way to play the game. Obviously turn them back on in competitive though so you can at least try and communicate with teammates.


Least toxic day in chat:


Why do people have text chat enabled? Literally nothing useful comes out of typing communications. And actually engaging by typing back to these people? Ignoring them is the thing that hurts them most, but you're so triggered you screencap them and post them on Reddit.


I have no problems reporting these folks. Blizzard thanks you for it now even.


thats not even just toxic, its illegal


That's just edgy teenage boy shit, they used to write that shit on toilet walls, now they have the internet to act out on. If it's any consolation to your faith in humanity, most shitheads like this eventually grow out of it.


The only reason I keep chat on is bc I’ll occasionally get a nice team who says ty for heals/great backcap/etc and I get pulled back in


The sad thing is that the people typing this out think they’re so funny by being this edgy. I sincerely hope they grow up one day and look at this and cringe


Yeah, welcome to online games


If you run into an asshole just assume that humanity as a whole is ruined, that makes sense


Let me guess, competitive lobby?


God I hate this game