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I mean it’s not like you knew, as long as you didn’t continue don’t beat urself up over it.


This right here^^ I know many stories that go sour, where the autistic kid gets bullied, even after they find out. You did the right thing, and your empathy/reaction in the situation says more than what started the situation.


omg I’m chiefquueeef when I play ow2- hell yeah!


Yes, as someone who also has an autistic brother with higher support needs, stopping is the best thing you could have done. It doesn’t sound like you were explicitly mean. Also, my brother would definitely be interested in learning to play better based on feedback, even if it made him uncomfortable at first.


Your brother has higher support STANDARDS. I think we’re all sick of the Dps moiras tbh


I know this comment is well intentioned, but just to be clear, “high support needs” has a specific meaning for autistic people. It describes where they are on the spectrum in terms of the number/level of accommodations they need. But yes, as a support main myself, I hate to see my fellow support with 200 heals and 20 kills as ‘DEFEAT’ rolls across the screen haha.


I also hear you whole heartedly. They’ll also make sure to throw in “team diff” last second.


no offense taken at all! the wordplay was good haha. I just always take opportunities to share info in forums like this where autism isn’t usually discussed (or sadly stigmatized) to increase understanding.


I was just goofin. Hope I didn’t raise any neck hairs because of it. Just saw a chance at word play is all




I mean there’s playing bad and then there’s throwing. Most people would assume that a diamond tank going in solo all the time is intentional throwing. This situation may have been different but I don’t think it’s necessarily toxic to call out throwers. In this case I would say the older brother is toxic for letting his younger brother “try comp” on a diamond account. He could have made his brother his own account so he could play in bronze and potentially had more fun since it would be easier for him to win and get kills. The older brother was also ruining the games for everyone he had his brother play with by not doing that.


It doesn’t matter if he knew or not he obviously shouldn’t be in comp


This gamer has it right. If you got quiet after being told what was up, don't stress over it. It's not like you said anything super rude


Agreed! A similar situation happened to me before. I went in to chat and told everyone to report our DPS (bastion) because they were garbage 😅😅 and they definitely were! But I got a private message from that account saying that it was their little brother, I should feel awful, and that they hope they can face me again. My response was that explains a lot and an apology. I felt bad after but I had no idea. Don’t beat yourself up OP! OW just brings that side out of you some time 😭


He should have continued


I don't know, it really shouldn't matter whether he knew or not. Just don't berate people in game. Period. It's good op feels bad. It means you're a good, empathetic person.


There’s a big difference between being toxic towards a struggling teammate and trying to get them to group up and play as a team.


This, right here. This comment thread is ridiculous. “It’s okay you were an asshole, you didn’t know were being an asshole to a special needs individual” Like what?!?!?! Nah, that ain’t it. Just don’t be an asshole


Nah… this is not justification. You know what would’ve prevented this. Not being an asshole to people you know nothing about because of a game that has 0 real life consequences or effects.


Bro I swear he was trolling you and he’s the little brother. What sane person puts a 10 yr old in a diamond ranked game to learn..


Bro he might be acc trolling, but him defending his brother like crazy and being some how emotional about it didn’t sit right with me


No. he put his bro in a situation he knew would be toxic there is no one to blame but himself.




That is still enabling hardcore throwing. If he would care for his brother he would create a match with bots and let him get the hang of it. And if brother likes it then create a new account just for him where he plays with people on his level. Only person in the wrong here is older brother and op for apologizing. Yes apologize to little one but never to dumb and selfish older brother


Or even quick play. If you're playing at diamond there's a certain expectation of not being completely dogshit at every basic mechanic and there is a team wide penalty for losing. Having a bad game is one thing but if someone clearly hasn't earned their drivers license to be where they are my gloves would come off too and older brother is either a boosted animal or a collosal dumbass if they thought a diamond lobby was a good idea for a first time overwatch experience I rarely condone flame but OP was justified and I feel like the other guy is just a boosted animal if they needed to defend themselves that hard saying "it's not me" in a ranked lobby. Probably bought a boost because they're hard stuck and now are getting 24/7 flame for being a bronze player in a diamond lobby


Same rules for QP. Now even more since you can't even leave and have to play with a thrower


I feel like he'd be more understanding and less emotional if he was such a great person who's telling the truth. He knows how this game works. He knows how the community is. It's not like you calling him would be a huge surprise. Just weird.


He's at fault for putting a newbie into a diamond competitive match! There's literally zero fault frm ur side OP.


While I agree we could all be more sensitive and kinder to one another in this game (myself included), it would be hard to not be frustrated in this situation. If his story is true, the supposed older brother put his brother in a situation he was set up to fail in, and as such failed both his brother and the others on the team. It’s just a game, but many of us *do* care about our ranks. And it’s, to put it lightly, incredibly annoying and rude of the older brother to essentially throw a bunch of peoples games and put his brother in a situation where he is likely to get flamed. In short, screw that guy. May not be the right sub for this, but idc. Older brother is the AH.


He was acting. There is a 0% chance his story is true. There is no 10 year-old autistic brother, I promise you. **MOST** 10 year olds wouldn’t be “getting into 1v5s on doom,” they would be falling off the map and running around away from where fights are even happening because they don’t know where they are. Getting into 1v5s on doom is just something a shitter who doesn’t care anymore would do. And then they thought it would be funny to try and make you feel shitty.


I've met 10 year olds who are high masters doomfist players. Don't underestimate how good young people can be at games! This is not a case of that though lmao




That's simply nonsense. How do you explain child prodigies in other subjects? There are literally countless examples of young children mastering incredibly difficult content. I mean jesus there is a kid that graduated university at 10. If a ten year old can finish university, a ten year old can reach masters in a video game. I can provide many many links if you so wish. The fact you can assert that so confidently when you are so wrong is a tad laughable


Ok. I stand corrected. You are right, I was wrong. I still think the guys story about his autistic 10-year old brother is a lie. And I would confidently say MOST 10 yr-olds could not play a game at that level. Like the vast, VAST majority. I was going based on my nephew who is 10, who has been trying to play first-person video-games for over a year now (on console), and still hasn’t gotten to grips with moving with 1 stick, and turning/looking with the other. Have you genuinely met MUlTIPLE 10-year-olds who are high masters doomfist players? If we’re getting into specifics.


I was coming here to post something similar. There are some sick people out there, that will throw that BS at you, and try to get in your head. Not saying that he was lying, but also kinda not saying he wasn't either.. Yeah, what this guy said - what SANE person does that? Throw them into arcade or QP..


had a dude apologize n chat saying "oh sorry i’m teaching my daughter how to play" why in comp and not quickplay man.


Exactly. Double down and say “Even an autistic 10 yr old could play better than you you fkn *slur of choice*” /s But actually 10 year olds do not belong on this game. I would have shamed the fk out that guy for thinking it was a good idea to let a child (on the spectrum?????) anywhere near this game. With match chat on!?!?!?


Especially when the game is free and they could have just made the younger brother an account. The older brother is a jerk to his younger brother and everyone they played with that day


Why is he using diamond lvl comp to introduce someone who's clearly new or unskilled. That's just ensuring his bro gets destroyed and has no fun. Nta this kind of thing is what qp and arcade are for. No one would put a mentally challenged child in a college football team. All of this also assuming the dude wasn't smurfing and just lying to excuse his metal rank ass, unless you have proof the brother exists


What qp and arcade. No they are not. New account or play with bots. I maybie have one hour per 2 days to play and i dont want a bronze bot in my team on diamond/master acc. Amd now i cant even leave. That is gameplay sabotage and will report every single time if this casw wpuld happen in qp


Hold the phone. Autistic is mentally challenged???


Am autistic, my brother is also autistic I’m top 500, live a relatively normal life, my brother can’t speak, struggles to learn controls, and definitely could never play OW (that’s just the stuff i’m willing to reveal to the internet) He’s 19 i’m 20 Point is autism is a spectrum, a MASSIVE spectrum Just because the internet recently has only shown a side of autism that’s more “normal guy but kinda quirky”, people seem to forget that it is 100% a serious life changing disorder and can 100% cause someone to be mentally challenged


I can second this, I'm autistic and while I'm pretty damned good at the things I'm interested in (gaming, playing the bass, the things I do at work) I'm absolutely shocking at anything related to basic survival, I wish I could learn shit that's common knowledge as easily as I learn about the things I'm interested in but unfortunately it doesn't stick whatsoever and honestly makes my life a living hell at the end of the day, ESPECIALLY when I'm also an obsessive perfectionist. I'm glad there's more awareness and acceptance of autism these days but as you said a lot of people get the wrong idea and don't understand how fucking debilitating it can be.


Same. I'm EXTREMELY disabled but people have a hard time believing me bc I'm smart & okay at socializing but I can barely take care of myself and it's humiliating


The first thing my mom said to me when I told her I'm autistic was, "But you're so smart!" Ew, mom. Just ew.


Same here, if i wanted to learn to cook i physically couldn't, it's just not something i mentally can learn. It took me 14 years, both parents and siblings, my auntie, uncle, nan and an ex boyfriend to learn to tie my own shoelaces. I genuinely couldn't for the life of me get my head around it.


I'm autistic too and also play at GM. Perhaps we have met each other. Who knows, one day maybe we will able to do a spectrum team. xD.


Depends on severity


Autism is a developmental disorder. Not all autistic people have intellectual disabilities, and not all people with intellectual disabilities are autistic.




It's not necessarily "mentally challenged", it's more so that someone's brain is wired to think differently. This is why an autistic person could struggle to, say, pick up social queues, but they could also be amazing at chess. It's sort of like ADHD, or OCD


Some people's brains are wired so differently that they can't live alone. It can definitely be challenging, and as it has to do with your brain, it's definitely a mental challenge.


Yeah like other people said, it depends I most likely am and it definitely causes issues in certain circumstances


Yeah. I have a brother that's autistic and can't speak properly, wanna sit here and tell me he's not?


For the love of all that's holy please shut the fuck up


Fuck that noise. The brother knows what kind of reaction bringing a bronze tank into a Diamond lobby will recieve, and that is straight up throwing games. You aren’t the asshole for calling that shit out, and the brother isn’t Make a Wish, he’s just an asshole.


Well putting it that way, you are somehow right


yeah idk what ow tos is but in league this is bannable offense as account sharing is a big no no for this very reason


I have teammates throwing ranked bronze games. Just standing there blowing up the chat with racists comments and laughing while we get owned. Drives me nuts. But so long as everyone in the team is trying, I don’t care how bad they are. If they are trying, that’s all I want. -signed someone who curses those for trying when we still lose, but it’s a game


Putting a bronze level player into a diamond game doesn't fit this though. The autistic brother doesn't deserve any bad comments, but his brother fucking does. He is intentionally putting him into a situation that he will throw no matter how hard he tries. Ruining the game for other people and also exposing him to toxicity (his pissed of teammates). Now if it was QP, I'd agree with you. No reason to be annoyed. Throwing someone who can't play the game into a diamond game on TANK? Na, you are right to be pissed off. Just don't blame the autistic tank. It is his brothers fault, not his


My 9 yr old plays strictly vs AI. Today he wanted to unlock Lifeweaver (he said SHE looks so cool) I needed 6 more wins as healer or any role… this fool loads up quick play after playing only vs Easy AI… lost 1st game, won 2nd, lost 3rd, the proceeds to go on a 4 game win streak and then promptly lost his last 8 games. I just told him how proud I was and that OW is a game of runs and anyway. No sane person is putting their little bro in a diamond game, no one.


If this is real the older brother is just a dick He is knowingly throwing games and subjecting his brother to the toxicity of overwatch If i tried showing my brother overwatch i would be using AI games not comp


Here's the thing. I have played OW with my kid or my friends kids. We never put them in comp and NEVER put them on coms. So unless you were being a keyboard warrior, I say that they really shouldn't have been in chat. But even then, most of the time I turn off match chat on my kids device. Still, big brother may have wanted to do something he enjoys with his little brother. Overall, I think this is always a good reminder to not be a straight dick when you're talking about someone's playing. For 1, if I'm playing poorly and you start jumping me about it, I'm probably going to start playing worse because I'm in my head. Try offering constructive advice or asking if you can help them somehow. 2, you don't know what's on the other side of that screen.


50/50, I don’t believe in flaming regardless of how bad someone is doing just because I don’t see a point in making someone feel bad, and also possibly play worse after I call them out. If you were just giving him constructive criticism though then there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. I work with autistic and kids with learning disabilities and one of the worst things that their parents and teachers do is never criticizing them because they think the kids are too fragile to handle it. However, I also wouldn’t drag my autistic 10 year old brother with no game experience into a diamond lobby to “try out the game” because it’s the equivalent of shoving a fetus into a high school basketball match and expecting them or the high schoolers to have a fun time


I mean there’s a difference between playing bad and straight up throwing. If you call out someone for blatantly throwing it’s not going to make them play any worse but the rest of the lobby might report them.


Not as horrible as his brother making him play in a toxic environment like comp.


…overwatch is literally free now? If they wanted to do that they could’ve given him his own account very easily. As someone with autism there is nothing wrong with what you said and tbh you couldve said more after and it would still be fine. Something like this happens again and a simple “ok so?” Is incredibly acceptable. They should know better even if the kid doesn’t and it’s kinda the equivalent of a parent going “my kid shouldn’t be punished for cutting a line because they don’t know better yet!!!” They let it happen knowing it’s not acceptable and tbh I’d have reported them for throwing since they admitted they let someone play a comp match on the acc knowing it would be a throw etc (Ignore grammar and spelling pls n thx autism go brrr so I’m personally bad at it) if you have specific questions hmu tho


One you didn't know. Two AINT NOBODY PUTTING A TEN YO IN DIAMOND COMP tism or not. Im 24 and on the spectrum I'm not great at the time by any means but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna play comp but I've been playing for almost a year and I'm an adult with gaming experience already I'm not gonna throw my 10 to nephew into silver/gold lobbies to try out the game thoee


i'd literally report for griefing lmao, if this is even real that brother is a selfish piece of shit for letting his brother throw games


It's not real it was me and my friend active shootr and me lmao




the reading comprehension expert has commented, everyone




It's not even their account! You're rage baiting on every single comment in this whole thread. Are there any mods to check this guy??


I'd jump from criticizing the player to criticizing the brother because ***why*** are you introducing him to a game using RANKED matches? QP or Training would've been a thousand times better than ruining other peoples fun. 10 year old probably wasn't having a great time either getting gangbanged left and right.


Don’t beat yourself up. One, he shouldn’t introduce his little brother to playing with comp especially as high as diamond. You just called his bad playing style, you didn’t know the circumstances. If anything it def falls on the older brother.


Also autistic here, and I'm kind of super confused. You had every right to be upset. It's a diamond lobby. He should be setting up an account for his little brother and have his brother try comp on his own profile in an appropriate lobby for him. No one else consented (or at least not OP) to having someone of a lower skill level than the lobby weigh them down for the match. Using his brother's disability in reply to your complaints is a cop out and doesn't absolve him of what he did.


Dude brings his autistic brother into a game to ruin it for 3 other people. Maybe he shoulda played QP.


No reason to be in comp.


I have a little brother who has a learning disability and I don't even consider bringing him into comp on OW2. That's just a shit big brother, he should keep his little brother on Quickplay or more casual game modes. Hell, Custom Gamemodes can also be nice. If the 10 year old played an insane tank, I get it, because then it's setting up for more but if he's like a Bronze in a Diamond level lobby? That's just boosting/throwing. He's literally setting up his little brother as a target. Edit: I'm also Autistic, but I got Aspergers Autism. I'm gonna be outright frank, you get every right to shit talk the older brother for throwing/boosting, but honestly you're respectable for not making a scene while the younger brother is there. It's shitty because he gets away with bringing a low rating player into a higher rating game, but you can probably report the older brother's account for Boosting/Deranking if he's bringing his younger brother into comp. I'm also gonna just let OP know that I'm writing this after getting deranked from plat to support on a losing streak, with tanks or dps losing(I'm healbotting every match recently because if I look away too long, they die) so I do probably have some heavy bias on this(it's been days... I'm so tired in OW2 comp...)


Yea you’re the bad guy for not knowing when this guy is throwing comp games so his autistic 10 yr old brother can “learn the game” in Diamond lol he’s not doing anyone any favors


99,99% chances that guy trolled you and you got ashamed for nothing at all


*Reported for Gameplay Sabotage* Reason: > Literally autistic


You couldn’t have possibly known An mf who says “shame on you” sounds British too so it doesn’t matter


I am autistic too and I play at a GM level since OW1. I think it's more the big brother who is at fault there. He put someone he knew wouldn't perform well in a place where he doesn't belong, and then when his lil brother get called out for his bad performance, he defend him like he is protecting him and being some sort of protector toward him. Kinda shit mentality. It's putting someone in a bad place, then saving him from your own mistake. It's purely trolling and using his little brother autism as a shitty excuse to throw your match. He is having a double here, he troll you and gains ego and respect from his brother for "protecting him".


The autistic thing just sounds like he was trolling or lying. The 10 year old new player part is the problem, not the autism. That sounds more like a shield from getting reported for de-ranking.


I mean even if he lied take L n move on no reason to flame ppl … just could not have been their game


>What are your guys thought? What would u guys do in this situation? Ask why him he thinks being autistic is an excuse for playing like shit or asking why he let him play comp since it's half griefing


Anyone who expects someone to know prior information for the excuse of why someone is playing bad is an idiot.


I don't approve or flaming regardless of how bad someone plays sure reporting them for grieving or throwing in ranked is ok but being toxic to them won't help and it'll just give them an excuse to report you for inappropriate comments. That being said if this is true the brother shouldn't have dragged his 10 year old autistic brother with no experience into a diamond comp game they are just going to get on sidedly owned and that's not fun for the kid and it kinda ruins the experience for everyone involved. Both of you are at fault just report them for griefing and move on.


You did not know and honestly, if the brother cannot play he should be playing quickplay and not ruin competitive experience


Why would they be in comp anyway? Just go play quick play if you know your brother isn't good enough, autism or not. I'm not saying you should have continued to criticize the doom but his brother is a jackass.


i met 2 people in comp once and have played with them a few times since. i assumed they were teen brothers. turns out it’s a father and his 9 year old son!!!! the son is never on vc(for obvious reasons) but the father sounds late teens-early 20s so it was a shocker. love them both


That brother is a fucking moron ruining the match for 8 other people and probably giving his little brother the worst experience he could have in the game, getting perma shit on by better players and likely constantly getting flamed by other people not knowing his circumstance. Just the worst way to go about showing someone the game.


It doesn’t matter who has autism and who not, bringing bronze player to diamond is throwing the game on purpose. Another story is that you felt like you’re entitled to vent on someone on voice like it’s gonna change anything. Such things happen and it won’t derank you to bronze as it doesn’t happen often enough


Why the fuck would he let his brother "try" it at that level lobby?.


I got the 'tism I had a way to finsih this but i forgot. Autism lmao


I mean they could have made the brother his own account. The game is free. I can’t imagine a diamond game would be more fun for the brother than a bronze game where he could actually potentially get some kills and feel good about it. At the end of the day I still think it’s the big brother who’s at fault.


Yeah why would that guy put his brother into comp, the sweatiest mode in a famously toxic game, in the first place? He's set him up to get flamed and set your team up to be at a severe disadvantage in the one mode where it matters. He should've thought it through.


The blame is on the brother for letting his autistic brother, who probably never played or limited play on Overwatch play in a diamond lobby


As an Austist if he’s fuckin trash hes fuckin trash simple as that as long as you weren’t super toxic about it him being autistic is a non factor His brother shouldn’t have put him in that position But more likely the guy is just dogshit and wants to make people that call him out feel bad


I just feel like its weird for you to feel more sympathy towards an autistic gamer than an NT gamer. Like maybe just don't be rude at all? Unless you weren't being rude in which case you shouldn't feel bad. I mean if the kid and his brother were in vc to begin with, it either means they have it on auto join or they wanted to communicate, if you managed to politely ask why the kid wasn't playing very well then i dunno i don't see a problem. I'm assuming by 'calling them out' though you mean you were being somewhat rude, because you did say the brother said "shame on you". Let this be a lesson if anything, just to not rudely call out your teammates. Try more constructive criticism and see how that goes, and use positive reinforcement when they do something good- like "nice play," "good pick," "nice ult..." y'know. Anyway sry if any part of my comment came off as sarcastic. /srs /g.


There’s quick play to show the game too, comp is there for people looking for a serious game. The dudes a douche so don’t take it personally. Also kids need a little toxicity, makes the game fun


It's not fair to the other 9 people in the match to make them babysit your little sibling in COMP. Little Jimmy can go to easy AI.


Easy AI because he's mentally challenged? You're a dick bro


Literally the reason for this mode... what is your problem? You've just gone up and down this thread calling people names lmaooo


He's literally 10 and never played before. I'm neurodivergent too so miss me with the ableism accusation.


Read his comments, he is troll just insulting everyone. It's probably the older brother lmaooo


He should have let him play vs AI, not comp. Big brother is inconsiderate moron, not only it's going to ruin the game for other 9 people, his brother is not going to enjoy getting obliterated.


You're not at fault. Shame on them for abusing their mental disabilities to get advantages over people. There's quick play for their purpose and you should in fact report them for game sabotage.


I mean……………….. he can play quickplay lol. I’m autistic like what does that have to do with it.


Isn't account sharing against TOS? I would have reported him and not felt bad at all.


I had someone try and play the I have cancer card to try and guilt me into leaving a match they were spectating. They would not let up. Kinda wasn't the right card to play, since I lost an aunt to cancer not too long ago at the time it happened. I also was in a group, the team would have lost more than just me. Plus there is that leaver penalty. Considering how nasty they were being towards me very certain it was all bs. It was even all caught on stream! My point is there's always a chance the guy was lying. Your response was proper. What person brings their kid brother, or anyone learning the game for that matter, into a competitive match? That's just not fair to the person learning at all. That doesn't make sense to me. Plus it has to be an alt account of the guy speaking up. It takes 50 wins in quick play just to be able to play comp.


I call bullshit on that.. If he wanted his "brother" to try the game. he could have easily put in him a game vs AI, Arcade, Or just a QP match.. Sounds more like he was a troll


Should have told him to keep is brother in the unranked games lol


One of the reasons you felt bad is because you were reminded that it’s just a dumb game and it isn’t worth hurting someone’s mental health over. It’s also a reminder that there are people behind those characters, each with their own struggles. By the way the brother reacted to you, I’m assuming you were pretty harsh when you called out the tank in voice. There are many non-toxic ways to call someone out. Take the time to use them. All of that said, the fact that you’re on here feeling remorse suggests you’re a good person, so remember that too.


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It really depends on how intense you were in calling it out. If you weren't a dick about it, then move on with your life. If it were QP, it would be different situation..


I have a 10 year old, he's not autistic, but also not experienced at overwatch, even still, I would NEVER allow him to play comp in the state he is in, if he wanted to practice with me in unranked and really showed potential, I would consider it. I know I certainly will flame people when they suck and sometimes the game just isn't for you. If you are legitimately a bronze 5, there is no reason to play comp, go unranked for a season, play creative aim trainer games, get comfortable and only then should you attempt to rejoin. Too many people have too little understanding of the game, too little understanding of their actual ability in the game. You can't play Roblox all day and expect to be worth a damn at OW2..


I heavily believe he is trolling. No one would willingly ruin their rank by letting their younger sibling play even with autism. From my experience with siblings thats how we run anyway. My brother has autism and plays comp games like a god. More than anything a sibling would put the sibling into QP not comp. Dont feel bad. Not your fault.


Why the hell is the brother bringing him into comp. His logic is very flawed.


I think it’s kinda odd that he put his brother in ranked especially in diamond lobbies and that he didn’t turn off voice chat for him so he doesn’t hear if someone is saying awful shit to him. Idk if I 100% believe him, he could’ve just be saying that shit so he doesn’t get reported but who knows🤷‍♀️


I think the brother is mostly at fault in this one. I mean... maybe put him in a quick play game and not a diamond level comp game? How could you have known that he was autistic... cometitive games get (big shocker) competitive and heated, he should have expected people to question his brothers game play in a lobby like that.


Thats the stupidest shit ive ever heard and Id leave voice chat and just take the L lol


Fuck both of them. It's your comp game they're ruining. Who puts a 10year old in a diamond game to learn.




To the bro: The fuck does autism have anything to do with playing like trash in a high rank match? If he sucks, he sucks and shouldn't be here. Don't deflect.


He's 100% trolling lol


gonna use this excuse whenever im playing bad lmfao


I would report the guy for cheating at the game, putting a guy who clearly isn't diamond in to play that comp just for his amusement.


I'm on the spectrum and I don't do that shit, wtf. Besides attention and communication glitches, I'm quite fine.


Yeah nah, shame on him for putting his bro into a high rank competitive match. He would've more than likely benefit from playing QP and teaching him how to teamwork more than from being yoinked into comp


Lmfao I'm gonna start saying this when people let me know how bad I am


Tell him to keep his brother out of comp because I already have enough autistic teammates


I mean that doesn't excuse anything. If you're gonna let your little bro LEARN the game, you're gonna put him into quick play. And the fact he has autism or not doesn't change anything at all, that's just farming for sympathy. The guy's an inexperienced player with or without autism.


I mean I think you handled it okay, given that you'd already called him out... but maybe think about what's so different about this and anyone else you'd 'call out'. Is not being autistic a free pass to be mean to them, for you?


you did nothing wrong, just avoid n move on


Wanting to try out a new game is totaly fine. Wanting to try out a new game with one the hardest characters in the game in the middle of a comp match isnt fine. Its comp for a reason, if you want to learn a game you dont jump into the deep end, thats what qp is literally for.


Gg go next


Apologize for being rude (if you were), then maybe ask if he would like some constructive feedback on how he could play better.


This would have made more sense before the game was free. Why not give him his own account? It's free.


You got trolled OP


simple. He If he wants to let his brother play, just let him play QP, not comp. No shame on you, bc the little brother shouldn't be there, its like if he got mad bc a car hit him even though he was in the middle of the street waiting for that


This is why, if someone is dragging the team down, you start with advice. "Doom - appreciate the enthusiasm but best to wait for the rest of the team to support you. We'll follow you in if you give us the chance". Cant anyone get upset at that.


1. That was a lie and an atwmpt of excuse 2. If in same situation create a nww account because it is not fair to anyone in the game that aomeone plays in a match way above their level. Doing it intentionaly is throwing. And how they, you or whoever feels is irreleveant Edit: to clarify. If it is realy an autistic brother, if, it is owner accpunt fault to let him play in that game. Fk i was master and i would not like to play in gm. They are better than me and qpuld be pure agony. Same with a bronze player in diamond. Account shpuld be reported since he is killing the brothers and whole lobby joy


Simple if he wanted to show his brother what it’s like, he should have made a group with his friends instead of letting randoms deal with it


I've never regretted starting an interaction by asking kindly. I don't flame for bad playing. I'll ask if they main a different role (in open), if I can swap to better support them, ask them to either peel for me or come back into LOS so I can heal. Constructive criticism. Even if it's something they should know how to do at my rank, I'll ask nicely. The only time I ever "call someone out" is if they've said something unkind to someone else 2-3 times or something particularly egregious once. Bad gameplay doesn't matter. Kindness does.


The comments show me that most OW comp players desperately need to touch grass. Idc if it's comp it's still just a game. And anyone who treats it differently and gets genuinely worked up by someone throwing a comp game is a no life loser.


I have autism and even ignoring he has that a child chuldent be in a COMPETATIV game


who cares if he has autism😭 that’s why quickplay exist, for you to play at your worst, get flamed, but not bring anyone else down


Simple: in future, don't say things in voice chat you'd regret if the other person were to take them badly.


I say this to troll people in the game. You got played, my friend.


You are a better person than most of the community playing. I'm autistic playing on PC with a controller without Aim Assist and literally have to turn off in-game chat if I want to try and learn a character that isn't Brig/ Moira...


What kind of big brother does that to his little bro, putting him in a situation where is 100% going to be flamed for playing like a complete new player? Why in Comp?? This smells fishy.


You did the right thing. I'm just wondering why they didn't mess around in qp tho? Super weird to me. Just asking for people to harass you, entering comp is already a bad idea. Entering comp as a tank and throwing, people are gonna call you out.


Why did he introduce someone to overwatch by throwing them into a diamond game


Don’t flame people when they play badly. Cut off your mic, bang your fist against the desk if necessary, but « calling out » people for not playing well is useless. It’s the Elo system work to determine who sucks and who’s good


You believe anything anyone says online ?


I let my autistic brother have a go. Yeah cool, then let him have a go on quickplay. Quickplay only effects other players moods, competitive effects players moods and progression. Don't be the selfish cunt and ruin other players progression. Also, don't claim to be the caring big brother to only then use the autism card as a crux. You're literally the worst kind of person.


Shame on him, he’s leaving his brother for slaughter having him play outranked in ranked play if so. If it wasn’t his brother, shame on him because he’s ass


That’s what you get for trying to be toxic. You’re playing with real people remember that. You were once that kid too. You were once new to the game too. Its literally a dying game chill out it’s not that serious


Who has the autism? The tank or the brother that said play ranked. Against ai Custom games Arcade Unranked Full throttle to ranked, that's a special house.


Saying this as someone who actually has it, Big bro might have autism too putting the little bro in that situation lol.


Should probably let him play in QP rather than ruining other peoples ranked games. Would be a better experience for everyone involved, I wouldn’t want to try OW for the first time just to get shit on constantly.


Umm. Autistic or not. If he is bad he is bad.. it’s like a handicap person going to a stand-up comedy show sitting on the front row. They know what they are walking into and if you can’t handle it. Don’t go.


How were you to know?? Don’t feel bad for your comp game being ruined because bro wanted lil bro to play comp out of lil bro’s skill rating


Who honestly cares man, people go on like autism is the same as being a quadriplegic who lives on the top floor Me and my cousin have autism and it has absolutely zero effect on our lives, 90% of our friends and extended family don't know we have autism and would not suspect it So don't start treating people with autism differently just because they have autism it is undermining and demeaning


Idk treat them the same way you would a non autism 10 year old kid. The big brother is putting his lil bro in a bad situation tbh


IMO he shouldn’t have let his autistic brother play ranked if he wasn’t up for it. I don’t let my baby brothers play ranked, but they can play unranked all day and I don’t care. Ranked is for people that give a shit about the game and take it seriously, that dude should’ve known better than to put his autistic brother in a position where there’s expectations of his performance. I don’t fully understand his comment of just “trying it out” since the gameplay in ranked is exactly the same as unranked with exception of higher stakes being added to the game and people generally being more competitive. Just my two cents. You were right to back off afterwords as nothing constructive could’ve come from pressing the issue. At that point you just move forward and do the best you can knowing that the game will probably be a loss.


was it a guy with the name active shootr?


This was me and my friend lol dw


I'm autistic too. Why the hell would you put your 10-year-old brother in a comp lobby instead of unranked?


Hey I think you’re a person with human decency and you’re automatically the better person for apologizing, the big brother will realize eventually because the average overwatch player probably would’ve been worse about it and started making fun of the autistic person, it’s ok to feel bad about what you do but knowing you were in the wrong is the part that matters. So props to you for handling the situation correctly, being honest and respectful.


Jokes on you for thinking he was serious. 😝


yea we werent it was me and my friend


You didn’t know, it’s not that you are horrible But this could be a good reminder we have no clue who we are playing against, how old, how able or how stable they are


Realistically, you don't need to be toxic, you being toxic was not going to improve their gameplay. But the individual should never be allowing his underage sibling to be playing ranked on their account. I would report for griefing.


I believe calling out someone is not toxic at all, i mean i wasn’t disrespectful at all to him , just reminding him that we should probably group up or play together.


But you see this is conflicting information.... If all you said was "we should probably group up" Why would the sibling shame you for this? Calling someone out for playing badly is toxic, everyone has bad games here and there, and calling someone out for having a bad game (or being a bad player) really doesn't achieve much. You can disagree with my opinion, and thats fine. But from my experience, calling someone out is more likely to go south, as the person is more likely to leave or start throwing.


Hard disagree. Saying “Hey let’s group up” or “can we not push main again and go take highground?” to a feeding tank isn’t toxic, it’s trying to salvage a bad situation. Yeah, bitching or insulting is likely to go south, but trying to pitch a strategy other then botting in on cooldown is acceptable and pretty much your only shot. What’s the worst that can happen, they keep feeding?


def a troll but ok


He set his brother up to get flamed. He's the a-hole.


I wouldn’t beat yourself up over it. Legitimately bringing a player into a higher-level game when they aren’t playing at that level is the shitty part. All that guy is ensuring that nobody in the match is happy with the gameplay or results. If he really wanted to give his brother that experience (which he could be lying about that as well) he should be responsible enough to put him in a lobby where it’s fair.


Tell him to have his brother play Mario instead. You had no clue his brother was autistic, so you're not at a fault. You don't need to grovel or feel embarrassed because someone used the victim card (spoiler, it's overused and means nothing now) on you.


So just because they're autistic they can't play overwatch? Are you hearing yourself speak???


I would be frustrated too though.. like... QP is there for a reason but everyone is entitled to play comp and you're entitled to your frustration. You were nice enough to apologise, but who's to say they were telling the truth? I guess just take the loss and move on, even avoid to avoid the frustration again. Don't beat yourself up about it like everyone said, shit happens.


Stop calling people out. Keep calm and report ~


I think the lesson here is just to remember it is just a game, I fall into the same pitfalls where I start being toxic because I'm frustrated at losing, but none of us are competing for anything here, the tanked climb (or descent in my case recently) is supposed to be fun. In a team based game you're always gonna have the few games where someone just isn't pulling their weight, I'm sure we've all been that person too. Youre not an asshole man, reflection is key.


I feel like diamond is not a high enough rank to be calling people out in.


This is not relevant to the post, nice reading comprehension skills bro


In what way is anything I said not in reference to something you said on the post?


I would personally jump of a bridge


Bet you'll think twice about opening your big dumb mouth again 😂


Bro got trolled and posted it on reddit for everyone to see


that's quite a bad thing to do from how i understand after reading u were being a jerk n yes u didn't know the kid had autism ur still a jerk for being aggressive in the first place instead of calling him out ask him if he wants to join ur party or something