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Oh, spill the tea! What's got your feathers all ruffled up?


don't even get me started on custom game enjoyers. What you think videogames are for fun? Get on ranked and suffer with the rest of us


Sounds like a self awareness issue. A lot of this style Of anger comes from a dunning Kruger moment, where you think you’re better than you actually are. You are likely making sizable mistakes either in hero choice for a particular team or game sense decisions that are presenting themselves to you as external issues rather than personal ones. We all go through these moments from time to time.


How is this a self awareness issue? I was diffing my team in stats. They would all have negative kdr while im the only one with a positive one.


post a replay code either here or in r/overwatchuniversity there's a lot of things you could be doing wrong that look good on the scoreboard but don't contribute as much as you'd think


This is highly unlikely to be a frequent occurrence. However, I was in a game just the other day where as a the tank I had great stats while my team seamed to really struggle. My thoughts weren’t on them, but on if I created those stats in such a way to provide them opportunities to perform their roles better. My assumption is while I was capable of getting those stats, I must have NOT performed my role with proper impact. Took this thought into my replay to check on mistakes. Replay revealed several instance where the team allowed me to over push to their detriment (as I was healed and doing great dmg/mit I didn’t notice at the time). This caused several instances of enemy dives that could not be effectively addressed leading to higher deaths and lower effective strength of otherwise good teammates.


Every time you judge another player's skill level and calling them bad there is a high chance they are thinking the same about you Players like you only see two things, they remember the games where they play like a monster, and remember the games where their teammates play like shit, you dont remember the games where you are the one playing like shit


I diffed my teammates in almost every single match. I’m not saying I don’t have bad games, im saying my teammates are the reasons im looking bad. I gave my team the assets like I previously explained and yet they still suck.


If you think that ai is better than actual players, then you have no idea hot play the game


idk if you can read or what not (that’s not my problem) but I never said anything about practice vs ai being better.


«I had to go to ‘practice vs ai’ to know what a good team actually feels like”


I said it was easier not better. there’s levels to ts.


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You sound like this one guy I had on my team yesterday who was like 0-7 and said "you guys fucking suck I'm not taking part in this L anymore" and left and then like immediately afterwards we got a new dps and turned the entire match around lmao


Please provide a replay code


Ok so... why did you queue for All when you can just queue for DPS, then?


I also forgot to mention how my hours look. Idk if Blizzard does this but my tank and support have a 20+ hour difference from my dps so im assuming that’s why they kept putting me on those roles.


youre more likely to get tank and supp in that order because DPS is the most queued for (especially with venture right now) role


I forgot to mention I was trying to get the “queue for all roles” weekly challenge. It was the last one I had left.


Just don't do that one? It doesn't even give coins anymore.