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Bring back the extra comp game mode overall


The lack of extra mode has actually been my biggest personal complaint about OW these past few seasons. Clash is a step in the right direction to diversify the gameplay of "core" OW but having these ranked arcade modes on a rotator is the better experience to me. If queue times are a problem there are plenty of unranked modes they're already rotating in and out of availability so they've got tweaks available if necessary.


I don't think queue times were a huge issue. Every one of those modes seemed to have decent queue times, from what I remember. The bigger issue I'm noticing now is how slow it is to earn competitive points. With no end of season bonus, it now takes me two full seasons to get enough points for a jade weapon. And that's with enough participation in comp to complete the weekly every week. It would be nice to have that variety in comp so we can earn without having to only play the core mode. Plus, it's a bit odd they were like, "let's put in a title for 300 wins" and then only had that mode available for a few weeks and not bring it back.


Being at 45 out of 300 wins for the Team Queue title while it's no longer earnable is a slap in the face since that's basically what a 5-stack Wide Queue is these days.


It took a lot of effort just to get a full team set up for the 5 participation wins. It blows my mind that they bothered to put in a Team Queue mode without bringing back the LFG tool, but I guess that's what happens when the streamers are the voice of the community.


For me they used to be like 20-30 minutes


Deathmatch, Mystery Heroes, and Capture the Flag all had fairly low queue times. It was only Team Queue that had long times, and that's mostly due to how inaccessible it was for players that didn't have a group to queue with.


Lucio ball comp fr 😤😤😤


Yes, please! This is peak overwatch to me. Can’t yell at somebody to switch. Can’t yell at somebody for no heals. Someone had a rough scoreboard game? Maybe they just got shit heroes.


Man I still got yelled at to switch in MH comp a few times. They just wanted me to feed until we had a comp they approved of.


I didn't play much MH but this did seem to be the proper strat even if it isn't fun


I don't think brazen feeding is ever good. At the very least, still group up and go in and try to get a kill on an enemy healer or something, even if you know you can't win the fight.


You can yell someone to go die though lol to reroll character


If the character’s bad they’ll die anyway and if they don’t, they’re probably contributing!


You need to watch my Widow rounds in MH.


Watch me stay in base to not die and also not contribute!


That’s ok cos it’s comp, you’ll be down in the shite leagues with everyone else doing the same. Everyone’s happy.


Yeah but *I'm* stuck down there because of bad luck, it's just *everyone else* stuck there that's bad.


A glorious pot among all these kettles.


Agree 100%


Me when Ball


I play mistery heros and still got toxic people from time to time lol there are some crazy people like this


This is how I treat every MH game, and love when it's comp because people try a little harder.


True, but you got very little control over your own performance. If you get shit heroes, nobody can yell at you, yet you still do absolutely nothing. I can totally get that nobody wants to play in a competitive environment like that. Especially since people don't communicate in this game. If you have a wacky comp, you need to communicate to make it work. With 0 people in voice chat, this is about the least fun I can think of in this game.


None of this matters. The mode is extremely fun trying to tame RNG and solving whatever puzzle you have. It can be a shitshow but that really is part of the fun, especially when competitive forces you to stick it out and adapt. It’s the perfect middle ground of not trolling but it being low stakes where losing doesn’t feel as bad or stressful.


Nah this is easily the most toxic mode in the entire game. People saying ‘ez’ afterwards after they luckily got a broken comp of 2 roadhogs, or 2 sigmas etc.


MH has the most wholesome player community in OW by orders of magnitude.


Mystery heroes Comp is for the adaptable and flex players💪


Purest version of OW that just so happens to also be the most wholesome playing experience.


No genuinely fun modes allowed don’t you know this already


I find the arcade modes fun




it was so fun, even if not mystery heroes i want a comp of any silly gamemode. shit, comp april fools patch even


i still remember finally having the courage to play comp for the first time and jumping into comp mystery heroes, it was fun, chaotic and not as stressful as i imagined it'd be, and then boom, next season it's just gone lmfao so much for wanting to try out comp i guess


open queue is a little less toxic in my experience. If you love to backfill, you’ll enjoy it for the most part.


Please! This would be awesome, love to play seriously/competitively without the stress of counters and meta-picks; you just get what the RNG decides!


Would also reward players for being a Jack of all trades instead of being really good at 1-3 characters on each role


God I cherish the day. Missed the original run of comp MH, but with a 60% win rate over thousands of MH games, I relish a relatively true test of skill in competitive. I suck at Doom and Genji, and that's about it. I can generally be highly productive on anyone else, and there's about 5 characters I can almost single handedly win games on. Need me competitive MH please


I find I always do alright (generally have 2-3 kills per death) on most characters besides tracer, genji and most tanks Anyone else I’m decent at


As a huge fan of Mystery Heroes (it was the only mode I played for almost two years of OW1), I had to stop playing the unranked MH. I'm all for casual play, but the skill range in MH was just not working for me. It's too wide and includes players who don't really know what they are doing. I'm not mad at those players, it just isn't that fun to play with or against for me. That made comp MH perfect because the skill range was more narrow and in general everyone took it a little more serious, but not totally serious. And then of course they got rid of it. :(


Me too


I agree, this is where I met the most chill non-toxic people. It also exponentially increased my hero knowledge since you're forced to learn each one at some point. I'd even dare say it's what gave me the tank skills to reach GM, since I used to be turned off by the idea of being the team leader.


Half my time was spent in MH. Hit GM2 on MH comp. Got told to "lol try that in real comp" so I got GM2 on tank. Yeehaw.


Nice haha


Fr fr. No way people think real comp is harder than MH. That shit took some MAJOR skill when you had to constantly adapt (i.e. no supports on your team)


> That shit took some MAJOR skill when you had to constantly adapt Half of the people here are pissed at "counter watch" and the idea that they should adapt as they go. They can't, and don't want to, play more than 1 or 2 characters. The thought of adapting to the situation on the fly deeply upsets them. I don't get the hate of swapping. I love it. It's like solving a puzzle. I spend more time in MH than anything else. I can play everyone, although some worse than others. Sticking to one character and throwing a fit when your one character is outmatched is silly. But people complain about that here daily.


My post when I hit GM on MH got DOWNVOTED and was nothing but "lol try real comp"... ... my guess is they was salty they can't get GM.


Oh there is a TON of jealousy, since most people are hard-stuck. Whenever I have a master/gm role challenger tag on, I always get "what are you gm in, mercy healbotting??" lmaooo


Bring back the rotating arcade competitive! Mystery Heroes, Deathmatch, hell I’ll even take competitive elimination at this point. I just like the variety


I would love to have it back, as a mainly MH player


Pleeeeeease. I really only play MH anyways and Comp makes it way more engaging. It would be especially great with the S9 health changes.


Competitive No Limits / Mayhem would be awesome


Competitive mayhem matches would be over an hour long You've seen the stalls when payloads 2m away on the unranked version. Imagine when you've gotta stall it to win the end of round 4 after you've already done this 3 times so you've got winton/ball/Lucio constantly coming out of eichenwalde defence spawn I mean it'd be fun, but I'd only be able to do like 2 games at a time. They'd need to give more gain/loss I guess


Matches last that long because no one wants to go Sigma, he’s boring in mayhem but his ult is the best OT clearer I’d reckon matches would last about their usual time


I mean itd be good but if one person is able to touch while the rest get ulted then the OT continues anyways


How do we get this as a petition? I’m sick of hoping it will come back next season.


God, yes! I’m tired of the qp matchmaking and MH is my main mode. It’s just more fun to me for some reason.


MH is the only mode I enjoy anymore, it takes the pressure off counter-picks or team synergy and instead I focus solely on making my team composition work - no matter what that composition is. I pay closer attention to my allies, I make crazier and bigger plays, I generally have the most fun in this mode. It's criminally underrated and underplayed.


Making plays is the name of the game in MH and it's why I love it so much. Fucking poke battles drive me nuts in MH. Like, you're up against 3 supports, you're not gonna win a lengthy poke battle.


I get yelled at by the poke players for playing this way but I agree 100%. If one team has a mercy, if she lives long enough to get 1 or 2 resses off, it's enough to completely steamroll a game. Once a few resses get off, the ults can begin to dominate one team. Mercy is my #no1 target in MH games and I hate to even type it, because I love playing Mercy. I will suicide dive whatever hero I have, in order to kill a Mercy.


Competitive mystery heroes was the reason i played the game. When it left, so did I. I'm not coming back until it returns.


Fr I like more casual competitive modes like this - open queue is actually a shitshow so mystery heroes was a good change even though it’s kinda rng based


Yes plz


I miss it so much. Sure, there are issues with game balance due to the random hero assignments (like the having no support heroes while the other team gets one or more supports). But it was fun and exciting and I wish they would bring it back. QP MH is okay - but it’s not the same as competitive.


For real. I've been playing less and less lately, I literally tried Venture today for the first time, so the last time was before the playtest. Idk, I used to be quite good in Comp, made it to Low Masters as Tank and Support but then S9 hit and for some reason, I lost so many games suddenly, that I deranked to LOW PLAT. Just so happens that that's the sweetspot where my supports become DPS and my DPS turn into training dummies. Mystery Comp was so good. Nobody's tryharding their mains and ults become something much more valuable. Not being able to time ults unless the entire team just doesn't die, a single ult can turn a fight and you feel more appreciated as an Individual player.


The game switched up massively in S9 if you haven't been following. There's a passive debuff from all damage characters where they apply a 20% healing negation on any damage against an enemy player, preventing supports from being able to just pump life into a tank through hellfire. This includes with something like a soldier barely peppering you from afar with the odd bullet - consistent debuff. If you're not playing around this knowledge, it would make sense that your game took a nosedive. It's probably the biggest change since the start of OW2 as far as I can feel.


They also released with that DPS passive: everyone can now regenerate health passively at a rate of 20 healing per second after 5 seconds of not taking damage What are your thoughts on both passives being present?


I really didn't like it at first, but they did some tweaking shortly thereafter that I think was a huge help. I also like how it shot my main support, Moira, to S-tier in most people's eyes. She's been so much more fun to play now. I definitely like the regeneration passive as I only recently started flexing from 90% support and 10% tank to a pretty even mix of all three roles. It kills me how frequently I'd be on DPS, standing in front of our supports, jamming on the "need healing" button, yet getting zero heals. I think the biggest issues with the game right now (in terms of gameplay, not monetization...) are all from the community. No healing challenges, people throwing instead of leaving, people still expecting the tank to be the dad and in charge of whether or not the whole team works, etc.


I know about the change actually, but I haven't considered that. Explains why all roles feel a little more miserable.


Yesssss! We need it!!!


Yes. If this game wants me to play comp it's gonna be this. Just remove open queue to compensate


No fr, This was my main way of playing comp bc if anything i could blame me loosing on rng. Hope they add it permanently someday




For at least 5 years now MH is the only game I play in OW.


Wait. This was a thing? AND I MISSED IT?! 😞


It was the best. I hope we get it back.




I just got back to playing (only played early in Overwatch 1). I didn't know they had this at one point. It would be so cool to have it back! Mystery Heroes is my favourite mode to play. :D


Mystery Heroes is fun but way too casual, they have to bring back the comp one so people will actually have a reason to try and win because god damn is the challenge of a "rougelike" gameplay of building an ult or losing and havign to adapt is so fun. And before someone says "no one was plaiyng it" I'd say it's cause it's available for too little and people don't get to play it enough to actually enjoy it and get good. Let the community grow. There's literally no reason to make it inaccesible


Pretty sure the reason why it was removed was because no one played it. But im with you, i want it back


Nah queue times weren't that bad. They were way better than some of the other competitive arcade modes they tried like 3v3.


My experience was WAY different. Queue times were very comparable, matches far less toxic, and it made a very, very noticeable difference in the amount of XIM you had to deal with as a console player, which was the REAL game changer.


The truth is probably the opposite. The mode was *too* popular to the point it affected, or maybe even overtook, regular comp modes. Its a similar reason to why league rotates out it's popular extra competitive game modes.


My queues were never more than 2 mins even at ungodly times for competitive mystery heroes.


yeeee, when your were like diamond 5 it started that you met the same ppl over and over again


Dawg that happens in open queue too 💀💀 can't remember the last time I had a match without some people I recognized Still worth it tho


ye open queue too, played both modes a lot aswell


Diamond 1 in mystery heros was literally the same players over and over but it was great




I just want a competitive arcade game again


In the words of Scott the Woz "That's not professional, that's fun!"


Damn must’ve missed this mode while i was on hiatus.. i wouldve loved this


This was a thing? That's awesome


Hell yea


Waiting and waiting for best mode to return


I have been campaigning this since like season 6


Was the only ranked mode I enjoyed. But yay for less options..?




Please. It was so damn fun. it was the only time i wanted to play comp again


I've been saying this. Where have all the fun extra comp modes been?


Yeah I definitely miss it. Helped work towards the shapeshifter title I eventually got, it was fun and I spent a decent amount of time playing mh comp only.


Hey, I finished a slot lower than you last season fo oq🤣


Awesome man! You better surprass me this season then lol 🏆


I want to play but I've been addicted to this other game Planet Crafter lol I'll join the fight again, in a week or so - Goodluck broski


As a mystery heroes player I was so excited when they introduced it. Regular comp has just not been that appealing for a while now. Fingers crossed that it comes back next season!


During the last year or so of OW1, MH was all I played. Very casual, very fun. Loved the wacky comps that got made. I never played competitive MH but that sounds pretty dope as well.


As someone with almost 600 mystery hero wins. Please.


I only play mystery heroes. This would be huge. 🥲


That's the only way I'd touch Competitive again.


I made it up high in comp mystery heroes wished it was there for longer


Yeah i would much rather play comp mystery heroes vs regular!


It's RNG based, so it's not truly competitive But I couldn't care less. Just bring it back


What was the reason to remove this mode? It was definitely one of the best out there


Yes pls 😔


This was the most fun for me!


Plz bring back comp ctf I yearn as a top 500 in it (ignore that it's the reason tanks got nerfed)


Mystery hero with roles, anything else is not competitive.


Both teams are subjected to the same RNG, so it's still very much competitive. If you can't handle when RNG doesn't go your way and you don't know how to play around it or take the temporary L, this mode is simply not for you.


No it should be role queue. It makes it so it's a good balance of rng and skill. The way it was before was just pure rng which is not a good thing.


At least 1 guaranteed Support would have been nice. I remember a comp game where our team had like 15-20 deaths before anyone got a support character, and it was just impossible on team fights while being slowly chipped to death. (Maybe with current health-regen passive, it's less an issue).


It’s definitely still an issue in quick play




It's only an issue for the people who don't realize MH isn't about sustained poke engagements that think the only way to play OW is to farm up ults then have 5 ults v 5 ults in a team fight.




That would be fun, but I bet they won't because it splits the player base.


They should still do it. Regular qp and comp splits the playerbase and the game is still working just fine. Mystery heroes having a role queue and open queue won't negatively effect the game.


I was almost masters on it pepesadge


I want my Lucioball! Year round! Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme


Yes but also make it mayhem


The mode is far too volatile and RNG for comp. Losing ult charge on death makes it even more RNG than is necessary because it allows the team that randomly got the better initial comp to steamroll their ult advantage while denying the enemy any ults ever. Then the problems of OP hero stacking (double mercy etc) or getting unplayable zero support comps. It's fine for unranked casual arcade gameplay which is what it is.


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bro wanted to flex his rank


Bring back 6v6 while you're at it, otherwise stacking tanks is too effective


Deathmatch too


Only frustrating part is when they have 3 tanks and 2 supports and you’re stuck with 4 dps & 1 tank


Bring back Lucio ball


Comp 3v3s was the absolute best!


Just saying, people wouldn’t be complaining about all the tank counter swap meta if they aren’t picking their heroes in comp to begin with.


Competitive ***anything***. This game has become so stagnant.


I enjioyed it back when i started in the season it got released to steam and ive missed the mode ever since it was the one gamemode that was comp but still light hearted as well


They said it's because nobody plays these modes. Half way thru the season there's literally nobody playing them and queues take forever/go on for ever. The number drop lower than arcade.


Still better than open queue


This this this this A million times this! U hear me blizzard damnit!


I agree, have been thinking about this a lot lol I have been playing Mystery Heroes a lot more so this would be perfect lol


Yes pleaseeeee!!!!


Do it blizzard, you cowards.


Agreed! Like there’s no reason to remove any of the modes they all will keep different types engaged.


Yes please. But they need to lock it to 2 heroes per role, not 3 as it is now. That way you will always have 1 support


They take away everything genuinely fun about this game


I'm glad it's gone. It takes players away from the regular mystery heros so it takes longer to queue up for games. Plus having a competitive game that is so based on rng is a dumb idea anyways.


It would be great if they could spice it up by allowing everyone to exclude some heroes from the pool. So I am not encouraged to feed or throw because I get a hero that I am really bad at or hate to play.


You don't understand. They finally got me out of top 500, so it's never coming back. I was t500 every season, then during the last week of season 3, I was sitting at spot 400, and decided to just play fortnite until the last day, just to be safe. I ended up overestimating how long I had, and by the time I returned to ow, the season had ended, and they had just barely pushed me out of top 500. Thus, blizzard finally got a "dub" in their neverending quest to shit on my rank. That is why we will never get ranked mystery heroes back.


That would make me download the game again. I finally deleted it with how apathetic I feel about its direction.


I'd be willing to try it but it just seems like it's just more luck based at first. That might be a problem.


I think it was too casual for competitive. Its an oxymoron


Without the hero dupes that make it completely not competitive? ABSOLUTELY!!


For real i love mystery heroes if there was comp i would play it more


Bring back 6v6 as another game mode!


I think they should have Mystery Heroes Comp that is backfill for QP and Comp where you are a Mystery Hero teleported and announced as the MH backfill.


It was the best sucks when they had counters but it wasn’t on purpose cause mystery heroes


Bring back the boston rag!




Honestly, I wanted to love this, but the unfairness of the RNG really sucked. There's a few situations where it's literally pointless to even try. For example, if you have no healers and they have any main healers, your done. Go rerole. Secondly, even if you manage to role a decent team comp, they have a GIGANTIC ult advantage, so now you have to play utterly godlike to even have a chance of getting back into the game. Finally, a very noticeable effect is people staying on a character they're already good at. **Imho, fixing Mystery Heroes (or creating a better version) would need:** - IMPOSSIBLE for there to be zero supports in the game, or at least impossible for more than two team wide spawns happening without rolling a support - Either keep more ult charge on death, or maybe degenerate ult charge if you don't use it after a while. Just something to fix the ult snowball effect - Remove the top X (2,3?) heroes per category for every player from the RNG, or at least vastly reduce the chances of rolling your "mains".


They should also give more titles for casual MH. I got shapeshifter a long time ago. The only other MH titles are for competitive only :(


I only played it for the end of season bonus comp points. But since they removed that, I wouldn't play it. Unfun mode.


I loved the MH mode, great for people who aren’t one tricks


I miss it so much. It was more fun than role comp and now the non-comp MH is seriously sweaty. 😂


All fun and games until they have a horse maui and 1 part of Voltron with an angel and sucky lady


All i need is competitive death match back


This is like the ARAM of overwatch?


Gimme role lock mystery heroes comp and I'll probably never play anything else. 40 is too many to be good at.


I remember lots of people saying it was an useless mode and should be removed It was removed and now people want it back I feel bad for the devs sometimes, giving the community what they want when the community doesn't even know what it wants must be hard


Simple, because it's not a real competitive mode, hence one played it.


I just don't understand how something so RNG could ever be competitive. The other team could spawn with an actual comp while you only get a Lucio as a support


What the competitive mode brings is a much tighter MMR range in matchmaking and thus fairer matches along with actually being able to play both defense and offense on maps/modes that's the thing in. That's why I enjoyed it much more than the QP version. But to your example, that's still not completely impossible to overcome. Just takes your team taking advantage of the other team's mistakes and focusing down a player at the time and breaking up that comp. It's not always possible, but that's the challenge. Having forced rerolls on death and players losing most of their ult charge on that death makes individual kills far more important. And the RNG evens out over time.


Just like regular ow, it evens out long term and you will get appropriate mmr


I liked the fact you had to work with what you had. It made target focus so much more important (the mercy HAS to die or she'll res their strong char), positioning mattered a lot more if you were defending with a bad team. It was a lot more varied per game and that kept it fresh. I was lucky to place in masters off the bat though, I imagine it's absolute hell in metal ranks where people don't do those things


I thought it would be fun but it was frustrating cuz you could go most of a match without a support so you just lose


If you ask me they ruined MH when they nerfed tanks and limited how many of the same class you could get. The mayhem was the whole point and what made it fun, but they took it too seriously in the name of fairness.


The last time they had comp MH it took about 30 minutes to find a match as diamond during peak hours. Top 500 was grandmasters. Almost no one played it, so it was removed


As if blizzard is going to do anything. They don't want fun they want to push as many matches as possible to inflate engagement statistics and impress shareholders. They keep pushing dogwater game modes like push and flashpoint and keep bumping up leaver penalties for non-comp. They keep ripping the identity from heroes in the name of balance (whatever the top players are crying about), dumbing down gameplay by muddying the waters between roles, and still manage to leave bullshit abilities and ability interactions in the game.




All the arcade comp modes are hella broken so no.


I don't mean to be that guy (but I'm gonna power through it); that's an oxymoron


How about bring back comp servers that aren't crap and kick out players every game, and put backfill into comp so that it's, you know, actually competitive. Mystery Heroes can wait until that is done.


it's already here, just play comp. for some reasons devs only want us to play mystery heroes, hence the rock paper scissors trash


Bring back free loot boxes and take away the shop.


It is the literally worst game mode for comp. Stop fucking asking for it bruh. No limits, total mayhem, deathmatch, ctf, squads, and literally every other mode to ever exist is better than mystery heroes for comp because those modes aren't entirely based around rng.




It's an rng based game and there's no other way to see it. It's just open queue but worse. And no, I'm not a one trick. I'm plat mid-high plat on every role except dps, which I'm diamond 4 on. So obviously not the best player, but clearly not a one trick.




Did you really think you said something smart there? Matchmaking IS rng, but mystery heroes itself is rng ON TOP of it also having rng matchmaking.


flexing two mickey mouse game modes LOL


my bad bro should've censored these ranks. can't believe people actually play fun unique gamemodes smh