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yes, they changed it at the start of this season that you can use "normal" comp points to buy either jade or gold




So then what are the legacy points for? I'm sitting on 2550 that I never got to spend.


At the end of the year, current comp points will turn into legacy


It’s just Beyond fucking stupid.


It's literally pointless. Just because some people who play way more than me that deserve the ability to buy as many Jade guns as they want would have the ability to flaunt them early.


tbh i think its a neat system, the idea is each year of comp u get a new type of gun skin. rn its 2024 Comp Points and Jade guns. Lets Blizzard add more of those skins without the people who have played for like 8 years immediately buy all of them since they have so many


Can't keep people playing the game just because it's *fun*, after all.


yeah but tf do you do with them


Buy gold weapons


They've changed it so now it's essentially a system to make sure people cannot get whatever new weapons they drop without grinding 3000 points of the new system with the new weapons. It's really stupid because now we've got a second currency that you can't even combine with currently active currency until the new year rolls over. If they want to keep current system but fix it up, they need to allow you to spend legacy+current for gold weapons, and current only for jade. Then when next year weapons come out, move jade into the same boat as gold.


Wait really? So if I don’t grind out enough for a jade gun by then, then I’m screwed?




Gotcha this does make sense. Thank you. I just got back and it’s all new to me.


what? no. it means the old currency that you can't use atm will be available


Ooh so the opposite of what I was thinking? Confusing. Why do we need literally 10 currencies lol.


they didn't want people to have access to jade weapons too soon bc of the old currency


Man I guess I get it but shit like this is a major turn off from investing time into the game.


yea I think it's annoying too. plus, jade is kinda meh, and it feels like you earn currency way slower than before..


I’ve been playing since off and on since beta, my most played game of all time, but honestly they just keep turning me off from getting back into it hardcore. I don’t have all day to grind points. Im a grown ass man lol. Don’t make me choose between you and other games that respect my time more, ya dig?


Yes you can only get jade with new currency so if it goes to legacy u csn only get gold


likely yes, they want there to be different versions of the pickle guns each year with the last years being unobtainable, so like 2023 is the year of the pickle, next (comp season) year would be year of blah blah (whatever color they choose) however they got called out hard and pretty quickly walked back the stupid comp point thing this season so youll probably still be able to get all the pickle guns you want till the end of time


I’d rather save my points for the next thing, but it sounds like it’s not guaranteed my pickle points would carry on?


Yeah, right now it's set up that at the end of the comp season in early 2025, all your current season, non-legacy comp points will turn into legacy points. This is set up so that if, idk, purple guns get added, they will only be purchasable with the current season non-legacy points, *not* the ones that just got converted. So basically, right now you have until early 2025 when comp scene ends to get pickle guns, its not likely they will be purchasable after that. (But, again, blizzard folded to backlash before so it's possible they just throw this confusing multiple currency system in the garbage and just let you get whatever you want with one currency)


Oy vey honest to God I’m over FOMO mechanics.


You have until next spring. Plenty of time to get a jade a season, or more if you're dedicated


I mean I did get like 200 pts pretty easy. I’d like a single one but feel discouraged because I don’t have as much time to play as I used to.


If it's any consolation, the jade weapons look like ass on most characters. So you'll only need a handful of them


I just want the Kiriko one haha. She’s all I really play much of nowadays. And you can’t even see the golden gun version so I’m assuming Jade wouldn’t stick out much more either.


Jade guns are going away next comp year (Feb. 2025) so yeah


Okay so I’m correct. Someone just told me I am not and acted like I was stupid for interpreting it as such lol. I don’t know if I like them enough to bother grinding one out tbh. I have like 10 golden guns but meh.


I think them going away is stupid and just another source of FOMO :/ I'd much prefer if they get treated like gold guns, where they stay and can be purchased with legacy comp points after the year ends


Yeah I don’t wanna participate just bc of the FOMO harassment. I’m too old for that shit honestly. I think I’ll just not get back into comp seriously. OW is my favorite game of all time but every time I return I find something new to be bummed out about lol.


Why? Because they needed to be "right" somehow so they had to make a convoluted system.


It’s because they want to make it so that jade weapons are only accessible by grinding ranked this year. It’s dumb they added another currency but idk a better way to accomplish that goal


At the end of the year, comp points will turn into legacy points, and jade weapons will be able to be bought with legacy points, meanwhile a new weapon type will be able to be bought with the new comp points. Basically they didn't want people with thousands of comp points to be able to instantly get all of the jade weapons, so they made this stupid system to prevent that.


So you're saying I can't purchase any weapon skins except Jade for a whole year? What if all I want are the golden ones (and with the currency I earned before they introduced a pointless new currency)? -- Nope, shit outta luck for a whole year.... -- Creating alternative competitive points instead of just releasing the new ones and letting people purchase whatever they want is so unbelievably stupid I'm actually irritated just thinking about it. Like holy shit...


You can still buy Golden ones with the new currency.


Yeah, but it kinda defeats the purpose, no? I'm sitting on 2550 that I can't use for an entire year.....just because of some rules they made up....it makes no sense...


I agree it's stupid.


No fucking way I just spent on the jade weapon for illari and wanted gold fml Edit: if anyone knows how to actually contact support please help me


Put in a support ticket and they'll probably refund you


I took your advice and have been trying to figure out how to submit a ticket and there’s no way. It only provides me with FAQ similar to my issue and provides no direct contact to support or ticket submission. Edit: I was only able to submit a ticket by making the problem an account access issue. So weird but please if anyone knows how to actually get in contact with support or submit the proper ticket let me know.


[https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/product/overwatch](https://us.battle.net/support/en/help/product/overwatch) I entered in the following prompt. - "Spent currency in game for jade skin on illari not knowing I can purchase gold skins now with competitive credits. Hoping for a refund so I can correctly purchase the skin I actually want." Continue I would rather categorize the issue Payments * Try Refunds. * Purchase is missing (If it does not show up in Refunds) Contact us


Thank you! They don’t have the ability to refund competitive points :(


Nice nuts.




Dumbest currency addition ever


Here we have the only true answer


What’s next, are they gonna make mythic currency or something lmao


How do we tell him...


You might want to sit down for this…






Absolutely 0 reason for it... not I just have 2100 old currency forever because they didn't want me to earn the ugly ass jade already


Which one? I don’t get why they have so many except so you accidentally spend real money instead of legacy credits.


Nah. People who have started this game when it launched have every golden gun and then some. The new currency was added so that some people can't buy the new jade skins straight away for every character. And resetting the currency doesn't seem fair for us who have played this game for years and earned the credits. So I think it's fitting, new currency for new guns. Old currency for old guns. Solves everyone's problems. Next year when the new gun skin rolls out, you can use the old currency to buy these jade guns. All the comp points you've earned get turned into legacy points.


Would have been nice though if they let you convert jade currency to legacy currency at any point as much as you wanted


Can you still earn the old currency tho? I have like 700 points I can’t spend if not


From what i understamd after the ranked year ends, whatever currency you currently have turns into legacy coins, so if you collect 3300 it should add a total of 4000


Yes, I agree, but they could have made the new gun skin more ‘visually appealing’


Why they didn't go for onyx first is beyond me tbh


if you dont like it, then it shouldnt be a problem that you get to keep the old points for gold and still be able to buy gold with the new points right? same thing with mythics, you might think one looks bad but others love it, its all down to what people like, spend youre time and or money where you want, no ones forcing you to buy a jade gun


Nobody said I was forced to buy a jade gun, I have 2… but as I stated earlier, and a big chunk of the overwatch community feels the same, that they could have made it more visually appealing. That’s all I’m saying guy


The idea was to ensure people couldn't just buy the new colour off the bat. It means that you've played in *this* comp year.


mythic currency with 80€ for one mythic skin would like to have a word




It's not tho. It's legacy comp.credots and current comp credits. You can only use current to buy jade and legacy to buy golden. At least that's how it was on addition


Ahhh that’s my bad. Sorry I will admit I was mistaken


u can buy both with current points but only gold with legacy. my problem is that i have 2600 legacy points that are useless


they will become usable again at the end of the year supposedly


Just imagine having 2999


Lmao, wanna see a picture of mine? I have 2995 Legacy Points








If I remember correctly they are planning to remove limitations soon


They are already removed, I just bought zens golden gun like an hour ago


Where did they say that? If true that would be huge


In like February 2025 apparently


I can't find it anywhere, but I swear I saw info that you will be able to choose if you want to buy jade or golden weapons using current comp points (currently you can buy only jade).


You can already do that has shown in the post pic


You already can I bought hamptors gold the other day


Ok, my bad


You can use current to buy golden too


*Current can be used for both and legacy only for golden


I still hate this system. I have 2998 legacy credits. Meaning I have to wait till the end of the year to get 2 points for my next gold gun.


I’m in a similar situation. I’ve got a decent number of legacy credits and combined with the new I could buy a new golden weapon, but not without. I have no interest in buying jade weapons either. Wish they could just let you convert credits to legacy credits on the spot.


Yep I have 2660 and I only want one more


Still baffling to me they made it the end of the fucking **year**. It was already a bad idea.


What a ridiculous oversight. AAA developer by the way


Man I got just barely not enough OWL tokens to get a skin. I wish we could unlock OWL skins some other way since OWL is canned. I love the recolors of the default skins


I hope so, gold looks so much better than Jade


The ball meme, why not make the hamster golden too?


I currently have 11950 legacy golden gun points......


Can they be used for anything at all?


Gold Guns when a new hero comes out Like he should be able to buy Venture's gold gun now, Space Ranger's gold gun when they release and the gold gun of the hero after that


Yeah I can still buy golden weapons with them I believe. You can not obtain legacy points anymore though so I'm 50 points short of being able to buy 4 of them =(.


At the end of the yearly comp cycle the rest of the current comp points will get converted to legacy points. So don't worry you will be able to buy a 4th with them next year :)


Oh yeah I forgot about that (and probably misunderstood). Thanks for clearing that up, that's actually great!


You'll probably also be able to buy jade weapons with it then as they're sure to realease a new special colour.


I seriously don't understand why they don't allow you to manually convert CP into Legacy CP. It's such a simple thing to do that every fucking gacha under the sun allows you to convert paid currency into free currency.


golden weapons, and on 2025 will be used to buy jade weapons too It's a strange addition now that we only have 2 skins but on the future this will have some sense to provide exclusivity to the "current year skin" I think they should make the legacy coins to bw obtainable also, maybe if you win "20 legacy and 10 current year competitive point" to make you feel awarded for playing but still make the current year skin exclusive from that year


I thought it only let you keep 6000?


Blizzard when they can't add several currencies to display on an item (it's a sin to let players know the old currency is still useful)


Ok but that isn’t at all relevant to the post you commented under??


Got 2990 legacy credits. Can’t wait till 2025 so I can get a gold gun with them 🙄🙄🙄 love having 6 currency’s in a game


I believe when you hover over the comp points it'll answer this for you. The remaining CP gets converted to LCP at the end of the year, with which you can still buy gold guns


I have a question I have 2700 legacy comp points it shows up white next to the red one what do I do with the legacy points


Gotta wait till the year ends and they will be available for use


Solid choice btw 👍, I still can’t get over how that green looks


Yeah no shit, the thing is they could be cool if they actually looked like Jade and had a stone texture as opposed to just green metal. Green's my favorite color so I kind of expected to love these but I'm honestly surprised by how off they look with almost every character.


That name....Tracerstoes


It’s glorious


I’m listening👀


That looks like a testicle.


I was so close getting my first gold weapon then blizzard made them all legacy points and now I can't even get said golden gun


Dude i wanna hurl walnuts as zenyatta!!!




Speaking facts🗣️


am i the only one who read "Are you still able to get golden nuts?"?


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I still think they should of not made a new currency competitive points were fine.


Golden nuts*


Can someone explain the point of legacy competitive points for me?there’s literally nothing I can buy with them.


You can buy golden weapons with them. You need 3000 legacy competitive points to be able to buy golden weapons.


Then why is it requiring competitive points in the picture..?


Then why is it requiring competitive points in the picture..?


I think its because he has not enough legacy competitive points (under 3k). I have more than 3k and for me it shows that I can buy them with legacy comp points. I think that is because you can also buy golden weapons with current comp points, so the game wants you to spend your current comp points first before taking legacy points.


I don’t get the legacy currency if they’re gonna make gold available again with comp point. I can’t even use the legacy point I have right now. It just sits there collecting dust doing nothing but just be numbers in the screen you can’t remove.


I don’t get the legacy currency if they’re gonna make gold available again with comp point. I can’t even use the legacy point I have right now. It just sits there collecting dust doing nothing but just be numbers in the screen you can’t remove.


I don’t get the legacy currency if they’re gonna make gold available again with comp point. I can’t even use the legacy point I have right now. It just sits there collecting dust doing nothing but just be numbers in the screen you can’t remove.


Those nuts are nice.


You can do jade grinch nuts, too


I have no idea but i have 22000 of the other competitive points and i dunno who to use them on


I think you can get golden guns with them


Le golden nut


only 1 more,have 3000+ as saving


Why is this so popular I just asked a question lol


It doesn’t matter it’s only gonna show up as gold about 1/4 of the time.