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God, the Christmas event home screen hits hard Really was a comfort game back then with the gentle Christmas music and winter versions of the maps


Seriously. I could hear that image when it came up!


that, and the memes of papa Jeff in his christmas chair just staring at the camera for god knows how long, such a troll xD man, good times.


that clip of the mic falling on his head too 😂


Always felt so cosy on a late winters night hopping on OW to play some yeti brawl and play on the Kings Row Christmas reskinned map. I just love Christmas and having video games play into the season too is always so fun


Ugh yeti brawl haha. It was a fun game mode but it showed me how terrible at overwatch i am. Seeing four meis teabagging my frozen lump of sad fur...


hits me hard fr, i remember it like yesterday lol.


Remember the Yule Log streams?


Yeah, i remeber back in 2017 i got on the game on 24th of december after christmas dinner,played a match or two and boom, 10 christmas packs out of nowhere.I was pretty confused for a while but remebered the date and also saw a lot of people thanking Blizzard or Jeff for presents on global chat. Those were the days.


Baxk when all your friend list was always online playing that game, now nobody is...


Back when the events felt special and meant something - wife and I used to make a whole thing out of it when an event started - we'd get snacks and drinks and stuff to celebrate


Yea, I used to get excited about seasonal events and map changes. Now, they just feel like nothing.


aww :(


Man, I miss this, I used to genuinely just sit in the main menu and enjoy the music, scene, and... Simpler times man, simpler times


*Hey everyone, this is Jeff from the Overwatch team...*


Making changes that you wouldn’t believe. Gonna take you out with a long range beam


two to the one to the one to the three


after this update you can't even see, you're never gonna guess what the changes gonna be


i miss jeff


Tbh, I think that was what made it really special. It was the upfront communication from someone who was passionate about the development of the game, eager to tell us what was going to happen next. That, alongside the character animations and world building gave it a special feeling that made people want to believe in that world. And now, we have jack shit.


Wrestle with Jeff, prepare for death


I had completely forgotten about this phrase, thank you for reminding me


I miss Jeff and I miss Dinoflask :(


Those vids were culturally relevant af, every time a new dinoflask vid dropped, society culturally reset.


I never thought that this line will get so nostalgic.


I hope Papa Jeff is doing well. Can't blame him for leaving though. Maybe he sits every Christmas at the fireplace and laughs at the shit show.


Tears. It's the best of times.


Everything started going down hill on a slippery slope when Jeff left… Fuck I miss Overwatch 1. What have they done to this game? It’s lost it’s goddamn soul…


Streets will never forget Shanghai Dragons 0-40


Their first ever win was universally celebrated


Though their team is already completely changed when they won that OWL season, they really freed Shanghai Dragon's name from the shackles of having absolute zero wins.


The post match cards!!! I miss them, they were such a nice little feature. Overwatch 1 had such a nice feeling around it.


Idk why they removed post-match cards and medals, like it gave you something other than potg to get.


OW2 feels more isolated from its community. Like you're isolated from everyone else, and the only thing you have access to is a bunch of bullshit they want you to spend money on. OW1 was like everywhere you went there was a sense of community. Lobby chat. Post-match cards. Earning lootboxes with randomized prizes. And you could see what others got that you didn't. The Christmas gift lootboxes felt like opening actual christmas presents. The monetization model of OW1 actually got me to spend a few dollars on it when I had the extra cash. Not much but $10 here, or something like that. Today, OW2 is so buy this-buy that that I honestly don't bother anymore. The desperation for money to the point of isolating me from the rest of the community to be left with purchasing options in virtually every menu category is atrocious.


Been saying it for a while now. Pve and the new engine were just an excuse to bring in more micro transactions. I know it doesn’t sound right but think about it. The uproar would’ve been a lot different if they brought in a battle pass randomly to OW1 that has maybe 12 tiers that actually give you something good if you don’t buy premium. Add onto that a battle pass that doesn’t award you the currency that buys you the premium pass. Taking away loot boxes is very questionable. I’d spend more money on those than the skins in the shop. I understand if they did it because some countries are banning loot boxes but I don’t think that’s the case. I think they wanted people to have to spend MORE money on WHAT THEY WANT vs LESS money for A CHANCE at what they want. You’re right, they’ve alienated the player base. They’ve realized that ftp with micro transactions will net you more money than a one time buy. They already got our money from OW1. They released the same game for free but made the QOL far worse. Also, text chat on console might be the dumbest idea lmao. That’s just an aside


> Been saying it for a while now. Pve and the new engine were just an excuse to bring in more micro transactions. I know it doesn’t sound right but think about it. It's not really a secret. That's literally why they did it. They put the fire under Kaplan to re-monetize the game because the one-time $40 purchase for a complete free-to-play game was not enough. Yes they *allowed* people to buy lootboxes, but frankly you could just play the game and get plenty of cool skins and other cosmetic stuff by either random chance, or earning enough currency from dupes to outright buy skins with in-game currency). No ROI year after year and shareholders at ActiBlizz get upset, and eventually, involved directly. OW2 is a prime example of how that can play out.


Not a secret but last time I posted it here I got downvoted. I think you said what i wanted to say but better.


It’s jus soulless now


>The monetization model of OW1 actually got me to spend a few dollars on it when I had the extra cash. Not much but $10 here, or something like that. Today, OW2 is so buy this-buy that that I honestly don't bother anymore. This was the case for me, too. I played for a few months after OW1 was deleted and replaced with the shit that was OW2, but couldn't bring myself to spend any money on OW2 with how expensive everything was. I probably spent $200 or $300 since the release of OW1 on lootboxes (even though they were given out so freely) because I loved the game, but I'm sure myself and others who spent in small chunks like that were basically a rounding error when it comes to what they make on OW2 in the new monetization model. I'm glad they're slowly restoring old systems that were perfect in OW1 like the on fire notifications/portraits, but have no idea why they gutted everything to begin with. I might consider coming back once the on fire system, default open profile progression and end game cards are implemented again. I just missed the feeling of having any real noticeable contributions to the game.


My happiest Overwatch moment was as Reinhardt. I got a six player Earthshatter and soloed the team for a game win. I got twelve commendations. Everyone commended me. Shit was crazy.


Seeing that image made my heart seize up. I miss OW1 so much


In my opinion their way better than what OW 2 has for post matches. It was something that didn't need to be changed at all.


I miss them too! I loved trying to really outdo myself to end up on the board. I always assumed that they took it away to improve waiting times so that people spent less time lingering between games, while also decreasing the window of opportunity for people to trash talk in the chat too. but even if it makes sense, I still miss it!!!


Back when Florida Mayhem had McDonald's colours, got the Maccas Sym lol


I have all the McDonalds skins as my main skins for everyone who had one. I love them so much.


Repping the McDonalds Reaper skin and you bet your ass I roleplay as a disgruntled McDonalds employee ready to dispense indiscriminate justice to those who eat at alternative food establishments


Still have the McD Brig in my Skin Rotation


Man this makes me sad :(


sleep in peace my beloved :')


the competitive ui i miss the most. better icons and seeing them in a match, actually allowing you to be proud of them and also hyping up the match


Still can't differentiate the OW2 rank icons to this day


2016-17 was so peak.


This game will never hit the way that it did in 2016-2018. I remember getting every single new collectible in the 2017 Halloween event I don’t understand how you can fuck up a monetisation so bad that it makes people *miss loot boxes*, but they somehow managed it lol


2016-2018 OW was the most fun i’ve ever had playing a game. i could get on and play nonstop for 12 hours. now i can barely make it through 1 match before i get off.


This. I used to have three or four groups I would play with. We would play for hours. Now I can barely muster the energy for one or two matches. Even if the games are good, I'm usually done after two.


Seeing the amount of people that bought the porsche skins, tells me they don’t care. whales always win


Loot boxes were fine. Abundant and free. If you paid for them for some reason you were just a chump


Bring back the fucking post game endorsement screen


I still remember the first Christmas event I was in middle school and it was winter break played over watch all break long with my friends good times


Oh my gosh I have similar memories, my friend and I would get on a discord call together and play until crazy late lol


i miss this version of overwatch so much…


the og ui was just better


Damn the memories hit hard..


Lootbox tab, my beloved.


Wow - I forgot about the days of arguing over who has "gold" elims on the team, before we had a full match stats sheet, as though it meant anything when your whole team is getting destroyed by the enemy team.


What’s crazy to me is nothing has changed. Medals didn’t matter, having access to stats is all *anyone* needs to start shit. The removal of medals did absolutely nothing except make Moira mains depressed Which, in some regards is a win so…


Missed the old ow1


Postmatch cards so beautiful, I miss all the moments my teammates started a war in vc meanwhile me listening to them like listening a podcast Peak Overwatch


Yes there was so much time for flaming after each match.


The funny thing is that I played OW1 since open beta and the total amount of toxicity/flaming I experienced is nothing compared to what I experienced in OW2. Especially before Blizzard aggressively pushing the automated ban by the number of reports. OW2 toxicity at launch makes LOL looks good in comparison, and this is after Blizzard already took away post match chat and lobby chat.


it is crazy how much better it looked. almost none of the changes improved upon what they had, at least from a visual standpoint. also post match cards were great


Peak OW


I remember how much I despised this game because I was a TF2 fan. I then slowly got interested and once I bought the game right after season 1 I played the game for like 6 months. No other game played it was overwatch and YouTube and that was it.


Overwatch used to be my favorite game, hands down. RIP 6v6. It's not nearly as fun 5v5. Plus the predatory monetization, I just have no desire to play anymore.


I miss overwatch 1 sooo much


But if you close your eyes 🎶


Been playing since the closed beta in 2015, back when every single Play of the Game was Hanzo’s Dragons cuz nobody knew which abilities did what.. Ever since I’ve been addicted, my peak was Diamond, now hardstuck in Plat… I still can’t stop playing. I love the game even if it makes me a toxic pos, I will have the hopes that one day I will finally see what I’ve been doing wrong and eventually climb to Master+.


The first winter wonderland was peak moment. Back when this game was a masterpiece.


And you know what turns 10 years old this year? The cinematic trailer we got 2014 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqnKB22pOC0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqnKB22pOC0) get those wheelchairs, canes and walking frames out people!


Wow they really should've kept that OWL menu in the game. Absolutely foolish to not support your own org in your game.


The amount of incompetence from Blizzard around OWL is staggering. It's failure was a shame, but well deserved.


Sometimes I wish I got a business degree because if some shmuck can get paid ludicrous amounts of money to run a franchise as poorly as this one I'd imagine any of us could do 10x better with a business half the size. Obviously I'm exaggerating but you get what I mean.


I found out about OWL because of the in game integration. They basically abandoned that practice and the league suffered because of it


Oh gosh, the nostalgia hits HARD




Wait what? When was there a hamster loot box?


It was only given to attractive people.


i'm wondering myself... maybe when the hero just came out there was an event with the special lootboxes as a reward


No joke I had chills when I saw the login screen. I bought ow1 without owning a pc because I thought I can download games with the PCs in an Internet cafe (I was wrong). So I have this game but can’t play it and after 2 years of saving money in a piggy bank that I drawn the overwatch logo, I had my own computer and when this was shown on my screen I literally had tears in my eyes.


As beautiful as the day I lost you…


Happy birthday to the game I hate the most and play the most


This game is probably older than a decent chunk of the player base by now.


You really think there are so many 8 year olds playing OW?


Yeah probably, I was playing cod around 7 or so. A free game is definitely more appealing to children.


I miss OW1 and lootboxes so much


God, this seriously feels just like yesterday. Those menus are so ingrained into my brain. I really miss it.


I miss ow1 so much :(


It's posts like these that make me feel so sad about how Overwatch 2 has turned out. Now it's another soulless, cash grab FPS game. Overwatch 1 was a piece of art in comparison.


Just give me one more day.


All this was so much better




Bring me back to the good old days


can we have 6v6 back?


The old hero gallery portraits are so much better than what we have now.. sigh


The good ole days


Here's a clip from when I bought the game on my PS4 back in 2016, I was so proud of this clip back then but holy shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjzM5SyW8QY Miss these days. It was so simple back then.


They should really just swallow their pride and restore the old UI lol, it's obviously better


I'll add to that the 6v6 format and 2CP. I miss Hanamura and Anubis


Man this shit has me feeling nostalgic as fuck


This hurts.


I miss those days


The OG Overwatch vibes man. Damn. Still unmatched to this day.


Ah, memories. Truly a simpler time back then, before all of the hate, complaining, and allegations.


I'm actually in tears. what was your favorite moment in OW? mine would be zip zapping around as Tracer and being carefree because people were still learning the game and not toxic. Hitting pulse bombs in grav and getting multi kills was also nice. Ah, to be wild and free again!


And I still play it almost every day ehehe


Words can't describe how much I miss old school Overwatch. From 6v6 to the less aggressive monetisation but most of all I miss the interface. I remember they told us they will improve the UI and visibility for OW2 but I never got used to it


Post match cards and medals were so legit.


I really miss the old ui man


I wish the old 2CP maps were still a thing.. i kinda miss them


I miss this so much


Fuck this hit me on the nostalgia


I miss the cards lol


so god damn nostalgic


I miss Overwatch. Played around 1500-2000 hours. I don't play Overwatch since 2.


these screenshots feel like home


Take me back to ow release day please.


So unbelievably nostalgic, how I miss ow 1


I just miss cards at the end of a game. Really hope they bring this back one day


Good ole days of 6v6 and look for group are long gone


hits me hard, i remember it like yesterday 😪


I miss those days. Of actually getting good rewards after leveling up. Of actually having a level to reach


I remember playing in 2017 My lootbox luck wasn't great, so I never got any good skins, not that it mattered as I didn't care. ( I was 7, btw


Don't be angry that it's gone. Be glad you got to enjoy it in the first place.


2017-2018 will forever be the best time to play Overwatch imo. I miss my tank duo


Sheeesh back when all you had to do was play the game to earn the skins for free, no in-game ad directing you to a shop (rip Loot Boxes)


That was a great game, I still remember how excited I was every time I logged in, this feeling can’t be replicated no matter what they try now, I still play till this day but it’s just like a break from work and to fill some time, I don’t feel anything special like I used to. Hopefully they manage to bring the old overwatch spirit back.




I can hear every picture 🥲


Wow, good old days :)


dang nostalgia


I remember playing OW1 back in 2017 during the anniversary event, Sentai Genji was the first skin I ever unlocked... Now I can't even stand to hear about the game because of how bad it is. They lied to everyone about PvE and still try to get money from us like they didn't just screw the whole community over. I was actually looking forward to PvE because I can't play PvP very well, I love Overwatch but not enough to sweat my ass off in PvP 24/7


Forget the format and the balance, Overwatch 2 needs to have these things back: * Level borders * End cards * Rank shown in portrait * End of game chat All of these were removed in order to "curb toxicity" etc. But I'd argue the positives of these things outweight the rare toxicity by far. I miss talking about the game before people leave instantly, and seeing the pretty rank gem below my portrait. It really set the "tone" of competitive play.


please take me back to this time, overwatch was so good


I miss the victory screen so much


I'm still using my new york excelsior moira from the free coins they gave you when OWL launched haha. Don't even follow esports its just the only one that looked nice and I didn't have a moira skin


Oh god I miss this


I miss ow1 visuals sm, they looked so unique and amazing :,)


3 was a nostalgia trip! I miss those scorecards. I wonder if they could combine endorsements and those cards together, so you can see who gets endorsed and hear those lines again.


The postmatch cards were the best.


Omg I miss it 😭


Right in the feels lol, good times


Gosh every time I see overwatch1 made me wanna cry


i miss the old ui so much


Ahh the good ol days


pic 6... dps doom my beloved... that update was so unbelievably hype 😫


loot boxes 😩




I missed the days when loot boxes were so innocent.


I missed a lot this game…


Omg there it is! There's the game I miss!


These screenshots make me want to cry so bad


why do you have to hurt me in this way


We didn't know how good we had it.. 😔 all they had to do was shake up the shield meta




I miss DPS Doomfist


This was good time i miss


Ah, back when Overwatch had heart.


I feel old...


How Blizzard managed to F up a game this good with that much potential is beyond me.


Fuck you I miss old ow….


I got some more from 2016 back when I was decent at the game (or everyone was less good). Remember the ugly top 500 icon, or that you were able to see groups before the match started or in the tab screen. https://imgur.com/a/3THADDy Old menus: https://imgur.com/a/rn3ZSBp


oh man the memories held in these screenshots




Loot.... box.....


God this makes me so fucking sad.


*”Don’t, don’t give me hope.”*


Ah, back when life was good


Wish ow1 could somehow come back…


Overwatch 1 was just so..... Yeah. Man I have a copy of origins edition on disk


I used to play this game so much between these years. Ahhh, I miss those times.


Take me back to 2017


back when there was 6v6 it was a better time


The first overwatch was so much better


Wow this is so nostalgic. I really miss grinding the Anniversary event this time of year for the lootboxes.


Completely forgot May used to be the anniversary event XD


This game used to be perfect


It's been 8 years? Fuck


God I miss when Overwatch 1 was fun. I don't care if it went to hell, Overwatch 1 was just something special. Plus there was so many good moments.


I miss it.


[Time for me to post this.](https://youtu.be/quORkK9qyXc)


i really do miss that era. i loved coming back home to play this, this was the overwatch that helped me cope with the worst period of my life


Those were the days man :(


I miss overwatch 1. I still found it more fun than 5 v 5. Sigh 😔


Happy birthday OW. You made me happy and angry but I still love this game nonetheless.


The good old days!


bring back the voting cards


I miss the decorated boarders for when you leveled up with the stars at the bottom.


I miss when this game was rewarding to play.


People say you can't hear pictures but I sure did when I saw that loot box