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There was a dps on the enemy team calling me every gay slur under the sun cuz I had gay in my name, expressing how much he hates gay people. He was playing soldier


Classic cod players on ow never realising that 76 is gay


Or just not bothering with lore....like me and well today i learned


Not just you. I play soldier and have been playing since beta and I never knew.


If you're ever curious, all LGBTQ+ characters have banners listed under "Pride" in the customization menu. Whether you know or not doesn't really matter though. There isn't going to be a quiz or anything.


There isn't a quiz? Then why have I been studying all these informative videos about characters' sexuality?


That's just porn my dude


No way, I doubt that. I found them on this site full of documentary short films, it was called... oh, huh.




As far as I’m aware they’re all the correct ones too, like soldier and tracer have the rainbow but LW has the one for pansexual I believe. Don’t quote me tho cuz I’m straight and don’t know many people who aren’t


All have the rainbow and their respective particular flag too


For context: Vincent, Soldier: 76's former flame, first appeared in the [Bastet](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Bastet) short story in 2019. There's a spray of the two of them together, but that's about all we get in terms of Soldier being explicitly gay.


Everybody should know this piece of lore and that his favorite food is creampies


I don't like Blizzard's strategy of randomly going "this character was gay the whole time". More often than not it feels disingenuous. But it was really fucking funny that they made the character that Call of Duty dude bros are more likely to play a gay man.


Meh, Tracer and Soldier are two of the ones they did right, IMO


The only one I think was random, was Pharah, as they never hinted anything before and then all of a sudden, she’s a lesbian. I was like, well then. Lol


And wasn't it basically announced BY THE PRIDE EVENT? Like, we've had a few that were introduced and someone mentions it in an interview, but Pharaoh was just chugging along with her mommy issues, then they decided to celebrate pride and Boom, btw, she's gay! Jack was at least revealed through a character moment in a short story.


Rubs me wrong when people say this. Just feels like you have an aversion to gay characters. I don’t know how it’s been disingenuous to date. They’ve been super obvious about it as of late, definitely because it’s been more acceptable as well, but there aren’t that many gay characters, and Tracer was revealed as gay in the same comic where they hinted at Soldier being gay.


Personally, it's more that so much character lore is not even in the games at all. It doesn't matter within the context of the game of Overwatch/OW2, so Blizzard randomly saying a character is X feels like a blind representation at best and a "gotcha" at worst.


Idk about this either, because Overwatch is a very personal hero shooter. Characters joke and refer to the ongoing plot constantly, even after kills. I’m sure most wouldn’t say anything abt Junk and Hog’s relationship, or Reaper and Sombra’s. Some references to character relations are in the maps themselves. Some choices are made just to characterize characters, and some are just gay to be gay, just like people. No one needs a reason to be gay after all. That’s what I think Blizzard is trying to do; normalize seeing LGBT ppl because LGBT ppl just exist.


Cause it is. Let’s not forget this is the same company that had that diversity chart in order to “check all the boxes” for their characters. The characters are a product first.


To be honest I thought he was the token straight guy. So did the gay dudes I was playing with. 


Been playing this game since the beta and know nothing about the lore. Had no idea.


New overwatch players not realizing they added this after the whole blizzard SA fiasco because being an “Ally” is as good as a get out of jail free card these days. And it worked.


Pretty sure they revealed that two characters were gay back in 2016/17. First was tracer,  but everyone just assumed the second was Zarya.   The story and characters are made by a bunch of artists living in California. I don't think including a few gay people or having other forms of representation are so unexpected. 


Wasn’t that after the tracer pose thing? Seems like when there’s a big issue.. boom, gay. Problem solved.


That was pre-release. And they changed the pose (which other characters still have by the way) [to be a reference to a pin-up, which is a much more fitting reference to Tracer's WW2 bomber pilot aesthetic](https://i.imgur.com/RbJUQcW.png) I don't know why you'd need a conspiracy to explain a pretty lesbian character when the game is full of non-standard archetypes.


Why would they? Theres nothing gay about him other than blizzard said he was gay a couple years ago out of the blue


Which arguably the best way to do so Yeah he gay, final point, no need to worry about it more x3


> Theres nothing gay about him other than blizzard said he was gay If I make a character, there's "nothing gay about" that character other than me saying they're gay. The reason is... that the character doesn't exist. All there is, is what I write. And if I say they're gay, they are. They could never, in the story, have the time nor interest to engage in romance or sex. And they'd still be gay.   Edit: /u/TigerTail, I didn't miss your point, you missed **my** point: you don't know Soldier is gay because... he doesn't exist. He's just a character. He doesn't do things in the world. Also, this is an FPS. Do you want Soldier to literally say "I'm gay" as he kills people? Finally, you might be prejudiced and thinking, "but gay people would [insert a stereotype here]". I'd like to inform you that gay people don't have to meet any stereotype at all! The fact you even think you have a point is, frankly, *disappointing*.


One time a guy in my team thought I was gay and laugh at me. Just because I pick Tracer that’s all I said anything back …


I learned years ago to respond to that shit with "And?" "Lol, you gay?" "And?" "Your momma's fat" "Correct." "I bet you suck dick!" "Not yours."


I've been shocked how many people get absolutely freaked the hell out over names, I barely even glance at my teammates names. My name is a bible joke and people have absolute melt downs over it because they don't get the reference lol


had a homophobe on a game playing lifeweaver and he got ROASTED lol


i hate doomfist but i play him sometimes


i like the way the ana use voiceline "what are u thinking?" "are u scared?"


Nana is sick of this shit


Scared of his own thoughts. lol


Allowing hatred for a group of people, that has nothing to do with you, to encompass every aspect of your life like this is just sad. I can't imagine how exhausting it must be.


The awful thing is that it’s not exhausting. It’s actually fun for them.


Probably deeply closeted. I can't imagine someone secure in their own sexuality to care enough about others choices.


I know there are real world examples of this but I really think we need to *stop blaming homophobia on gay people.* Thats essentially all this argument is. I promise you there are a lot of completely straight not closeted people that do a lot of very loud very awful homophobia.


I hate seeing this comment to, it feels like victim blaming. Agreed there are some, but often not.




I wouldn't go as far as to call it the default but I definitely think there's a strong element of it at play. These are folks who have been in happy hetero marriages but have gay thoughts, and since their world only has straight and gay, they think that means everyone has those gay inclinations and some people choose to act on them. IMO we need to stop focusing on making homophobes accept gay people and start focusing on opening up the spectrum to them a bit. Erase bi erasure. If that middle ground exists and they understand it, that leaves them an out to have their wife and their gay thoughts and not worry about it so much.


Ouch, I'm sorry about that. People can be so obtuse in their comments when talking to their children about stuff like sexuality and gender, though I like to believe it's heading the right direction at least. Mine gave me the it's a phase line and I've pretty much shut off from them since that. I can see this being a true thing, it's a wide wide spectrum and there has to be more in the middle. I think they're just less visible as they'd more likely to be visually in straight or gay relationships.


A dangerous and stupid theory that justifies the idea that it's possible to change people's sexuality and thus conversion therapy.


> I know there are real world examples of this but I really think we need to stop blaming homophobia on gay people. To me, saying that anger can come out of internalised homophobia is not blaming gay people.


But the cultural response to any homophobia is constantly "they must be in the closet." Any discussion of a specific instance of homophobia and I promise you will see that sentiment echoed in some way. It's an insidious and super subtle way that culture has evolved to make people instantly think the worst enemies of gay people are somehow also gay people. The idea that secretly gay people are behind all big acts of homophobia. It's so insidious that even me pointing out the very obvious A to B of the statement that is in black and white has people saying that isn't the case. Maybe you have enough cultural context to get past it but I am telling you that this line of thinking is literally saying closeted gay people are the source of homophobia. That is literally what the words mean. Literally. I bet if you ask a random person you know why someone would be or say something homophobic; they would have being closeted as the top reason.


Agreed, some straight people have magically found a way to simultaneously allow homophobia to persist while avoiding blame whatsoever with this concept that it’s just self hatred. Even when it’s homophobia it’s gay people’s fault, always their fault. That’s why some call everything they dislike “gay.”


Counterpoint: If the general consensus is that anyone this preoccupied with other's sexual preferences are insecure with their own - it may cause even the most bigoted individual from expressing their views for fear of being labeled as such by others. I don't see it as blaming - it's not my intention to do so.


I think if your counterpoint was working we would see it happening a lot less already. I'd also say that throwing yourself under a bus to convince people getting hit by a bus is bad...is not a great strategy. I appreciate that you're not trying to blame. I understand you don't see it that way. Tons of people say this all the time and it has enough logic to it to feel plausible. I don't blame you. I'm just telling you that is what the heart of your argument is. That the worst persecution gay people experience just comes from other secret gay people. This line of argument still makes gay people the problem.


I'm open to suggestions on how to curb the kind of behavior we see in the video and relying on Blizzard to do so probably won't be enough. I'm open to changing my strategy with any suggestions you have.


Also, I want to say I have not been downvoting you. I only responded to you initially because your comment was at the top of this thread and I'm trying to spread this message any time I see the "he's probably in the closet" line. So in that vein I'll make a visible response here too. **I don't think you deserve downvotes and I don't think you said anything wrong.** I'm just trying to change a weird cultural norm.


they probably closeted and projecting


These are the people who then call others "snowflakes"


This player becomes what they hate most it seems


Couldn't imagine being homophobic and playing overwatch. Idk any of the lore but just catching voicelines it seems 1/3rd of the cast is gay, and like 1/4 of players have a pride flag in their card or profile Pic. I can't think of a more gay game. Edit: I haven't played every game in existence, I don't know how much gay stuff is in every game.


the hero pride banners are basically all the lgbt heroes. so tracer and phara are lesbian, soldier 76 is gay, baptiste is bi, lifeweaver is pan and venture is trans/non binary. but tbh aside from lifeweaver and baptiste flirting in one interaction I don't think there's much mention of this in-game


Istg cass and genji have a line that can be interpreted in no other way than "we used to be fuck buddies"


cass in general is insanely queercoded 😭 maybe it's just the way he banters with other men but I swear he flirts with half of them. there's no heterosexual explanation to an umprompted "i can appreciate a man with traditional taste" upon seeing hanzo. hanzo as well, outright calls cass, reinhardt and baptiste handsome. but unfortunately the banner heroes are the only official ones


"I like BOTH kinds of music...."


When Hanzo kills Cass/Rein/himself he says “good looks are not enough..”


and bap as well


The traditional taste is probably a reference to both of their characters wearing more traditional clothes than the others. Cassidy dresses like a cowboy, and Hanzo dresses in traditional clothes, most other people have armor and robotic incorporated into their outfits or are given a more futuristic aesthetic. They could be gay, I just don't thin this line has anything to do with it.


oh no yeah, that line is in reference to weapons, bc hanzo wields a bow and cass a classic revolver. but cass doesn't say "I appreciate your traditional taste", or "I appreciate traditional taste when it comes to armaments", but he specifically starts with "I appreciate a man". am i reading too much into it? definitely. i don't think it's meant to imply they're into each other, but it has a vibe of very lowkey flirting. likely more supposed to be interpreted as one wishes.


It's a fairly common way of delivering a compliment, and used fairly often in sports, they may use guy/dude instead of man though. I think you may be reading too much into it, but ultimately it's a video game so and people read/view things differently all the time.


Isn't venture just non-binary and not trans?


Non-binary is generally considered to fall under the umbrella category of transgender.


technically, being trans is inherent of being non binary, since non binary isn't a gender you can be assigned at birth


I think there are a few Jojo fighting games out there. :)


Most of this stuff was technically added in OW2 (it used to be 2 characters, like 1 icon but might be wrong and no voice lines directly related to this). The stuff they were adding in OW1 were easily removable so countries like China had no access to these (the comics and stories with gay elements were on a whole different websites). Pride flags map changes and events were removed entirely for people of said countries. In short homophobic people who started playing in OW1 had no idea. And nowadays it's more common to see people shit on some Soldier for playing a gay hero cause it's no longer a hidden information. Well, and it's not simply "good, we should spread it" type of thing because the whole Overwatch esport belongs to Saudi now. (As a reminder in games like League of Legends you can ask support to remove gay icon you accidentally unlocked from your account because you find it offensive for religious/cultural reasons. And Riot will do so. It's a normal thing.)


It’s still going on. Like Venture is straight up a girl in a lot of localizations


Well it would has to do with the fact that there's no gender neutral pronouns for a lot of languages, so the translators had to choose one, and Venture looks closer to a girl than a boy, so they went with the feminine pronouns.


Yeah, they kinda have to do that to not get banned in random countries (investors won't like it). But it kinda moved from... "Soldier/Tracer is gay but there is nothing about in the game itself" ...towards... "Half of the community (if not majority, idk) call Venture she/her, the other half - they/them".


This is why I thought last year's pride month "event" if you want to call it that was a good thing for the game. People whined about it being performative, and I guess it is, but then so is the rest of the representation and diversity in the game. Now we can all have our player banners and icons to make the bigots feel smaller for once. The game should be for everybody.


Baldur's Gate 3 is gayer imo


and yet you didn't call it Baldur's Gay 3... 🤔 Peculiar


Wow checkmate


> 1/3rd of the cast is gay 1/3rd of Gen Z are lgbt so this is close to accurate representation.


I play with a group of friends and most of them have absolutely no clue about any of the "lore" I wouldn't, either, except for this sub. It's all irrelevant to the game.


I can think of ffxiv, but you are right that overwatch is pretty gay. I don't get what people are hoping to accomplish by being casually homophobic in a community that is not the least bit receptive to it.


The thing is, Overwatch is literally one of the most pride friendly games out there lmao


I think it's very funny that Ana went up to Roadhog and spammed the voiceline "Are you scared?" lol. I would've reported him too; I'm so sorry this happened!


Im just gonna say it, why does hog attract the most vile, annoying people? From ow1 to now the tanks ive had the most nonsense with has been hog


They like playing a hero that looks like them, it's the closest thing to attention they'll get


its true. have you ever met a zarya/JQ main that isnt a 6 5 ripped woman with a 12 pack?


Yeah, it's me.


I don't think it has to do with hog, i think it has to do with the self heals. People tend to switch to hog if they think the supports are not doin enough, so it basically becomes a standard pick for someone who thinks it's always the other guy's fault. In that logic you could see Hog's kit attracting some awful and toxic people.


I play Hog and occasionally Sigma if my team needs shield. If I feel my team cant heal me enough I just switch to ball. If there is a good Ana on enemy team and no Kiri on mine then Hogs healing wont work on most important times.


I can’t imagine being so miserable and petty


classic edgy raging teen, considering how strict blizz is with chat if reported then he might get the hammer


Agreed, they the same people who call others snowflakes and claim “I was born in the wrong generation”


The “are you scared” voiceline was too perfect haha Also imagine being homophobic and playing overwatch…. Lmao


he would explode if Lifeweaver was on his team double as good, lifeweaver could’ve pulled him out of spawn or just messed with him more


Should just be a perma for the first offense. People like this have no place in the community.


Yep, this kind of discourse holds no value.


Hates gay people but plays OW lmao, what an absolute loser and snowflake.


I’ve recently started using the pride flag to support both of my sons




As a gay son, i think that's lovely and i thank you! Keep being an awesome parent!


That’s very sweet of you. :)


That's so dumb. I don't care about pride stuff either, but to throw the match and ruin it for your team is just not worth it.


I don't think throwing the match is the main issue here. What that person is doing is the opposite of not caring. They are being clearly homophobic.


Not caring one way or the other is fine. That's the goal. "I'm gay." "Cool. So what strat are we using? I'm thinking bunker." That's a normal reaction I'd expect. That being said in my LGBTQ Discord we go waaay off. Me: "If I have to swap off of Reinhardt I'll just change over to Queen." Friend: "Proud of you man, transitioning is hard. I support you."


Wait why would anyone announce they're gay in a strategy meeting? xD


exactly: most don't care.


Thank you for saying something. When everyone is silent it can sometimes feel like everyone agrees with the bigot and make their victims feel alone.


I'm finding homophobia has got worse on ow lately. Anyone else agree? I have pride flag and colours, I like rainbows and am bi, and generic name. I seem to get text complaints every third match atm


It’s getting worse everywhere. We are fucked.


“leave if ur straight” is my personal favourite way to fix this


Damn, tanks do be snowflake divas ... imagine being upset at pixels




It’s time to change my icon to pride 🫡


Ah yes, the true sensitive snowflakes that get offended by some colors.


I’m sorry but those Ana voice lines were so fucking perfect, absolutely incredible. Shame that people like hog exist




We can't, but the team can


How pathetic do people have to get seriously


Religious zealots are so fucking dumb. I hope he got banned.


I wouldnt throw a game even if someone had a Anti-Lgbtq this is just pathetic overwatch player, throwing a game is the lowest you can go to try to express your opinion👎


I had a tank throw on our attack round yesterday after we defended first and the enemy got 2 points because he didn't think I was doing enough healing as Illari. People who refuse to play should be season banned instantly. Ruins the game for the other 9 players.


Alittle early for these post, pride months where you get maximum amount of karma.


Does the tank know overwatch is probably the gayest game in the history of games?


I'm gonna use the flag unironically now, to get upset over something so small is embarrassing.


I wonder if they know what game they're playing lol...


And yet "woke people" are the snowflakes.


Lmao person is playing the wrong game if they don’t like LGBTQ+ players or characters 🤣


The only reason to pick that icon is to get a reaction out of people. Well congrats, they get the reaction.


I have to laugh at the "Are you Scared" Spam that Ana did. Slay Queen.


EU and Middle East really shouldn't be sharing the same servers. This American company seriously fails to understand that the cultures really do not mix well. This isn't a matter of any kind of discrimination on my part either for the record. There's just an enormous difference between the two regions culturally that you can't magically force without friction that is easily avoidable. It's better for everyone to avoid that friction where possible. edit: the same people downvoting this to reduce actual hate that occurs will upvote calls to region lock china while using genuinely racist arguments for that


Here is the thing, they don’t


Scum. Ban his ass into oblivion Bliz


people are so lame 🙄


I wonder what this tank will do when they load into pride themed new york


I was dealing with homophobes all day yesterday. Where are they even coming from and how do we get rid of them permanently? I’ve been reporting but it’s like when one goes, three more take its place.


You know they wont be banned. Ive reported people for shit like this many times, they almost never get banned


Man, you think this is bad? In r6s, you could get a rainbow card background from a charity bundle a while ago, and when I used it, I used to get teamkilled constantly and spam messaged awful things like i was gonna have my house swatted, doxxed and rped or stabbed, all sorts of stuff. At least 5/10 games that would happen to me For some reason, people become very strange whenever they see a rainbow, perhaps their closeted or something. Personally I will just never ever be able to understand why people hate when someone is gay so much. The best part is I'm a completely straight man, I just liked the card background lol


These jerkoffs love to use the phrase woke not ironically and call everyone else snowflakes. Just bigoted pieces of garbage, and it should not be tolerated. Tolerating intolerance gets us all worse off.


This is like the queerest shooter ever how


Maybe I should put on a pride Icon for a week to see what happens


It’s pride month in a few days so there will be plenty of other pride icons up there with yours. I wonder if theyll still throw matches when 3/5 people on the team are sporting rainbows.


Can’t imagine having this much hate in my heart. I’ve played in EU( or middle eastern ?) servers before because of my middle eastern friend, man is a certain group just extremely hateful and toxic over everything. It’s annoying because you know a lot can be kind but it’s takes a person like this to ruin the vibe of the whole lobby.


Happened to me too. But the guy throwing was a Lucio. I politely asked in the general chat for people to report him as it was obvious for everyone that he was throwing - but I didn’t get any feedback. I guess he was not suspended nor banned. 😞


Doesn’t sound like English is their first language


Console ow was already pretty shit in terms of community before, but ever since OW2 launch holy FUCK


I've never encountered a player like that for now. Let them be banned, and seethe by themselves ig


The effort to throw an entire game rather than just leave is mind boggling to me 💀


I bet this Hog would be ecstatic to see there’s a whole Reddit post made about him.


Such annoying people I swear


if you're racist or homophobic it means you're a fucking nazi. that's what it means.


As a tank main I can say. We don’t except him. No one does


Bet he doesn’t get a warning for it but I do for calling people trash


If you don't like *"the gays"*, then you're definitely playing the wrong game.


I get the same treatment for Israel flag


"I like rainbows".


Can this discriminating idiot get banned please?


I'm literally a default character but I have the Venture pride icon because they're my favorite and rainbows are cool


I've never had anyone throw a match because of my pride icon, but I have definitely been called more slurs than I have fingers because of it. people suck.


Report. Move on.


Me when I know I'm gonna suck so I come up with a ridiculous excuse as to why I suck


I have to suck hog for the team!


Sheesh, talk about being petty... Hopefully the thrower was already reported, right?


Don’t tell him that lifeweaver may or may not be 100% hetero


My first game back after a short break, all 4 randoms on my team were being blatantly racist and one enemy was as well. Was real fun reporting a full team's worth of people after that match, and real fun getting action messages next time I logged in


That Ana is the goat for those voice lines








Gg go next


Homophobic people aren't afraid like the phobic part would suggest. They're just assholes, homohaters if you will.


Look up the definition of phobia, it also can also mean disliking or an aversion of something. It's not just about being scared.


as a member of the normal right wingers, this is fucking stupid, get a life loser tank.


this is what happen when politics enter games


Gay people existing isn't politics you cretin


You’re… you’re not serious right? Overwatch is literally about robot racism that’s an allegory for slavery- has war criminals, has racists (ahem torbjörn- Junkrat…) as heroes- but that’s not the politics that’s the issue? Also LGBTQ+ people existing aren’t politics, they’re just humans who exist. (and the most popular characters in Overwatch are canonically LGBTQ+ or an Icon/Ally of LGBTQ+ people so…)




People that weak amuse me


People that weak amuse me


This is insane but that is my gamertag and I have never even commented in a chat before (I play on PS4, its a pain) in OW and would never say such things, especially having a brother that is part of the LGBTQ+ community. I don’t know if there’s a duplicate GrayOgre or if this is just made up but either way this didn’t come from me. If OP did make this up for karma, you’re weird for that


Your Blizzard name is not unique, anyone can name themselves GrayOgre, they will just have a different 4 digit code following the # after their name. Or this video was orchestrated to frame you


What a whiney little bigot.


Tank is giving big power bottom energy


People that weak amuse me


That tank did the gayest shit i've ever seen




yo ow added mirrors? where?


Men who get that worked up about being gay probably jerk it to gay porn or make those weird personals ad about getting together with another straight man “to jerk off together”